E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2014 No. 105 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Mr. Speaker, recently much atten- Mr. Speaker, Afghanistan is not called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tion has been given to the chaos build- worth the treasure or the blood that pore (Mr. WOMACK). ing in Iraq. However, we must not for- has been spent there over the last 12 f get that there is still chaos in Afghani- years. We have no more business think- stan. ing we can change the Middle East, be- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO In June of this year, I visited Walter cause history has proven Afghanistan TEMPORE Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, and Iraq will never change, no matter The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Maryland. I met three soldiers from what. Iraq was an unnecessary war. It fore the House the following commu- Fort Bragg who had lost one leg each was manufactured intelligence by the nication from the Speaker: in Afghanistan. I met two marines previous administration. It was an un- necessary, unjust war where 4,000 WASHINGTON, DC, from my district at Camp Lejeune. July 8, 2014. One marine, 23 years old, had lost Americans were killed, 30,000 were I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE two legs and an arm. His father, from wounded, and 100,000 Iraqis were killed WOMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on Louisiana, was standing beside his ex- themselves. this day. ercise mat, which is about 3 or 4 feet Mr. Speaker, I will close today by JOHN A. BOEHNER, off the ground. To look in the eyes of quoting a man for whom I have great Speaker of the House of Representatives. the father, to see the pain, the sadness, respect, because he and I agree on our f and the worry about the future of his foreign policies. His name is Pat Buchanan: MORNING-HOUR DEBATE 23-year-old son, I cannot describe today on the floor of the House. I don’t know Is it not a symptom of senility to be bor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the words to describe the pain I saw in rowing from the world so we can defend the ant to the order of the House of Janu- the eyes. world? ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- Then I went to see the second marine We in Congress continue to spend nize Members from lists submitted by from Camp Lejeune, who in February money over in Afghanistan—and now the majority and minority leaders for of this year stepped on a 40-pound IED Iraq—from money that we borrow from morning-hour debate. and lost both legs. I could only look at other countries. It makes no sense. The Chair will alternate recognition him and hope for the best as he told me Mr. Speaker, in closing, I say to between the parties, with each party about his wife and his 8-month-old Stephanie and Eden: Your father was a limited to 1 hour and each Member baby girl. hero. He will never be forgotten. I will say to all the families and the other than the majority and minority Mr. Speaker, beside me today, I have children of those who lost loved ones: leaders and the minority whip limited the photograph on this poster of two Your loved ones will never be forgot- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- young ladies whose father was Ser- ten. They have done so much for this bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. geant Kevin Balduf, stationed at Camp country. f Lejeune. The little girls’ names are May God continue to bless America Eden and Stephanie. They are standing AFGHANISTAN and may God continue to bless those in at the grave site of their father. uniform, and may God continue to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sergeant Balduf and Colonel Palm- bless America. Chair recognizes the gentleman from er—Sergeant Balduf, again, was sta- f North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- tioned at Camp Lejeune and Colonel utes. Palmer at Air Station Cherry Point, CRISIS AT THE BORDER Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, shortly be- which is also in my district in eastern The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fore the July Fourth break, we had North Carolina—were sent to Afghani- Chair recognizes the gentleman from three marines from Camp Lejeune, stan to train Afghans to be police offi- Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. which is in my district, who were cers. The night before Sergeant Balduf Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ac- killed during combat operations in Af- and Colonel Palmer were killed, Ser- cording to a Federal judge in Texas, ghanistan: Staff Sergeant David H. geant Balduf emailed his wife, Amy, our government is ‘‘completing the Stewart, Lance Corporal Brandon J. and said, ‘‘I don’t trust them. I don’t criminal mission’’ of human traffickers Garabrant, and Lance Corporal Adam trust them. I don’t trust any of them.’’ ‘‘who are violating the border security F. Wolff. May I, at this time, extend The next day, he and Colonel Palmer of the United States’’ and assisting a my deepest sympathy to the families of were shot and killed by the Afghans ‘‘criminal conspiracy in achieving its these three brave marines. they were trying to train. illegal goals.’’ b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5831 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:49 Jul 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY7.000 H08JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 8, 2014 Here is how ICE is complicit in aid- While the administration acts sur- band’s music statement emphasizes ing and abetting human smuggling: prised about the crisis, the paper trail performance excellence, and A smuggler is paid to bring children shows they knew that it was coming in excellence’s ever present companion: into the United States. The smuggler January. The Department of Homeland work ethic. then is apprehended by ICE and pros- Security in January posted online ad- In fewer than 10 years, Reagan High ecuted, but the criminal act is com- vertising for transportation contrac- School is already recognized as having pleted when ICE personally delivers the tors needed to help deal with this surge one of the top school bands in North migrant child to the parent who has in- of unaccompanied minors coming into Carolina and the Nation. stigated the crime. If the parent is also the United States. The Raiders performed ‘‘America the illegally in the United States, ICE nei- The administration knew about this, Beautiful’’ for the parade. They are ther deports the parent nor the child. but rather than enforce the rule of law also proud of the Reagan High School The Federal judge chastised the De- and increase border security, the ad- fight song, appropriately titled, ‘‘The partment of Homeland Security for not ministration planned to accept the mi- Great Communicator March.’’ It is an honor to recognize this fine enforcing the law and compares this grants and find places to house them. organization today, and I wish them nonenforcement on the border to ‘‘tak- This current chaos is also an insult to continued success in the future. With ing illegal drugs or weapons it has people who come to America the legal their rigorous focus and commitment seized from smugglers and delivering way, but the White House has put poli- them to the criminals who solicited to excellence, I believe we can count on tics over the law and what is best for a bright future for the Band of Raiders. their illegal importation’’ into the the American people. United States. So what now? Well, deploy the Na- f Mr. Speaker, this administration, tional Guard to the southern border to CRISIS AT THE SOUTHERN with its policy of open borders and bla- deter future migrants from making the BORDER tant refusal to enforce the law, is journey to America. It is the first duty complicit in the crisis at the southern The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of the Federal Government to defend Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from border. the sovereignty of our Nation. Appro- The timing is not a coincidence. The Tennessee (Mrs. BLACK) for 5 minutes. priate money that is still going for na- surge of foreign nationals illegally en- Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, our crisis tion-building in Iraq to fund the Na- tering the United States all began at the southern border is a direct re- when the President planted the seed for tional Guard on our southern border. sult of the President’s executive ac- executive amnesty in a 2012 Rose Gar- Surely, protecting our border is just as tions that have sent a message to chil- den speech. In this speech, he an- important as securing the border of dren and families across Central Amer- nounced his policy of unilateral admin- Iraq. If the President won’t protect the ica that if they cross our porous border istrative amnesty for minors. This was border, let the State Governors do it they will be allowed to stay.
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