"Cfhe South's 'Best • "'By the Sta4dents, College ?t(ewspaper" t For the Stt4dents" Z -1'79 W uhington and let; University Semi-Weekly VOL. XLIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, MARC H 8, 1940 NUMBER 4l Crooked Politics Out, Committee Warns ------------------------------------------------------· *--------------------------------------------------------- Promises' Violate T roubs to Start Literati Pledge 13 FU Members, ~Im'plied W&L Needs New Dorms New Broadcast Jones, Professors Riegel, Johnson Amendment; No Student May Pledge Support of Any Group Say Freshmen, Councilors Series Tuesday Washington MemMrs Graham-Lee Society Tap Six Frosb, Davidson To Initiate Nine Men By BILL BUCHANAN -------------------------* DoUy Burks, Alnutt, Rats Don't Speak Six students-all members of The Graham-Lee Literary so- " No dirty politics will be tolerated in the elections this year." Rockbridge Motor Co. Faulkner Play Leads the Forensic union-and one fac- c•ety, Washington and Lee's oldest That was what Cecil Taylor, president of the student body, said Offers Free Storage Is One Complaint ulty member b&ve been pledged campus organization. today an­ John Alnutt, Dolly Burks, and yesterday, speaking for the Executive committee. uThe under- Free slora e for student can by Waahlnrton literary society, It nounced through its president. 1 By RAMSAY TAYLOR Jim Faulkner. the trio that made hand vote-pledging tactics as we knew them under the old whose ownen do not want to Troubadour blstory during the was announced following a meet- Charles Thnlhlmer. that Profes­ Does W&L need new dorms? lng of the organization last night. FOr Raymon T . Johnson. Jack cclique' system have been permanently banned, and we want to purchase Vlrrlnla llcena taa"s With the announcement lhut past year In productions of "The was offered today by the Play's the Thing" and "Winter­ The faculty member Is Professor Jrnes. and seven freshmen had warn the studen ts that we intend to enforce t h is amend ment Reckbrldre Motor company. the board of trustees would lllf'l.' t Oscar W. Riegel, head of the jour- bl'en pledged following the annual set," will once again be united In rigidly," Taylor continued. uW,.e want to clear up any false im- "Gasoline dealen had noth- on April 11 to consider the builcl­ fl&lism department. The students ru~hlng programs of the campus ing progl'am of the University, a Troubadour production when 'll'ession that anyone may have en- lnr to do with this piece of they travel lo Roanoke Tuesday are Fred 0. Byrer, Martinsburg, literary organizations. that perennial question arose. Till ~ to broadcnst ''Robert. Her Hus­ w. va.: corneal B. Myers, Jr.. The new men are Calhoun tertalned that there are loopholes ~~~~: ~~;h g~u:r:~sem~~~s :: ~~:~t~~n~~ ~beT ·, =~m=~ time the answer was an nin1ost btuld," an original radio play Richmond, Va.: M. Allen Dickson. Bond. Laird Shull. Bill Webb, J oe through which this amendmen t considered responsible for the pl&lned In a nnounclnc the or- unanimous "yes" from the fl'esh­ Shreveport. La.; James H. David- Ellis. Dan Wells. Charles Smith. written by Ernest Woodward ll. may be violated In spirit but not group as a whole. no matter what fer, "and w e are IUlXIous to men and councilors living in thl' son, Lexington, va.; Franklin and Willard Carter. This will be the ftrst In the new technically. his status Is In the group. and cau- make thlt clear." Mr. Encle- dormitories. Oruesser, Columbus, Ohio; and "These men were chosen for series of radio programs, Trouba­ "Any member of a fraternity or tlon"d fraternities and non-fra- man e.xplalned &.hat the offer The fres hmen I Is ted many William C. McLaren, Winnetka. tht>lr outstanding work in the dour president Francis Sugrue said group that Is caught violating t he ternlty organizations to make It will apply to any student who grievances. After wannlng up with DJ. Forensic union And !or their out- today, and It will Inaugurate the amendment will receive tbe full clear to their members that t he wants to put hla car up until grumbllngs about the badly-llght- All o! the student pledges are standing forensic abiiJty," said type of material which It 18 hoped cenalty of the constitution, which good of the group depends on t he he Is ready to l&ke It home. ed, rickety stairs. the lack of closet freshmen except Davttlson, who Is Thalhlmer. It has been a custom calls for the banishment or that honesty or every member. and Uvmg space. the splintery will nntsb out the year. Sutrue a sophomore. They will be inltlat- ln the past for the Graham-Lee person and every member of his There are t hree phases of the wooden noors of 36-year-old Lees, said that whlle nothing det\nite ed within the next few weeks. Dan society to elect to honorary mem­ l could be said as yet, It Is hoped IUOUP from POIJtica ~~r two gen- Interpretation, explained Buddy they began to protest with vigor Lewis, president of the society, bcrshlp one faculty member and c ll •an Alt r that all of the programs from now I eral election periods. Foltz of the committee. 