Item 4 REPORT TO: Planning Committee REPORT NO. HEP/10 /18 DATE: 1 October 2018 REPORTING OFFICER: Head of Environment and Planning CONTACT OFFICER: Matthew Phillips (Ext 8780) SUBJECT: Development Control Applications WARD: N/A PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To determine the listed planning applications. INFORMATION Detailed reports on each application together with the recommendations are attached. RECOMMENDATION See attached reports. BACKGROUND PAPERS None. Page 7 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 Community Code No Applicant Recommendation Pages SES P/2017 /1032 MAELOR FOODS GRANT 9 – 26 MR MULKH MEHTA SES P/2017 /1037 MAELOR FOODS GRANT 27 – 36 MR MULKH MEHTA SES P/2017 /1038 MAELOR FOODS GRANT 37 – 46 MR MULKH MEHTA RHO P/2018 /0124 MRS HUMMARA SAQUB GRANT 47 – 53 WRR P/2018 /0384 EDISTON REAL ESTATE GRANT 54 – 61 LLA P/2018 /0433 MR IAN GRIFFITHS GRANT 62 – 67 WRR P/2018 /0546 WREXHAM COUNTY GRANT 68 – 73 BOROUGH COUNCIL CHI P/2018 /0562 MARTIN & MELISSA GRANT 74 – 77 WRIGHT SES P/2018 /0591 MAELOR FOODS GRANT 78 – 84 MR M MEHTA GWE P/2018 /0596 MR K M JONES GRANT 85 – 88 WRC P/2018 /0644 MR GRIFFITHS GRANT 89 – 94 GRE P/2018 /0693 MR D ROBERTS GRANT 95 – 99 Total Number of Applications Included in Report – 12 All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files. Page 8 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 APPLICATION NO: LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: P/2017 /1032 MAELOR FOODS PICKHILL LANE 15/12/2017 CROSS LANES WREXHAM LL13 0UE COMMUNITY: CASE OFFICER: Sesswick DESCRIPTION: MP APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF CONDITION NO 14 OF PLANNING WARD: PERMISSION P/2014/0781, TO AGENT NAME: Marchwiel ALLOW THE PROCESSING IN THE CASSIDY AND ASHTON REGION OF 1,000,000 BIRDS PER MR GUY EVANS WEEK APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR MULKH MEHTA MAELOR FOODS ______________________________________________________________ P/2017/1032 THE SITE Application site Page 9 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 PROPOSAL As above. HISTORY Reference Description Decision Application site P/2011/0750 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING Granted 4.12.12 FACTORY BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CHEESE CUTTING AND PACKING PLANT INCLUDING OFFICES TOGETHER WITH NEW CHILL STORAGE WAREHOUSE P/2014/0781 CHANGE OF USE TO POULTRY Granted 2.3.2015 PROCESSING FACILITY. P/2015/0838 EXTENSION, ALTERATION AND Granted 1.2.2016 UPGRADING OF EXISTING FACILITIES AND BUILDINGS P/2017/0165 EXTENSIONS AND UPGRADING Granted 25.4.2017 OF FACILITIES AND BUILDINGS P/2017/0204 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL Approved 18.4.2017 OF DETAILS RESERVED BY CONDITIONS IMPOSED UNDER PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NOS: P2014/0781: CONDITION 2 CONDITION 3 CONDITION 4 CONDITION 6 P/2015/0838: CONDITION 3 CONDITION 4 CONDITION 6 P/2017/0626 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL Approved 24.8.2017 OF DETAILS RESERVED BY CONDITION IMPOSED UNDER P/2014/0781: CONDITION 5 CONDITION 7 P/2015/0838: CONDITION 5 CONDITION 7 Page 10 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 P/2017/0899 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL Approved 20.11.2017 OF DETAILS RESERVED BY CONDITIONS IMPOSED UNDER PLANNING PERMISSION P/2017/0165: CONDITION 5 CONDITION 6 P/2017/0811 APPLICATION FOR A NON- Approved 12.10.2017 MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO PLANNING PERMISSION P/2015/0838 TO AMEND DETAILS OF SITING AND DESIGN P/2017/1037 APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF Pending CONDITION NO. 11 OF PLANNING PERMISSION P/2017/0165 TO ALLOW THE PROCESSING IN THE REGION OF 1,000,000 BIRDS PER WEEK. P/2017/1038 APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF Pending CONDITION NO. 11 OF PLANNING PERMISSION P/2015/0838 TO ALLOW THE PROCESSING IN THE REGION OF 1,000,000 BIRDS PER WEEK. Adjoining Site P/2018/0591 CHANGE OF USE FROM Pending TRANSPORT LOGISTICS DEPOT (SUI GENERIS) TO USE ANCILLARY TO ESTABLISHED NEIGHBOURING POULTRY PROCESSING FACILITY PLANNING POLICY Outside of a settlement limit. Policy GDP1 applies. CONSULTATIONS Sesswick CC: Very strongly opposed for the following reasons: • The original condition of a 400,000 bird weekly limit was deemed necessary to protect the local environment and amenity of the occupiers of nearby properties. • An increase to 1,000,000 birds represents a 250% increase in output. This will have an associated increase in traffic movements on Pickhill Lane and the junction with the A525 road, as well as an impact on the environment Page 11 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 and amenity of the neighbouring