RECENT PUBLICATIONS FROM THE ICAZ NEWSLETTER, 2001-2006 This list contains all 950+ references that have appeared in the “Recent Publications” section of the spring issues of the ICAZ Newsletter, beginning with Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring 2001) and continuing through Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring 2006). The following references (all 87 pages worth) are organized alphabetically by the last name of the primary author; there is no suborder within this list by coauthor(s) or publication date. To search this file using Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to “View” on the top tool bar then select the “Find” option (Note: Crtl + F also opens the Find option). ALBARELLA, U. (ed.) (2001). Environmental Archaeology: Meaning and Purpose. Amsterdam: Kluwer. ALBARELLA, U. (2002). Size matters: how and why biometry is still important in zooarchaeology. In Bones and the Man: Studies in Honour of Don Brothwell, K. Dobney and T. O’Connor (eds.), pp.51-62. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ALBARELLA, U. (2003). Animal bone. In “Excavations at Great Holts Farm, Boreham, Essex, 1992-1994”, M. Germany (ed.). East Anglian Archaeology 105:193-200. ALBARELLA, U. (2003). Tanners, tawyers, horn working and the mystery of the missing goat. In The Environmental Archaeology of Industry, P. Murphy and P.Wiltshire (eds.), pp.71-86. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ALBARELLA, U. (2004). Mammal and bird bones. In “Excavations at Mill Lane, Thetford, 1995,” H. Wallis (ed.). East Anglian Archaeology 108:88-99. ALBARELLA, U., and S. PAYNE (2005). Neolithic pigs from Durrington Walls, Wiltshire, England: A biometrical database. Journal of Archaeological Science 32(4):589-599. ALBARELLA, U. and D. SERJEANTSON (2002). A Passion for Pork: Butchery and Cooking at the British Neolithic Site of Durrington Walls. In Consuming Passions and Patterns of Consumption, edited by P. Miracle and N. Milner, pp 33-49. Cambridge: MacDonald Institute. ALBARELLA, U. and R. THOMAS (2002). They dined on crane: bird consumption, wild fowling and status in medieval England. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 45:23-38(special issue). ALBERTINI, D., and A. TAGLIACOZZO (2004). Fresh water fishing in Italy during the Late Glacial period: The example of Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). In Petits Animaux et Sociétiés Humaines, du Complément Alimentaire aux Resources Utilitaires, J.-P. Brugal and J. Desse (eds.), pp. 131-136. ADPCA, Antibes. ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Bone Residues of Domestic and Wild Animals of Excavation 1 of Roundabout City Medieval Turov. VINITI databank 26.05.98, 1599-B98. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Finding of the Remains of Wild Bull (Bos primigenius Bojanus,1827) in Belarus. News of the Byelorussian State Pedagogical University named by M Tank 1:117-121. [in Byelorussian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Geographical Features of the Composition and Structure of Medieval Hunting Theriocomplexes at the Territory of Belarus. Proceedings of the Conference “Problems of Landscape Ecology of Animals and Preservation of Biodiversity”, pp. 21-23. Minsk. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Osteological Rating of the Geographical and Chronological Variability of the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus,1758) from Medieval Belarus. Series of Biological Science, News of National Academy of Science of Belarus 4:64-69. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Bone Remains of Bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) in Medieval Byelorussian Cities. Proceedings of the 8th Belarus’ Zoological Conference “Structural and Functional Status of the Fauna Biodiversity of Belarus”, pp. 27-28. Minsk. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. Osteological Counting of Geographical and Chronological Variety of Hunting Mammals of Belarus in the Middle Ages. Minsk: Institute of Zoology NAS of Belarus. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Hunting Theriofauna from Excavation of the Medieval Turov. Proceedings of the Conference “Biodiversity of Pripjatskij’ National Park and Other Protected Territories”, pp. 229-231. Turov. [in Russian] ALEKSANDROVICH, N. P. (1999). Bison (Bison bonasus bonasus Linnaeus,1758) in the Hunting Production of the Population of Medieval Byelorussian Cities (X-XVII Century). Proceedings of the Conference “Bialowieza Primeval Forest on a Boundary Third Millennium”, pp. 46-48. Minsk- Kamenuki. [in Russian] ALIFAKIOTIS, T. and T.G. ANTIKAS (2001). The Indigenous Horses of Greece. Thessaloniki: Aristotelian University. ALIZADEH, A., N. KOUCHOUKOS, T.J. WILKINSON, A.M. BAUER, and M. MASHKOUR (2004). Human-environment interactions on the upper Khuzestan Plains, southwest Iran. Recent Investigations. Paléorient 30(1):69-88. ALLEN, MELINDA S. (2004). Bet-hedging strategies in unpredictable environments: Historical development of dryland agriculture in Kona, Hawai‘i. