CHAPTER 33 CHAPTER 33 Chapter Overview Introduce the Chapter Eggs In this chapter, students learn that eggs are a versatile, nutri- tious, economical addition to meals. Students examine how eggs and egg substitutes fi t into a healthful meal, learn how to select, store, and pre- pare eggs, and explore the valuable properties of eggs that allow them to function as binders, emulsifi ers, and leav- ening agents in foods. Build Background Ask students to brainstorm recipes made with eggs, such as cake, custard, bread, omelet, and so on. Then ask students: How do you think eggs contribute to these reci- pes? Ask volunteers to share their responses with the class. Activate Prior Explore Knowledge the Photo Writing Varied Sentence Caption Answer Answers Activity Structures will vary but may include cakes, egg bread, noodles, njoying Eggs Good writing features sentences fried or scrambled eggs, Ethat have different structures. For example: “Rosie egg salad, deviled eggs, or gathered the eggs in a basket” has a different sentence meatloaf. structure than “Using a basket, Rosie gathered the eggs.” Discussion Ask students: In what other ways can sentence structures be varied? What is the value of eggs in a Write a paragraph that describes eggs or an egg dish you healthful diet? (Answers will like. Include at least three different sentence structures. vary, but may include: Eggs are Writing Tips Follow these steps to write a variety of a good source of protein, but sentences: provide many other important ● Avoid starting several sentences with the same word. Activate Prior nutrients that are vital for the ● Use punctuation correctly to combine some short Knowledge health and maintenance of our sentences together. Thousands of Uses Eggs are a bodies, such as vitamins A, B, great source of protein. What is ● Include both long and short sentences in your and D, iron, calcium, phospho- your favorite recipe that contains writing. rus, and other trace minerals.) eggs? 514 Unit 7 Food Preparation Writing Activity Varied Sentence CLASSROOM Solutions 514Structures Print Resources Technology Resources This activity prompts stu- Student Edition Presentation Plus! provides visual dents to write a paragraph Teacher Wraparound Edition teaching aids for every section. Student Activity Workbook that describes eggs or an egg Online Learning Center includes resources Student Activity Workbook Teacher and activities for students and teachers. dish they like and include at Annotated Edition least three diff erent sentence TeacherWorks Plus is an structures. electronic lesson planner that provides instant access to complete teacher resources in one convenient package. 514 Reading Guide CHAPTER 33 Before You Read Preview List three questions you have about eggs. As you read, write FOCUS down the answers to your questions. Bell Ringer Activity Read to Learn Academic Objectives Egg Performance Standards ● Identify and describe three important parts of an egg. Ask students to brainstorm ● Describe the nutrients found in eggs. the meals that included eggs English ● Explain how to safely store eggs. Language Arts that they have had over the ● Summarize why eggs act as a binder. last few days. Were the eggs NCTE 7 Conduct research ● Describe how beating affects egg whites. and gather, evaluate, and syn- poached or scrambled? Part ● Identify the steps for making an omelet. thesize date to communicate of an omelet or souffl é? discoveries. Write the foods or dishes on Main Idea the board and point out to D Mathematics Eggs are a nutritious, economical, and versatile food that can students that eggs perform be eaten alone and used in many recipes. NCTM Data Analysis & Prob- ability Understand and apply many functions that make Content Vocabulary basic concepts of probability. them useful in a variety of cooking applications. Then You will find definitions for these words in the glossary at the Science back of this book. N ask students: If you had to NSES B Develop an under- C choose a favorite recipe ■ air cell ■ soufflé ■ custard standing of interactions of L ■ albumen ■ soft peaks ■ quiche energy and matter. B made with eggs, which ■ yolk ■ stiff peaks ■ meringue would you select and why? ■ chalazae ■ shirred eggs ■ weep Social Studies ■ coagulate ■ omelet ■ beading NCSS VII F Production, ■ emulsifier ■ frittata Distribution, and Consump- Preteaching tion Compare how values and Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary beliefs influence economic Read the defi nitions of the You will find these words in your reading and on your tests. Use decisions in different societies. the glossary to look up their definitions if necessary. vocabulary aloud. As you read NCTE National Council of each defi nition, ask students ● ruptured Teachers of English to write a sentence using each ● sieve NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics vocabulary word. Graphic Organizer NSES National Science Graphic Organizer Use a graphic organizer like the one below to take