© Steve Tatler The Sacredness and Mysticism of Green and Trees Marion Pearce CEREMONY, RITUAL, AND PRAYER Graeme k Talboys Silbury Hill Philip Shallcrass THETHE DRUIDDRUID NETWORKNETWORK The Druid Network and The Druids Voice Office 88 Grosvenor Road Dudley DY3 2PR United Kingdom © 2003 to the TDNTDN or the respective authors where indicated . We gratefully solicit and accept contrib u- tions for this magazine. Artwork and/or ph otography is best sent as a PC based file such as jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp or similar but originals on paper will be accepted but wil l necessitate scanning into the computer. Similarly all articles, texts, poetry, news and events is best received in txt, doc, r tf or pub files for copy and pasting into our doc uments. Type or print will be entered using OCR.. Handwritten work is difficult for us to manage but we are happy to see if we can use it. We cannot pay for any co n- tr ibutions. All postal enquiries must be a c- companied by an SSAE. (Ed) Cloaks,Cloaks, Tabards, Flags, and much more…. RobesRobes from £65 of the life , the achievements sis, and you are advised to To , The Druids Voice and the character of our d e- check regularly for changes. co ntinuing in its mission to parted brother Dylan Ap It is a dynamic and vibrant boldly go where no Druid Thuin. site, not only due to the co n- Ne twork journal has gone b e- tinual work of Bobcat and fore. Things have moved on with David, but also due to the n u- The Druid Network since the merous voluntary helpers We, here in Britain, find that last issue (2.1) of TDV. This who have come forward to winter is rapidly approaching august and r evered (well it is aid The Druid Network. Each now, after such a wonderful in my house anyway) public a- of these individuals lays summer, that it seems that the tion is now available online claim to the ownership o f autumntide has missed us out for all our members who have their own piece(s) of work completely. There is a d e- and are encouraged to make cided ‘nip’ in the air these an active role in their own mornings and the darkness ‘piece’ of The Druid Ne t- descends quicker than of work. And the expansion late. and immediate success of TDN is down to all these i n- With Samhain approaching, dividuals who have given of it is time for us to take stock themselves and have taken a of our harvest, and for those measure of self responsibi l- of us living in urban areas, ity for their own druidry and that may not mean assessing for the furtherance of our our grain but we can loo k new Order and Network. back to those heady days of There is room for everyone, summer, past Alban Hefin, regardless of perceived ta l- through Beltane, past Alban ents or how little time you Eilir with its symbolic ass o- may think you could devote ci ation of the reception of chosen paper free membe r- to the Network. Why not wi sdom. Perhaps we can take ship. This not only reduced co ntact us and see if you can stock of how much wisdom the subscription cost to the indeed help in anyway, and of we have actually received? member (£12 instead of £20) course, if the network can Perhaps even more pert i- but means that we can follow help you. We appreciate e n- nently would be the question one of our own set policies tirely that commitment is a of how much of our wisdom and beliefs in reducing the two way thing, and as we take we have actually used. amount of paper that TDN stock of The Druid Network’s and TDV consume. Perhaps harvest for the last year, we Samhain is a time of the a n- those of you who have yet to remember al l our friends, cestors, and we should look choose paper free membe r- members and subscribers who back at those who have pr e- ship may like to look again. I have made it the success it is. ceded us to the Summerlands. think Gaia would welcome In this issue we do just that your decision! The website HAIL & WELCOME by allowing our old friend increases in content and in Philip Shallcrass to remind us breadth almost on a daily b a- GEOFF BOSWELL TDNTDN THE DRUIDS VOICE PAGE 3 THE DRUID WISDOM CAMP Thursday 15 - Sunday 18 July Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, After the success of last years camp and fo r the 4th year running, Charnwood Grove, The Druid Network and veteran camp organisers Rainbow 2000 are in the midst of creating a camp brewing over with Druidic wisdom and inspiration. Over the past few years we have focused on Bardic and Ovatic Arts. For the 