4A| FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2021| AMES TRIBUNE US House committee rejects Committee motion by Miller-Meeks advances tax Zachary Oren Smith Iowa City Press-Citizen cut proposal USA TODAY NETWORK On Wednesday, a congressional committee punted Stephen Gruber-Miller a motion to dismiss Democrat Rita Hart’s election con- Des Moines Register test of the result of Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District USA TODAY NETWORK election in November before first considering the mer- its of her appeal. Income tax cuts scheduled to take effect several The U.S. House Committee on House Administra- years from now would phase in sooner under a bill tion postponed its consideration of a motion to dis- Republicans are advancing in the Iowa Senate. miss, which was filed by U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller- The Senate Ways and Means Committee passed Meeks, the Republican who was certified by state offi- Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks, left, and Senate Study Bill 1250 on Wednesday, making it eligi- cials as the winner of Iowa’s 2nd District by just six Democrat Rita Hart. REGISTER FILE PHOTOS ble for a floor vote. votes. The bill would remove two revenue goals, known The committee vote fell on party lines, but not be- as triggers, included in a previous income tax cut law fore members of both parties made overtures about miliar doesn’t it?” to ensure state revenues were healthy before addi- the implications of any potential investigation the Lofgren responded by pointing out that, while the tional cuts took effect. committee might launch into the race. committee has required contestants to take full advan- It would also eliminate Iowa’s inheritance tax over “The margin separating the two candidates was tage of state election contest procedures in the past, three years. only six votes out of almost 400,000 cast: less than 1/6 it’s not dismissed a contest solely based on a failure to The bill’s supporters said the cuts would provide of 1%. That’s six votes — not 6,000; not 600; not 60 or exhaust state remedies. predictability and relief for Iowans, while opponents even 16 — just six fewer votes than we have members In Hart’s December petition, her campaign pointed questioned the timing of the cuts and noted the im- of this committee,” Chair Zoe Lofgren, D-California, to 22 uncounted ballots across several of the district’s pact the bill would have on state revenue. told committee members. “… It should not be surpris- counties, the net of which would put Hart ahead in the Gov. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, called for elim- ing that any candidate in these circumstances — with race. She called Congress to perform a third count of inating the income tax cut “triggers” in her Condition a margin this close — would seek to exercise their the district that would include those 22 ballots. of the State address in January. Doing so would allow rights under the law to contest the results.” “The American people deserve to know who actu- three changes to take effect beginning Jan. 1, 2023: Wednesday’s resolution, she said, was not to “pre- ally won this election, and the people in the 2nd Con- h Lower the individual income tax rate from judge” Hart’s petition but to judge it as the Constitu- gressional District deserve to be represented by that 8.53% to 6.5%. tion requires. person,” Lofgren told her fellow committee members. h Reduce the number of Iowa income tax brackets In her petition, Hart challenged the Miller-Meeks She added that she plans to consult with Davis to from nine to four. small margin under the Federal Contested Election send both Miller-Meeks and Hart a set of questions h End the ability to deduct individual income tax- Act, a process that gives candidates the ability to con- about the specific procedures, legal principles and ti- es paid to the federal government. test general elections by filing a motion with the House melin that they believe should control the course of the With the triggers currently in effect as part of a clerk. While Congressional intervention remains un- case and, once returned, make their answers public for 2018 law, those tax cuts can’t kick in until two condi- common, the committee regularly sees challenges un- review. tions are met: der the FCEA. “Both parties’ views will help inform how this com- h Iowa’s general fund revenue must equal or ex- The committee’s ranking member, Rodney Davis, R- mittee can best render its ‘independent final judg- ceed $8,314,600,000. Illinois, pointed out that Miller-Meeks’ election in- ment’ about which candidate won the election and is h State revenue must grow by at least 4% from the cluded a recount, a bipartisan canvassing of the bal- entitled to this House seat,” she said. previous