: /'«Md!ttto.^ltt(Ui dufipi tn tcapr .' 'j'w tw e. n li^ TcUetiUy V, l«w >*■ ' V, ■■f''; '-'• jhi;' •' litmb«pof Aodli Boma ei ! w PAUiS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, MAY , 1940 FoU 8'BoQT Uued Wire Teleffnpbl# yoL; xxm. iro. 12I—5 ceots^ O lr^U o u , 8 Serrietof tb« United Preu OFFICIAL C iry NEWSPAPBB ' Here’s How Bandit Robbed T \^ 1 Us Store B ritish P rim e M inister GREAI UI M a y B e Forced to Q uit; S Y S I i W l New Cabinet “• /WASHINaTON. 'M ay 9 (U.fO — , NEW YORK, May 0 (U.R)-Howard Budget Director Harold D. Smith 0. Hopson, former head of tlie bll- told the senate reorgan.lUtlOD' com­ lion-dollar Associated Gas and Elei!="|~jr«-^ ■ o LONDON, May- 9 (D.B-r^rLeaders of the Labot party mittee today President Roosevelt trie Co. system, and three associates. I ,rP1TI$lMni1 rtt toniuhl were rcporte.d to have refused to join a coalition ortered the clvU aeronautics au­ were Indicted today on niall fraud government under the leadership of Prime Minister thority tnmsfetred to the departs and conspiracy-charges by a federol Neville Chamberlain. ment ol commerce to atop “hope­ grand Jury which accused tliem of less administrative confusion." defrauding Investors of more than Hats Set for The Liberal party was understood to take tlie‘ same Smith defended Mr. Roosevelt’s *20,000,000. view, but the Labor party executive committee, meeting executive order transferring the Tfie indictment .named Hopson. Straw Opener tomorrow, is. expected to make a final decision as to OAA and abolishing Its companion Charles -H. ’Trovls ond Garrett A, whether the Laborites wUl an “all’party” govem- agency, the air safety board. Brownback. attorneys for tho utility straw hat days will be observed 'Hie house yesterday voted 232 to emphe, ond Frederick S, Burroughs, by Twin Falls merchants from ment under a prime minister othei; than Chamberlain. : 183 to disapprove the transfer. Sim ­ a principal officer of the system.' Monday, May 20 to Saturday, May ilar senate ncUon 'nould kill th e ’Hie Indictment contahied IS 26. both dotes hicluslve, it was an­ By WAUACE CARROLL transfer, A close vote Is eicpected count-s alleging mail flaud aniV-one nounced here this afternoon by offi­ LONDON, May 9 (UJ!)—The house of (jommoni broke ipto ■ In the senote. , of conspiracy and each ot Uioso cials of tlu! merchants’ bureau of uproar' iotiay .when Kohert Boothby,. Conservative, told The senate reorganizaUbn com­ named faces, if convicted, 0 possible the Chamber of Commerce. mittee wlU vote tomorrow on the ma."dmum of 03 years in prison and Whereas in former years only Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain his government as at disapproval resolution ottered by a *28,000 fine. Tliey will be arraigned "Straw Hat day" has been observed, present constituted did not possess the confidence of the Sen. Pat McCarran, D., Nev.. co­ Tuesday. it was decided this year to carry on country in sufficient degree. , author of the act which established Avoids Testimony the special observance over the five- Chamberlain won a minor victory when commons acf- tlie iniiependent OAA In >038. Hopson, who presented mcdical day period. House Meets Hour Early evidence he was a "mental and "Cremation” cepted the government motion to adjourn until May 2L . ■ With the controverted safety Is- physical wreck" In ^^n effort to avoid Several features will be presented This came after the cabinet had introduced. legislati()n giv- ' iiue out of the way, the house m et testifying before the grand'Juiy, Is during the period and one will be the ing the home secretary drastii! ptswers to deal with any an hour early in an attempt to alleged to have conceived with his pubUc "cremation" of old felts and ■“Trojan horse” treachery, by tlireo cordefcndants a plan which straws with the mayor and, mem­ dls'pose ftoally ol two controversial Fascists, Communists, Ger­ -meaawes—the tOMiOOO.OOO agrlcul- produced "unlawful profits In ex­ bers of the city council taking part. , ture '-appropriation bill and the cess ot $20,000,000," The cremation will be staged Mon­ man agents or others who ■Wheeler-Lea transportation bill to Tills ,was done, tlie government day. May 20, at 3:16 p. m.