0 egJ S e The lack of sufficient hot water. said today. one upperclassman. In addition to The committee at the same time • the dirty showers and "insanitary" on will be written. as well as acted Membership in the society Is Its usunl quota of freshmen. and direct.ed. by Washington and published an Interpretation or First: The relation of a mem- Style as Blatr bathrooms, the poor Wiring and awarded for outstanding work in The Graham-Lee society pro­ Section V of the constitution . bt"r of any group to the rest of llghtmg, the walls whtch are so Lee students. uteraTy fields. This spring the 1rom tor the remainder of t he For tbe past thirteen prograins which deals with vote-pledging. tha t ~rroup . He may supPOrt a can- I M d Le d thin you can't sleep or study bf>fort' Washington award, inaugurated ··ear. w~Ue :.:Uil lndeflnlte accord­ The statement ran: did ate and recommend him to I s a e a midnight, the Inadequate number tbe dramatic organization has been last year. will again be presented In • to lis omcers, Includes tenta­ er giving a c;erles. "Tales from Mau­ lnierpretatlon members of the house. but he may Of showers, the janitor ~en•ic.'<' thP frr distinguished service to the ' h':> ly a debnte with the Washing­ "A man cannot promiae or lm- not urge lt. on the grounds that It Bccaust> or Ule loss of t he tenor fire hazard, all came under their passant." which were. according University. Last year John Alnutt, ' on I'OCiety and forensic programa to Supruc. "satisfactory as a pl!rdly promiPe a ll'OUP vote, no will be of benent to the house If ride man. t h e Southern Colle- scrutiny. captaln or the lacrosse team. re- n collnberaUon with the nlegb- m:~ttn what rrouP .he spealul for. they vote for that candidate. ~tan s. Washington and Lee's stu- The dormitory coun<'ilors Jolnrd means of learning something about celved the award. ·Orlng ctrls' schools. the radio presentation of drama, He may pledrr hJs penonaJ vote. Serond: The relation of an ln- dent OI'ChPstr!\. ha.ve been forced in the condemnations. but not quite what we hope to be !upporl and help-but when he divldual with students belonging to revamp the bn.nd nnd to change Jack Akin. head councilor or able to do from now on." steps beyond this aad a.tt.empte to to other groups . He may pledge their sty le or music. Lees. commented. " It seems dt•- The program. which will be Three Depaters Forensic Union pled«e t.he votes of a. rroup, or his perRonal support to a candi- Under the present setup, Paul plorable that a school ns fine u•. broad<'ast over station WDBJ pemaade a rroup to vote In bloe- date. but he can speak for no oth- Thomas. who!"e trumpet rides wei'P W&L should have such lnadl'ttutll('. 'fuesdny at foul' o'clock, Is rle­ To Head North Will Scrutinize this is pledrlnr. er person . or no group. a feature or the Collegians' mu- outmoded dorms." sc·rlbed as being a comf'dy about ''This 1& nol construed to mean Third: The relation of two can- sic. hM I'P5l.,.ned his leaders hip Bill Buchanan. n councilot' on lhe trials of a hlL'Iband, played by that he aannot attempt to IN'r- dldates. They may pledge each and witt no lonner play trum pet. thP fourth t1oor or uaes. snarl ht• Jnhn Alnutl, has when he ftnds his Next Monday T ag Controversy Ie uade r then to support the m&ll l othet' tht-lr personal support. but Replacing Thomas. who is work- had told t he sludents In hls !;(>('­ whom he fnors, but be must not neither can Intimate that he w!U lng on ~ a x. w ill be F.d Blnlr un- tlon how to brenk down hts ctooa wife thinks she Is In love with an- With a weoek-end ahead for last- Thl' question or the validity of C«' ree them to Yote for tbe benefit •ecure the votes of the group be der whom the band will work for ln the e\·ent that It be locked ~tncl ot h~r man. The solution which Al- I nutt disco~crs to the problem. minute r reparallons, W&L's three- the t•rPnse plate law will be the 1.f the rroup.
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