ORGANIZATION FOR REHABILITATION THROUGH TRAINING VOLUME XXIII, No. 3 Published by the American ORT Federation Fall, 1969 French ORT is now in the midst of a MoreStudents,MoreSchoolsthisYear development program that will en- The number of people—youth and adults—availing themselves of ORT large the capacities of practically servicesduring the school year that began September 1st will be at an all-time every school in its network. peak, probably close to 55,000. The first possibility of vocational A record number of youth will attend the ORT vocational and technical learning for girls of the Jewish com- ; ago. high schools, close to 35,000. munity in Bombay, will come into re sent to More new educational facilities than a year ago. Some of them were being with the establishment of a the inter- have been opened, or will be opened breaking the educational barrier in school which is the gift of the Gov- ich is aid. in the course of the year, than in any communities that had not had high ernment of Denmark. he world. school facilities before. similar period. Among the areas of Latin America ding in a expansion are Israel, France, Iran, This was the case in Bat Yam, Hof lage eight Argentina and India. Hasharon and Benyamina. A school A thoroughly renovated and up- southern for girls was opened at Lydda. Factory dated center for advanced techno- Career Choices schools were established in Jerusalem logical studies, including a computer 1 soon be- Occupational and career possibili- and in the Negev town of Yeruham. center, was dedicated in September in VI" work- tiessuch as computer data processing, In East Jerusalem, ORT inaugurated Buenos Aires. ncling to industrial chemistry, telecommunica- two vocational schools for Arab youth. This by no means exhaustive in- icentrated tion and automation will be featured The French program is geared to ventory of added ingredients to the which are the avalanche of North African refu- ORT program underscores what Max two-year gees of the sixties. The schools con- Braude, ORT Director General, de- structed within the last few years to scribed at the international executive serve the needs of newcomers have committee conference last Summer, fe it clear proven to be inadequate for the task. as "an impressive tempo of growth." • role was would be ory Coast ExpansionPlanAnnouncedforIsrael ,sistant to Phase two of the "home front strat- Phase two, starting with this school i?re. egy" to extend ORT high school year, in effect means converting the is and in. opportunities in Israel by "tripling doubling goal into a tripling pro- ier, small. the enrollment," was announced by gram, with the aim of bringing about ses of the Gen. Chaim Herzog, President of 7,000 more teenagers into the schools ce impart. ORT Israel, at the mid-year meeting during the next few years. ig chosen of the World ORT Union executive 2nt Amer- Final Results committee last June. s unusual The ultimate effect of the Phase A plan to double the enrollment of A freshman student at the Ort Vocational Two Operation of tripling the 1965 Center in Teheran. Iran learns the 14-18 year olds in the ORT secondary ORT high school student body will elements of his skill. schools for vocational and technical be a nation-wide system that embraces studies was put into effect in 1965. in the curriculum, supplementing a some 20,000. Other ORT Israel pro- Such schools then were able to ac- continued emphasis on electronics, grams are also going forward, and will commodate 6,800 youth. The dou- secretarialskills and drafting. bring just this year's total enrollment bling program was projected for 5 Information received from the 21 in all phases—secondary and other- years. countries of operation indicates that wise—to 35,000. these are some of the factors that will Overwhelming Hurdles "The doubling program has been make this 89th year of ORT not only Despite the dislocations of the Six very effective, one indication of which the biggest in its history, but also the Day War in June '67, the chronic is that the schools graduated over most responsive to the tides of change shortage of teachers and construction 7,000 skilled journeymen and tech- in education and in job technology. bottlenecks, this goal was for all prac- nicians in June," Gen. Herzog noted. The student body at the ORT tical purposes, achieved in the last "But this is nowhere near enough secondary schools in Israel this Sep- school year when ORT high school for Israel's educational or manpower tember first, swelled by 2,500 more enrollment reached 12,239. requirements." Large Outpouring for Women's Convention The 20th Biennial National Convention Ccu of Women's American ORT will convene wood, November 20th to 24th at +he New York ing ol Hilton for four intensely programmed that days of planning for the future. MUM More