GUj* S^mt-fflfoklu CJ 'Texas* Outstanding Semi-Weekly College Newspaper VOL. XVII SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAS, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1932 psychology Tests OF Best Commerce Student ILD Local Brat to SOCIALISM ARE To Receive Medallion SPOTLIGHTS THIS To promote individual scholar­ in the junior class of the Dallas For Sophs in May ship interest in Alpha Kappa Psi School of Commerce who is pursu­ Installedin and the School of Commerce, Al­ ing a degree of B. S. in Commerce. Comprehensive Exams on TOHLATED WEEKJT S. IU. Movie of Caribbean pha Kappa Psi, professional com­ He must have at least 90 hours W. M. Alexander to Delta Beta Chi to Become Second and Third for All Secretary of League for In­ merce fraternity, will award an­ credit, 26 hours of which were Cheerleader Candidate and Theta Kappa Nu During Cruise Will Be Shown Sophomores dustrial Democracy to nually a bronze medallion, O. T. gained in the Dallas School of Associate Editor Issues Deliver Address for April 22-24 l^ To Students by Prof Lil^s' announced Tuesday.' Thi^ Commerce. If he is a transfer Founder's Program Talk Thursday award will be recognized officially student, he must maintain an aver­ Statement A moive reel of the Caribbean at the Commencement Exercises in age of 2.5 in his junior year. William Marvin Alexander, sec­ TOUNCOTTR ABILITY June. A design of the medallion may cruise, to be conducted by Dr. and retary of the department of PLANS WMOGRANI; LUNCHEON_AT NOON The award is to be a solid ^bronze now be seen on the bulletin board FROSHJipillCES schools and colleges of the general Over 400 Universities to Give Mrs. Edwin J. Foscue, this sum­ medallion with a raised white gold in the Commerce Building together Nationalization Head An­ Bruce Tankel Enters Student board of Christian Education of the Psychology Exams at mer, will be shown in room 212 Paul Porter Will Explain Why relief figure of a Phoenician Gal­ with full particulars governing the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, nounces Informal Lunch Same Time Hyer Hall on Thursday night, He Is a Socialist in ley and with the following raised eligibility of the recipient. As soon Council Race as Repre­ will deliver the convocational ad­ and Dinner Dates March 17, at 7:30. There will also inscription around the border: "Al­ as it arrives the medallion will be sentative dress at the Founder's Day pro­ McFarlin Talk Delta Beta Chi will join the rank Comphrehensive psychology ex­ be an exhibit of many of the arti­ pha Kappa Psi Scholarship placed on display in the Co-op. The gram which will be held in McFar­ aminations will be given all sopho­ Award". The name of the winner prize has its precedent in the Nob­ Sparky Trimble, sophomore stu­ of S. M. U.'s other national social cles purchased in the tropical coun­ "Why I Am a Socialist" will be lin Memorial Auditorium, Thurs­ more students of Southern Meth­ and the date on which it is award­ el and Smithsonian awards, and dent in the school of arts and day, March 24, at ten o'clock. fraternities April 22 to 24, inclu­ tries by members of the two form­ answered by Paul Porter, a quali­ odist University May 2 and 3, the fied and forceful lecturer of the ed will be on the back. will take the place of the $25J)0 sciences, announced Tuesday that Founder's Day is a tradition at sive, when it will be received into faculty of the College of Arts and er cruise parties. League for Industrial Democracy, The student who wins the award prize which Alpha Kappa Psi has he is a candidate for the head cheer S. M. U. because on that day the the national fraternity, Theta Kap­ Sciences decided, last week. De­ The trip, which is of educational in a speech to be delivered Thurs­ must meet the following require­ previously given each year to a leader's position. Trimble is the original founders of the university pa Nu. The installation of this tails will be arranged by a com­ value, will extend over three weeks, day evening at 7:30 o'clock in the ments: He must be a male student pre-Commerce sophomore. only candidate for this position so are honored in the general as­ chapter marks the culmination of far. several years' work on the part of mittee of which Dr. J. U. Yar­ and any student desiring to make Y. M. C. A. room in McFarlin audi­ sembly at which the entire student Delta Beta Chi toward gaining na­ brough is chairman. the trip should talk to Dr. Foscue torium. A speaker of renown, "My platform is merely the body, faculty, and as many of the, tional recognition. The addition of Examinations to be given in for further details. Porter, who has traveled through­ glorification of personified pep