Mmyhvrst OoiUg« i £Vte, Pennsylvania • •ANNUAL CARD PARTIY fil » MAY rH • • asnion Sh ow Highlight s nng vent • The annual card party and tea ti model their own fine selection sponsored by the Senior class of suits, dresses,fand coats. with the cooperation of 4he! en­ II tire student body will be held A Table A Girl" this year on Saturday, May 4. The Seniors are asking that Plans arc already being forum- each girl pledge to sell at least lated to make this one of the oneftable. With such coopora- greatest events of the spring tlon this event must be success­ season, ful. | I Miss .Joanne Videtto has been The proceeds of this function w H named general chairman of the ^' * - added to the college affair, and Miss Helen Martin gate fund, which the Seniors will act as her Co-chairman aim^to complete. Committee chairmen include the Open House Misses Teresa Lennorrand Ma- Saturday, May 4, will'be open ry E. Dobosiewiw, tickets; and house at Mercyhurst. Resident Ruth E. Sullivan, publicity. students are welcome to have A fashion show, under the di- guests from out of town for tht Se i 8 re found in rection'of the Home Economics week end. The college will also . u ^ ?f w the South Parlor Marmakiny Eg plana for the card nnr.v „n,i *«« fc&ML^SSSK Ld £Jr i - ff-^ iV^i^ ttis Department, will highlight the be hostess to all residents of vraeuo, Kuth E. Sullivan, and Teresa Unnon, chairmen of the various committees. afternoon. College girls will Erie and near-by points. rcL\af Volume XVI, No. 5 Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. March 20. 1949 ftnfenf CovnoY Sponsors Library Day RECEPTION HELD IN HONOR I On Monday morning, March 25, an old college tradition the Jml library campaign—will once again be brought to*life.?The OF BISHOP GANNON | INose i8 a bigger and better library which will aid the students Thursday, March 21, 1946, Bishop's Day will on-e more be observed at Mercyhurst. The activities F their daily work as well as with term papers and special as- will open in the early afternoon with formal reception of the student body in the foyer. According f *merits. The plan was organized and is being sponsored by the to the 'respective classes, each Mercyhurst daughter is introduced to the Bishop. Full academic attire efl [ t Council. The students are asked to give either books or is worn. A musical program will be^ rendered by the College Glee Club, under the able direction of a tions for books, each of which will be inscribed on the flyleaf Giovanna Klopp. K| I "e name or names of the students who gave the book, thus The entire congregation will then proceed to ths Chapel of Christ the King, where Bishop Gannon **** it a personal contribution to the school. will officiate at Benediction^In the chapel, his Excellency will address the student body. Joanne Videtto has 'ha *e of ^e campaign. Assist- close with the college Alma The day's ceremonies will bejbrought to a close with dinner in the State; Dining Room. Bishop Pal aie the Misses Helen Mater. Gannon and his Reverend assistants will be thejguests of honor. Among the dinner guests, also, will i,,.lan> J°an Wadlinger and To make this campaign a huge be the members of the Senior Class. L, lan } Writer. success the Student Council asks Bishop's Day is a tradition with I he program will open with the support of the entire stu US. In fact, it is one of the most school songs, followed by a dent body. Give willingly and °« "Great Books*' by Sr. M. generously to this noble cause. memorable and most dignified of 'hili ixie omes toLif e pPa, head of£ the English B. A. all our traditions. This is the 'tj Wment. Miss Helen Mar- April 8, the Junior Class will wind up its Courtesy Campaign day the jRight Reverend John El' P!esident of Student Coun- by sponsoring its traditional Courtesy Campaign Assembly. For Mark Gannon honors us with Mn Ck formally present the Recitall Date Set their program theyyhave chosen "Nixie" around which to build the annual visit to the "School M Lig0Uri Lib Pan V'' ' ' ' A piano recital will be pre­ their ideas. on the Hill." It it the day we I l# ^e program will also sented ^March 31 in the audi­ honor him not only as the Dish* torium of the college by the pu­ Everyone, by this time, is familiar with Nixie and his sayings op of Erie, and an admirable pils of Mother M. Maureen. which are posted on hi own special bulletin board in the college militant Catholic, but also as The arrangement of the pro­ ents Attend I. C. G. hall But, who is Nixie? He is the most important character in Chancellor- of our Alma Mater. gram is not complete at pres­ the Courtesy Campaign, and every Mercyhurs. girl's conscience ent.