than 1,500 leaders, representing almo: the 85,000 members who are organized from in 650 chapters all over the country, are expected to attend, probably the largest thum single national ORT conference ever on of cyt the American scene. Directors and specialists from prac- tically every major program on four In continents, will be present to analyze late current trends and problems, and out. no line +he directions and anticipated only needs. In commissions, plenary sessions brati and other groups, delegates will get For I into every aspect of both the program overseas and the organization as it re- at G2 ORT Institute A view of the 20th Anniversary and Graduation Assembly at the Central lates +o the community. OR1 in Anieres, Switzerland. last June. The Convention call is issued by Mrs. TI Monroe M. Rosenthal, President, Mrs ages Jack Eisenberg is Convention Chair. to t] A Generation of Teachers man, and Mrs. Leonard MinkofF is Co. class( Chairman. five They came from all over last June "They" were 54 alumni of the Insti- staki to the Central ORT Institute located tute, who have made their careers in tong in the tiny hamlet of Anieres, outside ORT, and to this day are part of the perimentation, and the source of to p Geneva, Switzerland. They came to vital administrative and educational numerous innovations in teaching methodology. celebrate the 20th anniversary of the cadres that make the ORT schools Fc Institute. But there was hardly time what they are. While instructors remain the chief one for indulgence in nostalgia as they First in a generation of teachers product of the Institute, in response cand plunged into renewal of their own produced by the Institute in the last to the diversified needs of the ORT blom education. two decades, they have since grown educational complex, it has assumed on h into men of major responsibilities in a whole gamut of functions and is, in of h a score of countries. fact, the University of ORT. MUM Among these veterans were the Multiple Strands pam ing heads of the schools in Ashkelon and One strand of this multiple opera SIMUI Holon, Israel, the technical director tion is continuing teacher education COM in Tunis, the principal of the School The alumni assembled for this anni- for Deaf Mute Children in Casa- versary went into a four day seminar, A blanca, and the director of the Cen- whose sessions, in effect, comprised a befc Fall, 1969 ter for Basic Education in that same thili Published quarterly in Spring, Summer, study course in technological and Fall and Winter city. educational trends that have practical cate Vol. XXIII, No. 3 Annual Subscription 50c Men at the Helm impact on the schools they lead. is al Cable Address: AMORTFED, New York Thc American ORT Federation There were others, like the head of As examples of the manner in which 222 Park Ave. South, New York, N. Y. 10003 shot ORegon 7-4400 thc ORT technical aid program in the Institute serves to keep ORT spir ORGANIZATION FOR REHABILITATION Gabon, West Africa, a technical di- staffers updated, there were sessions THROUGH TRAINING rector in the French program, the asso- on the school as a production model, Second class postage at New York, N. Y. ciate director of the Institute itself. the installation and design of work- OFFICERS — Dr. William Haber, President; GeorgeBacker,Honorary President; Mark Carter, When they first arrived at this shops, the use of closed circuit tele- Julius Hochman,Louis Hollander,Mrs. Max M. hav Shelley vision for instruction, the use of film Rosenberg,JosephSpivack,Vice-Presidents; place, the Institute was not only new wit] Appleton.Associate Secretary; CharlesJ. Bensley, strips, and the fabrication and pro- Treasurer; S: David Gamso, Associate Treasurer; in itself, it was also a new kind of live CharlesJ. Bensley, Chairman Exec. Comm.; Hon. school for which there were no guide- jection of visual models. MauriceBernhardt,Chairman Admin. Comm.; Paul hav Bernick,Executtve Director. lines to follow, no tradition. It was The seriousness and level of the beg The American OAT Federation represents the seminar is obvious from this listing. World ORT Union, with which it is affiliated, in the first international school for the Ian, the United States. ORT is devoted to the voca- educating of technical and vocational More important, it is clear that al- tional training and economicreconstruction of Jews throughout the world. educators. Today it is an institution though this was the celebration of an cial The American ORT Federation currently receives anniversary, the entire spirit of the its funds from the Joint Distribution Committee, of international renown and recogni- hol a member agency of the United Jewish Appeal, tion, a laboratory of educational ex- occasion was future-oriented.
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