library option Copy ^.eturn i issaow "irsaaprac^GOB ©opaeaeaKYi' .FFECTIVE /lARCH IITH I Find Fast in The Yellow Pogek 4>v ye. C/rV £I7M17/Vra/1' r£££P0ff/Vf ^ 1 As supplied by COMPany LIMITED a / TELEPHONES AND EXTENSIONS Answer wherever you are...with handy extension phones around the house. I As supplied by AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC sales (canada) limited EMERGENCY SURVIVAL ACTION! SHOULD A NUCLEAR WAR OCCUR, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE PEOPLE OF ALBERTA KNOW WHAT ACTION TO TAKE IN THE INTEREST OF SURVIVAL. THE FOLLOWING ARE IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED; MEANING OF THE WARNING SIGNALS EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS FALLOUT SHELTER: a. ALERT WARNING: If you are Interested in a family fallout shelter, copies of Ihe On sireni. hornj. whittles, efc. Sfeedy blaif, 3 mfnutei. 40-page booklet, "Your Basement Fallout Shelter" are available Listen t« your radio for Insirucliont. on request from your Municipal Civil Defence Organitation or Don't use the telephone. the Alberta Emergency Measures Organiiatlon. Your fallout All members of the Civil Defence Corps will report for duty at shelter should bo equipped with a two-waek supply of the follow Instructed by Civil Defence aulhorities. ing items: Food and water In covered containers Essential medicines b. TAKE COVER WARNING: Clothing and blankets SIRENS: Riling and falling note, 3 minutes. Sanitation facilities Horns, whistles etc.; series of short blasts, 3 minutes. Battery radio Tehe cover immediately In best available shelter. DISPERSAL: If you live in a target area and plan to leave in case of a nuclear IN A BUILDING: If there Is no prepared shelter, go into base attack (if conditions are favorable for such a move}, know your ment or to an inferior first floor room. Stay there until you got dispersal route, and have immediately available a kit of food, word you may leave. water, first aid supplies, battery operated radio, and blankets. If you live outside the target areas, you should remain in your OUTDOORS OR IN A CAR: Go to Ihe nearest shelter. If you own home. cannot reach prepared shelter, lie flat en the ground, face down, You will be Informed by radio broadcast as to the advisability of or crouch on floor of car. dispersal, Immediately following the alert warning on the titans. PREPARATIONS WHICH CAN BE MADE NOW . a- Learn your community plan for emergency action. Contact your local Civil Defence Director or your Muni cipal Office. b. Take steps to protect yourself from radioactive fallout. Construct your family fallout shelter if you want ade<)uate protection. c. Enroll for Civil Defence courses and courses in first aid and home nursing. ALBERTA EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION 10320 146 STREET, EDMONTON PHONE GL 5-7181 Honourable L. C. Halmrast Arnold J. Lavoie Minisfer-in-Charge Alberta Emergency Measures. Co-ordinator Alberta Emergency Measures PROVINCE OF ALBERTA EATON'S OF CANADA DIAL 424-0181 DIRECT IINES SEE PAGE 76 HOSPITAL BOUQUETS AMBY^LENOISI FRESH CUT FLOWERS WEDDING FLOWERS CORSAGES FLORAL TRIBUTES MAIN ORDER GIFT ARRANGEMENTS TELE AND ^GA 4-7314 TROPICAL PLANTS GREENHOUSE Flower and Plant Sales 67>h Av«. - 106th St. Tatephone 434-1096 Flovvers-Bv-Wire p EDMONTON EDMONTON EMERGENCY CALLS 100 ALBERTA 454-3377 EMERGENCY only AMBULANCE 424-4341 SMITH'S 422-2322 FIRE 422-5171 AMBULANCE 433-3233 EMERGENCY MEDICAL & PRESCRIPTION 0ITY complaints 424-6411 SERVICE 424-4871 DAI IDC administration POISON CONTROL 424-4877 rULIUL calls 429-1421 WELFARE INFORMATION RCMP 424-3111 SERVICE 424-7966 My Doctor Number is Telephone Service Calls CITT HAIL 424-0211 For Local Numbers Not Listed In this Directory Call Information 1T 3 DRAINAGE TROUBLE 424SW GAS TROUBLE 424-0231 REPAIR SERVICE 114 LONG DISTANCE 0 UGHTSOWT 424-0714 CITY & RURAL INFORMATION 113 TRANSIT SYSTEM 474-1416 For Jasper Place, Edmenfon Rural, Namao, St. Albert and Sherwood Park Sub* scrlbers See Pages at End of Edmonton Subscribers. WATER TROUBLE 422-685S ABOVE NUMBERS ARE PUBLISHED COURTESY OF THE CITY TELEPHONE SYSTEM & WERE CORRECT AT CLOSE OF COPY DATE, Be Sure to Dial Correctly! NOTICE: # Your call will not go through to the correct location if dialed incorrectly. RE PAYMENT OF UTILITY BlUS # The Letter "0^' as In HOmestead Is located In the "6" hole of your dial and is spoken as "OH". Payment of utility bills may be made at # The numeral (figure) "O" is located in the last hole en the dial after "9" and the City Offices listed on the back of each Is spoken as "Zero". billing, any neighborhood branch of a # For complete Step-by-step dialing instructions see Page 10 of the Edmonton chartered Bank or any neighborhood PrtK and Vicinity Telephone Directory. vincial Treasury Branch within the City limits. EDMONTON r 00 "ill approximately m' % do 20% of our you - monthly orders are tremble requested for the first of the month! at the MOST EXTERIOR MOVES ARE WANTED first of THEN. IF POSSieUE ORDER YOUR TELE. PHONE SERVICE IN the month? PLENTY OF TIME. OUR INSTALLATION CREWS ARE NOT AS BUSY DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH, AVOID / . THE END OF THE and here's whv MONTH. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THE OFF PEAK PERIODS FOR FASTER SERVICE 15 16 17 IB tS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 ^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 t1 *2 13 14 fS TYPICAL MONTH EDMONTON Number 1962 102 North Side Office South Side Office 100 St. & 102 Ave. 8247-104 St. Telephone DIRECTORY oS Edmonton Municipal Automatic Exchange Edmonton -• Alberta TELEPHONE 422-1121 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Changes for next issue 1963 DIRECTORY WILL CLOSE NOVEMBER Isf, 1962 Changes for this Issue closed Nov. 1, 1961 IMPORTANT This Directory U (he property of the TeSephone Department end is printed for the exclusive use of iK subscribers. No pert of the advertisements printed upon the cover shall be defaced, covered up or concealed by encasing this directory In any edditional cover. No labels or stamps are to bo affixed thereto, or any changes mado not authorixed by the Do< partment. Extraordinary precautions are taken to avoid arrors but the Dopartmont assumas no liabtfity whatever for errors or omissions. One copy of (his book will be supplied free for each Automatic Telapheno In use. ADDITIONAL COPIES PICKED UP $1.25 EACH. MAILED $1.50. Copyright. Canada, by City of Edmonton. Printed in Canada. EDMONTON The City of Edmonton Telephone System rules AND REGULATIONS e,sew.e.. a. a.e.„.. to.ave ..epUone CONDITIONS OF SERVICE r™ipineot and Connecting Sart^tei°dw 1. Telephone fw use in accordance vnth pfacT^VhaS^for moving and other charges to telephone Unee are furnisj^ed to by the SystomJJom ^ inSrumento ffequipment are published m the Rate Schedule £ul^ and ReguIadons^as^P«jy subscribers and persons System. equipment is accessible to toe k telephone System to be es^ssive , ^ tjje subscriber trafficexceeds originatedthat of the i>y, subsmber the System. shallwithout have notice. the right installationrjefacement cost will be of cnaig Premi«e«. The Citynoer. of Edmonton to change the location of the ^ Telephone^Sy steT.ha^^ -ss s %sinrp^§t'STs^drBi SSSn,^SSanc|or — „ pemiM b, tte S,^ ^ ttat unMce:^In^cases where the sl^si^iber is ^ot phone 4.number Snbscribera assigii^^^'„genjents Jwi their service, in writing or their are contract made [h| s^e the Citysuch premises,Edmonton the Telephone subscriber System shall indeniwfy harmless £ S" tem. „t the residence 5. If a Telephone or other TELEPHONE NUMBERS rate is used for J^pn+a of a residence, the System » Subscriber Shall Have No Property Right than for the "sud requir service without regard telenhone number assigned to him and shall have no r,-:-- may charge the jjhscriber has paid for service at conSnuance of service through any particular central office theto the residence date to rate. which the subscnuerSystem'^ a FaciUde.f in connection ^bSerlconUnuance telephoLtem shall have the righto«ice to change the Srwren^vcr fiecessary for the improvement of sendee. ^vLnsC^th^^^lophonevi '■ ■ '"'rt"?le^?ne'ir3trktly"orb^lden"^^^ to toe annoyance of oth^^ INITIAL CONTRACT PE^ODS , f„cil fibersBcrioere m^mav beoe discontmned. ^^^ Coimccting Lines by statedities furnished below and by asthe may> oc specificallyany stated in?' the Bate V Sf,>h^^tonhone service is furnished sh^ remain the Schedule of the System. to compensate the instrumentB, equipment or toe discretion of the b>stom. w e cue expansion of a P" en- or destruction of the Sy jggg the subscriber except hi-anch exchange or private automatic branch exchang® .. wires whilst m or upon t ^ opinion of the System occurs toils large expenditures, the additional eqmpinent involved where such damage, eto., m tne op ^ installed subject to a further imbal contract period, also due to „ Endeavor to Render Contmuou. toc discretion of the System- Service®'. but shallt 11 not liable. jfor the inten-uptions System. No torebate service for duein- fn- on1 tl i •,•-fi l Contractwhei'e the Penod listing of actually Dii-ectorv annpars Listing* to causes beyond toe contm ^iggs written notice is given 5® directory period. ^ appear temipted service wll be jnf e ^ interruption hasC ^Rectory shall be the dir mSTALLATION, MOVING AND EXTRA CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT P"" for TolopU j . payaWe InltiX aad n.a^ not be moved or o.beranse mSa tbe Systeaaf^tlvinrc at rate, sho™ h 12. Any Applicant for Telepb^e &rv,ce whose premises Z s;Sm^°sSar"laoiJiS eyirt Jbore TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICE the additioiml labor a»d construcuon costs involved in the 24. A Sub.criber may have his tedephoae service t^PO^- InstaUatlon of the service. arily discontinued without cancelling ms contract or having ma 13.
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