Lrsifcurst Public L*.b:-iry, 3 - V a i l s t 3 r o 3 k A M . •" LEADERETTE ThanJri to the fact the Repufeiiim part" hail, an orfrtoi- F MTS lilt® Thomas E .Dfwcy to pull »i Jh not ot chaos and the Democrats do not, it seems likely the comini presiden­ tial election will (o to the G O P by default—almost One o l . 5 the major reasons, of course, is F.D.IL dominated the party t v , ” , V. for so long the Democrats could not build up a replacement. Thus the soul-probing now under way in the best Demo­ AND THE S O im i SESC.RS RKVIFW cratic circles. Sixteen years is. indeed, too long for any party to be in power._________ :___________ j VOL XXIX— No. 1 I.YNDHtJRST, N j.. Jl l.Y . I <HB 'H .* »»>N «*•«• IMWW A#HI V. tfc, * —« OMku 8 • I M M r t H i H j ta* M l #r M «nk I i n HUONONI nvm nnenno s*ea* Stuyvesant Ave. Stamp Club Prizes Awarded At Excessive Confidence CAM PAIGN Cost Of $19,000 Vets Awarded Homes W ILL Bi I ettrr- t»f notification Iww gmtr oii| to («ti 4 9 l r > -e- State To Recreation Irvtr.l .tltrr 4 |i|»lt« ation M r«-« iiittg t*% I!•< I uhIIhkM \ H er PRESSED alt* lioti'liic t •M iittiillrc of M III! ll fieri H .rekiilta tilt I* tlir Share Cost Committee c h a i r m a n . Mrrvetl lit tin* eeetll* I h*»»« r» ii.i« |« r n | |t i Ih - im tbe gr.-aie«i iiertl *•( tt i tiui their hulatirl|ih te rtiNv> »»* Of Project Established iiiihUiioii. Jtr» I li.trlr» Siririioki. II** Ja> «\r \iMlium u . n m r! th e t |i * i r r « »nt«» +H2 Hsrttrna avenue h I i i i I i t h r M a te i W w m r i t i r T h e Board of Commissioners, ^ group ot about 2 0 residents j i e p h N organisation fell i k t . » r r i on third and final hearing, pass- 'V o favo< * recreation program T i t ,«» * • 314 $***»**an p i « J»m>- ed an ordinance Tuesday night Jor tfu‘ town have organised and Prtnlki HH l iwoln av.n.ar W< ItMal Krpulilir an* were I m o for improvement of the entire * letted -Dudley Sleater pres- " i\» I* » ** Schreekenatrin too \ I«mU > making earls »e>«* *»( . lril»rmvk avriHif an*t VilKvni l'i width of Stuyvesant averiue. be- !d,nt and Mrs Herman Weyers. lirr»s II I r H s It* h e » e a p*< •• tween Court and Valley Brook ,*• v'co’P^'dent. The com- p la s r >M Wet*rt 3t, IjfllVllr |-U> *• avenues, at an estimated cost cf **** matron was the result ~-t- C- M-. **"• “ ***•• • r l m t a g a in $19,000. ! a discusion of recreation at a t TV «tn a|w>> ln .n i! *i»K UiH and imfliv In fert. llie t m luff foie .. 1 lovvn hall meeting conducted sev- J ,.h r •I 1 H Application o f $12,000 State oril| wot.ks by F g u td a r .*1 W iltiarv m s* afrt.ng i h a t M o .« r ll«> funds subsidy will reducr the ()lh, ,ltW rs uf lhl. recreation I . «> i \ « f th*- . g le | % ttstlsnr«l leatler »*aue«| municipality s share, of thc ex- tlHnm.tt.-e are Edward Becker a n .t l k*>n* r I anu> U i pence to around *7 100. Mayor treasure.: M,ss Barbara Korn, re- a sirnttg a|»|tral | o w o r k e r * Dudley Sleater, aegaalaer and trustee ef Ihefrtae, LaMto Featan winner m t m a d p n „ I 4 Jlv. i n h .^ Horace R. Bogle explained. cording secretary, and Miss Terry -y “n t Stamp Club la pictured awardlnf pr lie. Barbara KSam M wtamrrw in n e r efaf lthe flr>i prtae leeei.iaa tlm ■ r.t t I. i*i o f it w a* Mrs Bertha Groenendyke. who De F**>. corresponding secretary, *“ lty . — »*• Participated In ex hi Ml bar awardd fvaantfrnm MrM r SKleater le .lt rrlae. were itotuird I J*> tk**'n 1‘i m r AHm-M L.sutirt .on^tetubliona tsni>l Queried the board on the status Mr Becker and Miss Kom are j rrom left to right Edward Becker winner of thinly Ural i H v rv Slu»\.