ATTI DELLA SOCIETÀ TOSCANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI MEMORIE • SERIE A • VOLUME CXXII • ANNO 2015 Edizioni ETS Con il contributo del Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università di Pisa e della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca INDICE - CONTENTS N. BEDOSTI, W. LANDINI, R. D’ANASTASIO – The F. RAPETTI – Dall’archivio meteorologico del increase of bony mass in a small Cyprinodonti- Seminario arcivescovile Santa Caterina d’Ales- dae from the Messinian deposit of Monte Tondo sandria di Pisa un contributo alla conoscenza (Ravenna, Italy); paleoecological implications della storia pluviometrica della città dall’inizio Incremento della massa ossea in un piccolo Cypri- del Settecento ad oggi nodonteae proveniente dai depositi del Messinia- From the meteorological archives of the Seminary no superiore di Monte Tondo (Ravenna, Italia): of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Pisa a contribu- implicazioni paleoecologiche pag. 5 tion to the knowledge of the pluviometric history of the city from the beginning of the Eighteenth A. CIAMPALINI, F. RASPINI, S. MORETTI – Landl- century up to the present » 63 side back monitoring and forecasting by using PSInSAR: technique: the case of Naso (Sicily, G. SARTI, V. ROSSI, S. GIACOMEllI – The Upper southern Italy) Pleistocene “Isola di Coltano Sands” (Arno coa- Analisi e previsione dei fenomeni franosi tramite stal plain, Tuscany Italy): review of stratigraphic l’utilizzo della tecnica PSInSAR: il caso di Naso data and tectonic implications for the southern (Sicilia, Italia Meridionale) » 19 margin of the Viareggio basin Le sabbie del Pleistocene superiore di Isola di Col- S. FARINA, G. ZAncHETTA – On a bone breccia tano (Pianura costiera dell’Arno, Toscana, Italia): near Uliveto Terme (Monte Pisano, Italy) revisione dei dati stratigrafici ed implicazioni tet- Su una breccia ossifera nelle vicinanze di Uliveto toniche per il margine meridionale del bacino di Terme (Monte Pisano, Italia) » 33 Viareggio » 75 L. JASEllI – Virginio Caccia e il suo contributo M. SErrADIMIgnI, M. COLOMBO – Ocra Rossa alla conoscenza naturalistica del territorio di S. tra funzionalità e simbolismo: il caso del com- Colombano al Lambro plesso litico dell’epigravettiano finale di Grotta Virginio Caccia and his contribution to the natura- Continenza (Trasacco-AQ) listic knowledge of the territory of S. Colombano Red ocher between functionality and symbolism: al Lambro » 37 the case of the lithic assemblage of the Late Epigra- vettian in Grotta Continenza (Trasacco-AQ) » 85 M. LEzzERINI, M. TAMPONI – X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in silicate rocks using Processi Verbali - http://www.stsn.it » 97 fused glass discs Analisi in fluorescenza a raggi X degli elementi in traccia in rocce silicatiche usando dischi di vetro » 45 fuso M. RAMAccIOTTI, M. SPAMPINATO, M. LEzzERI- NI. The building stones of the apsidal walls of the Pisa’s Cathedral Le pietre delle murature dell’abside del Duomo di Pisa » 55 Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem., Serie A, 122 (2015) pagg. 5-17, fig. 10; doi: 10.2424/ASTSN.M.2015.15 NICOLETTA BEDOSTI (*), WALTER LANDINI (**), RUggERO D’ANASTASIO (***) THE INCREASE OF BONY MASS IN A SMALL CYPRINODONTIDAE FROM THE MESSINIAN DEPOSIT OF MONTE TONDO (RAVENNA, ITALY); PALEOECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS Abstract - The increase of bony mass in a small Cyprinodontidae from INTRODUCTION the Messinian deposit of Monte Tondo (Ravenna, Italy); paleoecologi- cal implications. The ichthyofauna of the late Messinian succession of Monte Tondo (Ravenna, Italy) is examined. Forty Aphanius crassicau- During the Messinian, brackish and hyperhaline la- dus, one clupeid and five goby specimens are described. Morphometric goons were inhabited by characteristic oligotypic te- and meristic characteristics are determined, and a pachyostosis index leost communities dominated by the small cyprino- is presented for the small cyprinodontid (A. crassicaudus) specimens. dontid Aphanius crassicaudus (Gaudant, 1979; Landini Aphanius crassicaudus in the Monte Tondo assemblage is represented & Sorbini, 1989). The broad dominance of Aphanius by the two well-known Messinian phenotypes (non-pachyostotic or in these fossil assemblages throughout the Mediter- normal and pachyostotic). The increase in bone mass in the pachyos- totic specimens is generally homogeneously extended throughout the ranean basin is indicative of specific, frequently ex- body, but in the Monte Tondo assemblage, one young specimen of A. treme environmental conditions (Landini & Sorbini, crassicaudus exhibits a peculiar characteristic distribution of increas- 1989). In the Messinian fossil record, A. crassicaudus ing bone mass in the skeleton from head to caudal fin.A. crassicaudus is represented by two different phenotypes: