DIMENSIONS of DISCOVERY Sponsored Program Awards November 2015 Abbott, Angela R and Palmer, Laura A; Anderson, Joseph M; agronomy, from Brunswicker, Sabine; industrial technol- agriculture – administration, health and Rubisco Seeds LLC, $3,000, “Corn Research.” ogy, from Red Hat, $25,000, “Red Hat Doc- human sciences, from Pennsylvania State Appenzeller, Joerg; Chen, Zhihong and toral Appointment.” University, $37,831, “Cyfar Coach.” Klimeck, Gerhard; electrical & computer Bullock, Darcy M; civil engineering, from Abu-Omar, Mahdi M; chemical engineer- engineering, from University of Notre Dame, Indiana Department of Transportation, ing, from Eli Lilly and Company, $100,000, $670,848, “Modification No 6 to Grant $17,259, “Transportation Research Board “Green Solvents Discovery and Develop- 106424.” (a Discovery Park award — Birck (TRB) Annual Meeting Activities.” ment.” Nanotechnology Center) Byrn, Stephen R; industrial & physical phar- Agrawal, Rakesh; chemical engineering, Arling, Gregory W; nursing, from Indiana macy, from University of Chicago, $99,230, from Ross Graduate Fellowship/Assistant- University, $62,497, “Initiative to Reduce “Pre-clinical Development of Myosolvins, a ship, $16,834, “McClary, Scott A.” Avoidable Hospitalizations Amoung Nurs- New Class of Medicine, Amendment 1.” Agrawal, Rakesh; Lundstrom, Mark S; ing Facility Residents – Optimistic.” Casteel, Shaun N; agronomy, from Valent Alam, Muhammad A; Garimella, Suresh Bahr, David F; materials engineering, U.S.A. Corporation, $9,000, “Soybean Exten- V and Sharma, Pankaj; chemical engineer- from Purdue Doctoral Program, $31,910, sion Research.” ing, electrical & computer engineering, “Brenner, Anneliese.” Chen, Jun; mechanical engineering, from mechanical engineering, industrial tech- Bajaj, Anil K; mechanical engineering, from Environmental Protection Agency, $15,000, nology, from National Renewable Energy Cummins Business Services, $27,000, “Cum- “Development of Distributed Off-Grid Wind Laboratory, $63,750, “Solar Energy Research mins Assistanships.” Energy System for Rural African Communi- Institute for India and the United States Bayley, William G; chemistry, from North ties.” (Seriius).” Putnam Community School Corporation, Cheng, Ji-Xin; biomedical engineering, from Ajuwon, Kolapo; animal sciences, from Ab $600, “Instrumentation Van Project.” California Medical Innovations, $41,684, Agri Limited, $25,000, “Swine Research.” Benes, Bedrich; computer graphics tech- “Micro-Mechanical Role of Hypertension in Ajuwon, Kolapo; animal sciences, from Ab nology, from Purdue University, $2,000, Intimal Hyperplasia.” Agri Limited, $35,000, “Swine Research.” “INCR: 1415 Lab & Core Equipment Grant.” Cheng, Ji-Xin; biomedical engineering, from Alam, Muhammad A; electrical & com- Bertino, Elisa; computer science, from Eli National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators puter engineering, from Texas Instruments, Lilly and Company, $57,837, “Informatics Alliance, $10,000, “Biomedical Engineering Inc., $60,000, “Texas Instruments Gift.” Database.” Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship Award (BMEidea).” Alexeenko, Alina; aeronautical & astronau- Bigelow, Cale A; horticulture & landscape tical engineering, from Ima Life, $10,000, architecture, from Pro Products, LLC, Choi, Young D; biological sciences – “Lyogroup Consortium.” $3,000, “Putting Greens Research.” Calumet campus, from Indiana Department of Natural Resources, $43,062, “Ecology Allebach, Jan P; electrical & computer engi- Boudouris, Bryan W; chemical engineer- Education for Local College Students and neering, from Hewlett Packard, $525,000, ing, from National Science Foundation, Residents for Monitoring of Biodiversity in “Print Quality Improvement Program.” $97,600, “Faculty Early Career Development the Coffee Creek Watershed.” Allebach, Jan P; electrical & computer (CAREER): Advanced Molecular Archi- engineering, from Hewlett Packard, $75,000, tectures for Electronically-Active Radical Christian, John A; comparative pathobiol- “Person Detection and Recognition for Polymers.” ogy, from Western University of Health Sci- ences, $1,855, “Cytology Resource Center.” Smarthome and Smartoffice.” Brophy, Sean; engineering education, from Ambrose, Rose Prabin K; agricultural & Purdue University, $15,000, “15/16 Entre- Christmon, Kenneth C; diversity and mul- biological engineering, from Kansas State preneurial Leadership Academy Award.” (a ticultural affairs – Fort Wayne campus, from University, $43,999, “Flow Behavior and Discovery Park award — Burton D. Morgan Indiana Department of Workforce Develop- Spray Coating Efficiency During the Produc- Center) ment, $32,421, “Career and Technical Educa- tion Student Services 2015-2016.” tion of Rendered Protein Meals.” Brunswicker, Sabine; industrial technol- Anderson, Joseph M; agronomy, from ogy, from Red Hat, $25,000, “Red Hat Doc- Collicott, Steven H; aeronautical & astro- Rubisco Seeds LLC, $3,250, “Corn Research.” toral Appointment.” nautical engineering, from Rolls-Royce, Inc., $95,172, “2015 Oil Spin Testing.” Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships Dimensions of Discovery Purdue University Sponsored Program Awards — November 2015 Dasgupta, Anirban; statistics, from Else- Esters, Levon T; youth development & agri- Gitau, Margaret W; agricultural & bio- vier Ltd, $68,831, “Executive Editor Agree- cultural education, from Pioneer Hi-Bred logical engineering, from Purdue Univer- ment for Anirban Dasgupta.” International, Inc., $5,000, “John Deere Map sity, $16,944, “Assessment of Current Water DeLaurentis, Daniel A; aeronautical & Summer Program.” Quality Indices in Relation to Ecological astronautical engineering, from University Fairfax, Keke C; comparative pathobiology, Functioning in the Coastal Zone.” of Maryland, $30,000, “National Center of from Endoparagon Inc, $1,145, “Studies Gounder, Rajamani P; chemical engineer- Excellence for Aviation Operations Research Related to Cysteine Protease Cz Compounds ing, from Korea University, $6,000, “Young- (NEXTOR) II: Air Connectivity Index.” Versus Schistosomiasis.” gul Hur – Purdue University – Korea U Bk.” Delaurentis, Daniel A; aeronautical & Federer, Natalie L; field extension educa- Hacker, Thomas J and Hansen, Raymond astronautical engineering, from Missile tors, from Fulton County REMC Operation A; computer & information technology, from Defense Agency, $73,447, “An Agent-Based Roundup, $2,000, “Educational Programs in University of Stavanger, $30,000, “Strategic Concept for an Enhanced Command and Pulaski County.” Collaboration on Advanced Data Analy- Control, Battle Management, and Commu- Fentiman, Audeen W; engineering admin- sis and Communication Between Purdue nications (C2BMC) Architecture: Modifica- istration engineering experiment, from University and University of Stavanger.” (a tion 25 Grant No. 104755.” Idaho National Laboratory, $18,432, “Light Discovery Park award – NEEScomm) Delp, Edward J ; electrical & computer Water Reactor (LWR) Research, Develop- Haines, Melinda D; visual & performing engineering, from University of Hawaii, ment and Demonstration (RD&D) Plan.” arts – Fort Wayne campus, from Arts United $11,210, “Food Image Capture Using a Finke, Linda M; health & human services of Greater Fort Wayne, $4,925, “Indiana Mobile Application.” – Fort Wayne campus, from Indiana Family University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Delp, Edward J; electrical & computer engi- Health Council, $3,465, “Lafayette Street (IPFW)/Shruti Indian Performance Series neering, from Google Inc, $40,086, “Google.” Familty Health Clinic – Insurance Navigator – Ragamala Dance.” Grant – Title X.” Deshmukh, Abhijit V; Bagchi, Saurabh Hamaker, Bruce R and Terekhov, Anton I; and Lee, Seokcheon; industrial engineer- Fisher, Timothy; Heister, Stephen D and food science, from Herbalife, $9,806, “Aloe ing, electrical & computer engineering, Shih, Tom I; mechanical engineering, aero- Vera Leaf Carbohydrate Analysis.” from General Electric Company, $216,094, nautical & astronautical engineering, from Hamaker, Bruce R Ferruzzi, Mario “Priam15-01: Smart Real Time Optimized Air Force Research Laboratory, $98,000, and ; Factories.” “Center for Integrated Thermal Management food science, from Pepsico Inc./ World of Aerospace Vehicles [Grant No. 106951].” Trading Co., $90,272, “In Vitro Studies with Diaz Valderrama, Jorge Ronny; botany (a Discovery Park award — Birck Nanotech- Orange Pomace.” & plant pathology, from Golden Key Inter- nology Center) national Honour Society, $2,500, “Jorge Hamaker, Bruce R; food science, from Valderrama Golden Key Award.” Fisher, Timothy; mechanical engineering, Mondelez Global LLC, $105,327, “Study from Raytheon, $10,000, “Purdue G-Load and Identification of Starch Sources with Doerge, Rebecca W ; statistics, from Cook Test of Heat Pipes Project.” (a Discovery Park Improved Slowly Digestible Property in Research Incorporated, $18,555, “Cook award — Birck Nanotechnology Center) Intermediate Moisture Systems.” Research Inc Ra Fall 2015.” Garimella, Suresh V; mechanical engineer- Hamilton, Roy L; Education Opportuni- Doudareva, Natalia ; biochemistry, from ing, from Intel Corporation, $15,000, “Cool- ties Program – Calumet campus, from U.S. Binational Science Foundation, $27,450, ing Technolgies Research Center (Cooling Department of Education, $276,777, “Ron- “Plant-Mediated Defense Mechanisms in Technologies Research Center (CTRC)) ald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achieve- Gall-Forming Aphids.” 2012-2013 Membership - Memo Match for ment Program.” Dragnev, Peter D; Anderson, Jeffrey
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