-*«rtt «•, ,! « H t(tu ia li »Ort Ihs Y h lotV ta »VBK of recent application from the both students and members of’the F . i : - N iiketki T4# l.akr *tt<l i h r u H ut 1‘tto-tsm »«ihM il««n n. lotal police force for a 40-hour Stamp Club Miss De Feo is a noe > Hi/*. ft nn IKildr ana ««<«ae*t ' a H a* * u~t>M r week, was informed copies of member of the KooVjijjht Theatre j Big Program Dr. L Z. PoNara u n i* «•. i rtt>» Si .in i'et Sl« I r , Ih r ali-m * n N rrnlts i .tvl irr>|«tianiii W the permissive legislation had The group named a charter Ladies' Club :*3 Ma. tn «v4nu« ICmil Tl I« l.i ra t! \ l-J I Ih# 1**4* w( 15 ■*’ only reached the commissioner s committee to draw up aims and Guest At Dinner Jrfil 1*0^ rtv rt* \* h as r n o r !'►*' tita n eti «t o M i»■ n IK • » • » ith I fi* o tr#*>-„lh* Monday. Pending study of the olje^ts of the committee, a ways For Repairs Is Seeking gtw'f v ' j ■ Kmgaiend tKen iHtieat* M i . ^ i ha-ete u s i Assembly bill, no development and means committee to act as Dr Luigi Z Pollara. non o f . m u A 'lllw w v h * l t i • SiTt N« v» a a tii .ifjten ,*i V*t d w r ti nip I hi»v* tansn In |adilkc* P m can be expected. Under the pres- a group on policy: and a survey and Mrs J.nteph Pollara of 119 N A W J H O IItA *%hi*h • •«#< i* w n il i a mao* **-e»», twl im «e« n e w t ent setup, the police are reQuired? committee to obtain «»immunity In Schools Livinitston avenue, wai» gueal of|T : l i r r t f r < *n<»n- *v* rtlT M tw n *iarfrllr«l t. Ml. ft.Ttrw trr» *•*»« .* t**tt> ss* j^tH Ualll t t m t k - to be on duty for eight hours on opinion on recreation in general honor at a testimonial dinner jlv- ' 1 | «' Hi • ■ Lilt iiuildun, Cwi.v-id;JO j i l !■ »h* em >j4 rth a l |H»>w*<t>aa T h e Board of Rducation la st seven successive days, with a day and on a community house in par- en recently at the Vilitt Bspaajte. > A vpecial meeting of tht »>t-n i« K d m S*v ie nnk‘1. t W rl I r n i l i n l ? I *« i • mttgJM I.* '*r a n * « lo * iw ir Ka, 4 r >^gHI week gave official consent for «jff on the eighth day. • ticular The survey committee Pa ramus. recf*gnistng the ; man» Club was held taut *re» +\. r *\ «*♦•.mt’ R .w l ) : MV |w i • ■ - s i a l i >«■ rlo !!'>♦> I OS itittfMkfM H14I «ra the use of thty high school audi­ A petition from residents of will also endeavor to determine that he received hm Doctor JT\ ^ t th t' d u b hou*w» o h V a lle s V»|N a'entie i ruttpttdt tlir# I**- • ii 1 a WeyulMn en P«-«»>diaNl torium and of school-own<d mu­ Court avenue, protesting against amount of financial support Philosophy degree at Renaa*tM Biook avenu** wk«n « iritri tro ron* < 1 % Ne« YQrk ► > I « *1 rtgtKT tVltitt*Ht rl *'»a ix H. a* *tll as an «t sical instruments for the pur- heavy motorcycle traffic on Riv- ; to be expeeled sh.mld a drive be Polytechnic Institute at Trtik I own Clerk IKmiuou 1 tvelh u TrM* h»i«k Kta«g«et- MI'S K.n* ( la n ix t I-. I -m ti I* *m«a4 • t m t k i s h It* W ««-#»> 1 po«e of forming a township com­ erside avenue near the Milk Bar mauburated for a community N Y .' last month _ {ickd.,. advising th* «lul* that »n * .. rr .n e l ,» n k V u n v 3T4 ot %•*! » . ** t (h» Ikemt «nf munity band was referred to the police com h o u s e Dr. Pollara. who now lives al : t»wn-n»ntnl buiWin*: m *» .,■* t'< |«*!»fvti. « ' « fiu i F i an k ti*-< v i Moo- I -i f s.t-^ t «rn* « 1 i* l. 1^. s i • mg ! A b e mittee, which is headed by May Al»' Brody heads the charter Frank S Gallagher president, Mt-nands, N Y . i* a giaduate of tH«- e!ut» ha* met for a nu- VM» Sa., ot *tie*t J .1 r*u*i raatise ir«l «»** tV«.v*>rii or Bogle. Jesse Thorne. Jotih sr-'up assisted by Harry Oswald.
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