Gou - Three Kayata Wongbai - Three Yowee OneFoequelleh One Panta Voter registration centers have been Gbarmue - Four Zota Moagan Two assigned to electoral districts. Therefore, Bong County a person is assigned to the same Laryea - Two Wainsue - One 06002 " Gokai electoral district of the center where he Electoral District No. 1 Kpanyah - Two Sanoyea Sinyea - Three Gbarnay - Two Baila Four " or she registered. 06001 2011 Gbonota - One 06020 " The final roll of registrants (after the Melekei - One Suakoko Galai Three Exhibition Exercise) is displayed. The Voter Registration Centers Dulimue - Two Gbeneta Two provisional roll was utilized during the Suakoko - One " the delineation exercise. Sgt. Kollie Town - Five Gbaota - One 06046 VRC 06014 Name Total " Code Duta One Kollieta-Mula - Two 06001 Baila Public School 1 ,180 Tarsiah Gbondoi 06002 Sarworlor Public School 633 Kpaai"06028 06078 Geamue - Four Beh-Lah - Three " 06014 Duta Town Hall 1 ,038 Gaytayeah FiveLaworta Six 06020 Galai Public School 1 ,272 Janyea - Four ³ 06028 Tarsai Palava Hut 898 Beletanta - Two ED 1 06084 06046 Palala Public School 2 ,573 Gbartala Tomue - Five " Zeansue Palala Yeanawoun - One Mehnpea Three 06051 Green Hill Quarry Public Sch. 355 06122 " Jorquelleh " 06052 Zowienta Public School 2 ,043 06051 Yeallequelleh Wolota One " 06078 Zeby Public School 1 ,903 Tamay Ta - One Mano-Weasue - Three 06052 06084 Yopea Palava Hut 988 Gborkornemah Samay - One Garwuquelleh - Two Gboyea Two 06122 Dahn-Kan Palava Hut 1 ,173 NIMBA 06135 Yolota Palava Hut 1 ,130 Salala Fenutoli 06145 " 06136 Gold Camp Palava Hut 1 ,728 Gbenequelleh - Two Jankpayah - Four U-La Two Garyea 06137 Doe Public School 495 06148" " 06138 Gbelletay Palava Hut 285 06142 Behwee Two 06141 Melekei - One " Gbarta One 06139 Rock Crusher Palava Hut 799 Tomgbeyah Gbarlorkpalah One 06135 " 06140 Botota Public School 918 06146 " NOTE: Administrative unit boundaries shown here do 06140 06136Boinsen not represent official endorsement by the National Yeakai Three " " 06141 Gbalorkpala Public School 867 Dean One Elections Commission or the Government of Liberia. The process for the accurate demarcation and 06142 Old Gbarta Palava Hut 1 ,149 Tukpahblee 06147 " mapping of administrative units is currently on-going. 06143 Nangbo Palava Hut 467 Zeo One Upon completion of this process, the Government of Liberia shall release the official boundaries for 06144 Tokpa-Ta Public School 1 ,003 06144 administrative units of Liberia " 06145 U-Lah Public School 1 ,053 Nangbo One" 06143 Tikpah Two 06146 Gbecohn Public School 1 ,363 06147 Zeo Palava Hut 395 Kok"oyah 06148 Malonkai Palava Hut 382 06138 " 06137 Legend " Total Registrants (After Exhibition): 26,090 " Doe One 06139 Voter Registration Center County Boundary Electoral District Boundary GRAND BASSA Administrative District Boundary RIVERCESS Amalgamated Area Boundary Data Sources: Scale: 470,000 2011 National Voter Registration Exercise- National Elections Commissions 2009-2010 Administrative Boundary & Locality Revalidation Project - Inter-Agency Taskforce on Delimitation (IATD: MIA, MLME, NEC, LISGIS) Kilometers Map Projection: UTM Zone 29N Prepared & Printed By: 2007 National Geographic Planning - LIberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) 0 4 8 16 Datum: WGS 84 National Elections Commission 2006-2007 Boundary Harmonization Exercise - Special Joint Stakeholders Collaborative Committee (SJSCC) Unit: Meter Production Date: 29 July 2011 M 4 Gbarnay - Two Gbonota - One Melekei - One NOTE: Administrative unit boundaries showBn ahielrae dFoo ur Sinyea - Three One Melekei - One Kpanyah - Two not represent official endorGseamleanit Tbyh trheee National Bong County Gokai TwoThree Elections Commission or the Government of Liberia. Eight The process for the accurate demarcation and Dulimue - Two Gbeneta Two Four Seven mapping of administrative units is currently on-going. Electoral District No. 2 Suakoko - OneSgt. Kollie Town - Five 06157 Upon completion of this process, the Government of " " 06158 Liberia shall release the official boundaries for Six " Gbaota - One 2011 06154 06071 administrative units of Liberia Suakoko Five Nine " Duta One Voter Registration Centers Kollieta-Mula - Two VRC Name Total Tarsiah Gbondoi Code 06003 Geamue - Four " 06003 Blameyea Public School 756 Beh-Lah - Three Gaytayeah Five 06006 Beletanta Palava Hut 608 Laworta Six 06007 Tolomanai Palava Hut 857 " Kpaai 06021 Garwuquelleh Palava Hut 1 ,380 06127 06007 " 06045 Gbenequelleh Public Sch. 1 ,507 Janyea - Four Beletanta - Two 06006 06062 Jankpayah-Ta Palava Hut 454 " " Zeansue Tomue - Five 06063 Janyea Public School 1 ,791 " 06082 Palala Gbartala Yeanawoun - One 06110 Mehnpea Three " 06149 06071 Kollieta-Wola Public Sch. 670 06063 " 06128 " 06081 Mano Weansue Public Sch. 466 