NPA Bulletin National Parks Association of the A.C.T. Vol. 23 No. 4 June 1986 NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY INC. In.~ugur~ted1960 Office bearers and Committee Aims and Objects of the Association Presrdenr: Ross Carlton. 4 1 Batchelor Street. Torrens, 2607 Promotion of natlonal parks and of measures for the 86 3892 (H) 68 5366 IWI protection of fauna and flora, scenery and natural Vxe-Presrdenf- Fiona Brand. 11 Dyson Street, Lyneham. features in the Australtan Capital Territory and else- 2602 47 9538 (H) where, and the reservation of specific areas. Secrelary: Anne Robertson. PO Box 424. Oickson 2602 Interest in the provision of appropriate outdoor re- 72 4534 (W) 82 1 141 (HI Treasurer: Syd Comfort. 87 Shackleton Circult. Mawson creation areas. ~. ~ -. 2607 86 2578 (H) Stimulation of Interest in. and appreciation and enloy- Assisfanl Secretary: vacant ment of, such natural phenomena by organised field Publicrry Ofticer: vacant (contact Secretary) outlngs. meetings or any other means. Commrrree Members: Neville Esau 86 4176 (HI 49 4554 (W) Co-operation with organisations and persons having Kevin Frawley 82 3080 (HI 68 8309 (WI Ian Haynes slmllar ~nterestsand oblectives. 51 4762(H) Margu sKarilaid 486149(H)46 5862 (W) Promotton of, and education for, nature conservation. Kevin Totterdell 81 4410 (HI 63 2837 (W) Phil and the planning of land-use to achieve conservation. Gatenby 41 6284 (HI 52 6301 IW) Bullotin Edrlor: Margus Karilaid. 17 Fairbrldge Crescent. Ainslie 2602. 48 6149 (HI 46 5862 (W) Outings Convenor: Ian Haynes. 21 Roberts Street, Macquarle 2614 51 4762 (H) PUDK ulhcer: Charles Hlll 95 8924 (H) CONTENTS Annual Subscription Rates (1 July. 30 June) President's Foreword Family members $15 Student members $6 Env~ronmentSub-Cornmttee Slngle Members 512 Corporate Members $8 Cornm~tteeNews 3 Pensioners $ 6 Bulletin only 58 Eden Woodchlpplng - A Rev~ew 3 For new subscriptions joining between: Letters 4 1 January and 31 March - half specified rate Veh~cleson Beaches The M~n~slerReplles 5 1 April and 30 June - annual subscription (15 Further Thoughts From an Over 25 Year Old 6 months membership benefit) Herltage Week 7 Namadyl Management Plan to Provide lor Blmberl Wilderness 8 Adm~nlstrallveArrangements tor Namaagl 1 U LOST Easter at Orroial 11 Three maps - Yaouk. Rendezvous Creek Just Br~etly Musk la Ouckl About Mouslng 1 :25.000 and Canberra 1:100.000. Left in Twenty Nlne - A Prlme Number kitchen of Huxley Lecture Theatre. ANU during The Blltangahee Bay Hwns the Alpine Conference on December 1. 1985. New Members Phone Frank Clements 31 7005 Cooee Flttlng Your Feet - How lo Buy Boots HOUSE SllTER WANTED Fl~ndersRanqes For 6 to 8 weeks in August - September 1986. Kakadu Nat~onalPark - My Beauttful Place Sitter to care for dog and meet costs of gas. Hut-to-Hut Walklng ~n Austr~a electricity and phone. Contact Syd Comfort General Meet~ngs 86 2578. The NPA of the ACT office 1s located in K~ngsleyStreet Acton Hours: 1000am lo 1 OOprn Mondays 9 OOam to 2 OOpm Tuesdays and Thursdays Telephone: 57 1063 Postal Address: Uox 451 bFu Lannerra LbOt Membership Enquiries welcome, please phone Lara~ne DEADLINE DATES for NPA BULLETIN contributions: 15 October. 15 December. 15 April. 15 July Frawley a1 the NPA office on 57 1063 Arllcles by confribulors may not necessarily reflect COVER Association oplnton or obleclives. Looking across Swampy Plains trom Slurg!ss Mounrain tn the Budawangs. Printed by Derek Kelly 54 1226 Photo by Russ Ketlord Typeset by Top Typesetters 51 6550 PRESIDENTS FOREWORD The final Plan of Management for Namadgi National Park will shortly be released and once again we can take pleasure in welcoming a document which incorporates a number of the points sought by this Association in its submission on the Draft Plan. Much of the credit for this belongs to Den Robin, our hard working nominee on the Consultative Committee. Thanks Den. It is encouraging to see that the Consultative Committee, which is something this Association fought for, is really working. It is that time of the year again when we will be electing new committee members. The Association has a committee of up to 12 members which is assisted by seven permanent sub-committees each of which handles one aspect of our varied activities. The sub-committees are concerned with Namadgi National Park, Environmental issues outside Namadgi, Publicity and Education, Outings, Finance and Marketing, Bulletin production and our publication on Native Trees in the ACT. There is therefore plenty of scope for becoming involved in whichever aspect of our activities excites your interest. Think about where your interests and abilities lie, talk to present committee or sub-committee members about what is involved and then volunteer. Don't wait to be asked. You will find increased involvement in Association activities a rewarding experience. ENVIRONMENT Bay. Both will involve