notes about Education Standards The graphic organizer is the uses and characteristics of grade AA, A, and B eggs. NCSS National Council for the Social Studies also on the TeacherWorks CD. A (The portion of the diagram where all three ovals overlap should contain the following: AA B all three grades of eggs have the same nutritional value. The portion of the diagram where AA and A overlap should contain the following: have Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s a thicker white; useful when Online Learning Center at glencoe.com appearance is important; use to print out this graphic organizer. to make fried or poached eggs. The portion of the diagram Chapter 33 Eggs 515 devoted only to B grade should include the following: use in baked goods when appearance Reading Guide does not matter.) N NCLB connects Before You Read C D Develop Concepts L academic correlations Point out to students that, in addition to B to book content. being useful in a variety of cooking applica- Main Idea Discuss the main idea with stu- tions and recipes, eggs can also be cooked in dents. Ask students: Can you name different their own shells and eaten alone. ways eggs are cooked? (Answers will vary but may include: Poached eggs, fried eggs, scram- bled eggs, and hard boiled eggs.) 515 The Structure of Eggs additives are not allowed in chicken feeds. CHAPTER Eggs sometimes have a red spot near the yolk, 33 Eggs are one of nature’s most versatile, which means that one or more small blood nutritious, and economical foods. Besides vessels in the yolk have ruptured, or broken. being tasty, they perform important functions The egg is still safe to use. in recipes. Most eggs eaten in the United States TEACH Chalazae The two, thick, twisted strands of come from hens, or female chickens. albumen that anchor the yolk in the center Discussion Starter An egg has several parts, which are shown of an egg are called the chalazae (k`-=l@-+z#). Brown vs. White Ask stu- in Figure 33.1. The hard shell is porous and They are not the beginning of an embryo. The dents: Do you consider a lined with membranes. A pocket of air, also thicker and more prominent the chalazae, the brown egg to be more nutri- known as the air cell, lies between these fresher the egg. tious than a white egg? Why membranes at the wide, round end. As an egg or why not? Do you think shell ages, this air cell gets larger. The inside of an Explain What makes color can affect fl avor or cook- egg also contains these three parts: some egg yolks a diff erent shade of yellow ing qualities? (Answers will Albumen The thick fluid commonly known as than others? vary, but students may say egg white is albumen (al-=by<-m`n). Albumen they do not think that shell gets thinner as an egg ages. Very fresh eggs color is related to an egg’s have cloudy-white albumen. Nutrients in Eggs nutritional content, fl avor, or cooking qualities. Others may Yolk The round yellow portion of an egg is the Eggs are an excellent source of protein and yolk. It is encased in a thin membrane and vitamin B . Both the white and the yolk contain say that they are unsure. Point 12 out that the breed of the hen floats within the albumen. The yolk flattens proteins. Eggs also contain other B vitamins as determines the shell color and as the egg ages. Its color depends on the hen’s well as vitamins A and D, iron, calcium, phos- that it has no affect on nutri- diet. Hens that are fed yellow cornmeal or phorus, and other trace minerals. The egg is one tional content, fl avor, or cook- marigold petals produce deeper yellow yolks of very few natural sources of Vitamin D. A large ing qualities.) than those fed white cornmeal. Artificial color hen’s eggs are only about 80 calories each. U Universal Access Figure 33.1 Parts of an Egg Visual Learners Parts of an Egg Obtain a Egg Basics These are the basic parts of an egg.What is the albumen printable version of the parts commonly called? What is the purpose of the chalazae? of an egg (as shown in Figure 33.1) that does not label each Air pocket part. Distribute copies to stu- Egg dents and ask them to iden- membrane tify the parts that they know. Read the paragraphs under Thin the section titled Nutrients albumen in Eggs aloud. Have students U conduct research to fi nd out Yolk how the body benefi ts from Thick the nutrients provided by eggs. albumen Ask volunteers to share their fi ndings. Ask students: Why Chalazae do you think an egg’s yolk Shell contains more vitamins and membrane nutrients that the white of the egg? (Answers will vary, but may include: protein helps to builds muscles and body tis- sues and provides energy; iron helps carry oxygen to blood; 516 Unit 7 Food Preparation vitamin A helps keep eyes and skin healthy; give nor- mal vision and clear healthy skin; vitamin D helps maintain Figure 35.1 Parts of an Egg proper levels of calcium to build Explain The hen’s diet determines and maintain bones.) ELL the color of the yolk.
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