NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sale Friday, week ending April 6, 1968 u [New 1 NMExciusive A NO. 4 Bee Gees tour CONGRATULATIONS -special report CUFF RICHARD Musical ON COLUMSIA 0» 8376 AMEN - NO. 16: AIN'T NOTHIN BUT HOLLIES & .. m z. m,. .m A HOUSE PARTY Express THE SHOW STOPPERS FANTASTIC BE A CH BOY PLAN ON BEACON RECORDS 3-100 BUCK X.P.M., 21 DENMARK STREET, W.C.2 01-836 3356 No. 1108 Week ending April 6, 1968 WORLD'S LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY MUSIC PAPER EIWI GREAT NEW ALBUM OUT NOW ™"'> MM A Signed Ibrtrait of Seott inside every sheveFREE mmmmm m PHILIPS m iiii m ffe m m m m m scott walker r m ■ m #: GREAT NEW m ■ m- WITH SONGS FROM HER RICOID-BiiMlie w. TELEWSION-: SIRIIS :' ■bBmBj' „ / m # m m * PARLOPHONE PIWC7041 fin) ; PCS704t:fs| AND THE NEW HIT SINGLE % PARLOPHONE R5674 I i ■ EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATION: NEMS ENTERPRISES LTD wmiM THE GREATEST RECORDING ORGANISATION IN THE WORLD PRESS REPRESENTATION! TONY BARROW INTERNATIONAL LTD E.M.I. RECORDS (THE GRAMOPHONE CO. LTD.) E.M.I. HOUSE, 20 MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON W.l -••«'«sa*««S!'i. •*&!!ils&iWBi\.lst<8S>f ■^s^fe'>K»-.'j'ttrj'Jjajr ^ .^ssSrassafesiSi^ES^aSS-^W.t ^j-.xfl®^*!WfSBS8Aiwyia(jc.-'i*'JjffT: NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sale Friday, week ending April 6, 1 368 On sale Friday, week ending April 6; 1968 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS Ai! classified advertisements must mm RECORDS FOR SALE be prepaid and sent to: FAN CLUBS r. direct mail export service for CLASSIFIED ADVT. DEPT. all readers living in SWEDEN. NORWAY, The Now Musical Ex BRENDA LEE Club. — Mark, Hiildrcp. Marriage is now groovy FINLAND, GERMANY etc. Try Tandy's 8I0 Norton, Diss, Norfolk. famous export service and get your re- 15-17 Long Acre, Londo CREAM ADDICTS ANONYMOUS s.a.e. ^ cords quickly and cheaply. Details from: 240 2266 (5 lines] to^Anne^ Hartzen, 67 Brook Street, ton- ■" Tandy (N.71). 273 Hagley Road West, %m CHRIS FARLOWE Fan Club, 47 Gerrard 5RLEY HOUSE, LIMITED Birmingham 32. Street. W.l. S■ A HUNDRED thousand 45 rpm records DEL SHANNON National Fan Ciub. s.a.e. says newly-wed Sandie SENT ST., LONDON, W.I 01-580 1212/3 2323/4 available. All artists. Send S.A.E. for 1/6 per word to Diane Shaw, 24 Denmark Street, Lon- JOTE THE FOLLOWING lists.—-12 Winkley Street, London, E.2.' ; don, W.C.2. COUNTRY AND WESTERN records for DO YOU LIKE GRAPEFRUIT' I! so 4- In in Concord send s.a.e. to Dee Meehan 94 Baker ■ a suc- Street, London, W.l. FAN CLUB TELEPHONE LTD. ds and FOUNDATIONS official Fa i Club, NUMBER! By KEITH ALTHAM MAYfair I rrom a rsower to a u»araen rosi- as the best, the Ivor s.a.e. to 113 Westbourne Grove, London, Cabaret Artistes 5036 age, order now for earliest delivery. ourse for plectrum and FREDA KELLY : "THIS IS SOUL" bargain L.P. Stereo/ m.SK, ir. — Particulars, Ivor GEORGIE FAME Fan Club, Sec., 47 Ger- I 1. Mono Otis, etc, 15,6ci. inc. postage. ROY t itre Ltd., 