uufokhu sun TOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE VOL. XXTX, NO. 4 * SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1967 Th is is new Navy recruiting team slates visit Officers from the U. ft. Navy Some students lack $ $ Recruiting Station, Los Angeles, and the U. S. Naval Ail' Station,- I tick of funds. in the major Glenn 8, Dmnke, chancellor o f regard to race, religion or na­ Los Alumitos, Calif., will he here ' reason given b.v more then ono- the State-Coleges, ixiteiated the tional origin. luilf of students Vhc> are eligible Hoard’s policy it has held sin e T he Trustees, following leng­ Oct, 2-4. hut {1° not attend the Stulo Cot-, the Board’s founding -that nil thy debate, agreed- to place the They w ill counsel students eon- leges, the tirst-phase report of program's and housing related to issue of collective bargaining on ceimlhg the various officer p o- an extensive student,demogra­ the State Colleges must he made the October agenda as un action phic' study Ims revealed. m ailuble to all students without item grams in the Navy. A t the pre­ 1 in profile, it discloses, the sent time, commission* are avail­ typical State College student able in the fields o f general line, comes from a middle-class, mid­ aviation, engineering, Supply dle-income environment, lives Corps, Medical Corps,'and other away from home during his col­ Ketchum praises lege career hut does not reside specialties. The team will also on campus. jcounael women students inter­ The report, pri pared by the ested iu the WAVES und Nurse StaU’ College staff and present­ campus C. C.R. Corps, The O fficer Quulificu* ed to the Hoard of Trustees at Oon Tost willI be administered on its two-day meeting in Los An­ • Without the help o f college said In prills* of college Kcpuh- campus. geles September 20-21, found precinct workers, said Assembly, ll aas h ir e for their wo''k in last th'at low-income parents expect man William M.~ Ketchum, (K- November's election. The C.C.U. For most programs, application to pay more of the educational I’euo Robles) qt the opening led all other counties In the state can be made at aiiy time uftcr meeting o f the California College in the per cent of increase in Re- , costs of. their children than do completion of three- fourths of middle-income families. Republicans last week, he might publican registrants. the requirements for a hacea- The report, “ A First Partial nev r have won the election lest Ketchum also praised the club’s year, lHiiryntc degree. Processing of Peport on Student Demographic .Republican Victory Squad in f’h iraeltt 1 >tle* and Flnanc ...l Assemblyman Ketchum, o f the helping to score an upset victory application takes approximately Aid." rnpres Ills initial analysis ” ' th Assembly District, was the for gubernatorial email,lute Ron­ three mouths, Those selected of returns from a 10 tier cent first o f many speakers the U.U.R, ald Reagan in this predominantly ordered, ir.ndom sflmpdittB of 17,000 will sponsor this year, 'the rlub Democratic district. DCS class of State Colleire s'.Herats. The filial is locking fprwurd to. hcurlng l.t. The t’d'.lt. provides students is no obligation incurred upon r-|iort Is expected to he eomplct- Coiv. Robert Finch this month. with an opportunity to "become application. ed in December. "Look fer these people to go letter acquainted with the Repub. Student* interested in inure in­ Among State College students, places, for they are the^ones who liean Party and its candidates. formation prior to the visit may it suy t. the higher the par anal will l>c running the political rum- Interested students me Invited contact the College Placement ‘in'-onic level, I he more likely the Phigns o f the future,” Ketchum to uttend club me, tings. Office. student is to borrow money to help finance his education. X' hidarshlps and grants more often g<> to students front fam.- - lies w ith—hdgtlFV incomes, and Senators challenge swine unit move; tin - fanrlles do not meet col­ lege costs completely out of poc­ IIKY THERE “GEORGY GIRL" . The Seekers will be onoil stage Frida? i f i p.a. la the Mea’e ket as was commonly believed Gym. Tickets are now on aale at the Associated Students office Following reports of charges approve new system Ilf racial discrimination in hous­ ing, athletics .and social groups Four Senators from the State wives and families, are invited, point that hII of California pro­ ‘Seekers in concert* at San Jos* State College, Dr. Senate Fact Finding Committee location on a liO-uore site north duces only a half million hogs a on Agriculture visited here ear­ of the present location was $475,- year and