S4 iT O m O A The La w r e n t ia n ol> 54» No« 30« LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, May 21, 1937 Millis Will Head iational College Wriston Will Speak Watts Is Elected Lawrcntians Plan Midwest Conference Over Radio Station 'layers Initiate Head of College During Coming Year Detailed Program W1XAL on Sunday Dean John H. Millis was named president of the Midwest Confer­ Hiirteen Members Dr. H. M. Wriston, former pres­ Business Officers ence for the coming year at the an­ For World Peace ident of Lawrence and now presi­ nual spring meeting held a week utstanding Student* in dent of Brown University, will Laurence Business Manag- ago tonight at Northfield. Profes­ :ilis Waldron Speak? to speak over radio station W1XAL. sor Bryant of Coe was named sec­ Dramatic» Initiated Into er Named President of retary for another year. Bryant has Campus Peace Or­ Boston, at five o'clock. Eastern held the office for all but one year Honorary Society Daylight Saving Time, three o’clock National Association since the Conference was organ­ ganization Central Standard Time on next ized: that one year he was named Thirteen students, outstanding in The Association of University World peace is a topic of recur­ Sunday afternoon, May 23. president. and College Business Officers elect­ Under the present round robin rent interest everywhere, but twen­ iwrence dramatics, were initiat- The lecture will be the second of last night into the Lawrencc ed Mr. Ralph J. Watts, business system. Lawrence has decided to ty peace-loving Lawrentians met a series, “In the College President’s drop Cornell in 1938 football and manager of the College, as presi­ at Hamar House last Tuesday to apter of the National Collegiate Study”, in which presidents of New play Coe down there. Mention was a.vers, the largest honorary col­ England colleges will give views on dent, at its annual meeting in Chi­ made of the 1937 Conference track plan a detailed program of peace late dramatic society in the topics of interest in the current cago last week. Mr. Watts has been meet which will be held in Apple­ action to raise to new heights in­ untry. news. Station W1XAL broadcasts secretary and treasurer of the or­ ton with the Vikes, of course, as terest in the Lawrence campus and hosts. Initiated last night were Walter on a frequency of 11.79 megacycles ganization for the last two years, surrounding communities. )ffey, Irving Sloan, Sylvia Dubs- and he succeeds Charles A. Kwnt/ Motivating force for the action ’, Margaret Mercer, Phyllis Van New Officers in of Ohio State University as presi­ Youth Groups to planning conclave came from the jlpen, Rosemary Dupont. Albert dent. campus peace group, the informal iak. James Morrow, Roger Fisch- Initial Meeting Discuss Educational Trends Meet as Congress organization of which was made , Everett Baumann. Dorothy Be- At the twenty-seventh annual public only last week. Five stu­ dents, Margaret Seip, Martha Lyon, w. Wilmer Witt, and Evelyn Mer- Executive Committee meeting discussions of future trends Vational Problems tip for is. in education, formal training of Wesley Pcrschbacher, A1 Haak, Founded at Wisconsin Hears W. A. A. Re- business administrators, college fi­ Consideration at- Mil­ and Marian Humleker, cooperating National Collegiate players was quest for Fund!* nances. application of social secur­ waukee July 2-.> with Dr. T. S. Kepler and Dr. H. undcd on June 8. 1919 nt the ity to colleges and universities, in­ S. Flics form the nucleus of the niversity of Wisconsin, and Law- In solemn session on Monday af­ ternal audits, the policy of merged Young people from every sec­ new group. nce was granted a charter in ternoon at 2:30 P. M. the newly tion of the country will meet this investments and their legal aspects, Outline Fields of Activity 26 elected Executive Committee wel­ summer in Milwaukee, for four Among the charter members of comed into office coal-heaver Don­ relation between federal and state days. July 2-5, in a model congress To outline possible fields of ac­ e local chapter. Number 21. were ald MacDonald. Before King Ar­ governments in budgetary control to discuss national problems such tivity and to suggest effective or­ Ibert L. Franzke, now at the Uni- thur left his position at the round of state institutions and financing as unemployment, war, slums, ganizational procedure came Ellis table, he expressed his appreciation ‘rsity of Washington. Mr. Warren a university were conducted. crime, education, and religion. This Waldron of Ohio State from the pck. and Mr. Howard W. Trover. of the Committee's cooperation and Milwaukee Congress, modeled af­ Emergency Peace Office at Mil­ ie last two are associate profes- support throughout the past year's Speakers included Dr. Robert M ter the Washington one. will in­ rs of English here. Other char- labors, and his hope that the pres­ Hutchins, president of the Univer­ clude a senate, house, joint com­ waukee. Mr. Waldron has been ac­ r members still in Appleton are ent Committee would work as well sity of Chicago: Robert B. Stewart, mittees. and caucuses. Each nation­ tive in peace work in the Mid­ rs. John Ash. Alice May Whittier, together. comptroller at Purdue university: al group is entitled to four mem­ west. id Carson Harwood, who are now After this fireside swansong. Dr. A. J. Klein of Ohio State Uni­ bers in the senate: each local one, He introduced the topic for con­ orking In the Little Theater of MacDonald took the helm and pi­ versity; Frederick Woodward, vice one representative for every fifty le Fox River Valiev. loted the committee through some president of the University of Chi­ members. sideration by pointing to the im­ Secretary Outlines Aim* rough water as Mary White, speak­ cago; A. J. Lobb of the Mayor Senators and other officials must minence of war and the very pre­ Speaking for National Collegiate ing for the W. A. A. requested $50 Foundation: Dr. Rainard B. Robbins have proposals and bills ready to carious restraints of fear which at layers. Miss Gertrude Johnson, of the Teachers' Insurance and Am- from the committee to meet a de­ be referred to the committees be­ present operate to keep European cecutive secretary, outlined the ficiency in the W. A. A. budget not nuity Association of America: C. F. fore the congress opens. The fee nations from each other's throats. road aims of that organization in discovered until just recently. Part Miller, assistant comptroller at for senators is $2.00 for all events le Little Theater on May 8. This of the blame for this failure to Ohio State University: E. S. Erwin, representatives, $1.00 for all events; Of Europe, he said that the fact that imorary organization proposes to balance the budget was laid upon assistant comptroller at Stanford visitors, $.50 per day. Spanish civil conflict had not ffiliate all college groups to work the shoulders of Ponds’ Sport Shop, University: and C. A. Webber of the Begins Friday spread across national boundaries >r better dramatics through group their failure to send itemized state­ University of Illinois. Delegates register on Friday indicated a sincere desire for peace. lay writing, acting, costuming, di ments of the W. A. A. account. In Speakers Present morning. Nomination of cabinet Turning to the United States, he »cting, stage designing, research these Rooseveltian days, this is not Others were Fay E. Smith, sec­ leaders and greetings from nation­ mentioned the many peace groups i dramatic technique, and liter such bad business except that 850 retary of the University of Wyom­ al leaders, will take place in the working industriously toward an lure. must come from somewhere with­ ing. Earl C. Albright, assistant to afternoon. A house session opens effective neutrality. Students outstanding in dramatic out taking the pep out of the Pep the president of Oklahoma. Agri Saturday morning, followed by in­ Difficult to Educate ork are elected to this honorary band or the other allotted allow­ cultural and Mechanical College. vocation and committee organiza­ Tremendous difficulties are in rganization. It is also necessary ances. James H. Foran, executive secre­ tion which will work on the fol the way of peace education, he > have had several courses in dra Appointments will be formally tary of College of St. Thomas, lowing topics: agriculture, demo­ continued. A military conscious ad­ tatics to be eligible. Membership made at the next Executive meet­ comptroller at the University of cratic liberties, education, labor, ministration has mobilized indus­ i National Collegiate Players is ing for the student committees. Chicago, and Harry L. Wells, bus­ peace, and recreation. Expert testi­ try on a vast scale to make the n attainment sought after by cpl- This meeting is to be held on Mon­ iness manager at Northwestern uni­ mony from nationally Dromincnt United States an efficient fighting >ge students who are interested in day. May 24 at 2:30 p. m. in the Lit­ versity. speakers will be included. Offi machine at the click of a telegraph le theater. erature Room. Members of the com­ The meeting was attended by 125 cials, delegates, lobbyists and guests key. Any such mobilization would mittee and students are slightly delegates representative of 80 in­ will be entertained. Following this, mean a rigid military dictatorship lean Millis Invite» more than urged to be present. stitutions. a dance will close the evening. with rigid suppression of individual On Sunday morning the young rights. Creek Council Memlter* politicians will attend church ser­ Measures employed by the Emer­ The Interfraternity Council is vices. Hearings will be continued gency Pcace Campaign were re­ oing to Alaska! Yes sir.
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