UWM AH New Students Work. Have Fun By Tom Hayalian tests prior to registration, testa Vaguely resembling a mob scene were administered. on a movie set, UWM's New Stu­ Dr. Robert Buntrock, manager of dent week played host to a seem­ the public relations division of tha ingly innumerable throng of new Milwaukee association of com­ merce, discussed points of interest students (actually about 1600). They . Vol. HI, No. 1 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee o^^> 5 Thursday, Sept, 18, 1958 in the Milwaukee area in a "Get flowed through the halls with pock­ Acquainted with Milwaukee" pro­ marked, important looking cards gram Wednesday afternoon. After­ clasped in their hands. wards, new students were led otf This scene, disguised under the panoramic tours of the campus by Vlail to Our Conquering Heroine'! unassuming title "registration'' was Alpha Phi Omega service frater­ only part of the event-filled week nity. that included a mouth watering Wednesday evening found nearly , English Club Fetes Ruth Mary Fox watermelon feed, a toe-tapping all- 450 eager students eyeing water­ school dance, not to mention con­ melon as it was doled out gener­ In recognition of the publication vocations and testing programs. ously by members of student gov­ Of her book Dante Lights the Way, The week's events highlighted, ernment. The evient, sponsored by Ruth Mary Fox, UWM English said William R. Butler, dean of men USG, was followed by a talent pro­ professor will be honored at a tea by "excellent attendance and tre­ gram emceed by Bruce Patterson. sponsored by the English club on mendous enthusiasm." Continuing, The USG session, to which all were Wednesday, September 24. It is to Butler said that because various (Continued on Page 4) be held in the Women's lounge social and service groups took from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. All stu­ charge of individual events on the dents and faculty are invited. campus, this year's New Student + Miss Fox's book is little mora week program functioned more Mayor Asks than a month old. On August 5, smoothly than ever before. He ex­ at a luncheon given in her honor, pressed his thanks to the various organizations who handled New Faculty Help the Bruce Publishing company of Student week events. Milwaukee presented Miss Fox Professors Donald Shea, political Special convocations for fresh­ With the first copy of her book. science; •Marvin Summers, politi­ man Letters and Science students Since the book was chosen as a cal science; John Phelan, history; were held in the main auditorium dividend book by the Catholic and Mrs. Monica Bayley, news on Monday, followed by similar service, all of UWM were recently Literary foundation, the first run meetings for teacher education and appointed by Mayor Zeidler to Was 14,000 copies. engineering students on Tuesday serve two-year terms on the Mil­ and Wednesday. Then, to those who Dante Lights the Way, Miss Fox waukee committee for the observ­ failed to complete a series of in­ explained when asked, is meant to ance of United Nations week. terest, aptitude, and achievement Ks- be a book "for those who are not Dr. Summers was appointed familiar with Dante as a man or vice-chairman of the committee with his times or with his mental while Dr. Shea is serving in tha climate." It is, Miss Fox says, "an Englishman capacity of treasurer. Members of effort to clear away a few of the the board of directors are also difficulties—philosophical, theologi­ serving as chairman of various! cal and liturgical — which have Explains US sub-committees. Monica Bayley been interposed for many readers heads the publicity committee with! between his time and ours." "If we could but see ourselves as others see us," said Robert Dr. Phelan serving on the speak­ During her 30 years of teaching, ers bureau and the publicity com­ Ruth Mary Fox, professor of literature at the University of Wiscon­ Burns. And students in American Miss Fox has had opportunity to mittee. expand her interest in Dante sin—Milwaukee and author of the book, Dante Lights the Way. history this semester may have ex­ r actly that opportunity. The 9:30 A week long observance of the " which began when she was 16. anniversary of the establishment Then, more than a decade ago, a.m. section of that course is be­ ing taught by an Englishman. of the United Nations has been, Bruce Publishing Co. asked her to University Theatre Announces planned by the Milwaukee com­ write a book on Dante and his Dr. Reginald Horsman, formerly mittee. The celebration will begin' Divine Comedy, but she was so of Leiceser, England, joined the Oct. 19 and will