properties and surrounding area. • Twelve heavy goods vehicles per hour represents one every 5 minutes, a 200% increase in heavy goods movement on this stretch of road. This is in addition to the normal traffic flow of cars and light vehicles which use Pickhill Lane as a short cut from the B1530 (Holt Road) to the A525, especially in the morning and evening rush hours. Normal traffic flow throughout the day is fairly constant along Pickhill Lane, on account of it being used by locals, commuters and smaller goods vehicles as a short cut to the nearby Industrial Estate, Recycling centre and Holt. • The applicant suggests that ‘It is therefore considered that existing occupiers of nearby properties will not experience any increase in driver delay as a result of the additional heavy goods vehicle movement.’ What about vehicular pollution and noise levels and road congestion on the A525, especially at peak times, generated by the increased volume of traffic, as well as an increase in associated issues relating to processes within the factory itself? • The applicant states that ‘The site was originally constructed in the 1930s as a creamery and has since been used for butter, milk and cheese manufacturing (including packing), each generating a number of daily heavy goods vehicle movements understood to be higher than movements experienced on the network today.’ • There is also some concern about the presence of another weigh bridge, located at a second entrance at the site. This opens on to Pickhill Lane but is not in use at the present. Though there is no indication in the application of the reason for this, it is suspected that there may be designs in the future to use this as an additional access via the B5130 and Pickhill Lane on the Holt side. • Since there is a weight restriction on Pickhill Bridge in Isycoed, it would mean that vehicles would have to come to the traffic lights through Cross Lanes along the B5130, thereby affecting residents' amenity over a much wider area. Page 12 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 • Presently the factory is not operating at its full capacity of 400,000 chickens. At this stage, the impact of these activities on highways, byways and junctions as well as the effects on the environment and amenity of the local area and residents cannot be fully assessed. • Even now there are reports of heavy vehicles passing at 3 am. Even at 6am articulated vehicles on the forecourts fire up engines which run for a considerable time before moving off the site, creating a disturbance to the neighbouring properties. • Any increase in this number will be very detrimental to the neighbourhood in many ways. A further response has been received from the Community Council reiterating their objections and making the following additional comments: • It was the initial understanding that movement to the site would be from the A525 road from Whitchurch, as the raw materials would be sourced primarily from the West Midlands. However, it has been noted that some HGVs to the site are using the A525 road from Wrexham and Marchwiel, which is a narrow winding route with a 30mph/ 40mph limit passing through residential areas. Other vehicles have been seen coming via the A483. The quickest route from the A483 to Pickhill Lane would be on the A528 and rural Kiln Lane. Councillors and residents are alarmed that these roads are not suitable to accommodate HGV movement of this nature, volume and size on country lanes. • The applicant states that the proposed HGV movements would be less than previous operations at the site. However, it is felt that modern‐ sized HGVs are larger than previous lorries so this is not a reasonable comparison to make. • There have also been reports during July of unpleasant odours being emitted from the site. These have been reported to Natural Resources Wales by concerned residents and the community council. It does not seem wise to permit a doubling in capacity when the complex has yet to prove itself competent to operate within its agreed limits without adversely affecting those living nearby. Page 13 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 1st OCTOBER 2018 Bangor on Dee CC: Object for the following reasons: • It is our understanding there is a wish to increase production by 250% to 1 million birds, we do not see why there is a need for such a big increase, unless the original application was set lower than required for planning purposes. • The extra production could lead to air pollution for the local residents and villages. • Bangor on Dee as stated initially are concerned about water contamination at this site and such an increase in production, increases that risk to the Dee.
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