v TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 3 INDEX TEV History 04 Values that define TEV 05 Founders 06 Message from Chairman of the Board of Trustees 08 Board of Trustees 10 Message from Chairman of the Board of Directors 12 Management and the Supervisory Board 14 Message from General Manager 16 Message from Deputy General Director 18 Organization Chart 20 Highlights from 2012 22 Department of Education 24 Educational Facilities 34 Corporate Communications 40 Relations with Benefactors 46 Wreath and Happy Day Donations 48 Legal Counsel 49 Human Resources 50 Information Technology 52 Asset Management 53 Property Management 54 Construction Management 55 Accountancy 56 Audit Report 57 Comparative Balance Sheets 58 Budget Plan in 2012 62 v 4 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 5 VALUES THAT DEFINE TEV VISION Our vision is to build a platform where people can develop and apply their knowledge for the benefit 4 May 1967 of the society. A FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION IS BORN! MISSION Our mission is to support leading youth who are successful and will contribute to our country and Turkish Educational Foundation was established by 205 philanthropists under the leadership of humanity, but in need of financial support. the late Vehbi Koç. The most important goal of Turkish Educational Foundation is to build a plat- form where people can develop and apply their knowledge for the benefit of society. The most PURPOSE important approach of the Turkish Educational Foundation is, therefore, to create an environment Our aim is to give scholarships to the students who are successful, but lack financial support; to sup- where our people can obtain the means to contribute to the development of the ideal of modern port education system by building schools, student dormitories and libraries; to give awards in order Turkey and humanity. to encourage success; and to conduct scientific research on educational issues. PRINCIPLES 45 YEAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS • To be committed to the modern, democratic and secular principles of Atatürk • 200.000 national scholarships, • To be independent, objective and impartial • 1441 International scholarships, • To be aware of the educational issues of public morality and responsibility • 1 Nursery School, • To be open, transparent and honest • 15 Primary Schools, • To keep promises • 1 Anatolian Teacher Training High School, • To be devoted to national and international values • 2 Anatolian High Schools, • 4 Hostels, AIMS • 1 Multi-Purpose Community Centre, As Turkish Educational Foundation aims to create an environment • 1 Vocational training Centre, where people can acquire the opportunities to contribute to the • 1 Library, development of the ideal of modern Turkey and humanity, we also • TEV İnanç Türkeş Private High School within TEV since 2001-(TEVITOL). aim: • To give more scholarship to young people who are successful, TEV RESOURCES but lack the financial support they need, • Donations made through grants • To give more Outstanding Success Scholarships to young people • Donations made through will and testaments who have leadership qualities and play a role in the future of • TEV wreaths and Happy Day flowers country, • Personal and corporate donations • To educate more highly gifted young people in TEVITOL and bring this potential to our country, • To increase the number of hostels, • To open primary schools, student dormitories and teaching centers where needed in every corner of our country, • To support social responsibility projects 6 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY WITH THEM! FOUNDERS OF TEV “Service in the path of educating youth is a duty of humanity’’ says Vehbi Koç. The education movement, which was started by the initiative of the late Vehbi Koç, has developed with each A. Aydın Bolak Fahir İlkel Kemal Haraççı Reşat Leblebicioğlu A. Cevdet Ünal Faruk Miskavi Kemal Has Reşit Egeli passing day with the other chairmen and our generous benefactors. We respectfully remember/ A. İlhami Aytaç Faruk San Kemal Kurdaş Rıza Derviş commemorate our honorary presidents. Abdurrahman Musabalı Faruk Varnalı Kemal Müderrisoğlu Sabahattin Sunguroğlu Abdülkadir Ünek Fatin Müftüoğlu Kemal Türkün Sabahattin Taray Adnan Kunt Fatma Atasagun Lemi İşmen Sabiha Yenen Ahmet Baskan Fazıl Zobu Lütfü Deveci Sabri Atayolu Ahmet Binbir Fazlı Ayverdi Lütfü Doruk Sabri Sağıroğlu Ahmet Dallı Fehmi Kaynak Lütfü Söylemez Sait Çolak Ahmet Deniz Ferit Eczacıbaşı Mahmut Hasoğlu Sait Ete Ahmet Karamancı Fethi Tanalay Mahmut Paksoy Sakıp Sabancı Ali Fuat Dağdeviren Fevzi Dural Mazhar Zorlu Selahattin Beyazıt Ali Koçman Fikret Erenyol Mehmet Hacıresuloğlu Selma Devres Ali Neyzi Fuat Bezmen Mehmet Karacığan Sırrı Yırcalı Ali Rıza Yüzbir Fuat Bilgin Mehmet Karamancı Sıtkı Çiftçi Alp Türksoy Fuat Kurer Mehmet Mısırlı Sıtkı Koçman Ara Kuyumcuyan Gündüz Pamuk Melih Sipahioğlu Suat Boydaş Avni Şasa H. Tarık Koyutürk Memduh Yaşa Suha Erler VEHBİ KOÇ DR. NEJAT ECZACIBAŞI Baha Çayırlıoğlu Hadiye Koçak Mithat Özdeş Sulhi Dönmezer Basri Öztekin Hakkı Karamete Moris Verbeke Süreyya Çolak Bedi Yazıcı Halil Aktar Muhterem Kolay Şadi Dilek Bedrettin Tümay Halil