Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 6, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 32-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Bill Brennan Accuses Mayor Of ‘Campaigning’ in Tax Letter By MICHAEL J. POLLACK bit of a campaign piece.” After bemoaning the “lack of com- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Brennan used the public-com- munication” between he and the WESTFIELD – Westfield Demo- ment portion of Tuesday’s public mayor due to the incumbent not en- cratic Mayoral candidate Bill council meeting to voice his displea- gaging him in debates or at council Brennan, Tuesday, accused Mayor sure with the mailer, saying repeat- meetings, Mr. Brennan went on to Andy Skibitsky, a Republican, of edly that it was “not exactly fair and talk about his own door-to-door cam- “campaigning” in a letter that accom- balanced.” paigning. panied all Westfield tax bills. “I didn’t see anything in the letter Mr. Brennan said the mailer was He said the letter, which came di- to let the townspeople know how much “extremely confusing” about when rectly from the mayor – not the mayor their taxes were increasing on a mu- residents must pay their tax bills. and council – was “interesting.” nicipal level,” Mr. Brennan said. “I “A lot of elderly citizens were in a “Many people I talked to said it didn’t see it written that if the town panic because they thought their pay- sounded like a campaign piece from had not put millions of dollars of ments would be late,” said Mr. you (the mayor),” Mr. Brennan said. savings to help defray taxes, Westfield Brennan, who suggested that Mayor “You’re obviously running for elec- taxes would have more than doubled. Skibitsky include a payment dead- tion. You signed the piece ‘Andy, see I didn’t see [a mention of] the town line next time. you around town.’ It concerns me that giving [2-percent] raises to [non- Susan Noon, Westfield tax collec- the town spent 46 cents for each of unionized] town employees, while tor, on Wednesday, said her office has those letters, sending it to thousands many of the people I talk to are out of not experienced anything out of the of residences, and it smacked a little work.” ordinary. “It’s been normal,” she said. “It’s a busy time. We’re here late, and there’s no answering machine. We person- ally answer all the phone calls.” When asked if people had called or come in due to being confused with David Samsky for The Westfield Leader the mailing, she said, “No, and we’ve NEW JERSEY FIRST...Monmouth County Sheriff Kim Guadagno, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, seeks talked to thousands of people in the to be the first person to hold the new office in New Jersey if elected in November with her running mate for governor of New last few days. We sent out 10,000 Jersey, Chris Christie. The candidates talked about their education initiatives, July 30, at Westfield High School. bills. Normally, people will say some- thing [if they are confused].” Third Ward Councilman Mark Freeholders Discuss EMS, Ciarrocca, responding to Mr. Brennan during the meeting, said comments he has heard during the mayor’s ten- Land Purchases and Dog Park ure regarding the tax letter have been “positive.” By PAUL J. PEYTON county-wide level.” new center would replace an aging “Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but Specially Written for The Westfield Leader In other business, the freeholder facility on Westfield Avenue in Eliza- in the years you’ve sent that letter RAHWAY – Residents asked the board introduced an ordinance last beth. Plans call for a 10,000-square- home with the tax bill – not in a Union County Board of Chosen Free- week to purchase land, located at foot facility in Elizabeth to replace separate mailer – this is the first time holders last Thursday to facilitate the West Jersey and Murray Streets in the current 2,400-square-foot facil- Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader someone has come out to complain,” process of getting area Emergency Elizabeth, for $2.4 million for a new ity, which has served 4,000 sexually SPLENDID PRODUCE...The tables are full for resident shoppers of fresh fruit, Mr. Ciarrocca said. “It may be a coin- Medical Services (EMS) units to to and expanded child advocacy center and physically abused children since vegetables and baked goods on Saturday at the Westfield Farmers’ Market at the cidence that that person’s also run- assist Plainfield because the surround- for the county prosecutor’s office. it opened in 1994. He said the new train station parking lot on South Avenue. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 ing towns’ rescue squads are no longer Prosecutor Ted Romankow said the CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 willing or able to provide mutual aid since Muhlenberg Regional Medical Christie Favors Charter Schools, Center closed last year. WFPB Discusses Land Use Nancy Piwowar of Plainfield said media reports have indicated that the Element Amendments Fanwood Rescue Squad will not re- Lower State College Tuitions By CHRISTINA M. HINKE James Foerst, a town councilman who spond to mutual aid calls that would serves as liaison to the planning board, By PAUL J. PEYTON on New Jersey. To have those young right direction.” He said, however, have the squad go west of Park Av- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Specially Written for The Westfield Leader told The Leader part of the reason for people leaving here is not only bad for that there are significant disparities enue and that Green Brook will not WESTFIELD – Town planner Bill this change was “to reduce the num- WESTFIELD — Chris Christie, our economy, but it’s also bad for New in how funding is distributed to school come into Plainfield at all. Drew laid out the amendments to the ber of people who have to come be- Republican candidate for governor, Jersey families,” Mr. Christie said. districts. He said that decision is Ms. Piwowar said the Plainfield Land Use Element at Monday’s plan- fore the board of adjustment.” The told a group of parents gathered in the He said he would create a New “driven in part by the Abbott deci- squad responds to 6,000 EMS calls a ning board meeting. The full amend- board of adjustment meetings can Westfield High School library last Jersey Partnership for Action to focus sion” concerning funding for the year, which breaks down to 500 calls ments are found online at have approximately 15 applications Thursday that if elected, he would on retraining unemployed workers to state’s poorest school districts. per month. She said the Watchung westfieldnj.gov. in one meeting, which can last over work to keep New Jersey college stu- place them in businesses looking for Mr. Christie said the governor cur- squad, according to a report in the The town council will vote on the four hours. dents in state by working to improve a specific skill set. Two college presi- rently “sends piles of money to urban Echoes-Sentinel, has responded to 43 land use ordinance for first and sec- Mr. Foerst said many of the appli- funding that would lower tuitions. He dents would sit on the panel, along districts,” but that money is having mutual aid calls this year, more than ond readings at two upcoming meet- cations in this zone were for families also said he would significantly in- with business representatives. little impact on children who are not all of last year with most of the calls ings to be determined. The effective who wanted to add a bathroom or a crease approvals of charter schools in Kim Guadagno, Mr. Christie’s run- learning in the poor districts. to Plainfield. date for the new Land Use Element, small addition that would not change urban areas to bring education op- ning mate for lieutenant governor who He favors charter schools in failing The Watchung squad is looking for which is part of the master plan, is the character of the neighborhood or tions to inner city kids. serves as Monmouth County sheriff, urban districts, saying these students a better agreement with the city, say- scheduled for December 1. cause a situation in which the house Mr. Christie blamed Governor Jon said Governor Corzine put a 3 per- need to have options. The candidate ing Plainfield has not provided any The zoning map changed and may would be torn down to build a larger Corzine and past administrations for cent cap on college tuition hikes for said Mr. Corzine only approved one mutual aid to the Somerset County result in a change of zones for some one in its place. cutting state funding to colleges by 2 this year. out of 22 charter school applications town this year. properties. He also said much of the changes in percent. New Jersey has ranked 50th “It’s a day late and a dollar short. It’s last year. “It is a de facto freeze on “If I get sick on my own property, “The intention was to make non- the Land Use Element were to “con- in the nation the past two years in the clearly an election-year gimmick,” she charter schools in New Jersey,” he in my own house, I am not sure that a conforming properties conforming” trol overdevelopment.” percentage of aid it gives to state said. “There are so many loopholes in said, charging that Mr.
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