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 23:196-224. 2 ALLEN, M.S.,and L.A. NAGAOKA (2004). In the footsteps of von Haast... the discoveries something grand: The emergence of zooarchaeology in New Zealand. In Change Through Time: 50 Years of New Zealand Archaeology, S. Holdaway and L. Furey (eds.), pp. 193-214. Monograph 26, New Zealand Archaeological Association. ALTUNA, J. and K. MARIEZKURRENA (2001). Restos de macromamíferos del yacimiento de Zatoya (Navarra). Trabajos de Arqueología Navarra 15. ALTUNA, J., K. MARIEZKURRENA, and M. ELORZA (2002). Arqeozoología de los niveles paleolíticos de la cueva de Abauntz (Arraiz, Navarra). Salduvie 2:1-26. Zaragoza. ALTUNA, Jesús and Koro MARIEZKURRENA (2000). Macromam-íferos del Yacimiento de Labeko Koba (Arrasate, País Vasco). In Labeko Koba (País Vasco) : Hienas y Humanos en los Albores del Paleolítico Superior, edited by A. Arrizabalaga and J. Altuna, pp. 107-181. Munibe 52 (Anthropologia-Arkeologia). San Sebastian: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Zientzi Elkartea. ALTUNA, J. (2002). Los animales representados en el arte rupestre de la Península Ibérica: frecuencias de los mismos. Munibe (Antro-pología-Arkeologia) 54:21-33. San Sebastián. ALTUNA, J. (2002). Las cuevas de Aitzbitarte: historia de las investigaciones. Aranzadiana 122:113-115. San Sebastián ALTUNA, J., L. DEL BARRIO, and K. MARIEZKURRENA (2002). Gipuzkoa: carta arqueológica, megalitos, anexo I, nuevos descu-brimientos 1990-2001. Munibe (Antropologia- Arkeologia) Suplemento 15. San Sebastián ALTUNA, J. and K. MARIEZKURRENA (2001). La cabaZa ganadera del yacimiento de La Renke (Alava, País Vasco). Munibe (Antro-pologia-Arkeologia) 53:75-86. San Sebastian. AMOROSI, T. (2003). Analysis of the zooarchaeological materials from the Claudia George Family, LLP, Beekman, Dutchess County, New York. Report submitted to Joe Diamond, Arch. Consulting, Hurley, NY. AMOROSI, T. (2001). A Preliminary Report of the Abraham Hasbrouck and Freer Houses: archaeofauna from the Huguenot Street Historic District, New Paltz, NY. Report submitted to Joe Diamond, Arch. Consulting, Hurley, NY. AMOROSI, T. (2001). The analysis of the Annandale-on-Hudson, Montgomery Place historic Hudson Valley site archaeofauna from New York State. Report submitted to Joe Diamond, Archaeological Consulting, Hurley, New York. AMOROSI, T. (2001). An analysis of a selective sample of zooarchaeological materials from the Mulford House, East Hampton, New York. Report submitted to Jo-Ann McLean, Archaeological 3 Consultant, Lynbrook, New York. AMOROSI, T. (2001). The screened and flotation samples from the Marbletown Rockshelter, New York. Report submitted to Joe Diamond, Archaeological Consulting, Hurley, New York. AMOROSI, T. (2003). Zooarchaeological methodology for the Glenwood Landing shell midden archaeofauna, Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York. Report submitted to Eugene Boesch, Arch. Consultant, Mahopac, NY. AMOROSI, THOMAS (2003). An analysis of the vertebrate remains from the Corwin House, Long Island, New York. Report submitted to Tracker Archaeological Services, Monroe, NY. AMOROSI, T. (2004). A preliminary report on the Matthewis Persen House archaeofauna, Kingston, NY. Report submitted to Joe Diamond, Archaeological Consulting, Hurley, New York. ANDERSON, Atholl and Foss LEACH, eds. (2001). Special Issue: Zooarchaeology of Oceanic Coasts and Islands: Papers from the 8th International Congress of the International Council of Archaeozoology, August, 23-29, 1998, Victoria, B.C., Canada. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 11(1-2). ANDERUNG, C., A. BOUWMAN, P. PERSSON, J.M. CARRETERO, A.I. ORTEGA, R. ELBURG, C. SMITH, J.L. ARSUAGA, H. ELLEGREN, and A. GÖTHERSTRÖM (2005). Prehistoric contacts over the Straits of Gibraltar indicated by genetic analysis of Iberian Bronze Age cattle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102(24):8431-8435. ANDRUS, C.F.T. and D.E. CROWE (2002). Alteration of otolith aragonite: effects of prehistoric cooking methods on otolith chemistry. Journal of Archaeological Science 29(5):291-300. ANDRUS, C.F.T., D.E. CROWE, D.H. SANDWEISS, E.J. REITZ, and C.S. ROMANEK (2002). Otolith 18O record of Mid-Holocene sea surface temperatures in Peru. Science 295:1508-1511. ANDRUS, C.F.T., D.E. CROWE, D.H. SAND-WEISS, E.J. REITZ, and C.S. ROMANEK (2003). Response to comments on “Otolith 18O record of Mid-Holocene sea surface temperatures in Peru”. Science 299:203b. [online version] ANGELUCCI, D.E., M. ALESSIO, G. BARTOLOMEI, P.F. CASSOLI, S. IMPROTA, A. MASPERO, and A. TAGLIACOZZO (2002). The Frea IV rockshelter, (Selva di Val Gardena, BZ). Preistoria Alpina 34(1998):99-109. ANGELUCCI, D.E., M. ALESSIO, G. BARTOLOMEI, P.F. CASSOLI, S. IMPROTA, A. MASPERO, and A. TAGLIACOZZO (2002). Il Riparo Frea IV, (Selva di Val Gardena, BZ). Atti della XXXIII Riunione Scientifica
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