FAMILY 13 IN SAINT JOHN’S GOSPEL by REV. JAC DEAN PERRIN JR. A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Theology and Religion The University of Birmingham October 2012 University of Birmingham Research Archive e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. Abstract To date, the single criterion of Family 13 constituency has been the relocation of the Pericope Adulterae from its traditional location in John 7:53. This dissertation demonstrates why this criterion is inadequate and proposes a new criteria. After an overview of the history of research, potential Family 13 witnesses are classified by means of a methodology originated by Dr. David Parker’s use of Text und Textwert. This process identifies 8 witnesses inappropriately nominated as Family 13 members, thus establishing GA 13, 69, 124, 346, 543, 788, 826, 828, 983, and 1689 as valid members. Each of these 10 witnesses is then described palaeographically as a discrete artefact. Phylogrammatic software, originally designed for DNA analysis, is then adapted to exhaustively study these Johannine Greek texts. The by-product of this novel process complements and validates the earlier Text und Textwert process. Also available as a result of this study are original witness transcriptions (available at http://www.iohannes.com/family13/), a Critical Apparatus of Family 13 in St. John’s Gospel, an exhaustive description of the contents of 18 potential witnesses, and a description of the computer analysis process used in the study. Acknowledgements Since this is a theological endeavour, I wish to thank my God, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, without whom I could do nothing. I wish to thank my best friend and wife, Bonnie, for her support. My friend, Dr. Amy Anderson, taught me to collate and opened doors of opportunity for me. Dr. David Parker was helpful and extremely patient throughout this endeavour. I have benefitted more than I can say from his creativity and support. Dr. Ulrich Schmid was very helpful in teaching me so many aspect of Textual Criticism, and was also very hospitable during my study in Münster. Dr. Klaus Wachtel was also very kind and helpful. Dr. Hugh Houghton was most accessible and patient to answer all kinds of questions. Dr. Dan Wallace was of instrumental assistance in key areas, especially in obtaining images of the Albanian witnesses. Dr. Bruce Morrill was also helpful in obtaining manuscript images. Dr. Paul Foster's comments also made this a much better dissertation. There are many others whom I would thank if space permitted. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 ABBREVIATIONS 5 INTRODUCTION 10 THESIS AND PLAN 14 CHAPTER ONE: THE HISTORY OF FAMILY 13 16 1.1 WILLIAM HUGH FERRAR AND THOMAS KINGSMILL ABBOTT 16 1.2 NOMINATIONS AND NOMINATORS 26 CHAPTER TWO: THE PROBLEM AND A SOLUTION 35 2.1 THE PA IS INADEQUATE AS A SOLE CRITERION 35 2.2 PARKER’S METHODOLOGY USING TEXT UND TEXTWERT 36 2.2.1 TUT TABLE A 37 2.1.2 TUT TABLE C 43 2.1.3 GRUPPIERUNG MATRIX 47 2.3 SUMMARY 49 CHAPTER THREE: THE MANUSCRIPTS DESCRIBED 50 3.1 GA 13 50 3.2 GA 69 64 3.3 GA 124 88 3.4 GA 346 101 3.5 GA 543 105 2 3.6 GA 788 114 3.7 GA 826 123 3.8 GA 828 130 3.9 GA 983 135 3.10 GA 1689 142 CHAPTER FOUR: MANUSCRIPT RELATIONSHIPS 150 4.1 UNCOVERING PATTERNS 150 4.1.1 CHAPTER ONE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 158 4.1.2 CHAPTER TWO IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 166 4.1.3 CHAPTER THREE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 171 4.1.4 CHAPTER FOUR IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 176 4.1.5 CHAPTER FIVE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 183 4.1.6 CHAPTER SIX IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 189 4.1.7 CHAPTER SEVEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 197 4.1.8 CHAPTER EIGHT IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 203 4.1.9 CHAPTER NINE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 209 4.1.10 CHAPTER TEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 218 4.1.11 CHAPTER ELEVEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 224 4.1.12 CHAPTER TWELVE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 230 4.1.13 CHAPTER THIRTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 235 4.1.14 CHAPTER FOURTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 237 4.1.15 CHAPTER FIFTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 240 4.1.16 CHAPTER SIXTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 244 4.1.17 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 248 4.1.18 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 251 4.1.19 CHAPTER NINETEEN IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 256 3 4.1.20 CHAPTER TWENTY IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 262 4.1.21 CHAPTER TWENTY ONE IN ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL 266 4.2 SUBGROUPS SUMMARY 268 4.3 THE FINAL STEMMA 271 4.4 CONCLUSION 275 5.0 EDITED CRITICAL APPARATUS 282 6.