” by JESSICA ROSENTHAL felt that the accus2 male caused ;helaw forunlicensediuys to pick mascot on the quad. Goulet said Before its‘healthhazards were Daily Editorial Board the woman to feel she was in dan- [asbestos] up -- you’vegot to be in that the only reason these pipes determined,asbestos was used for A male Tufts graduate student ger of assault. compliance. There’s no middle were not found earlier was that its remarkable thermal resistivity. was accused by a female student He said that the panel inter- ground on that - -the federal gov- they were buried 20 feet under a It was commonly used in every- from the Massachusetts Institute preted the situation to be a “sexu- ernment takes it really seriously.” concrete slab. thing from fireproofing to insula- of Technology (MIT) of sexually ally aggressive and menacing one Although there was originally There are many different types tion to friction plates in manual inappropriatebehavior, according where a woman would reasonably 400feetoftransite-containingpipe of asbestos, with varying levels of automobiletransmissions. to Associate Dean of Students feel in danger.” outside Wessell, only 200 feet of it Bruce Reitman. In a hearing held The panel decided that the ac- was removed at this time. As Dick last Friday, the second-year gradu- cused male admitted his wrongdo- Goulet, Director of the Physical ate student was found guilty of ing in terms of the inappropriate- Plant, explained, “We had to get sexual harassment and physical ness of his behavior. approval to remove it quickly, be- assault. The male did not deny that his cause we had to dig in that area. Reitman said that the incident behavior was inappropriate. He Once it’s declared to be asbestos, occurred in an off-campus apart- only interpreted it differently, it kicks off an approval process ment in which the woman lived. Reitman said2 with the EPA and generally [re- The male had never met the fe- Reitman also described the moval] takes 10 business days.” male before, but was friends with other decisions made by the panel Tufts was granted a waiver that her roommate, Reitman said. regarding this case. He said the allowed the removers to come in The accused male was not a panel decided that the male stu- almost immediately. The library resident of the apartment,but rather dent had no concept of the severity construction workers were able to a visitor there one night over the of his actions in the incident. operate around the removers that summer. However, they did determine day, and work was not held up. According to Reitman, the that any “reasonable person would Another 200 feet of the asbestos- woman alleged that the man went have interpreted his behavior as covered piping, which is still bur- into her bedroom in the middle of sexually threatening,” Reitman ied, is not currently in the way of Library construction workers found asbestos buried in this wall. the night and refused to leave, said. although she repeatedly asked him Therefore, Reitman said the to do so. She also said that theman panel concluded that the male’s Student groups to launch voter tried to enter her bed and began unwanted touching of the female “physicallytouching her,” Reitman constitutedassault. The panel said . said. that the male, “in essence threat- registration campaign at Tbfts At last week’s hearing, the male ened her repeatedly by not leaving by ANDREA GROSSMAN did not deny the alleged inappro- when she repeatedly asked him Daily Editorial Board priate behavior, but instead he “had to,” Reitman said. Starting today, the Tufts Re- a different interpretation of what The panel then decided that the publicans will be running a cam- [the behavior] meant,” Reitman ‘male student was guilty of sexual paign to register Tufts students to said. harassment and physical assault. vote in the upcoming Massachu- The accused male student said The panel also decided the type setts elections on Nov. 8. This that he felt that since he and the of disciplinary action to be taken project has been organized in con- woman had “no intimate sexual against the male student as a result junction with Green Corps, Youth activity, no wrong had taken oftheirdecisionregardingthecase. Vote ‘94, Campus Green Vote, and place,” Reitman added. According to Reitman, the Greater Boston’s Youth Voter However, according to panel decided to allow the student Week. Reitman, the woman claimed and to complete his degree at Tufts According to a press release, the panel at the hearing agreed from off-campus since he is in the Green Corps is, “a national field that sexual activity was not neces- final semester of his program. The school for environmentalorganiz- sary for a wrong to have occurred. studentmay only be on campus for ing.”They are working with Youth Reitman further said that the panel academic purposes, not social, Vote ‘94, a group of organizations Reitman