Jorquelleh 06082 Leleh Public School 763 ED 2 Wolota One 06083 Bayata Public School 840 " 06109 Mano-Weasue - Three 06096 Samay Public School 995 Yeallequelleh 06021 " 06083 06081 06109 Tamay-ta Public School 621 Samay - One " " 06096 06110 Foloblah Palava Hut 509 Garwuquelleh - Two " Gboyea Two 06127 Neyanyarlah Palava Hut 517 06128 Yeanawoun Palava Hut 1 ,342 06149 Tomue Palava Hut 809 Fenutoli 06045 06154 J.F. Clark Kindergaten Sch. 3 ,000 " Jankpayah - Four U-La Two Gbenequelleh - Two 06157 Lelekpayea Comm. Sch. 1 ,665 06062 Garyea " 06158 N.V. Massaquoi School 2 ,994 Total Registrants (After Exhibition) 22,544 Melekei - One Gbarta One Behwee Two Tomgbeyah Gbarlorkpalah One Voter registration centers have been Tamay Ta - One Legend Boinsen assigned to electoral districts. Therefore, Tukpahblee " Voter Registration Center a person is assigned to the same electoral district of the center where he Yeakai Three County Boundary or she registered. Dean One Electoral District Boundary GRAND BASSA The final roll of registrants (after the Administrative District Boundary Exhibition Exercise) is displayed. The Zeo One Kokoyah Amalgamated Area Boundary provisional roll was utilized during the Nangbo One Tikpah Two GRAND BASSA the delineation exercise. Data Sources: Scale: 275,000 ³ 2011 National Voter Registration Exercise- National Elections Commissions 2009-2010 Administrative Boundary & Locality Revalidation Project - Inter-Agency Taskforce on Delimitation (IATD: MIA, MLME, NEC, LISGIS) Kilometers Map Projection: UTM Zone 29N Prepared & Printed By: 2007 National Geographic Planning - LIberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) 0 2 4 8 Datum: WGS 84 National Elections Commission 2006-2007 Boundary Harmonization Exercise - Special Joint Stakeholders Collaborative Committee (SJSCC) Unit: Meter Production Date: 29 July 2011 M 5 NOTE: Administrative unit boundaries shown here do Belefanai Three Jarkai Two Gbnaont rseupere sNenyta onffikciaail eOndnoersement by the National Bong County Elections Commission or the Government of Liberia. The process for the accurate demarcation and mapping of administrative units is currently on-going. Electoral District No. 3 LOFA Upon completion of this process, the Government of Liberia shall release the official boundaries for Gbansue Sulonmah Three administrative units of Liberia 2011 Pelelei Four Farvey Two Zota Voter Registration Centers VRC Name Total Code Bellemu One 06035 Gbaota Public School 1 ,097 06036 Gbarmue Public School 1 ,022 06069 " 06037 Gbarnay Palava Hut 364 Gou - Three 06068 06038 Gbelekpalah Public School 489 Kayata " Yowee One 06068 Kayata SDA Church 821 Wongbai - Three 06069 Voloblai palava Hut 456 Gbarmue - Four 06074 Kpanyea Palava Hut 841 06036 " 06075 Jinnepeleta Public School 907 Jorquelleh Foequelleh One 06085 Melekei Palava Hut 748 Panta 06121 Wainsue Public School 1 ,290 06123 " " 06121 06123 Wongbai Palava Hut 467 06150 Won-A-Nie School 2 ,446 Wainsue - One 06037 " 06151 Gboveh High School 2 ,186 Suakoko Gokai 06074 " 06152 John F. Barkalu School 2 ,720 ED 3 06038 " Kpanyah - Two Baila Four 06153 Gbarnga Sport Stadium 2 ,509 Gbarnay - Two Sinyea - Three 06155 Tubman Gary High School 2 ,934 06156 Gbarnga Sunday Market 2 ,991 06085 Total Registrants (After Exhibition): 24,288 " Galai Three Melekei - One One 06153 " 06150" TwoThree Dulimue - Two 06151" 06075 Eight 06035 " 06152 " " Gbeneta Two Suakoko - One Sgt. Kollie Town - Five Four 06155S"even " Gbaota - One 06156 Nine Six Kpaai Voter registration centers have been Legend assigned to electoral districts. Therefore, Five a person is assigned to the same " Voter Registration Center Duta One electoral district of the center where he County Boundary or she registered. Kollieta-Mula - Two YealEleleqctourael lDleishtrict Boundary Gbondoi The final roll of registrants (after the Administrative District BoundaryGeamue - Four Beh-Lah - Three Gaytayeah Five Exhibition Exercise) is displayed. The Laworta Six provisional roll was utilized during the Amalgamated Area Boundary Janyea - Four the delineation exercise. ³ Data Sources: 2011 National Voter Registration Exercise- National Elections Commissions Scale: 220,000 2009-2010 Administrative Boundary & Locality Revalidation Project - Inter-Agency Taskforce on Delimitation (IATD: MIA, MLME, NEC, LISGIS) Kilometers Map Projection: UTM Zone 29N Prepared & Printed By: 2007 National Geographic Planning - LIberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) 0 2 4 8 Datum: WGS 84 National Elections Commission 2006-2007 Boundary Harmonization Exercise - Special Joint Stakeholders Collaborative Committee (SJSCC) Unit: Meter Production Date: 29 July 2011 M 6 NOTE: Administrative unit boundaries shown here do not represent
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