F O tm T E E N flwulteatnr Etmtino C n ^ DANCE TO HUa Lucy Ladd, lllaa Hay Fer- TRBWEATRBR'' ' DANCE, New Year’s Eve rla and Mlaa Wolty Brown apeat Antacid Powder Pwceoat ol D. & Waotam baN aa PIED PIPER ORCHESTRA Sunday In Sayhrook aa the gueat of Hartford Save Fuel Old Fashion and Modem Mrs. Mary Wilcox, formerly of this For sour, add stomach. Re­ town, and her slater. Miss Ann L-ee- L. T. Wood G>. lief from Indigestion, belching, This Winter THURSDAY, JAN. 2 ODD FELLOWS HALL ter. nausea, gao, eto'. Results The J W .I I A U CORP. and eontinued cold tenlgirti 51 BisseD SL TeL 4496 guaranteed. Wedneedoy tnereoslng -■—" ---- School St. Reo. Admission 8Sc. Glastonbury MAMCHtSTER COHH* lEufttinct l^rralb and sUghtly warmer. Eastern' Star membera are re­ ARTHUR DRUG STORE Door Prize, Season Pass. Webster’s Orchestra. minded of the. meeting and Christ­ AGENT MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM Gates and Taylor, Prompters. mas party this evening In the Ma-; sonic Temple, postponed from TUESDAY SPECIALS VOL. LV-NO. 77. AdvertUag ec Page t$.| SETBACK TONIGHT Dancing from 9 to ?. Christmas night. They are also FOR MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1985. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI Admission 40c. requested to provide 10-cent gifts. Hotel Sheridnh Bnltrnom Officers will meet with Worthy Ma­ Group 9 of Center church women tron Mrs. Thornton In the small OPPERS In The Self Serve and Health $10.00, $7.00, $5.00, $3.00 workers, Mrs, Rollln Hitt, leader, lodge room at 7:30. For Quality Broadway Dons Ermine Robe To Greet-New Year Depending on number of tables win meet tonight at 7:30 at the Market ITALIANS SEE LONG 1 NEW YEAR’S EVE church, and follow the meeting with Playing starts at 8:15. a Christmas party. RANGE LINDBERGHS ARRIVE^ D ial 5321 a OKE Double Green Trading Stamps Given PROGRAMS HERE Install For OIL 7 V2C g a l . AFRICAN CAMPAIGN ABOUT TOWN Cash 519-75 All Day Tuesday! IN ENGLAND AFTE$p Free Delivery Price Dial 4129 FOR EVEY WHIM STORM St. Mary's Qlrla Friendly Society Toa Free Delivery On AH Orders For $1.00 And More. uill have its annual Christmas par* F a s^ Briiif Up Fresh ty tonlght.nt 7;30 In the parish CAMPBEU. LEADERS DISCUSS SASH house. Memher.i unable to attend WELDON Fine Quality Creameiy Charch Services, Chb and A STORMY JOURNEf Troops Aoticipatiiig Long f.S-> K' and are requested to send their gifts for DRUG CO. Service Station their "mystery friends" whose Iden­ Read The Herald Adrs. Ib. IMATION DRIVE Tavern Parties, Social tity will be made known tonight. BUTTER 36e Stay — Ethiopians Ghre • v*- ■ A ivS ! FEW CLUES FOUND Dash DoYfu Gansphak STORM Miss Lois Tracy, daughter of Mrs. Bbonklew, Sugar Cured, Smoked Jennie Tracy, Is visiting her cousin Gatherings Provide Ample Miss Marie Jepson of Elizabeth, N. Guaranteed Up GoeriHa Warfare. Soldiers* Bonos and Farm Cab and Whisked ATvay l i DOORS J. Ib. 21e Opportunity to Celebrate. INPRIGNANOCASE By ASSOCIATED PRESS Refinance Bill Call for Hotel — Reporters N |t BAHERIES ll'A-Ounoe Jar StuSed I SAVE YOU Year End Specials ^ Hale’s The old year will go out to the TODAY’S WINNER Does your starter turn crack of Hfle Are In East Africa to­ five Billion Eipansion. Ample opportunity will be pro­ Suspect Refuses to Talk to Given Chance to Speak to | Reg. No. 7875 over quickly in the morning? o l iv e s day. vided Manchester people to cele­ MONEY Our batteries are guaran­ brate New Year's In the manner of Tou will save la fuel alone thelt Reg. No. B-T 529 Relnforceraente moved up for their choice with churches, clubs, Sleuths About Murder of Them—Police Escort teed for your protection, but Shop Here On The Last Day Of The Armour’s Star support of the Italian northern Washingrton, , Dec. 31.—(AP) — cost to say notbing of the In­ 5 Gallons of Franklin that is not enough. They Democratic Iead.:rs were laying taverns planning social gatherings creased comfort of your home army In anticipation of a long for this evening and untr the early Illinois State Senator. ^hl« winter. Gas FREE! contain plenty of pure lead Ib. drawn-out campaign In Ethiopia as plana today for an rttsm pt to cope Liverpool, Deo. 31.