UNION REAPER CONFERENCES CENTRAL STATES, COLORADO, KANSAS, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA AND WYOMING VOLUME XXXI COLLEGE VIEW, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JULY 17, 1962 NUMBER 29 tage for granted. We faintly compre- hend the struggle, sacrifice and cost that OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE made possible the freedom we enjoy to- day. This may explain why so many are THEODORE CAncicH, President, Central Union Conference unconcerned over the deterioration of liberty. That which is lightly regarded America is a nation of prophecy. Its The reason why millions of people is easily relinquished. beginnings are clearly portrayed in the streamed to its shores is because of what Scriptures. Destined as a haven for the America means to the individual. Regard- Of all Americans, Adventists should be persecuted and oppressed, America's less of our racial origin, we should con- foremost in understanding and apprecia- principles of freedom have for decades sider it a privilege to be counted as an ting our national heritage. It was in A- stood as a beacon light to nations and American and strive constantly to uphold merica that Adventism had its birth and people cherishing freedom and democ- American principles in our daily life. from there flourished into a world-wide racy. Too often we take our American heri- movement. With its marvelous resources and opportunities, America will continue to furnish the men and means necessary to spread the gospel message to earth's remotest bounds. It would be well for Adventists to re- new in their minds the dramatic exploits of faith, statesmanship and courage that made America a nation. These reasons have now been made available to us and our children in a most readable and in- teresting form. Dr. Merlin L. Neff in his magnificent three volumes, Our Heritage of Faith, presents in a compelling manner t h e spiritual and political foundations under- girding our democracy. Wonderfully il- lustrated with over 100 master paintings and 450 illustrations, these beautiful volumes enrich not only the mind but also enhance the library with their im- posing appearance. They are a delight to behold from within and without. Because of their importance at this time of national history, the publishers ( Pacific Press) are offering the three volumes to our church members for the low discount price of $22.95, plus tax. I would counsel each family to contact its Book and Bible House and make ar- rangements to purchase the books im- mediately. Once in your possession these volumes will constitute a priceless treasure chest of American heritage and spiritual faith. Why not write to the Book and Bible House today? viva 11E03. I ti 1101,CSICI Sti IlL21,Vi9 3 11 ict 3Anv S 10 it 11SV !NM 2 CENTRAL UNION REAPER CENTRAL UNION REAPER New U.S. Air Force chures, photographs and other display Regulation materials from the College. Official Organ of the Central Union Conference PUC Alumni and friends are also of Seventh-day Adventists On February 20, 1962, in the U.S. Clara Anderson Editor cordially invited to attend the PUC B. L. Schlotthauer Managing Editor Air Force Manual 39-9, a new subpara- Alumni luncheon at Clinton's Cafeteria, Subscription price $1.00 a year. graph ( b ) was added to paragraph 4 1059 Market Street from 12 to 2 p.m. All checks and money orders should be made of Attachment 9. Paragraph 4 now reads: Payable to the CENTRAL UNION REAPER. on Friday, August 3. Come and meet Both old and new addresses should be given 4. EXPLANATION TO APPLICANTS when a change is requested. Zone numbers old classmates, college friends, and form- should be included for all zoned cities. WHOSE RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS All copy for publication should reach the er and current faculty and staff members. REAPER office by TUESDAY NOON preceding RENDER THEM INELIGIBLE FOR Pick up your own food at the cafeteria the date of publication. ENLISTMENT. Published weekly (fifty issues a year) by the counters and then join any of the tables Central Union Conference at College View The policy of the Air Force regarding Station, Lincoln 6, Nebraska. which are reserved for PUC. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Ne- enlistment of persons whose religious braska. Accepted for mailing at special rate on convictions would limit their world- October 8, 1917, authorized August 20, 1920. wide assignment to duties will be Attention PUC Alumni Office at 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln 6, Ne- Attention Pacific Union College Alumni: braska. Mailing address: P.O. Box 6127. explained to each applicant for en- Telephone IVanhoe 8-2313. listment. The first annual Alumni Directory issue of the Alumni News will be publish- a. Air Force policy is to decline to Union Conference Directory ed soon. In an attempt to make this Office address, 4547 Calvert St., enlist any person who professes to be, issue as complete as possible please be Mailing address, P. 0. Box 6127 or is otherwise determined to be, a certain that the following information is President Theodore Carcich conscientious objector. The term "con- Sec.