56 Rathbone rard Street. W.l. j National Secretary, \A/HEN Sandic is difficult she ORBiSON " Early Orbison." " Cry ) Softly Lonely One " 36/8d. each. EDDIE ;*** * ▼tt ▼ is very difficult andAnd when COCHRAN imported smgle, " Something EgXA,S r Sandie is lovely she is very love- EISe/C'Mon Everybody" 10/6d. inc. il?M ,„„ Jh. costumed extras — sultans, hippies,hipf soldiers, teenyboppers — j/Z/L'/fi#//:/:: /S/j Bostase. OTIS REDOING " History of * ly. I found Sandie Shaw now Mrs even a plumber. 5, " Otis in Europe " 33/8d. Z.SO.S. « t»«'uu»caeA. Sandie Banks (from a " sandy . STRING BAND " Hangman s MAURICE BURMAN SCHOOL OF MOD- JULIE FELIX Ciub. 28 Hereft rd Buila- 41 As the Monkees began to re- punch in the mouth? ughter " 39.lid. FLEETWOOD ERN POP SINGING. Private tuition. Be- inSs. Old Church Street, S.W.3. shore" to sandy banks " -— 1 hearse the scene for the day ' T.C.: I'll think about it. r6/8d. MOVE new L.P. 36/6d. ginners encouraged, — 132 Bickenhall KENNY BALL Appreciation Society, s.a.e. WHY MISS THAT how about that?) in a record- ? (one portion of this scene took Mike: J'd like a finger sandwichPOMrlvxrt/'.Vi ' - - ing studio cutting a French ver~ ! and hold the mole. * IMPORTANT PHONE CALL? ston of " Gipsy Eyes " which was ! almost eight hours to shoot) Davy: I'll have a glass of cold tres bien. But she was to prove their dialogue made no more gravy with a hair in it. ■ Hire a sense than the conglomeration T.C.: One of your own? Teiephone Answering Machine difficult—alhorsf of extras mingling around the EYES OF BMJl At first she vvas going to have And the dialogue continues. 1 TREE No deposit. Free InstaUation cafe. 136/ad. PLATTERS " Only You " L.P. StB0X™ Ring 337 1159 nothing to do with my questions Between rehearsals and finally Micky and Mike ports GALAXY EN1 S LTD. 24.9d WILSON PICKETT new L.P. " I'm PLASTIC PENNY Fan Club, s.a.e. io In this particular episode—and some actual shots, 1 questioned 7 DENMARK ST., LC 01-240 1955 In Love" 3&/'8d. TOM RUSH -"The ~~ Maureen .& Charlotte, c/o Dick .James about her marriage for the very from what I can tell its non- (he STrugiir.-ng musieki-t Circle Game" L.P. 39/11d. BEE GEES j 1/6 per word Music, 71-75 New Oxford Street, W.C.I. good reason that she believes sensical lines are representative Peter about the baffling dialogue. portray on TV or the r L.P. "Rare, Precious . and Beautiful " WANTED RAVE ON with the Buddy Holly Set. it to be so important that others I wondered if it might make world-wide, successful Mi 24/9d- ELVIS'S Newest L.P. " Clambake " , S.A.E. to Mick Mirams. 12 Caverdon:C **mE a rist. of all the subplots in the film help ME I'm on top of the world 36/8d. Latest Pop singles catalogue now . ily Lives." •Road. Ramsgate, Kent. | SPECIALIST EXPORT should not intrude. —all the extras rushed out of sense in context. Peter's reply: " Both % available, 112 pages, 8/- inc. post. Please BOOKINGS LONDON,NDON, North andan< Abroad, ROGER DAY Fan Ciub. s.a.e.. P O. Box 1, He told me: " No . actually BEACON 3-101 add 1/6d. postage for L.P.'s where it is Apply Norton York Agency, 86 Turnham Margate. SERVICE More important stili she does the cafe, then the Monkees notSTREET, included. NORTHAMPTON. JOHN LEVER, GOLD 4895.Green Terrace,•, London. W.4. 