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 389 7.2 APPENDIX A 415 PAGE-BY-PAGE CONTENTS OF POTENTIAL F13 MANUSCRIPTS 415 7.3 APPENDIX B 482 7.4 APPENDIX C 495 4 Abbreviations † Died A.D. Anno Domini Afr Climate of Africa tract Am Ammonian Apparatus or equipment Ap. April B.C. Before Christ Byz Byzantine ca. circa (about) cf. confer cm. centimeters cod. codex (also Codd.) CPM Claremont Profile Method Cruci Utilization of a cruciform design CSNTM Center for Study of New Testament Manuscripts diss. dissertation DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ed. edition et al. et alii (and others) Eus Eusebian Apparatus or equipment excl excluded F13 Family 13 (also F13) fasc. fasicle ff. and following (also folios) fols. folios GA Gregory-Aland Gr. Greek (also Grec) Hup Hupothesis Ibid. Ibidem (the same place) IGNTP International Greek New Testament Project in situ in place INTF Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung ITSEE Institute for Textual Scholarship in Electronic Editing Jn. St. John’s Gospel Lac. Lacuna or Lacunose (also lac) Lapost Lives of the Apostles Lk. St. Luke’s Gospel 5 � Majority Text (also MT) Men Menologia Mk. St. Mark’s Gospel ML Maximum Likelihood Protocol Ms Manuscript (Gregory-Aland Number); MSS manuscripts Mt. St. Matthew’s Gospel N.T. New Testament NJ Neighbor-Joining Protocol no. number O.T. Old Testament p. page; pp. pages PA Pericope Adulterae Patri Lives of the Fathers tract PAUP* Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony PhD. Doctor of Philosophy post after r Recto Reg. Regius s.v. sub verbo sic sic erat scriptum (thus) St. Saint Sub Subscription sup supplement Syn Synaxaria Theol. Theological TLG Thesaurus Lingua Graeca TR Textus Receptus TuT Text und Textwert v Verso v. volume (also vol.) 6 Tables and Figures TABLE 1: F13 NOMINEES AND NOMINATORS .................................................................................................................... 34 TABLE 2: PA LOCATION BY WITNESS ................................................................................................................................. 35 TABLE 3: TUT TABLE A ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 TABLE 4: TUT TABLE B ......................................................................................................................................................... 43 TABLE 5: TUT TABLE C ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 TABLE 6: TUT TABLE D ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 TABLE 7: GRUPPIERUNG DATA MATRIX .............................................................................................................................. 48 TABLE 8: PERCENTAGE OF F13 CONTENT ......................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE 1: UNDERSTANDING THE DATA TABLES ............................................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 2: GA69, 94R, JN. 19:5 RECUMBENT EPSILONS ................................................................................................ 80 FIGURE 3: GA 69.1R. ‟ΕΙΜΙ ΙΛΕΡΜΟΥ ΧΑΡΚΟΥ” ............................................................................................................... 81 FIGURE 4: GA 69 SCHOLIA AGAINST TEXT. 2V. ................................................................................................................. 83 FIGURE 5: GA 69, 97R. JN. 19:5 ......................................................................................................................................... 84 FIGURE 6: CODEX LEICESTRENSIS HEADING PLACEMENT ............................................................................................... 85 FIGURE 7: LEON THE SINNER MS 124, (176V) ............................................................................................................... 91 FIGURE 8: GA 788 PAGE 202V ............................................................................................................................................ 92 FIGURE 9: WEITZMANN'S 578 AND 579 ............................................................................................................................ 94 FIGURE 10: GA 124 HUNGER'S CRUCIFORM ECKENSCHRIFT PATTERN ...................................................................... 98 FIGURE
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