fiscal year. lots cast in the race and had an option to appeal those Davis attempted to amend the resolution to instead Unless the bill is passed this year, the tax cuts results through the state’s court system — a step Hart dismiss Hart’s petition outright, a vote which failed on would be delayed at least until Jan. 1, 2024 and pos- chose not to utilize. party lines. Before offering his support of his own sibly later. “It will be one of the greatest mistakes this House amendment, he argued the vote “is exactly why you Sen. Dan Dawson, R-Council Bluffs, who chairs makes to take up an election contest with a candidate don’t need an official election certificate from the state the Senate Ways and Means Committee, said Repub- who side-stepped the courts and instead turned to a of Iowa overturned —.” Before he could finish, he was licans campaigned on lowering taxes. partisan process in the House because they knew they called out of order by U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D- “It fulfills a campaign promise that most of us ran could not win any other way,” Davis said. “Sounds fa- North Carolina. on as to providing tax relief to Iowans,” he said. “Not just a credit here or an exemption there. We’ve done as hard a job as we can in the Senate to try to have broad-based discussions and that’s what this bill represents.” Obituaries Sen. Pam Jochum, D-Dubuque, said members of both parties have been interested in getting rid of federal deductibility for a long time. TODAY’S OBITUARIES AND DEATH NOTICES “The question right now is: Is this the right time Name Age Town, State Death Date Arrangements considering that we are still trying to get our arms *Bennett, Izetta (Izzy) 89 Ames 05-Mar Merle Hay Funeral Home around the impact of this pandemic on our economy *Dobson, Onna Lee (Nancy) - IA 09-Mar Grandon Funeral and Cremation Care and on our budget?” she said. * Additional information in display obituaries Groups supporting the legislation said at a Tues- Obituaries appear in print and online at www.legacy.com/obituaries/AmesTribune day subcommittee hearing removing the triggers would provide certainty to Iowa taxpayers, business- Izetta (Izzy) Bennett es and lawmakers. AMES - Izetta (Izzy) “It does give Iowans a predictability and certainty on when these tax cuts that have been promised now Bennett, 89, passed away since 2018 actually are enacted,” said Tom Sands, unexpectedly on March president of the Iowa Taxpayers Association. “It also 5, 2021, at Northridge gives predictability and certainty to legislators as Village Commons in Onna Lee (Nancy) Dobson they’re preparing future budgets.” Ames, Iowa. An analysis by the nonpartisan Legislative Ser- Izzy was born Septem- Onna Lee (Nancy) vices Agency found that phasing in the income tax ber 23, 1931, in Huxley, Dobson died on March cuts beginning in 2023 would reduce state revenues by about $1.25 billion over four years. Iowa, to Jerome and 9th, 2021 at Israel Fam- Mike Owen, deputy director of Common Good Orella Hill. She lived ily Hospice House, Iowa, which opposes the bill, said removing the trig- in Huxley and graduat- Ames, IA. A woman of gers puts the idea of fiscal responsibility “on the ed from high school in faith, she was loved by scrap heap.” 1949. Izzy worked at the Ames Daily Tribune her husband, Donald V “That 2018 income tax legislation, which I know until her marriage to Herb Bennett on Novem- Dobson, who preceded you support, promised a loss of revenue that was ber 8, 1952. They were married 61 years. She was her in death. Beloved of never a good idea, but the triggers were at least a nod a homemaker and worked part time at North her three children, Meg to some fiscal responsibility,” he told lawmakers at Tuesday’s subcommittee hearing. “So now you’re go- Grand Rexall Drug; she retired in 1990. She was E Dobson, Dennis (Viv- ing to take them away.” a member of the Gilbert Lutheran Church. ian) Dobson, and Beth Owen also criticized the idea of phasing out the Izzy and Herb enjoyed traveling to all 50 states, Maurine Miller, she was an active grandmother of state’s inheritance tax, which currently exempts im- Mexico and Canada. They wintered in Mesa, Ari- eight, great-grandmother to eleven. Our extended mediate family members. zona for 22 years. Izzy enjoyed many hobbies over family remain wrapped in her love, wisdom, and the years, cooking and baking, fower gardening, strong will - even after her passing. Will the Senate approve tax forgiveness on crocheting, most of all—she enjoyed spending An award-winning artist, Nancy worked in oils unemployment benefits? time with her family & friends, and most re- and was a decades-long member of The Brush At Tuesday’s subcommittee, Jochum asked Daw- cently, jigsaw puzzles.
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