© SociedadEspañola de Malacología Iberus,2A (1): 13-21,2006 Taxonomic notes on some Indo -Pacific and West African Drilliaspecies (Conoidea: Drilliidae) Notas taxonómicas sobre unas especies de Drillia del Indo -Pacifico y África occidental (Conoidea: Drilliidae) Donn L. TIPPETT* Recibido ell-XII-2003. Aceptado el' 7-III-2006 ABSTRACT Two uncommon turrid species, Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1 876) and Drillia enna (Dalí, 1918), have been reviewed on the basis of examination of type material, material discovered in the USNM collection or procured by the author, and study of the literature. The review permits clarification of their taxonomic status, localities, and ranges. Athird, common, species, Drillia regia (Habe and Murakami, 1970), confused originally with D. enna, is similarly clarified. Confused with Drillia dunkeri, Drillia umbilicata Gray, 1 838, type species of the genus, and a species resembling it closely, Drillia patriciae Bernard, 1 984 are also reviewed. RESUMEN Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1876) y Drillia enna (Dalí, 1918), dos especies de tórridos poco comunes, se revisan en base al material tipo, de colecciones en el USNM o procu- rado por el autor, y el estudio de la literatura. La revisión permite clarificar el estado taxo- nómico, localidades y de rango. Igualmente se aclara la taxonomía de una tercera espe- cie común, D. regia (Habe y Murakami, 1970), originalmente confunidida con D. enna. Debido a la confusión con D. dunkeri, también se revisa D. umbilicata Gray, 1838, la especie tipo del género, y una especie parecida, D. patriciae Bernard, 1984. KEY WORDS: Drillia, taxonomy. PALABRAS CLAVE: Drillia, taxonomía. INTRODUCTION Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1876), as the USNM collection reveáis 3 further Pleurotoma {Clavus) dunkeri, was de- specimens that are here identified as D. scribed on the basis of a unique specimen dunkeri. One (Bartsch's specimen [1943]) from an unknown locality. It was re- had been misidentified as Drillia umbili- ported later by Schepman (1913) on the cata Gray, 1838, and published as such, basis of a specimen from a known local- thus continuing the confusión that had ity, Macassar, Indonesia. Examination of existed as to the identification of the two Schepman' s specimen validates the iden- taxa. The specimens noted provide a tification, and permits assignment of a likely locality range for the species. type locality. Schepman' s generic assign- Drillia dunkeri Knudsen, 1952 is a ment, Drillia, is here accepted. Search of secondary homonym of Weinkauff's * 10281 Gainsborough Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 USA 13 Iberus, 24 (1), 2006 taxon and requires a new ñame, which in the study were examined and com- is here supplied, Drillia knudseni. pared. Comparisons were made on the Pleurotoma enna Dalí, 1918 was a new basis of shell morphology using conven- ñame for the preoccupied Pleurotoma tional characters, emphasizing size, (Drillia) unifasciata E. A. Smith, 1888. It was shell and whorl outline, number, a literature change, along with a number strength, and contour of the axial ribs of others, and it is highly unlikely that and spiral sculpture, parietal tubercle Dall (1918) had seen the type material. development, development of siphonal Abbott and Dance (1982) illustrated a fasciole and false umbilicus, color and shell as Clavus enna. Their figure is not of color banding. Dall's species, rather Habe and Mu- rakami's Clavus regius (now Drillia regia), Abbreviations used: the earliest ñame for the species. Conse- quently D. regia requires consideration in BMNH: The Natural History addition toD.enna. Drillia enna per se has Museum, London, UK [formerly British been treated once only in the literature, by Museum (Natural History)]. Gravely (1942), since it's descripción. His MNHN: Museum National d'His- reported specimen and a specimen ob- toire Naturelle, Paris, France. tained by the author, identified as D. enna, NSMT: National Science Museum of are from Madras, India, near the type lo- Tokyo, Japan. caliry of Sri Lanka. This permits review of USNM: National Museum of the species and range assignment. Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D. C, USA [formerly United States National Museum]. MATERIAL AND METHODS ZMA: Zoólogisch Museum, Amster- dam, Netherlands. Specimens, including type speci- ZMB: Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, mens as available, of the taxa involved Germany. SYSTEMATICS Genus Drillia Gray, 1838 Drillia Gray, 1838, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1: 28. Type species: Drillia umbilicata Gray, 1838, by subse- quent designation, Gray, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. Pt. 5, No. 178: 134. Description: Shell of small to large dominant. Sinus on shoulder slope, size (ca. 10-60 mm), elongate-fusiform, usually strong, with variable parietal turreted, with moderately tall spire, tubercle and typically with well-mar- truncated body whorl ending in a short, ginated columellar callus. Stromboid open, unnotched anterior canal with notch and varix present in most siphonal fasciole and false umbilicus of instances. Usually unicolored whitish to 1 variable strength. Protoconch l / 2-3 biege, and may be banded. Radula char- smooth whorls, tip usually small. Adult acteristic of genus and family, "proto- whorls variably rounded, usually with a typic," with 5 teeth per row, consisting well marked subsutural shoulder slope of unicuspid central, crescentic, comb- sulcus, no subsutural cord. Sculpture of like laterals, and elongate, solid, awl axial ribs and spiral cords / threads, ribs shaped margináis. Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1876) (Figs. 1-3, 6-8) Pleurotoma (Clavus) dunkeri Weinkauff, 1876: 75, pl. 16, fig. 2 in Weinkauff and Kobelt, 1875-1887. 14 TlPPETT: On some Indo-Pacific and West African Drillia species (Conoidea: Drilliidaej Drillia (Brachystoma) dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1876) Tryon, 1884: 179, pl. 8, fig. 24. Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff, 1876) Schepman, 1913: 416, unfigured. Drillia umbilicata Gray, 1838, sensu Bartsch, 1943: 82, pl. 7, fig. 5 (the specimen illustrated is not D. umbilicata but D. dunkeri. The illustration is considerably retouched); not pl. 10, fig. 7 (this is the protoconch of another specimen, USNM 473178, misidentified as D. umbilicata. It is juvenile and may be Drillia angolensis Odhner, 1922, Goteb. Kung. Veten. Hets-Samm. Hand. 17, pl.l, fig.2). Material examined: Pleurotoma (Clavus) dunkeri Weinkauff, 1876, holotype, ZMB, unnumbered, local- ity unknown, 30.0x13.7 mm (Figs. 1, 2); specimen, Drillia dunkeri (Weinkauff,1876) Schepman, 191 3, ZMA 188.0, Indonesia, Makassar (sic) and surroundings, 32m, mud, sand with mud and coral, Siboga Stn.71, 7 June, 1899, 37.5x17.7 mm (Fig. 3); Drillia umbilicata Gray,1838, syntype, BMNH 1875.4.29.2, Sierra Leone, western África, 32.6x14.1 mm (Fig. 4); Drillia patriciae Bernard, 1984, holotype, MNHN, unnumbered, Gabon, west central África, 27.2x13.1 mm (Fig. 5); specimen, "Drillia umbilicata (Gray, 1838)" Bartsch,1943, USNM 367041, "West África," 26.0x12.8 mm (Fig. 6); specimen, USNM 239134, Sibuko Bay, Borneo, Albatross Station 5593, 38 fm (69m), fine sand, 33.2x17.6 mm (Fig. 7); speci- o men, USNM 747290, off west coast Wasir Island, Banda Sea, Moluccas, 5 30' S, 134° 12' E, 22-31 fm (39.5-56 m), sand and rubble, 15 April 1970, 29.9x14.0 mm (Fig. 8). Description: Shell médium sized (to dunkeri, from Macassar in 1913. It is known ca. 38 mm), elongate fusiform, turreted, that exploration and collecting took place spire angle 35-38°, large body whorl of by the Dutch during the mid nineteenth 3 ¡5 shell length, tapering with modérate century in the área of the Macassar Straits. basal constriction to short, open, The Amsterdam and Leiden museums unnotched anterior canal bent slightly have considerable collections material right. Protoconch 2 smooth whorls, 9-10 labelled as from Indonesian sites includ- rounded, bulging teleoconch whorls. ing "Moluccas," and occasionally "Java" Wavy suture corresponding to the pre- and "Célebes" (pers. comm., Dr. R. N. ceding axials, and rising on the preced- Kilburn). This would make it possible that ing whorl at its termination. No subsu- Weinkauff s specimen could have been tural cord, weak sulcus. Weak siphonal collected in those times in that área. Thus, fasciole and false umbilicus. Sculprure of Schepman' s specimen collected from this strong, broad, suture to suture axial ribs, región at a later date makes assignment 7 per whorl on spire, 6 including narrow of the site as the type locality appropriate. varix on last. Posterior portion of ribs Schepman's specimen (Fig. 3) is a reduced in strength and curving over the dead, drilled shell, but adequately pre- sulcus área to preceding suture. Regu- served for comparison with the holotype larly spaced, spiral cords of modérate of the species. Although slightly larger strength overall. Aperture parallel sided and with a slightly more pronounced with deep, U-shaped sinus on shoulder sulcus, it shares the essential features, slope, ending in low parietal tubercle on overall shell form, minimal siphonal fas- joining body whorl, and flaring, curved, ciole and false umbilicus, little-produced outer lip edge bearing stromboid notch parietal tubercle, equivalent axial and anteriorly. Varix narrow, extending spiral sculpture, and similar spiral curved with no reduction in strength to banding. The slightly broader body preceding suture. Color beige with whorl with less rounded whorl outline broad brown peripheral spiral band. on the right side are artifacts resulting Type locality: Macassar, Indonesia. from a healed break. The remaining Range: Borneo, Macassar, Banda Sea, whorls have the usual outline. The range Indonesia. of shell morphology variation is sug- Comments: Weinkauff (in Weinkauff gested by this specimen and the others and Kobelt, 1875-1887) had studied and illustrated in Figures 6-8, the only signif- reported on a specimen from an unkown icant variation being in shell width. The locality in the collection of R. W. Dunker. shell illustrated in Figure 8 was origi- Scfíepman (1913) reported a specimen that nally identified as "Clavus tjibaliungensis he identified (but did not figure) as Drillia (K.
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