ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF EAMONN CANTWELL Yeats Annual No. 20: A Special Number Edited by WARWICK GOULD ONLINE SURVEY In collaboration with Unglue.it we have set up a survey (only ten questions!) to learn more about how open access ebooks are discovered and used. We really value your participation, please take part! CLICK HERE To access digital resources including: blog posts videos online appendices and to purchase copies of this book in: hardback paperback ebook editions Go to: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/380 Open Book Publishers is a non-profit independent initiative. We rely on sales and donations to continue publishing high-quality academic works. In the same series YEATS ANNUALS Nos. 1, 2 Edited by Richard J. Finneran YEATS ANNUALS Nos. 3–8, 10–11, 13 Edited by Warwick Gould YEATS AND WOMEN YEATS ANNUAL No. 9: A Special Number Edited by Deirdre Toomey THAT ACCUSING EYE: YEATS AND HIS IRISH READERS YEATS ANNUAL No. 12: A Special Number Edited by Warwick Gould and Edna Longley YEATS AND THE NINETIES YEATS ANNUAL No. 14: A Special Number Edited by Warwick Gould YEATS’S COLLABORATIONS YEATS ANNUAL No. 15: A Special Number Edited by Wayne K. Chapman and Warwick Gould POEMS AND CONTEXTS YEATS ANNUAL No. 16: A Special Number Edited by Warwick Gould INFLUENCE AND CONFLUENCE YEATS ANNUAL No. 17: A Special Number Edited by Warwick Gould THE LIVING STREAM YEATS ANNUAL No. 18: A Special Number Essays in Memory of A. Norman Jeffares Edited by Warwick Gould Freely available at http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/194 YEATS’S MASK YEATS ANNUAL No. 19: A Special Number Edited by Margaret Mills Harper and Warwick Gould Freely available at http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/233 YEATS ANNUAL No. 20 W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot in the United States, December 1932. © private collection, London. All rights reserved. ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF EAMONN CANTWELL YEATS ANNUAL No. 20 A Special Number Edited by Warwick Gould in association with the Institute of English Studies School of Advanced Study, University of London http://www.openbookpublishers.com © 2016 Warwick Gould. Copyright of individual chapters is maintained by the chapters’ authors. Version 1.1. Minor edits made, January 2017. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work; to adapt the work and to make commercial use of the work providing attribution is made to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information: Warwick Gould (ed.), Essays in Honour of Eamonn Cantwell: Yeats Annual No. 20. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0081 In order to access detailed and updated information on the license, please visit https:// www.openbookpublishers.com/product/380#copyright Further details about CC BY licenses are available at http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/ All the external links were active on 3/11/2016 unless otherwise stated and have been archived via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine at https://archive.org/web Every effort has been made to identify and contact copyright holders and any omission or error will be corrected if notification is made to the publisher. For the full copyright statement relating to each image, please refer to the list of illustrations. Updated digital material and resources associated with this volume are available at https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/380#resources ISBN Paperback: 978-1-78374-177-9 ISBN Hardback: 978-1-78374-178-6 ISBN Digital (PDF): 978-1-78374-179-3 ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 978-1-78374-180-9 ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 978-1-78374-181-6 Series ISSN: 0278-7687 (Print); 2054-3611 (Online) DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0081 Cover image: The heraldic device is taken from Althea Gyles’s top board design for the revised and enlarged edition of W. B. Yeats, The Celtic Twilight (London: A. H. Bullen, English edition only, 1902). Private collection, London. All paper used by Open Book Publishers is SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) and Forest Stewardship Council(r)(FSC(r) certified. Printed in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia by Lightning Source for Open Book Publishers (Cambridge, UK). For Eamonn and Anne Cantwell, benefactors of University College, Cork, and who both care for ‘what old books tell’. Contents List of Illustrations xiii Abbreviations xix Editorial Board xxvii Notes on Contributors xxix Introduction xxxv Acknowledgements and Editorial Information xliii ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF EAMONN CANTWELL Yeats and his Books WARWICK GOULD 3 ‘Philosophy and Passion’: W. B. Yeats, Ireland and Europe R. F. FOSTER 71 Yeats the Love Poet BERNARD O’DONOGHUE 97 The Puzzle of Sequence: Two