one with a was a dominant constituent of Mediterranean estuarine/lagoon teleost thin skeleton and the second with an enlarged, pachy- assemblages during the Messinian. The composition and ecological ostotic skeletal structure that was previously denoted structure of the ichthyic association indicates that the lagoon of the Monte Tondo basin was a brackish water body that was occasionally “Pachylebias crassicaudus” (Agassiz) (Gaudant, 1979 a). influenced by seawater influx. Pachyostosis in A. crassicaudus is a bony hypertrophy that is homogeneously extended throughout the entire Keywords - Pachyostosis, Teleostei, Messinian, lagoon, Italy. skeleton (Meunier & Gaudant, 1987) but is also oc- casionally present as small, globose structures (Bedo- Riassunto - Incremento della massa ossea in un piccolo Cyprinodonteae sti, 1999). These structures are occasionally referred proveniente dai depositi del Messiniano superiore di Monte Tondo (Ra- to as “Tilly bones” in numerous marine teleost fishes venna, Italia): implicazioni paleoecologiche. Viene studiato un nuovo giacimento di pesci fossili provenienti dalla successione del Messinia- (Smith-Vaniz et al., 1995). Pachyostosis sensu stricto is no superiore di Monte Tondo. Vengono descritti quaranta esemplari di a hyperplasy (increase in thickness) of periosteal corti- Aphanius crassicaudus, cinque di Gobius sp. ed uno di Clupeonella sp. ces that leads to an alteration of bone morphology by (Clupeidae). Vengono misurati i caratteri morfometrici e meristici de- causing an increase in bone volume (Houssaye, 2012). gli esemplari di A. crassicaudus meglio conservati e ne viene calcolato Histological analysis has indicated that, in A. crassi- l’indice di pachiostosi. Gli esemplari di A. crassicaudus di Monte Ton- caudus, the hypertrophic bone is acellular (absence of do sono rappresentati dai due fenotipi messiniani ben conosciuti (il non pachiostosico, o normale e il pachiostosico). Negli esemplari pa- osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts), avascular and chiostosici l’ipertrofia ossea è in genere omogeneamente estesa a tutto compact (Meunieur & Gaudant, 1987; D’Anastasio, il corpo, ma un giovane esemplare di A. crassicaudus proveniente da 2004). By contrast, the hypertrophic bony structure Monte Tondo è caratterizzato da una distribuzione particolare dell’in- of marine Teleostei affected by pachyostosis exhibits grossamento scheletrico lungo il corpo. Nel bacino del Mediterraneo bone remodeling centers, such as in the haversian ca- durante il Messiniano, A. crassicaudus rappresentava il costituente do- nals or involving osteoblasts and osteoclasts (Meunier minante delle associazioni di Teleostei negli ambienti lagunari e sal- mastri. L’analisi della composizione ecologica dell’ittiofauna di Monte & Gaudant, 1987; D’Anastasio, 2004), and becomes Tondo indica che questo ambiente era costituito da acqua salmastra, spongy (Driesch, 1994). Pachyostosis in Aphanius occasionalmente interessata dall’influsso di acqua marina. crassicaudus appears as enormous skeletal thicken- ing homogeneously extended throughout the entire Parole chiave - Pachiostosi, Teleostei, Messiniano, laguna, Italia. skeleton. Pachyostosis has been observed whether in other eurhyaline teleosts from other Messinian deposits, such as Gobiidae, but is unknown among (*) University of Urbino, Dipartimento DISTEVA, Italy. Email: [email protected] (**) University of Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Italy. (***) University “G. D’Annunzio”, Museo dell’Università, Piazza Trento e Trieste, 1 - 66100, Chieti, Italy. 6 N. BEDOSTI, W. LANDINI, R. D’ANASTASIO extant actinopterygians, which instead may exhibit the main evaporitic event, the analysis of fossil tele- “hyperostosis”. A similar condition of pachyostosis has ost remains represents an innovative approach (Car- been observed in an extraordinarily thick-boned cy- nevale et al., 2008). We describe the distribution and prinid teleost, Hsianwenia wui, gen. et sp. nov., from relationships between pachyostotic, non-pachyostotic Pliocene salt lake deposits of Qaidam Basin in the individuals and the presence of teleost fishes from northern Tibetan Plateau (Chang M. et al., 2008). A. others environment inside the same community of the crassicaudus and H. wui both occur in deposits rich in Monte Tondo deposit; the aim is to analyze the degree carbonates (CaCO3) and sulfates (CaSO4) and therefore of stress present in these brackish and hyperhaline la- were well adapted to the extreme conditions caused goons, as has been studied in the Cherasco (Piemonte) by the aridification of their environment (Chang M.et deposit (Gaudant, 1979 b). al., 2008). However, whereas in H. wui the thickening of bones appears at a certain adult size, in A. crassi- caudus from Cherasco, (Piemonte) (Gaudant, 1979 b) GEOgrAPHIC
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