Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses

Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses

#ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses LOCATION ACCOUNT # BUSINESS NAME 0002850008-0001-0 MARIO J ALVARADO-ALFARO 0002651414-0001-4 FENTON PRIMARY CENTER 0002847686-0001-3 HOVSEP KOSHKERIAN DDS INC 0002992559-0001-9 VICTORIA ROMERO 0002282753-0001-3 ALEXANDER MARK POMEROY 0002872941-0001-3 LUCY GARCIA 0002995793-0001-4 IDA HAYKAZUNI 0002436890-0001-1 SARO AGHAZARYAN 0003005674-0001-1 GOLD ADVISORS GROUP LLC 0002925596-0001-7 JS PARALEGAL SERVICES CORP 0000267458-0010-5 SENIOR CLASSIC LEASING, LLC 0002517662-0001-2 ALL AIR COMPRESSOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INC 0002835576-0001-1 NELSON PEDRAZA REYES 0002448905-0001-0 TWIN PEAK INDUSTRIES INC 0000092176-0001-1 GERALDINE L DEBIASSE 0003207336-0001-7 ROSA DEL CARMEN HERNANDEZ ALFARO 0002991034-0001-1 AT ONE LLC Page 1 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses DBA NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY 12962 FILMORE STREET PACOIMA 11351 DRONFIELD AVENUE PACOIMA TRIPLE DENTAL 13060 GLENOAKS BLVD SUITE #105 SYLMAR ALL ABOUT THE DETAILS 15125 LAKESIDE STREET SYLMAR 15102 BEDFORD LANE NORTH HILLS GARCIA CLEANING SERVICES 12819 DESMOND STREET PACOIMA HI CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 6902 DAY STREET TUJUNGA S & A ELECTRIC 8026 WENTWORTH STREET SUNLAND GOLD FINANCIAL GROUP 15545 DEVONSHIRE STREET SUITE #201 MISSION HILLS 7905 BECKETT STREET SUNLAND CARLS JR RESTAURANT #7376 11509 LAUREL CANYON BLVD SAN FERNANDO 11858 GLENOAKS BLVD SAN FERNANDO 14664 MINNEHAHA STREET MISSION HILLS PARTY AND EVENT RENTALS 12420 MONTAGUE STREET #E PACOIMA DEBIASSE SALES 2 CAROLYN WAY MISSION HILLS OSMAN MOBILE CAR WASH 13084 KAMLOOPS STREET PACOIMA 11257 CHIVERS AVENUE PACOIMA Page 2 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses ZIP CODE LOCATION DESCRIPTION 91331-1854 12962 FILMORE 91331-1854 91331-1404 11351 DRONFIELD 91331-1404 91342-3963 13060 GLENOAKS 91342-3963 91342-3710 15125 LAKESIDE 91342-3710 91343-3454 15102 BEDFORD 91343-3454 91331-1022 12819 DESMOND 91331-1022 91042-2045 6902 DAY 91042-2045 91040-2139 8026 WENTWORTH 91040-2139 91345-2689 15545 DEVONSHIRE 91345-2689 91040-3303 7905 BECKETT 91040-3303 91340-4123 11509 LAUREL CANYON 91340-4123 91340-1804 11858 GLENOAKS 91340-1804 91345-2226 14664 MINNEHAHA 91345-2226 91331-2140 12420 MONTAGUE 91331-2140 91345-1429 2 CAROLYN 91345 91331-3316 13084 KALOOPS 91331 91331-1518 11257 CHIVERS 91331 Page 3 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses MAILING ADDRESS MAILING CITY 11828 GAIN STREET LAKE VIEW TERRACE 8026 WENTWORTH STREET SUNLAND 305 FLITTNER CIRCLE THOUSAND OAKS 1 CENTERPOINTE DRIVE SUITE #400 LA PALMA 11858 GLENOAKS BLVD SAN FERNANDO 11856 BALBOA BLVD #356 GRANADA HILLS 13084 KAMLOOPS STREET PACOIMA 11257 CHIVERS AVENUE PACOIMA Page 4 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses MAILING ZIP CODE NAICS 561790 91342-7132 611000 621210 811190 561720 238990 91040-2139 91360-5905 423940 812990 90623-2530 722110 91340-1804 811310 812990 91344-2753 326000 453990 91331-3316 812990 91331-1518 541800 Page 5 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses PRIMARY NAICS DESCRIPTION Other services to buildings & dwellings Educational services (including schools, colleges, & universities) Offices of dentists Other automotive repair & maintenance (including oil change & lubrication shops & car washes) Janitorial services All other specialty trade contractors Jewelry, watch, precious stone, & precious metals All other personal services Full-service restaurants Commercial & industrial machinery & equipment (except automotive & electronic) repair & maintenance All other personal services Plastics & rubber products mfg. All other miscellaneous store retailers (including tobacco, candle, & trophy shops) All other personal services Advertising & related services Page 6 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses COUNCIL DISTRICT LOCATION START DATE 7 01/10/2013 7 09/03/2013 7 07/20/2015 7 06/20/2017 7 01/01/2006 7 12/11/2015 7 04/14/2009 7 11/18/2013 7 08/01/2017 7 04/01/2013 7 11/27/2000 7 08/01/2010 7 01/01/2012 7 10/17/2008 7 10/01/1993 7 08/13/2020 7 12/21/2016 Page 7 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses LOCATION END DATE LOCATION Zip Codes (34.2762, -118.4153) 18907 (34.2766, -118.4032) 18907 (34.3077, -118.4499) 18912 (34.3006, -118.4624) 18912 (34.2383, -118.4611) 18914 (34.288, -118.4117) 18907 (34.2536, -118.2813) 3222 (34.2669, -118.308) 3221 (34.2579, -118.4711) 19330 (34.2541, -118.3051) 3221 (34.2789, -118.4535) 18910 (34.2851, -118.4236) 18910 (34.2601, -118.4521) 19330 (34.2537, -118.4027) 19335 (34.2693, -118.4641) 19330 (34.2507, -118.4173) 18907 (34.2744, -118.4056) 18907 Page 8 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses Neighborhood Council Precinct LA Specific Census Tracts Councils Districts Boundaries Plans (Certified) 1 24 369 11 1 17 1369 11 1 49 222 47 1 51 642 47 1 114 415 73 1 20 249 11 1 4 538 7 1 12 530 7 1 74 398 4 1 15 537 7 1 71 1405 4 1 20 249 11 1 72 303 4 1 32 330 11 1 70 302 4 1 34 255 11 1 17 1369 11 Page 9 of 2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses 0002871253-0001-1 MATTHEW S GEE 0003207365-0001-3 JOSE LUIS BAUTISTA ARREGUIN 0002485477-0001-7 NELLA GHAZARYAN & SENIK AVETISYAN 0002394931-0001-0 JUAN GARCIA 0002338072-0001-6 JOSEPH J RUPE 0002511364-0001-3 ERIKA R HICKS 0002869546-0001-8 AMERICAN HOPE INSURANCE SERVICES INC 0002820202-0001-0 AMERICAN SUNLIGHT INC 0002973912-0001-0 SANDRA MURILLO 0002872881-0001-0 RODGER HUGHES 0002919999-0001-6 MADELAINE SANCHEZ 0000043383-0001-3 OASIS WOMENS RECOVERING COMMUNITY /C 0002870600-0001-5 ARAZ TAHMASIAN SAVARANI 0002665207-0001-3 SAMI AZZAM AND OMAIMA AZZAM 0002174261-0002-8 ALEX'S PERFORMANCE AUTO REPAIR INC 0002849185-0001-2 CARLOS ALFONSO AMAYA 0002868827-0001-2 HUMBERTO CRUZ 0002925091-0001-3 INDEPENDENT FOOD DISTRIBUTION INC Page 10 of2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses 14100 TUCKER AVENUE SYLMAR IDEAL ENVIROMENTAL CLEANING 13273 TERRA BELLA STREET PACOIMA SERVICES TWINS FAMILY CHILD CARE 10848 HILLHAVEN AVENUE TUJUNGA JUAN GARCIA MAINTENANCE 8750 LANGDON AVENUE ##107 NORTH HILLS COMPANY RUPE INSPECTIONS 8100 FOOTHILL BLVD SPACE #52 SUNLAND PLATINUM MONARCH DESIGN 14526 VILLAGE WAY DRIVE SYLMAR 15115 ROXFORD STREET #113 SYLMAR 13924 LEXICON AVENUE SYLMAR 12953 MONTFORD STREET PACOIMA 10164 BROMONT AVENUE SUN VALLEY MADELAINE CARE 12301 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SPACE #813 SYLMAR 13832 POLK STREET SYLMAR SIGNATURE HOOKAH 8660 FOOTHILL BLVD SUNLAND 14059 FOOTHILL BLVD SYLMAR 7484 FOOTHILL BLVD TUJUNGA 11142 MARKLEIN AVENUE MISSION HILLS 12836 KELOWNA STREET PACOIMA 12410 FOOTHILL BLVD SUITE #B SYLMAR Page 11 of2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses 91342-1932 14100 TUCKER 91342-1932 91331-3162 13273 TERRABELLA 91331 91042-1416 10848 HILLHAVEN 91042-1416 91343-5026 8750 LANGDON 91343-5026 91040-2985 8100 FOOTHILL 91040-2985 91342-5130 14526 VILLAGE WAY 91342-5130 91342-8373 15115 ROXFORD 91342-8373 91342-1882 13924 LEXICON 91342-1882 91331-1124 12953 MONTFORD 91331-1124 91352-1110 10164 BROMONT 91352-1110 91342-7732 12301 SAN FERNANDO 91342-7732 91342-1714 13832 POLK 91342-1714 91040-1911 8660 FOOTHILL 91040-1911 91342-2271 14059 FOOTHILL 91342-2271 91042-2742 7484 FOOTHILL 91042-2742 91345-1331 11142 MARKLEIN 91345-1331 91331-3321 12836 KELOWNA 91331-3321 91342-8649 12410 FOOTHILL 91342-8649 Page 12 of2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses 13273 TERRA BELLA STREET PACOIMA POST OFFICE BOX #3161 GRANADA HILLS 10954 QUILL AVENUE SUNLAND Page 13 of2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses 541990 91331-3162 811490 624410 812990 323100 524290 233210 454390 812990 621610 721310 453990 91394-0161 531100 91040-2323 561490 233210 454390 Page 14 of2250 10/02/2021 #ACoolDataset - Total Active Businesses in City of Los Angeles Council District 07 Based on Listing of Active Businesses All other professional, scientific, & technical services Other personal & household goods repair & maintenance Child day care services All other personal services Printing & related support activities Other insurance related activities Single Family Housing Construction (1997 NAICS) Other direct selling establishments (including door-to-door retailing, frozen food plan providers, party plan merchandisers, & coffee-break service providers) All other personal services Home health care services Rooming & boarding houses All other miscellaneous store retailers (including tobacco, candle, & trophy shops) Lessors of real estate

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