questioned the need ly last week and approved a new 000. The amount ulloted by the for all animal husbandry students bulk feeding system at the dairy state is only 1200,000. to tuke courses in hog produc­ unit costing *8,1*74, slid improve­ Sen. Howard Way (R-Exeter* tion, something which many of Vcfs organization ment* at the horse unit costing asked thv college staff to prepare Foik*rock them “ w ill never use.” group to sing *10,Hl)0. new studies determining if the Dr. Russel Anderson, swine offers membership Harmon Toone explained the- move could be made with the The Seekers, e group of folk- •2A0 foe eeesreed bleachers, end unit Instructor, said about 500 dairy project and instructor Hill money available. rock singers from Australia, will 12.76 for reserved chairs. their supper. students get at least some ex­ Chi.Gamma Iota, the newly fo r­ (iibford explained the. improve- Sen. Murlur spoke out against appear in concert in the Men’s Thv group has had a number of However, their rise to fame perience with the swine unit as med campus veterans organisa­ ments for the horse unit to the the planned move. He raised the Gym on Friday, Oct. 0. This will smash recording hits, including came quickly. Lost year they part of their well-mumleed tion, will hold-its -second meeting legislator.-. be the fftst event of the school the million sellers, “Georgy Girl”, presented a concert In Myer training in animal husbandry. t tonljfllt at 7:.’10 in the Science The swine unit wus not so year sponsored by the College •Til Never Find Another You", Music Bowl In Melbourne with • K-27. The featured speaker will lucky: The senators decided Two other senators on the Union committee. and “The Carnival I* Over.” world record 110,000 In atten­ he William E. Murphy, the vet­ against approving relocation un-' tour were W illiam E. Coombs Tickets are now on sale et the Their recording of “A World dance. erans, service officer for Saa Luis til cost problems have been 1968 Poly Royal (K-Rialto) and James (j. Wed- Associated Student office on of Our Own” reached th* No. 1 Judith Durham, 21.J* npw lead Ohispn (Tmrity. ironed out. worth (D-Hawthurne),. campus, Brown’s Music Store, spot on the record charts and for singer for The Seekers. Before Mr. Murphy will speak on, The relocation wus to take board selected Iarson’a Village Squire and Og­ nine months was among the top joining th* group eh* sang tradi­ veterans educational assistance, place to make way for a new Jack Knobloch of San Luis den Stationers. 20 long-play albums. ' tional jati and studied piano. loan guarantee benefits, Civil entrance road. "W hy not curve Obispo has been elected general Student tickets are $1.75 for “Morningtown Ride” ie s.till an­ Athol Guy, pianist and bass Service.preference, medical care, the road around the unit?" asked superintendent of the 1007-08 Coeds retain their general admission, 12.00 for re­ other of their smash hits. player, and Bruce Woodley, gui­ job counseling, employment Sen Fred W. Mailar (41-Red­ Poly Royal. served bleachers and 12.26 for re­ The group has been singing tarist, ere both former advertis­ placement, compensation or dis­ ding I. Other board members elected together since- 1B04. At that time, ing executives. Keith Potger, ability, and pensions. The initial estimats of the re- are as follows:' Ed Wentxel, first 'buyers market' served chairs. the only booking they could count who plays the guitar, banjo, and 4’luh membership in available assistant; Ron Hathaway, second Girls at Cnl Poly are still very Tickets for th* general public on was once a week at a small mendiolin was previously a top to ax-Gt.’s who, after serving assistant; Barbara Nist, secre­ much enjoying u “buyers’ mar­ are 12.26 general admission, coffee shop . in Melbourne, Melbourne radio producer. their country,' are now seeking tary; Steve Henson, treasurer; ket" when it conies to getting u an education. Annual picnic set Nell Bowen, director of agricul­ date for Saturday night. The first meeting o f the club ture; Gail Robbins, director of Their number has increased was held Sept. 2d. Mrs. L.vnett The yearly Foreign Student Applied Art*. slnre last year. Rut the number Individualists a / / Otto spoke to the members orv Hippie will hi' held Friday ut Diana Hlake, director o f ap­ of potential escorts—the male the G.I. Hill and veterans’ rights. 12:30-p.m. in Poly Grove plied Sciences; Bob Treat, direc­ students— has gone up, too. Forty-two members were pre­ Food will he furnished by tht* tor o f English; Dick Johns, di­ Iattest figure* released by the sent at this first meeting.
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