-atr the might seek to undermine re­ place water transportation under W ith a gun held by a masked banilt pointed toward him, Jamts 0. Murphy, owner and operator of charges, by'using his coptrol of tatersection of Moin avenue and A C I I S DRIVE sistance to an invasion of ;the Jurisdiction of the Interstate com ­ the_ Eighth avenue market,. Twin Falls, d id nrt hesitate In placln; some ^ 0 In cash In a paper bag and As-soclated to. Induce the various Second' street east and south. If British Isles. merce commission, which already haiTding'it over to the man. The holdop tooClilaoe at th e store last night. In the above pictujre, Mr. member companies of the system ex­ weather docs not permit the event tending from Canada to Florida, to th a t day. It will be staged later in Chamberlain had indicated,. by regulates the railroads and motor Morphy lllostralcs how he placed 1 ^ monejLjn the bag while his daoehtcr. Miss Rabjr Murphy, looked his presence in the house and by a carriers'. on. At ibe left s store clerli (not shown) holds a gun similar to that the bandit used for the "Job.” enter into devious transactions with the week. NAL PHASES lilm fo r‘his benefit and to defend Also durhig the period May 20 to promise to agree to debates on war . The senate continued Its debate (Times Photo and Engraving) Carl Anderson, president of the policy after a Whitsuntids recess, h* on- the llownsend bill to repeal the him when actions were brought 23, both dates Inclusive, children Chamber of Commerce, this after­ intended to fight It out against his •liver purchase act, but there waa seeking an accounthig of his stew­ under 13 years turning In old straw noon announced that the final opponents and remato in office de­ little indication a ftoal vote would r ardship. h ats at either the Idaho or Orpheum roundup In the activities fund drive spite the narrow confidence Vote be TOVched today. Prosecutors said this wos tlie fhut theaters will receive show tickets is now underway. Budget Dh'ector Smith said th a t time that hiwyers a n d 'a banker free. At the Idaho the tickets will be vrhich he obtained last tilghr'after - Started three .weeks ago for the the bitter two-day debate on the . OAA confusion wais ^ typified by IICEIIIN IG (Burroughs) accused of preparhig good for current attractions while at purpose ot raising $20,000, the drive c o m i o E i s the setup for an asserted fraud had the Orpheum they will be honored Norwegian campaign^ The vote had ' adopBon of live dlfferont brganls- was designed to provide all the atlos plani during Its 20 months of (By United Press) ever actually been Indicted alonff after the showhig of a Shirley been Interpreted 'as a d(^eat ratheir, ' money necessary to carry out the than as a victory. •xtatisnce. ■ ; with the principal defendant. Temple picture. combined activities of Oie Chamber Chamberlain had proposed u ad- ' Cot' Aocldiaitj ERROR Got J500.000 Salary Publie B onfire' of Commerce and Its mprchants bu­ R teing to assertions, by Mc- DRIVE fO Straws obtained In this manner Jounfment until May 21. B ^thby, Burroughs, according to^AssIstant reau during the coming year. Such Canan and his iollowert that the . Polico today had que.'illphed sev­ SAN PRANCIBCC^-The lirst SAN PRANOISCO, May 9 ti).B — wiU be burned at a public bonfire with the support of sdlnd othw dls- i eral suspects, .and'were^clbsely fol- victim ' o f' 1010 World- fair- confu- United etiUfis Attorney Hugh WU jUaniUt'ould be only slightly !n ex­ sidents, proposed an adjou^ment .. ■Jr gale^ boarjr Kas ^ec^aicd alr> rinHfnm ln nomnrrnti; inilgViK pnrtT. bn“ M d ay Of thoT"weeET^ie e) Inwlng All' ,. tan,JiaMeoeivcd-a!mo3t^!IOO,1lOO liT cess of the total ^mounts donoted only untU next Tuesday la view - c taf ^ t . Mcidrntl a lm o tt.^ harmony today as the .victorious salary from Associated since 11)32. thne an(l, place. to be announced by tlrt inerchants of Twin Falls reducible minimum., Boilth declared find the masked later. Other , features will also be the tatemational situation. / . ■ used^a .Biln.; Roosevelj/lhlrd term forces warily While he was an officer and stock­ u nder'the previous system of stag- Boothby recalled' goverianetit : tijat the board actually 'can make holder of the former inveatnjent staged, ihcluding one as a tie-up Ing'-numeroua, Individual drives, It only '» limited contrlbiitlon tow ard casjl ftbm .'Jnmesib.: W 'fphyi oper­ should have orrived da.ys ago, A survcjea th e surprisingly hea'vy Re-' w ith local baseball activities. speakers told the hoiuBe.'yesterdliy ator and owner o(;the Hghth.iivcnue shipping derk .nt' the field mu­ (donllnued gn P ift 9. Cdlamd was potated out ,. • • , the strate^C' situatiph ^ serloSi « lr ,’afety," publican vote ih Tuesday's primary. Chairman in charge of arrange­ Averts Solicitations Ihii board'* Jurlsdlctipri.Ae said, market, ,333,’Elg)i^^f(V:^hn6c«nst, ■' seum of.iSatural'i^lslpry. In Olil- m ents is Howard V{ilHQn. cago' <j(8tsl9ntd,.‘t|iB, miunmy 1o .1^6 ,,Roosevelt delegatioii' ,,was' ,It wos.paitlfailbly^mi^a.'iteed Jji- ,,,, to to thB ■ ife ' ,;’‘Plans,{or tlie week wece,iiriade ,tbta 'supiibr6'{«-,tbd;it;&t>Si^<friV^'.that' Bcclden® and it can talce no positive ano'‘‘,.« iia iliig h te r,-' M fe: Ituby ■the S an P;iiiiclKO fair Instead of eiisiied three i ’o one OVM tho ^om - "Tliere la ho'^usB prttehdfcg .m »'''' moznlng as humt)ers of! the'bUreau solicitations for fall and j^rlng situation ,i«ui hot been aggravated •teps toward the prevention or ro- Mutphy.
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