MARCH 1991 £1.80 TEFuision SERVICINGPROJECTSVIDEODEVELOPMENTS FREE PVC INSULATING TAPE Servicing the Panasonic U5 Chassis Hall -effect VCR MotorsDX-TV Ferguson TipsMicrowave Notebook A Serviceman Looks at VCR PSUs VCR ClinicTV Fault Finding 03 9 770 32647023 PARTS PROBLEM? COPS CATCHES For Sharp THE PARTS Sansui THE OTHERS Phone David Allen CANNOT REACH 0734-876444 AT PRICES THE OTHERS CANNOT MATCH Grundig VIEWDATA Phone Stan Perkins PRESTEL PHILIPS 0734-876444 MOVIES Willow Vale COPS 14in SCREEN FULL KEYBOARD BUILT IN MODEM Philips/Pye PRINTER PORT Whirlpool RS232 PORT RECONDITIONED Phone Frank Pratt FLOPPY DISC PORT TERMINAL 0734-876444 TAPE RECORDER PLAYPORT £238 SECURITY KEY + VAT SWITCH BRITISH MADE INTEREST FREE CREDIT Ferguson BSI APPROVED SUBJECT TO °0APR GEC BT APPROVED This business terminal is a unique concept, it exploits Fidelity the latest technology within a television receiver. A microprocessor is used to guide you through a wide Phone Philip Pratt choice of features simply and quickly. Options are presented on the screen in the form of menus which invite you to select Teletext, Prestel or any 0734-876444 computerised order processing facility for which you have access to, i.e. Willow Vale COPS, Philips MOVIES, Sharp VIEWDATA, National Panasonic, Amstrad, Akai, Fisher, Hitachi, etc. Mitsubishi, Moulinex, Goldstar The system is open ended in that future facilities can be catered for in the programming of the micro- JVC, Nat Panasonic, Pioneer, processor, such as cable TV, video disc and in house Matsui, Saisho, Samsung, data systems. Salora, Sanyo, Sony, Toshiba, A typewriter style keyboard is supplied and allows you full composition and editing facilities in LOCAL Yamaha and many others. EDIT mode and pages of text can be transferred from the internal memory to cassette tape, to a printer, or Phone Mike Curtis downline at will. Clock display and timer, time out, stand by mode, security key with locking key, 0602-870789 telephone number memory bank are all standard. ACCESS24 HOURS ADAY -7 DAYS A WEEK iTE The Parts Distributor NO PROBLEM who says YES C-7 fl 1:1110 March Vol. 41, No. 5 1991 Issue 485 On sale February 20th 404"6114...-;6,..., er.srirriv S.NrWCte.:10101riCEIMISCOLISAAPXYle COPYRIGHT IPC Magazines Limited, 1991. Copyright this month inall drawings, photographs and articles published inTelevisionisfully protected 329Leader and reproduction or imitation in whole or in part is expressly forbidden. All reasonable 330Service Briefs - Ferguson precautionsaretakenbyTelevisionto Tips and modifications for TV/VCR products collated ensure that the advice and data given to from Ferguson Feedback. readers are reliable. We cannot however guaranteeit and we cannot accept legal 332Letters responsibility for it. Prices are those current Servicing the Panasonic U5 Chassis Nick Beer as we go to press. 336 Basically a very reliable chassis, but there are several things worth knowing about. Complete with faults list. CORRESPONDENCE 338Teletopics All correspondence regarding News, comment and developments. advertisements should be addressed to the Advertisement Manager, "Television", 340 VCR Clinic King'sReach Tower,StamfordStreet, Reports from Philip Blundell, AMIEIE, Eugene Trundle, London SE1 9LS. Editorial correspondence Alfred Damp, Steve Cannon, John Coombes, Nick Beer should be addressed to "Television", IPC and Donald Bullock. Magazines Ltd., King's Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS. 342Long-distance Television Roger Bunney DX conditions and reception and news from abroad. Joe Cieszynski INDEXES AND BINDERS 344 The Hall -effect Motor While more complex than other types of VCR motor the Indexes to Vols. 36, 37 and 38 are available Hall -effect type has several significant advantages. Its at £1 each from the Editorial Office (address principles, drive circuitry and fault-finding procedures. above). Bindersthatholdtwelveissuesof 348Subscription Offer Televisionareavailablefor£4.50 from Television Binders, 78 Whalley Road, 351 Microwave Notebook John Coombes Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9LF. Make Some recent microwave oven innovations and notes on cheques out to "Television Binders". servicing. 