atents are an important class of Passet for any company. For a start- up company, its patent portfolio may be its most important asset. Despite their impor- tance, patents and the surrounding law may Patent law not be well understood by researchers and management. Therefore, they risk mak- ing decisions or taking actions that could fundamentals negatively impact their ability to pursue and obtain patent protection for their inventions. The best way for a company to avoid costly for innovators in mistakes at a critical juncture is to become better informed about the patent process and work closely with a patent attorney at all the ceramic and stages of an invention. Because of the significant changes wrought by the recent America Invents Act (AIA), it is more important than ever glass industry to take proactive, forward-looking measures to position inno- vations properly for the patent process. This article sets forth some fundamental principles regarding patents and the require- ments for obtaining patents, describes the types of patents relevant to the ceramic and glass industry, and briefly discusses By Steve Ritchey the significant changes in patent law from the AIA. What is a patent? In general, a patent is a grant of some privilege, property, or authority made by a government to one or more persons. In the United States, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution provides Congress the power to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their Part one of a two-part series presents the importance of respective Writings and Discoveries.” patents to companies and the requirements that must be met The patent and copyright clause of the Constitution was before patents are granted. evidently uncontroversial, because there is no record of debate on the topic by the framers of the Constitution. The first Patent Act was enacted in 1790. Thomas Jefferson, as the first Secretary of the Department of State, had the primary respon- sibility for administering the statute, including examination procedures. The present Patent Act was enacted in 1952 and has been amended numerous times over the decades, includ- ing the recent Leahy–Smith America Invents Act of 2011. As 28 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 93, No. 3 established in Title 35 of the United States Code, it provides that a patent grants to the owner, … the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or import- ing the invention into the United States, and if the invention is a process, of the right to exclude others from using, offering for sale or sell- ing throughout the United States, or importing into the United States, products made by that process … This excerpt from the law sets forth what may be the most misunderstood aspect of patent law. A patentee has the right only to exclude others from practicing the patented invention. A patentee does not have the right to practice the patented invention. The comic illustrates this concept. Types of patents There are two types of patents that are relevant to the ceramics industry— the utility patent and the design patent. A utility patent may be directed to a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter. (Credit: Steve Ritchey; Thompson Coburn LLP.) Its term begins with the patent grant thermal shock of up to 450°C—which one or more aspects of the invention and ends 20 years from the earlier of was originally developed for the US bal- or may include other relevant informa- the application’s filing date or priority listic missile program—would be patent- tion, such as graphs of experimental date. Recent utility patents issued in the able along with the design of cookware data. The section often referred to as the ceramics field include a nanotube array made from the material. “specification,” follows the drawings and light-emitting diode,1 a silicon-on-insu- The increasing importance of patents may include a background of the inven- lator wafer in which the upper portion may be seen in the fairly consistent tion, a brief summary of the invention, has a trapezoidal cross-section and the growth in the number of patents issued a brief description of the drawings, and lower portion has a curved outer periph- since the creation of the Federal Circuit a detailed description of the invention, eral edge,2 and a particular boroalumi- Court of Appeals in 1983 (Figure 1). which also may disclose experiments. nosilicate glass composition for making The Federal Circuit is the exclusive The patent ends with its most impor- dinner plates by a fusion draw process.3 court for patent appeals and was cre- tant aspect: the claims, which define In contrast, a design patent is directed ated, in large part, to develop more the scope of the invention and face the to a new ornamental design for an object uniform patent law jurisprudence than most scrutiny by the Patent Office and of manufacture and has a term of 14 what had developed among the various during patent infringement actions. As years from issuance. Examples could be regional circuit courts of appeals. noted by the Supreme Court in 1892, new designs for a coffee cup or bathtub. “[t]he specification and claims of a pat- Utility and design patents are not Parts of a patent ent, particularly if the invention be at all mutually exclusive. Therefore, depend- A patent contains several parts. The complicated, constitute one of the most ing upon the circumstances, one may front page contains a wealth of infor- difficult legal instruments to draw with obtain both types of patent protection mation about the patent, as shown in accuracy.”4 As such, a precise use of lan- on a particular object of manufacture. Figure 2. guage and considerable skill is required For example, the composition of a white Immediately after the front page are to draft claims that define a patentable glass-ceramic capable of withstanding a the drawings, which may be images of invention over the prior art while still American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 93, No. 3 | www.ceramics.org 29 Patent law fundamentals for innovators in the ceramic and glass industry must disclose a use that ognized a prior art reference—an article is presently available to written by two Russian scientists—that benefit the public (i.e., disclosed a particular alloy falling within it cannot prove useful the patent’s claimed ranges. Although at some future date the article did not disclose any corro- after future research). sion resistance properties, it barred the granting of a patent because corrosion Novelty resistance was an inherent property of The claimed inven- the alloy—regardless of whether the tion must be novel or Russian scientists knew that. new, which generally Moreover, a determination as to means it must not whether a particular reference consti- have been available tutes prior art can be complicated. As to the public before will be discussed in greater detail in the effective filing a future article, the AIA significantly date of the claimed changed the provisions for determining invention. Although whether a particular reference consti- there is a one-year tutes prior art to a patent application grace period for ear- filed on or after March 16, 2013. (Credit: Dennis Crouch, Aasociate professor, University of Missouri School Law, www.patentlyo.com, January 2, 2014.) lier disclosures made Figure 1. Utility patents granted per year. by the inventor and Obviousness some other exceptions, the Patent Act The invention must not be obvious embracing all the possible variations of defines prior art to a claimed inven- over the prior art.10 Unlike novelty, the fundamental concepts of the inven- tion as: the consideration of obviousness is tion so that the inventor/owner may • US and foreign patents, printed not limited to a single prior art refer- obtain the full measure of protection to publications, public uses, and sales ence. Instead, obviousness is judged which he or she is entitled. before the effective filing date of the from the point of view of a person of claimed invention; and ordinary skill in the art, who is deemed Requirements to obtain a patent • US patents and published US pat- to be aware of all the relevant prior To obtain a patent, several statu- ent applications having an effective art. Obviousness is the USPTO’s most tory requirements must be satisfied. As filing date before that of the claimed typical basis for the rejection of claims indicated above, the claims are of the invention.8 when examining a patent application. utmost importance. When the statute This is the “prior art” to which a It is relatively rare that all the claims refers to an “invention,” it means the claimed invention is compared for nov- of a patent are defeated on the basis invention as claimed or the claimed elty and obviousness (discussed below). of novelty—typically no single prior invention. A threshold requirement is The claimed invention is not novel or art reference exists that discloses all that the patent must be directed to pat- is “anticipated” if a single prior art ref- the elements of a claimed invention. entable subject matter.5 Patentable sub- erence discloses all the claimed aspects However, the Office often finds all the ject matter includes a process, machine, of the invention. claim elements in a combination of manufacture, or composition of matter, Whether a claim is novel is usually prior art references. but does not include “phenomena of a straightforward, objective determina- The determination of obvious- nature, though just discovered, mental tion—a single prior art reference either ness is largely subjective and requires processes, and abstract intellectual con- discloses all the aspects of a claim or it determining whether the differences cepts, as they are the basic tools of sci- does not.
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