—The fei.yifff Year For These Values And Make HAM 29c Blackshirt Italy prepared for the >bV hours of Wednesday. Special Watch Prices are reasonable! For In­ to insure instant starting, with two drives for a $5,000,000,000 Night services nill be conducted In A. Lindberghs, declared by msmbe^ Every Day A Winner At most sober New Year celebration the majority of the local churches stance 2-llght Storm Sash l-Pound Z-Onnoe Ja r CertlSed since the dark days of the World expansion In the Nation’s money In Chicago, Dec. 31—(AP) — BlOfik of the crew of their ship to have the coming session of Congress. from 9 o'clock on, with service of a- 4" X 4- 3V4 FRANKLIN NORTON Extra Savings W ith Double War. song, entertainment and final New walls of silence such os usually con­ the United States to avoid the ek- 3 - 6" X 4’ 7Hi” 2.00 GAS STATION ELECTRICAL 17c The nation of the geographical Another battle over monetary ex­ Year's greetings as the nation fronted the police in the Chicago ecutlon of Bruno Richard Hai Storm Door with 1 light of glass MINCE MEAT boot awaited calmly the turn of the pansion threatens in connection marks the advent of the New Year. gang slayings of prohibition days Comer of Center and Adamt Green Trading Stamps. with the campaign to pay the $2, mann, landed here today after r 8” X 6’ 9” ...........................$4.60 y Streetn in s t r u m e n t CO. twelfth-month In the knowledge Army and Navy Club hampered their efforts today to rough tranaAtlonUe trip and. w Hilliard Street Phone 4060 Large Bottle Bacon Golden that heightened strife and Increased 000,000,000 soldiers’ bonus Imme­ One of tbe largest parties of the .^ en there's a combination screen bloodshed at the front probably diately. Although Representative evening will be held In the Army trace the killer trio who shot down into immediate eeclusion In a ^ d storm door at $6J10 for the “ kaleidoscope of color os theater business booms, again lived up State Rep. Albert J. Prignano Sun­ ■ulte In the heart of UverpooL One Group of would be the keymote of 1936, Patman (D., Tex.), author of the and Navy club where the second day night In the old “Bloody Twen­ T 8" X 6’ 9" size that's very popu­ The Perfect Inner-belt Support 2 bottles sounded yesterday by Premier Mus­ bill to pay with new currency, said “The Great White Way", when the first heavy snowstorm of the annual Now V car’s Eve frolic will They dashed down the GINGER ALE 19e '*’hlch the glowing lights shone like a grande dame's Jewela. tieth" ward. of the steamer American lar. solini when he explained the tardi­ he would compromise on the meth­ be held. Music for the Army and Angelo Laxxia, an automobile Women’s Case of one dozei} (contents only)—$1.05. ness of advances into Ethiopia. od of payment If necessary, other That 8 Broadway at left, looking north from 46th Street acroea Longacre Square. Navy club party will be provided by which carried ho other -XiSt us help 3mu get ready for salesman from whom Police Capt. and, escorted by a carload of Soldiers were given special ra­ expansionists, notably Senator the Manchester Merrymakers. John Norton sought to Isotn about ■fcold weather. There's plenty ol Gra-Bock Pale Dry Manchester Country Club mem­ tives, drove directly to the It coming! tions, an extra quantity of wine and momaa (D„ OkU.), made plain the owneirship of a car abandonad hotel. D a r k P r i n t a email ration of cognac, but the they would fight an effort to finance bers and frienda will hold forth at by. the klllers, refused to talk. New Tear’ celebrations were kept the huge outlay through the ortho­ the Country Club where a floor Police quoted Daniel Mulcahy, There, the famous filer, his GINGER ALE 59« within narrow limits. This last day dox issuance of bonds. SITUATION IN EUROPE AL SMITH PUZZLE Bhow will be provided for the enter­ Laxsia’s employer, os aaylng his and their three-year-old son, tainment of fne gueaU. Music will agency purchased the car July 2$ pasted swiftly through ths Special t 12-ounoe bottle—contenta only. of the old year found Italian troops Worrying the leaders is another bo by the Knights of Rhythm. without registering and want omerglng from a month at the moat measure —the Fraxier-Lemke bill Campbell Council, Knights of Co­ from one Joe Monica and sold It Regular $7.50 Value At the Dresses to refinance farm indebtedness FOR Sept. 18 to a Sam Lapicoia, Lazala ly to their rooms. Utter lighting in the three months POUnCIANS lumbus, will hold a big New Year's Sunbeam Cocktail of hostilities between the two na­ through currency Inflation up to BIGGEST PROBLEM OF ’36 handling both deals. Even the numbera of Special Sale Price o f ............. Sizes 14 to 42 Tty and dance at the Rainbow At a rooming house where rooms were kept secret tions.
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