01-994- SIR JOHNNIE WALKER Fan Ciab, S.A.E. not want her husband to be hurt (Davy in a Little Lord Fauntle- there are several levels of un- EVERLYS, KINKS,[INKS, Brian Hytand.Hyjand. Adam,Adam. CLAYMAN AGENCY require good< P.O. Box 17. Solihuil, Warwickshire. I ALL OVERSEAS READERS MAY TAKE or embarassed by probing ques- derstanding and a couple of AND buy. sell or swop,swop. S.A.E. -to M. Winter, fesstonai groups, good opportuniopportunities. STATUSAvenue, QUO,Eitham, c/o London, Jo, 441 S-E-9. Westhorne Send roy outfit, Peter in a sultan's 30 Courtland3 Avenue, Hford, Essex. 5531 (day). s.a.e.. MembershipincFsyvcs - -Oa.5s. - P.O.r.\s. ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL tions which put their private costume, Mike in buckskins levels of meaning," one of which Peter exited to taik with him. EX-JUKE BOX records plus unused de~ GALAXY ENTERTAINMENTS SYMBOLS FAN CLUB—S A £. Ruth. EXPORT PRICES. SEND NOW he would explain in detail, later. Meanwhile i found Mike in his MANAGEMENT Jeted singles from 1/1ld La^ge S.A.E. good groups for ballroom boo Suite 14. Evelyn House. 62 Oxford Street, lives on display. with gun and holster and coon- BANNER PRODUCTIONS, NOTTINGHAM LTD. Tel., 50793 FOR DETAILS AND RELEASE | I explained that if she felt my skin cap, and Micky in a U.S. And who were Davy, Peter, dressing room playing with the YOM JONES Official Fan Club- S.A.E. INFORMATION TO I questions were impertinent or em- Cavalry uniform) enter and ex- Enquiries for details to Jo, 239 Charleton Road,. lists 280 Barking Road, 5531, Shepperton. " CENTRAL RECORDS barrassing we would forget the change strange lines with T. C. don, E.I 3. MARK JORDAN TONY BLACKBURN. S.A.E. to MEL c/o whole thing and talk about the MERRILL E MOORE Enterprises requires Harold Davison Ltd., 235/241 Regent St., 10, Manchester Old Road, weather. Mrs Banks was lovely! Jones, a well-known Hollywood KATCH 22 Thunder" LP Vol 1 "Bellyful< of Blue- Groups/Acts for Cabaret,iret, BaBallroom work. London, W.l. Mlddleton, Manchester, England. female impersonator, today each, " Down to Jvlothersr &Earth 2. "— — 20/-The BradfordTWO FEMALE 52791. SINGERS w ItaMiiilliij MMm dressed as a waitress! JOHN EDWARD ENT. AGEh I -806 4645/649 fSmnt* mnwiinff The dialogue begins: i BONNIE & CLYDEI "It was not a case ot love at WSBBBSSBi T.C. to Davy: Weli, if it isn't God's first sight," smiled Sandie. " When HBHf M CAPONE I ANY TWO 'A/A Geoff came to our offices to talk 88HBF 'i*; gift to the eight-year-olds. Davy: If you don't watch out you JUnNIfkUM IliUlNUCKnimurCD • AverageTHREE sue 2Cm.8/6 x about a fashion design scheme last \ , , . ' „ , . « may be replaced by a female. 1 ,a hU8e mOUStaChe and SANDIE and husband, fashion with a girl.
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