Kaya Murat İnce Dr. Şahap Kocatopçu Bedri Karafakioğlu Halil Naci Mıhçıoğlu Murat Taki Şahap Sicimoğlu Behçet Osmanağaoğlu Halis Kaynar Mustafa Azaklı Şarık Tara Behzat Eğilli Halit Güner Mustafa Kınacı Şemsettin Mursaoğlu Bektaş Ercan Haluk Çatırlı Mustafa Yalman Şevki Özenç Bernar Nahum Hami Kartay Mücahit Büktaş Tahsin Günel Berti Kamhi Hamza Kızılcıklı Mümtaz Fazlı Tarık Ziyal Burhan Felek Hasan Sert Nadir Nadi Taylan Hayri Terzioğlu Bülent Yazıcı Hasan Yelman Natuk Birkan Tevfik Ercan Cabir Selek Hayri Baran Nazım Ofluoğlu Tevfik Güllüoğlu Can Kıraç Hazım Atıf Kuyucak Necdet Aktay Vakur Versan Cavit Tulça Hikmet Erenyol Necdettin Şerbetçi Vehbi Koç AHMET AYDIN BOLAK ORD. PROF. DR. Celal İmre Hulki Alisbah Nedim İrengün Yaşar Cimilli SULHİ DÖNMEZER Celal Umur Hulki Dönmezer Nejat F. Eczacıbaşı Yaşar Pensoy Cemal Şerifsoy Hüseyin Başarır Nejat Verdi Yusuf Tanık Cemil Alevli Hüseyin Con Nihat Erim Yüksel Polat Cengiz Balkan Hüseyin Çelik Niyazi Şahinbaş Ziya Bengü Cevat Aksoy Hüseyin E. Sermet Nusret Arsel Ziya Kurttepeli C i h a t A b a o ğ l u Hüseyin Nizipli Orhan Işık Ziya Üstün Cihat Aksel Hüseyin Uslu Osman Boyner Cumhur Ferman İ. Sabri Çağlayangil Osman Okyar Kula Mensucat Fabrikası A.Ş. Davut Dursun İhsan Demirüren Osman Polat Sosyal Dayanışma Derneği Ekrem Elginkan İhsan Doğramacı Ömer Mindivanlı Tatko Otomobil-Lastik ve Makine Ekrem Şerif Egeli İhsan İpeker Ömer Said Dormen Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Eli Burla İhsan Mermerci Özhan Eroğuz T. Bilimsel ve Teknik Emil Elagöz İhsan Soyak Rahmi M. Koç Araştırma Kurumu Enver Selay İlhami Civaoğlu Rasih Somer T. Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu Ercüment Karacan İsmail Kanatlı Raşit Çavuşoğlu Genel Merkezi Erol Simavi İsmet Yenen Raşit Özkardeş Ahmet Erzurumluoğlu Ertuğrul Kayıhan İsrail Menaşe Raşit Özsaruhan Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Ertuğrul Soysal İzzet Akosman Refik Bezmen Fadıl Öziş Kasım Ener Reşat Aksan 8 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 9 benefactors under the roof of TEV. Together with the pride of being a big TEV family with our benefactors, volunteers, and administration, we always strive to give more. Our approach to management always relies on the principle of transparency. As an outcome of this understanding, the TEV Annual Activity Reports present information about ever-widening range of activities and their results to the general public. I would like to take this opportunity to honor all of our founders and benefactors who have departed, and express my respect and affection for all current and past members of the TEV family. RONA YIRCALI Chairman of the Board of Trustees Distinguished members of TEV, TEV is a non-governmental organization which maintains the vision to build a platform where people can develop and apply their knowledge for the benefit of the society. TEV was established by 205 generous individuals and corporations with the leadership of the deceased Vehbi Koç in 4 May 1967, under the name of “Turkish Education Facility”. In accordance with Article 3 of Law No.903, it was renamed “Turkish Education Foundation” in July 24 1967. TEV, throughout its life of 45 years, has aimed to be the light of education for the youth, with an approach that embraces every segment of the society. TEV has not been a foundation of any one conviction, district, corporation or family. The sense of confidence this has fostered has exceeded the borders of our country. TEV has been carrying out partner scholarship programs with various foreign countries. One of the most significant features of TEV, which will live on forever as a legacy from our founders to us and from us to the new generations, is to realize and immortalize desires and ideals of many 10 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 11 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Adnan İğnebekçili Mehmet Ali Berkman Ahmet Orhun Mehmet Ali Neyzi Ali İhsan Yalçın Prof. Dr. Memduh Yaşa Ali Kantur Dr. Mete Gerçek Ali Kibar Murat Kaynar A. Rona Yırcalı Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aysan Ateş Aykut Mustafa Erhan Say Prof. Dr. Av. Bahadır Erdem Prof. Dr. M. Şükrü Tekbaş Bahattin Öztuncay N. Mehmet Ürgüplü Bengü Mısırlıoğlu Namık Kemal Şentürk Bülent Pulak Nevza Demir Fansa Davut Ökütçü Osman Boyner Dilek Mutuş Ömer Dinçkök Prof. Dr. E. Güniz Büyüktür Ömer M. Koç Dr. Emre Aksan Prof. Dr. Rauf Versan Dr. Erkut Yücaoğlu Av. Selçuk Karaçay Eser Ceyhan Sezai Emin Taşkent Fahrettin Şevki Belgin Suat Boydaş Dr. Fazlı Ayverdi Şarık Tara Fırat Tekin Şinasi Ertan Av. Güler Berkin Temiz Üstün Gün Birsel Turgut Bozkurt Halil Doğan Bolak Prof. Dr. Yahya Laleli Dr. İmren Aykut Zekai Baloğlu Kaya Turgut Zeki Fincancıoğlu Kaya Şener Av. A. Zuhal D. Çakıroğlu Lebib Mısırlı 12 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 TEV FAALİYET RAPORU 2012 13 Our generous benefactors have been with us throughout this journey, helping us in our endeavor to support more and more students each year. Our venerable benefactors who were raised by this country have been donating TEV with confidence, feeling at peace that their grants reach new generations on an equitable basis.
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