substantial COMMITTEE NEWS SUB-COMMITTEE changes to Jervis Bay (breakwaters, jetties etc) and surrounding lands At each committee meeting Phil Kevin Frawley (urban development). The Nature Gatenby provides a summary of Reserve does not include all of the publications received by the Assoc­ Almost all the papers from the Territory and visitors are often sur­ iation during the month and an Alpine Conference held late in prised to find that the popular Green interesting list it is. These publica­ 1985 have been received and are Patch and nearby areas are only tions are, of course, available to now being edited for publication. Is 'managed in sympathy' with the members from the Association the tri-State Alpine Park any closer Reserve. Bowen Island has proved office. to reality? At the political level, the to be a continuing problem with The Committee has accepted Victorian Alpine Park still remains lessees refusing to move and the with regret the resignation of Mrs in limbo with the legislation having Parks and Conservation Service Kay Duggan as Office Secretary. passed the Lower House but re­ having to take legal action to enforce Kay, as first occupant of the position maining blocked by the Upper their removal (the lease expired 31 made a substantial contribution to House. Co-operative management December 1985 and the area has the NPA and takes our thanks and of a tri-State Alpine Park can only been declared part of the Reserve best wishes with her. We extend a eventuate when there is tri-State under the Nature Conservation warm welcome to the new Office reservation! At the departmental Ordinance). Should NPA develop a Secretary, Mrs Laraine Frawley. level meetings between the res­ policy on Jervis Bay rather than A good deal of committee time pective authorities continue, and simply responding to development goes into consideration of the sub­ we are informed that it is hoped to proposals? We would welcome committee reports which reflect get the respective Ministers to sign members' views and involvement. much detailed study of issues and a Memorandum of Understanding the broader base which the sub­ on co-operative management. This committees cover. Other important is the first substantial follow up to Eden Woodchipping — matters considered recently include the commitment to co-operative A Review the placement of Association funds management announced to coin­ in suitable investments and the cide with the Alpine Conference. Report by Debbie Quarmb y- preparation of submissions for Jervis Bay has become a focus published by the National grants, a time consuming but im­ of attention for the Environment PaTks Association, 1986. portant task The ACT Community Committee and a visit to the area Development Fund through its This widely acclaimed report was made recently. There are a Heritage Grants has assisted the available for $4.90 at the range of issues in the area - most operation of the Association forthe Association Office or $6.00 prominent being the proposed past two years and the Committee posted. Send your cheque naval move to the southern shores looks for a continuation of this now while stocks last, of the Bay and the establishment of support. the Armaments Depot north of the t ant and other bites (Calistaflex). Bouquets Caladryl (for sunburn) and any per­ sonal cream/tablets as necessary. The above items are adequate for dealing with the 'small' injuries Dear Ross. of cuts, bruises, grazes, sprains, blisters and so on. REMEMBER ... I would like to congratulate the apply a bandaid at the FIRST feeling NPA on the production of "Eden of a sock or boot rubbing... do NOT Woodchipping - A Review" by DELAY!). For any 'major' injury, the Debbie Quarmby. best available items of more than The publication is most timely one member may need to be called and will be key reference material upon. for workers on the Eden issue. Already tne start of the NSW Minister for Natural Resources and the I congratulate your association Commonwealth Minister for the on holding such a valuable con­ Environment have requested copies ference. and I anticipate the appropriate State and Commonwealth Depart­ While most of the above are Joan E. Kirner obvious in their use. I would like to ments will soon follow suit. Victorian Minister for Conservation. stress the MANY uses of a triangular Hopefully access to such a wide Forests and Lands range of material on the Eden issue bandage. may stimulate a more informed a) It can be folded into a narrow, debate on the topic. medium or wide bandage for Thank you for initiating the pub­ Be Prepared . holding on a dressing. lication. It will be widely used and b) Can cover a WHOLE foot, hand appreciated. or head. Sir, c) For broken limbs use as 'pad­ Joan Staples ding' on a bush splint (wide bark National Liaison Officer Following the excellent talk on folded is excellent).
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