Provincial Newsletter of the Anglican Women’s Fellowship United in Prayer, Service & Love From the Provincial President’s Desk Once again it is my joy and privi- and set an example to the wider are encouraged by the knowledge June 2017 in Lake Maquarie New lege to communicate with you. community at this time, and I ap- that the Lord blesses all our labors. South Wales. We shared the work We rejoice for Christ is risen and peal especially to you, my dear sis- done in Southern Africa with our at the same time we are faced with ters in the AWF, to remind people I would like to thank Diocesan sisters. the uncertain situation our coun- that material benefits are not worth President, Mpho Lephalo and her try is experiencing at this time. much if it does not stem from spiri- Executive for ensuring that our Nehemiah 8:10: “Share your food Drought, corruption, society ills, tual values which are based on the stay was a blessed one. Well done and wine with those who haven’t scourge of unemployment and so revelation of the Divine Will for ladies!!! enough”. much more are at the order of the the human creation, as received in We will be having a joint Provin- day. We also have to admit to fears the Holy Scriptures. cial Executive and Diocesan Presi- Today is holy to our Lord, so don’t as well as hopes – fears of more vio- dents’ meeting from 19 – 22 Oc- be sad. The joy that the Lord gives lence and protests, but as a praying We have just returned from our tober 2017, hosted by the Diocese you will make you strong”. Let us people we know that God promised Provincial Executive Meeting held of Natal, at the Pavilion Hotel in be glad and rejoice today, because that He will never leave nor forsake in the Diocese of the Free State, Durban. Diocesan Presidents will “He has come”. us. contented that we have acquitted join the PEXCO on 20 – 22 Octo- ourselves well at our God-appoint- ber 2017. More about this meeting May you be peacemakers wherever Let us go forward in faith, know- ed work. It gives great satisfaction will be forwarded to all concerned you find yourselves. ing that the future is in the hand to lay everything before our Lord, shortly. of God trusting in His love and in the realization that we present- Providence. ed Him with the best we could do, At the time this edition went to With much love having really experienced a great print, Jacoba and I attended the As Christians, we have a particu- closeness to the source of inspira- Anglican Women of Australia Lucille Henniker lar responsibility to give guidance tion and spiritual upliftment. We State Conference from 5th–8th Provincial President First published in 1968 July 2017 Volume 14 - No. 2 Page 2 Provincial Newsletter of the Anglican Women’s Fellowship Message from the Liaison Bishop of the AWF – The Right Reverend Daniel Kgomosotho marginalised reaped the unintended for her works of mercy. She used her rewards of creating dependency on fingers and purse for the comfort and part of those we sought to help. relief of the needy. However, we cannot just be known as people who harbour The text under review makes refer- humanitarian ideals and are engaged in ence to a seaport town of Joppa. The various relief activities. Our actions must town was frequented and partially be backed up by faith in the living and inhabited by foreigners who were conquering Lord Jesus Christ. Our acts mainly Greek speaking. The text also of philanthropy should emanate from makes mention of a female disciple true discipleship. Caring for widows and named Dorcas in Greek or Thabitha in others in need must spring from pure Hebrew. religion which reveals itself in keeping oneself unspotted from the world (James The name Dorcas means a deer and it 1:26-27). is often used as an emblem of beauty. I would like to conclude by making refer- Dorcas spent all her time doing good ence to a resolution on Young People de- and helping the poor. Through the veloped by the AWF Commission on the Spirit-empowered ministry of Philip Protection and Nurture of Young People. the evangelist, a Christian church was established at Joppa. From an The youth are the future of the world and early date the church was not only a are the church today. I therefore encour- centre of vibrant evangelism but also age the AWF to identify orphans and vul- of a well organised social service. It nerable children with the aim of meeting is highly probable that it was in this their needs. There is also the invitation church that Dorcas was converted and for us to act as role models and mentors caught the vision of how she could for young people and finally to support serve Christ with her money and programmes that promote the empower- needle. She fashioned coats and gar- ment, protection and nurturing of chil- Dear friends in Christ ments for widows and the needy of her dren and young people. I write this message upon my return from church and community using her own a highly successful meeting of the AWF loving hands. However, behind Dorcas’ Yours in the love of Jesus Christ PEXCO. This was held in Bloemfontein sewing of garments and acts of char- Grace and Peace. from the 4th - 7th May 2017. ity was someone who had a relationship with Christ. A regenerated heart was the The first reading appointed for evensong source of Dorcas’ unselfish life and chari- on the 6th was taken from Acts 9:31-42. table acts. The text got me thinking and prompted THE RT REVD DAN KGOMOSOTHO me to pose a challenge to members of the She was aware of the truth that God first DD(hc) BISHOP OF MPUMALANGA AWF. claimed her heart before her talents. It was only after Mary Magdalene was re- The challenge I am alluding to has to do deemed from her stained past that Christ with how we can turn the Dorcas model used her in the service of the Kingdom. on its head in our attempt to alleviate the situation of the less privileged in Undoubtedly members of the AWF have our midst. It has to do with teaching the strong connections with the name Dor- beneficiaries of our charity to fish rather cas. We are involved just as she was in than being perpetually dependent on the the acts of charity. Dorcas was a woman goodwill of others to provide their next who with her needle sewed, made gar- meal. The church has unfortunately in ments for the poor and became notable its attempt to provide for the needy and July 2017 “Women destined for God’s Purpose” Page 3 PEXCO visit the CANSA Katleho Care Home The Provincial Executive had their meeting in the Diocese of Free Universitas provides transport to and from treatment centres. The State in May 2017. Various activities were planned while they were home ensures a warm and welcome stay for their patients. It caters there but the one that stood was their visit to The CANSA Katleho for males (25 beds) and females (50 (beds). Patients are referred by Care Home. oncologists. No treatment takes place here, it only accommodates patients waiting for treatment and wards at hospitals. We met Jimmy Maboea, Assistant Home Carer. He gave us a bit of history as to when the home first opened in 1989. Katleho ca- CANSA Katleho Care Home provides peace of mind to family ters for patients from Lesotho, Northern Cape, Northwest and the members and can be rest assured that loved ones are cared for, Free State to mention but a few. The home caters for 75 patients physically and emotionally, in such a great environment. whereas other homes for 35. The dedicated staff members provide 3 balanced meals to patients and meals are adapted according to Monica Thaele, Vice Provincial President handed over donations the medical needs of the patient. They also provide toiletries as of sanitary towels and toiletries collected by the Diocese of Free patients are away from their homes for as long as treatment is State. AWF members gave messages of support to patients and needed. Patients receive emotional support through individual staff at Katleho home. Patients should remain steadfast in their and group counselling, recreational activities and fellowship with faith and hope. other patients. This is a NGO and receives donations from church- es, businesses in and around the area. Page 4 Provincial Newsletter of the Anglican Women’s Fellowship The AWF in the Diocese Of Mpumalanga Working Tirelessly For The Lord The AWF members in the Diocese engage nominations to stand up for their children ers/roses, gifts and food was served after timeously to ensure that they stay abreast fighting for the parolees and their accept- church service. with the works the Lord has entrusted in ance back into society as well as reversal them. To name a few- 11th conference: of criminal records which make it difficult Diocesan Training: To ensure members What a remarkable and vibrant 12th year for boys/girls and other offenders to be are well versed with the Constitution of the celebration, members were filled with the employed. A memorandum was read and Guild, a training was held on 22nd April Holy Spirit. Revd Dalcy Dlamini shared handed over to the Chief Justice for consid- 2017, conducted by our Diocesan Coordina- with them on “Women destined for God’s eration.
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