-Treas. B. L. S,:hlotthauer sent to: Auditor R. E. Spangle scientious objector" includes persons Dr. Walter Utt ASI Sec. B. L. Schlotthauer willing to serve only in a noncombat- Education W. A. 'low. Editor, Alumni News H. M. and S. S. E. E. Hagen ant status. This policy is based on Ind. Rel. Theodore Carcich Angwin, California Missionary Volunteer P. M. De Booy the fact that since service in the Public Relations W. A. Howe Name: Maiden name: Address (home): Publishing Dew*. Sec. J. F. Kent Armed Forces connotes the bearing Phone: Address ( office): Phone: Em- Radio-TV E. E. Hagen of arms, the act of voluntarily enlisting Religious Liberty Sec. Theodore Carcich ployed by: Degree from PUC: Year: Temperance P. M. De Booy is inconsistent with the belief of a Major: Other degrees: Married to: De- Transportation B. L. Schlotthauer conscientious objector. War Service P. M. De Booy gree from PUC: Year: Major: Other b. Other applicants whose religious degrees: Children at PUC. Local Conference Directory beliefs conflict with the principle that CENTRAL STATES voluntary enlistees are subject to un- W. W. Fordham, President restricted service on a 24-hour a day, H. T. Saulter, Secretary-Treasurer Telephone WAbash 1-9980 seven days a week, basis are ineligible 2528 Benton Blvd. sas City 27, Mo. COLORADO to enlist. The efficient and economical R. S. Joyce, President assignment of personnel would be im- $12,500 Received H. A. Young, Secretary-Treasurer Telephone PEarl 3-3771 pared by the enlistment of applicants in Recent Grants 2520 South Downing Denver 10, Colo. Kansas whose convictions do not permit them Dr. George L. Caviness, academic F. 0. Sanders, President to perform military duties where and H. L. Haas, Secretary-Treasurer dean, announced recently that Union P. O. Box 267 Telephone CEntral 3-9639 when needed. ( Italics supplied.) College has received a $10,000 grant 1275 Topeka Blvd. Topeka, Kansas MISSOURI In view of this recent addition to from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation of H. C. Klement, President E. L. Moore, Secretary-Treasurer the U.S. Air Force Regulation for en- Battle Creek, Michigan. The purpose of P. 0. Box 556 Telephone VAlentine 1-7073 listed personnel, it would be expedient this grant is (1) to improve the quality 2928 Campbell St. Kansas City 41, Mo. NEBRASKA for our youth in the United States to ful- of the teacher preparation program by J. L. Dittberner, President Ben Trout, Secretary-Treasurer fill their military obligation through the assisting in the acquirement of much P. 0. Box 3626 IVanhoe 8-232 I-A-O classification under the draft. This 4745 Prescott Lincoln, 6, Nebr. needed books for the library; and (2) WYOMING is a plan devised by the United States to encourage the college to increase the G. C. Williamson, President L. F. Webb, Secretary-Treasurer Government through which Seventh-day effectiveness of its library services gen- P. 0. Box 599 Telephone 237-2312 Adventist young men can serve their 604 So. Wolcott St. Casper, Wyoming erally. These funds will be expended country with dignity and honor. over the next three-year period, states Make wills and legacies payable to your local conference or association. Consult your J. R. NELSON, Director Dr. Caviness. conference secretary-treasurer for complete Information. War Service Commission PUC Alumni ATTENTION: Sunset Calendar All Pacific Union College Alumni and UNION COLLEGE ALUMNI July 20 July 27 friends are invited to visit the PUC Don't Miss Denver, Colorado 7:25 7:19 headquarters and exhibit which will be Grand Junction, Colo. 7:36 7:30 located at 43 Grove Street close to the Alumni Get-Together Topeka, Kansas 7:45 7:39 Civic Auditorium in San Francisco dur- San Francisco Kansas City, Missouri 7:40 7:34 ing General Conference. Why not make Thursday, August 2 St. Louis, Missouri 7:23 7:17 it a meeting place for family, relatives, Watch for further announcements Lincoln, Nebraska 7:55 7:49 and friends? You will be most welcome. regarding time and place. Casper, Wyoming 7:46 7:39 You will also enjoy the annuals, bro- CENTRAL UNION REAPER Meyers labored in the Central States If you are . Conference for approximately ten years, One of "Union's Own" pastoring in Kansas City, Kansas, and Omaha, Nebraska. In addition to his pas- • Alumnus toral duties, he engaged in fruitful evan- • Ex-Student gelism, both in Omaha, Nebraska, and • Ex-Teacher Des Moines, Iowa. Scores are now re- Don't miss TWO events at joicing in the third angel's message as a General Conference: result of his ministry. Sister Meyers, an 1.
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