on university's patrons as possible are this national fraternity into S. M.' OVIe r -100 universities in America out Europe and Asia, comes to Dal­ ALPHA THETA PHI the S. M. U. campus for next year," in attendance. are for the purpose of discovering las under the auspices of the S. M. Trimble stated. "Inasmuch as the U. extends the number of national tudent? of unusual ability, who U. Industrial Relations Group, a football team will play nine games social fraternities on the campus houki be encouraged to continue VISITING PROF unit of the local Y, headed by TO GIVE SELECTS TWELVE at home next year, I feel that the to ten. their studies. George Edwards and Jimmie Wood- student body will really enjoy the At the present Delta Beta Chi "The examinations are positive­ word. games more and appreciate the has a total of thirty-seven mem­ ly not for the purpose of discour­ MAKES HIT WITH Mr. Porter will speak Thursday BEFORE^ NURSES SEljIMBERS work of the cheer leaders if we bers, twenty-one initiates and six­ aging students, and this fact must at 12 o'clock in Kirby Hall on have a head cheer leader who can teen pledges. The present officers be kept in mind", Dr. Yarbrough "Starving in a Land of Plenty." At Will Address National Con­ Honorary Scholarship Society instill undiluted pep into the whole TO are: Glen McDaniel, president; said. He disclaims any connection CHAPEL SPEECH a luncheon in his honor at 1 o'clock vention "On Testing for Adds 10 Girls and 2 Boys student body." Rhea Williams, vice president; with the origin of the examina­ in Virginia Hall he will talk on Special Aptitudes" With B-Plus Average Trimble, whose home is in Green­ Rayford Harwell, secretary and tions. He is chairman of the fac­ "The Challenge of a New Social ville, is a member of Pi Kappa Roy Jenkins, treasurer. ulty committee appointed to sup­ Dr. Moore of C. I. A. Says Order." All faculty members and Dr. J. U. Yarbrough, professor Twelve members of the senior Alpha fraternity. He has attended The Oklahoma Alpha chapter of ervise the work at S. M. U. "America Land of Free and students are cordially invited to at­ S. M. U. since the start of his col­ School to Show Unusual Ex Oklahoma City University will Home of Unemployed" of Psychology at Southern Meth­ class were honored by election to According to Dr. Yarbrough, the tend the luncheon, according to odist University, 'will present a Alpha Theta Phi, honorary schol­ lege career, last year. hibitions During Annual exemplify the degree work with General Education Board set aside Woodword. Then at 7:30 in the George Koontz senior student in representatives from Louisiana "America, the land of the free paper at the National Convention arship society, now petitioning Phi Open House Day . $500,000 in 1929 for the purpose evening Mr. Porter will speak on of the Amercan Nurses' Associa- Beta Kappa, which requires a gen­ the school of arts and sciences, has of finding "the right people" and the home of the unemployed" Soealism. been selected by Trimble to man­ Beta at Centenary and Louisiana is the way Dr. L. H. Moore, pro­ tiono to be held in San Antonio eral average of "B plus" on three The annual Engineers Day willUlPha at the University of Louis­ among university sophomores and A graduate of the University of April 13 under auspices of the preceding years work, including age his campaign during the elec­ junior college seniors, and ?250,- fessor at C. I. A., pictured the Kansas where he achieved distinc­ tions this spring. begirt Friday, March 18, and prom­ iana. The Southern Methodist Uni­ American Medical Association. the past fall semester. versity chapter of Theta Kappa Nu 000 for finding the "best" among fatherland in a short talk on the tion as editor of the university Stuart Sewell, previously an­ ises to be of unusual interest to The subject of Dr. Yarbrough's The new members, two boys and will be known as the Texas Alpha the freshmen. future economic system at Tues­ daily, as a debater and as leader of nounced candidate for the associate students and faculty of all schools paper will be "Testing for Special ten girls, are Julia A. Bonner, chapter. National officers will be The Board of Education pro­ day morning chapel. Probably the Y. M. C. A. Porter traveled editorship of the Semi-Weekly Aptitudes" in nursing, since the Joseph Lawrence Clark, Allene of the University. J. V. Melton represented at the installation by gram covers ten years. more student applause was given in Japan, China, the Soviet Repub­ Campus, made known his platform problem of the association is to Grafton Cockerell, Catherine Cul- and Porter Lindsley, Jr., in charge Dr.
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