end with a com­ busy teaching, she says, that she New Season's Drama Schedule faculty of the history department munity-wide program at the UWM couldn't find time. this past weekend after returning union at 8 p.m. on Oct. 24. from a visit to his home in north­ In order to make time and to The University Theatre an­ one of Hans Christian Anderson's Faculty members are contribut­ ern England. Dr. Horsman, how­ further her research begun in 1929 nounced Monday the opening of tales by Charlotte Chorpenning ing art objects of foreign cul­ ever, is not a newcomer to Ameri­ and 1950, Miss Fox took a leave of will be the second offering on Dec. tures which they have collected the '58-'59 season. The schedule of ca. He received his doctrate after absence in 1954 and again traveled 13, 14. Matinee performances will through their travels. These will plays includes Time Limit, The four years of study at the Univer­ to Dante's native city of Florence. be given at 3 p.m. be on display at the General Emperor's New Clothes, "The Win.' sity of Indiana. Although her sojourn in Italy did ter's Tale, and Dido and Aeneas, The presentation on March 19, Mitchell Air Terminal. Downtown not greatly increase her informa­ 20, 21 to be The Winter's Tale Previously in five years atten­ business places will also have dis­ tion about the poet or his work, Time Limit, a drama of treason dance at the University of Bir­ in a prisoner-of-war camp, will be by William Shakespeare. This folk­ plays; television films illustrating says Miss Fox, it did "aid . mingham, England, Dr. Horsman the work of the UN will be shownj greatly in interpretating the facts given on Nov. 6, 7, 8, at 8:15 p.m. tale is about a noble family broken has specialized in the study of in the auditorium on the Kenwood and some restaurants will co­ and in evaluating them." by hate, fear, and jealousy. American history. campus. operate by serving specal UH dishes during the celebration. (Continued on Page 8) A Chinese fantasy taken from In co-operation with the Opera Asked if he felt there was any Workshop, the University Chorus, special current in our nation's his­ When asked about her appoint­ tory that might account for its ment to the committee Mrs. Bay- and Orchesis, the University Thea­ present position in the world, Dr. ley said, "We are all happy to co« Paul G/cr Rosso Launches ter will present An Evening of Op­ Horsman replied that he could see operate with the service clubs, civie era and Dance on May 14, 15, 16. no such influence. However, he organizations, libraries, and 'Dead Sea Scrolls' Class Dido and Aeneas by Henry Pur- said he felt that America was churches in the observance of the cell is a classic story of the love unique in that it represented a thirteenth anniversary of the sign­ The Rev. Paul Gia Russo, a re­ "Scrolls written 2000 years ago successful amalgamation of many ing of the UN charter. We are es­ tired minister, will present a new may seem far remote from our of the Queen of Carthage and peoples and clutures in a welded pecially proud that part of the course on the Dead Sea scrolls. lives today," Rev. Russo said in an Aeneas of Troy thwarted by Fates society, accomplished in a relative­ celebration will be on the UWM Covering their importance to both Interview. From personal experi­ and Furies. ly short time. campus." social and Scriptural history, the ence, however, he feels that what course will begin on Sept. 17 in the these and other Biblical writings UWM evening division. The series say is identical to what is found of 12 lectures will be given from in an examination of today's sci­ 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Adminis­ entific facts. The problem today, 'Long Day's Journey. tration building, 600 West Kil- as then, is harmony of man-made bourn ave. and God-created worlds. Specialist in the teaching of re­ The Rev. Russo also feels that ligion, the Rev. Russo has instruct­ the Scrolls are an excellent open- ed previous UWM courses in the ing for discussion of the Messiah philosophy of religion and compar­ as a unique experience or a con­ ative religions. He is a former min- tinuing process. Moreover, they of­ fer a more adequate historical pic­ Thecrtre Tryouts ture, especially in cultural back­ ground, or the period of Christian­ Try-outs for Time Limit, and ity's beginnings. The Emperor's New Clothes are scheduled on Thursday, Sep­ Again this year, the Rev. Russo tember 19, and Friday, Septem­ will teach a 12 lecture course in ber 20, between 3-5 p.m., and 7 Comparative Religion, centering p.m.; and also by appointments.
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