2004 camp, we shall be seeking inspiration in the Druid aspect of the tradition weaving ritual and celebration throughout t he weekend. Teachers from across the Druid community will give talks, workshops and forums ranging from introductions to Druidry , to natural philosophy, ethics, environmentalism, Spirit and Land and politics. As ever, the camp is open to everyone intereste d and respectful of the tradition - regardless of where they might be in their Druidic journey. The days can be spent in poignan t studies of the mysteries, or you can simply sit back in the firelight and tranquillity and enjoy the colour and spectacle of t his magical event. To date our teachers are: Philip Carr Gomm of The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids talking about Druidry in t he modern world; Ronald Hutton, celebrated historian, talking about Druidry and Stonehenge; Stefan Allen of the Albion Conclave, talking about the solar fire of Druidry; Nicholas Mann, author of Druid Magic, will talk about mythology; Kris Hughes of The An glesey Druidic Order talking about Druidry, the Welsh Gorsedd and Awen in Wales; Emma Restall Orr of The Druid Network and Order of the Yew talking about Druid Ethics; Mark Graham of the Charnwood Grove and Lisa Schneidau of the Scottish Wildlife Trust wi ll be exploring the evolution of the Sacred Landscape; plus speakers talking on globalisation, fair trade, eco -protest, Pagan or ganization and more. As well as the usual mixture of Music, Dance, Ritual, Sweatlodge and buzzing Cafe Scene. The cost of the 2003 camp tickets was : Adult tickets £60, Children aged 13 - 17 £25, Children aged 5 - 12 £20, Children under 5 are FREE. Adult tickets are each subject to a £15 discount (£10 for children) provided you book and pay in full no less than fourteen days befo re the camp begins. A 25% deposit will secure your place. Please note no dogs allowed. We do not anticipate this will change fo r 2004. FFI, call Helen : 07791 299196 FFI, email Mark : [email protected] PAGEPAGE 4 THE DRUIDS VOICE TDN conscious awakening to the ness of the Shaman becomes BALLS OF FIRE, underlying 'membrane matrix attuned to a patterned out r e- of the Psi fiel d' of the dream ality by an informational a s- DISKS OF LIGHT allows the Shaman to access sociative process, which d e- It is said that the ancient and experience other realities. te rmines the fixity within a Shamen knew how to travel Each 'pore' of the membrane shared consensual realty. The about as 'balls of fire' trave l- is a Torsion tunnel tha t Shaman accesses a ling as fiery spirits along the breathes in and out, allowing 'Synchromesh' of phenomena, 'Dream Paths' that are etched ingress or egress from or into whereupon he or she will e x- into the sacred landscape ge n- other realities, very much like perience 'Synchronistic ph e- erally known as 'Ley Lines'. gaining access into a vast r e- nomena' which stabilises and These 'Spirit Paths' appear to ality labyrinth. At the greatest fixates the consciousness of indicate that there is a crysta l- point of torsion within the the Shaman within a chosen line structure that covers the tu nnel a knot is generated reality. face of the globe formulating whereby the consciousness of into a lattice work of light, the Shaman will be fixated, When one cuts the Toroidal akin to that of a web of a sp i- thereby experiencing ingress Spher e in half, one has the der. into a particular reality. 'Lemniscate', the symbol of infinity. The internal structure The web of light upon which The breathing in and out of of the Toroidal Sphere is that the Shamen are said to travel the Torsion tunnel is that of a of 'Microcosm ic' infinity, while in the 'dreaming body' consciously engineered Black where as the external crysta l- is said to extend further out and White Hole at a sub - line structure is that of than the planetary body of the atomic level, within the Psi 'Macrocosmic' fixity. The Earth interconnecting ever y- field of the dream becoming Lemniscate illustrates the thing throughout this partic u- as a 'Worm Hole'; the torsion 'energetic informational flow lar universe as well as inte r- being brought about by the of consciousness' f rom past to weaving with other universes. counter clockwise and cloc k- future and back again in a The web interconnects ever y- wise 'spin' at the 'Black and co ntinuous flow. The 'point' thing yet at the same time White Holes' mouth.
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