352Test Cast 339 SUBSCRIPTIONS 353 CD Player Casebook An annual subscription costs £21.60 in the Reports from Mike Leach, Nick Beer and Philip Blundell, UK, £25.50 overseas (by surface mail - ask AMIEIE. for airmail quote if required). Send orders withpayment to Quadrant Subscription 354 A Serviceman Looks at VCR PSUs Jeff Herbert Services Ltd., Oakfield House, Perrymount A look at current VCR power supply designs from the Road, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH16 3DH. servicing angle. 355Book Review BACK NUMBERS Subject toavailability,copiesofissues 355Next Month in Television published during the last 12 months are 358Steve's Camcorner Steve Beeching, T. Eng. availableat £1.80 each from Television, Leads and connectors and some of the problems that can John Denton Services, Unit 13, Thornham arise. Grove, Stratford, London E15 1DN. Please make cheques/postal orders payable to IPC 360Fifty Years in Radio and TV, Part 3 Harold Peters Magazines Ltd. The period when TV took off, with the Coronation, and the UK became a nation of viewers. QUERIES 362 TV Fault Finding We regret that we cannot answer technical Reports from Philip Blundell, AMIEIE, Eugene Trundle, queriesover the telephonenor supply Nick Beer, Mick Dutton, Steve Cannon, Ed Rowland, J.K. service sheets. We will endeavour to assist Potts and K.W. Saxon. readers who havequeriesrelatingto 364 What a Life Donald Bullock articlespublishedinTelevision,but we Cars and traffic wardens add to life's problems. cannot offer advice on modifications to our published designs nor comment on alterna- OUR NEXT ISSUE DATED APRIL WILL tive ways of using them. BE PUBLISHED ON MARCH 20 .110.6C1. 70:.....0.3.0107.0:1100111%..111*6:VW nor ir TELEVISION MARCH 1991 317 AA119 9p 80244 50p BFW92 35p 020108 lOOp 00p AN -7178 LA -1130 240p M-51514 160p STK4021425p TA -7207 150p TDA-1624 380p 79GU1C 2150 A11532 9P 130245 500 BFX29 20p ,.,,., ,., 25.5321 84 AY3-1015 11110p M-51515012 STK-40256009 TA -7208 145p TDA-1541 1600p AC107 54 EIFX134 20p Glilm." 2399A-115015-1185 160p 141-51516 260p STK-4026600p TA -7210 2009 40P 602465 72p'9 AY3-12706009 TDA-1670A 304 AC125 25P 613265 20p 220%083881 21rp VALVES AY3-1350 78p M-51518 2009 STK4028 620p TA -7214 260p ;78(1876 LA-1210 TA -7217 TDA-1701 3209 AC126 259 8D267 L5 9 52p 2p 20.5448 129 0AF96 614 513-8910 300p 14°P MB -36152405 STK-4036 500p 145p AC127 219 ...,---v BFX88 72p SOpp STK-40386800 TA -7220 1041770A 304 8D269 17 58: T2900.77899DM 50p AY36612490PA-1222 800 224 . v0. 14 225.610758498 A-123) TA -7222 I 20p AC128 p 00,70 BFX89 609 T1929 DDFL9892 60p .1359,. MB -3712 140p 510-10641000p IDA-1870A 300p BPY17 11929A 22p 20.6109 STK-4046 1 100p TA -7223 210p 501280 60311 ...-_vw 30p 409 DY86 50p L..= M8-3713 130p IDA-1872A 464 2,LP ' wv BP/18 25.6254 BA-311 P u-1365 010-4049 1 2800 TA -7225 300p AC1411( 80312 409TIP29C 250 1 109 DY87 609 MB -3714 270p TDA-1904 1209 307:7 1 n95P 8E150 14p r1P30 2N.6292 BA333.pLA368A3 1209 STK4060 5809 TA -7226 290p AC1420 130313 26p 40P D1802 76p MB -3715 2514 ,..4_v BFY51 14p 719300 25.6384 STK-4101 650p TA -7227 1909 TDA-1906A 90p AC176 BD314 34 1209 EABC80 613p v.wv....... MB -3722 2900 tt! 1. ElK552 140 25.6385 BA -34 10P LA -1385 STK41116509 TA -7229 300p 501760 ,`,00 80315 119315 24p 1209 E091 44p wv MB -3730 2009 113A-1940 284 ;",_5°P BFY56 34 2N6403 8A -5O1 60p LA -1460 5764112 9600 TA -7230 1 70p AC187 ''P 80316 250 119310 1609 EBF80 459 ....v.' 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