* However, it is known thai pJt: is the day 9\ory collegian, fofm tk°del Con^re8S is the telling her the right thing to do at the right time, in class, in e In ihe pianists will play the fol­ from the most nervous Frosh ence tercollegiate Confer- recreation hours, and off-cam pus. He is the reminder to every giri| Governm lowing selections: Rachmani­ to the moHt poised Senior, has h ifi?fl ent will take in that H, is by her manners that .he is judged manners not only L 46 convention in Harris- noff's "Prelude In C SharpfMin- 1 publi but also in the ordinary routine of life If a M,,, - the great privilege, of being J' ^arch 29-31. N or |: Teresa! Lennon, Scott's 2rf acquires the proper way of acting when she Is around her personally presented to this Lento" and De Falla's "Ritual I with the Con- friends then she will carry over these manners to her life at home, prominent member of the Cathi lail del Fire Dance": Sally Hanrahan; Snvnii » egates to the and in the business world, where one of the most important r.c- olic fhJerai chy. SC°n iS carry on the Albania's "Cordoba" and the K£ in obtaining a position is the manner and appearance of the S, M. a first movement of Mendelssohn'? % «on of the introduction, «i£nt Nixie not only tries to teach the Mercyhurst student d "Concerto in D Minor," Opus 40: thePK"ti?2 to ,t but also remind, her of certain habits she may Sn !'*?ll Passage or veto of Pii bill s. Barbara Fleming. The? orches­ Z t Iff into without realising it. "Cod first, oth,,rs sc,on,l, tral part of the "Concerto In D h repJ^^a^y 45 schools wi 11 me third" aptly sums up the theme of the whole Courtesy Cam- GaLendar <>nted with Minor" will be playad by Sally p C* each send- Hanrahan. This wilHbe an ar­ paign. \ K8^een 20 and 30 dale- ,r: March \2U -Bishop'g| Day and rangement for two pianos. [- il2 a -~4. «»y Omatfv J tFerrXI v are general chairmen. Those ${ catnennPafherinec Breno•» t ana i eggy - * ****' directio.. n o-f «#MJH, H »Breno .. at First Day of Spring^ "Si* " Jeanne Ledoux, Kay Palmgren/s >"Maynight" and |S }?L ^ty Rizner, and Mary Brand's "Hungarian Dance," March 25 Library Day No. 6, will be played by Danu-| \n «**ll will be the Mercy- March 81-i-Recital S^^ntativesi They will si a Telerski. Lillian Cunning­ +u0 aaiemblv program are as IOJJOWB. O»«V f, .12i rl., ham will render the first move­ GloHa McQu'llen, Mary Jane Ma.terson, Mary Agnes Cul- April 3—Courtesv-\ Cam nitlim at the UN0 and G ^ _ r n„ mtterlev Catherine Gustsfson, and Mary Lou ^ c°mi energy*" ment of "Sonate Pathetique" by T °nvlL. - Sports on Beethoven and "Claii de Lune" hane, Mary Lou sitteriey, VP^ p^ p nex WiH be given at M. X. BI am 1 e. -* I 'RfcC. meeting. by Debussy Page 2 ^yke JnercLad March 20, 1* The CLOCK £etber from Oalior Are you saturated with|self love? Not soflong ago we Tick, tock! Tick, tock! Out­ Dear Students: | side the snow is falling and the In last month's issue of the Merciad, a letter was n kv printed an editorial in which we said that people were wind is howling; down the hall suggesting the naming of [the college residence halls. afraid to knowjor to learn the truth. Again, we quote, can be heard the sweet strains Since that time there have been many discussions' Con "The world at^large does not want truth. Only|the hum­ of Clair de Lune; and beside this project. The Dean, Student Council, and Merciad atoJT<*miIJ ble and the honest will accept Jthe truth." ", me stands the symbol of many highly in favoi of it. Plans are being formulated now to ca ' girls' hopes. It is just a stately this suggestion. Watch the bulletin board for all furth Recently we were [presented with certain truths which old clock, but, oh, how we would nouncements. anl some of usfwere not able to accept. Were you troubled? miss it! Listen! —ding, dong; In the meantime get on your "thinking cap." The names Was it notjjbecause you hadj formed a wrong conception ding, dong; another hour and be meaningful and thoughtful, for they will stand forever C of Him, a Christ you imagined to fit into your narrow­ yet? another day is passed, for Alma Mater.
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