Political Poems HELEN VENDLER 119 Moving on Silence: Yeats and the Refrain as Symbol PAUL MULDOON 155 Eliot and Yeats JOHN KELLY 179 The Cantwell Collection CRÓNÁN Ó DOIBHLIN 229 RESEARCH UPDATES AND OBITUARIES W. B. Yeats’s Mosada COLIN SMYTHE 239 Yeats and the Flying Dutchman WARWICK GOULD 263 Yeats and Tukaram: ‘An Asylum for my Affections’ GEERT LERNOUT 287 ‘I am sitting in a café with two French-Americans’: W. B. Yeats, Max Dauthendey, James and Theodosia Durand. Durand’s ‘Communistic Manifesto’ GÜNTHER SCHMIGALLE 293 Three Letters from Yeats to the Anarchist, Augustin Hamon DEIRDRE TOOMEY 335 Ghost-writing for Sara Allgood JOHN KELLY 343 Jon Stallworthy (1935–2014) NICOLAS BARKER 375 Katharine Worth (1922–2015) RICHARD ALLEN CAVE 379 ‘MASTERING WHAT IS MOST ABSTRACT’: A FORUM ON A VISION A Vision: The Revised 1937 Edition, edited by Margaret Mills Harper and Catherine E. Paul, The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Vol. XIV. A Review Essay COLIN MCDOWELL 387 An Afterword: The Macmillan Archive and Editorial Policy WARWICK GOULD 417 God-appointed Berkeley and W. J. Mc Cormack’s ‘We Irish’ in Europe: Yeats, Berkeley and Joseph Hone. A Review Essay COLIN MCDOWELL 423 Winifred Dawson, The Porter’s Daughter: The Life of Amy Audrey Locke JAD ADAMS 445 Brian Arkins, The Thought of W. B. Yeats; J. P. Mahaffy, Rambles & Studies in Greece, with an Introduction and Commentary by Brian Arkins MICHAEL EDWARDS 451 Olivia Shakespear, Beauty’s Hour, edited by Anne Margaret Daniel DEIRDRE TOOMEY 455 Publications Received 459 List of Illustrations Note: All enquiries regarding copyrights in individual plates should be made c/o the editor at [email protected]. Cover Images: The Yeats Annual fleuron on the spine is based upon Thomas Sturge Moore’s rose design, as used in his illustrations for H. P. R. Finberg’s translation of Count Villiers de L’Isle Adam’s Axel with Yeats’s preface (London: Jarrolds Publishers, Ltd., 1925), and elsewhere on cover designs for Yeats’s books, most notably that for Per Amica Silentia Lunae (1918), courtesy of the late Riette Sturge Moore. The heraldic device is taken from Althea Gyles’s top board design for the revised and enlarged The Celtic Twilight (London: A. H. Bullen, English edition only, 1902; Wade 35), her last cover design for Yeats. Frontispiece: W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot in the United States, December 1932. © private collection, London, All rights reserved. Plates 1. W. T. Horton’s Caricature of Yeats among his books and 9 William Blake’s alchemical equipment and astrological grimoires, from The Academy, 59:1418 (8 July, 1899) 28. Private collection, London. 2a, b. Top boards of Speeches from the Dock, 48th edition and alternative 13 cover emblem, showing Shamrocks, Harp, Shield with Red Hand of Ulster, and Spear, from the 53rd edition. Private collection, London. 3. Spirit of the Nation, 50th edition, 1876. Private collection, 13 London. 4. Review copy of Mosada: A Dramatic Poem (1886) with 16 bookplates, including those of John Quinn (centre, by Jack B. Yeats), Major William van R. Whitall (top), and Milton McC. Gatch (bottom), Courtesy of Maggs Bros., London. 5. A detail of Yeats’s inscription on the frontispiece page of Quinn’s 17 copy of Mosada. Courtesy of Maggs Bros., London. xiii xiv List of Illustrations 6. J. B. Yeats’s frontispiece drawing of W. B. Yeats, from Mosada 19 (1886). Courtesy Colin Smythe. 7a. J. B. Yeats’s pastel portrait of W. B. Yeats as King Goll. Private 19 collection, Ireland. Courtesy Colin Smythe. 7b. J. B. Yeats’s portrait of W. B. Yeats as King Goll, The Leisure 19 Hour, September 1887. Private collection, London. 8a, b. Inscriptions by W. B. Yeats [n.d.] and George Yeats (March, 25 1949) in Yeats’s working copy of The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems (1889). © and courtesy of The Morgan Library, New York, PML 134657. Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987. 8c. W. B. Yeats’s inscription of March 1904 in John Quinn’s copy of 27 The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems (1889), now Copy 4 in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library. © the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, and the Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, New York Public Library. All rights reserved. 9. Edwin J. Ellis’s Frontispiece of Niam [sic], St Patrick and Oisin, 28 in The Wanderings of Oisin. Dramatic Sketches, Ballads & Lyrics (1892). © private collection, London. All rights reserved. 10. Top board of wraparound covers by H. Granville Fell for W. B. 32 Yeats’s Poems (1895). Private collection, London. 11. Althea Gyles’s wraparound design for The Secret Rose (1897), 35 first state, ribbed cloth. Private collection, London. 12a. Decorated Initial Letter from the Sacramentary Fleury, early 35 eleventh century, attributed to Nivardus of Milan, MS.
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