explained. whose primary goal is to register Additionally, the male student 18-24 year olds to vote. is required to attend a weekly edu- Other youth organizations re- said that there will be other events b cational awareness program in a sponsible for supporting Youth throughout the week to get more counseling setting. Vote ’94 include MTV’s Rock the people to register and to educate 1 Inside Finally, Reitman said that the Vote, National Coalition for the them about the candidates. Viewpoints ....................... p. 3 student is on deferred suspension Homeless, and Campus Green Some of these events include a Michael analyzes Brinker’s State of effective immediately. This sus- Vote. voter-registration table in the the Senate address and a write com- pension will become active when Jessica Hamilton, a Green MacPhie Pub on Tuesday Oct. 4, ments on Bush and the Gulf War. the student is finished his course Corps representative, said that and a band performing at either study and will last for one year, Campus Green Vote is a “group Hotung CafeortheSpanishHouse SPO................................... p. 5 thereby delaying the awarding of that gets students involved in an on Thursday Oct. 6. Men’s soccer wins in another blowout while women’s tennis defeats Smith. his degree for that amount of time. electoral process throughout the ~~~ilt~~added that G~~~~ Reitman made a final comment year.” She added that their pri- corps will also. be supplying stu- Also: catch Part two ofthe “L Preview on this case, saying that this inci- mary focus is on environmental dents with information about the , dent is unusual because it is the issues in the government, and this election and the candidates first time that a Tufts graduate is why they approached Green throughout the week. Find out which MBTA stops have the student has been accused of sexu- corps. .<voterregistration is only one Bruce Reitman ally inappropriate behavior. According to Hamilton and small part of the process,” she page two THETUFTSDAILY ~ Thursday, September 29,1994 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor O’Reilly not properly He produced fm, yet prudent policies time has come for the students of this uni- Marc J. Sheinkin regarding crime. These achievements, in versity to expect more for their $28,000 Editor-in- Chief portrayed in article addition to others, make me more than andIwanttoknowto whomIcancomplain To The Editor: about the change in dates of the Student Managing Editor: Nadya Sbaiti proud to host former President GeorgeBush Associate Editors: David Meyers, I must admit that I found “An Interview to our University. Organization Fair. This school was pretty Michael J.W. Stickings ’ with Bill O’Reilly” (Tuesday, Sept. 27, Steven E. Lester LA’97 stupid if it thought it could get me to spend Editorial Page Editor: Rachel Levine Daily) to be rather amusing. While Mr. $28,000 to go here and expected me to take Production Managers: Leah Schwartz, Ryan --Io OReilly did have some interesting insights missing one of the things that attracted me here sitting down. NEWS to share on the topic of getting oneself Editors: Jessica Rosenthal, John OKeefe started in the journalism industry, I sin- I am calling on my fellow students to get histant Editors: hdm Grossman, Remy Stem cerely hope that all readers of the Daily Student offers thanks angry about the things this university is have within themselves the wisdom to ask doing wrong and I ask that the school hold VIEWPOINTS the question, “What is Bill O’Reilly doing for others’ assistance another Student Activities Fair. We are all Editors: Darrah Feldman, Jordana Wiener now?’ Simply put, he reads news for a To the Editor: paying far too much money to go to this FEATURES television program I find highly question- Just recently, I found myself in a most schooljust to get ripped off and have events Editor: Dan Tobin able in its journalistic integrity. I am glad unsuspecting and unusual circumstance. I change without notice. It is high time the that he supports a freepress, so that we may was dealing with the loss of -- what I would students respond to getting cheated out of ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT all get three hours of the O.J. Simpson trial consider -- my life pack (backpack). Many things that they are paying for. I also hope Editor: Jay Ruttenberg items of considerable importance were in usistant Editors: Joshua Davis, Samantha Levine telecast into our homes on a daily basis. I that the person who decided to change the wonder if he might be engaged in more my backpack, and fortunately, I am happy dateofthestudentOrganizationsFaircomes WEEKENDER worthwhile employment had he seen fit to to announce the return of my “Life Pack.” up with a way for all of us freshmen to find Editor: Liza Cohen attend more of his classes at BU.
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