THE OCE LAM RON VOLUMEXXVllI OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1951 NUMBER 13 Two Film Classics, 'The Mikado' and Maaske To 'The Magic Bow' Scheduled This Term Dean Dewey Accepts Perhaps most of you have been the committee tries to stay within IC · wondering why the student body this amount; however, the two in- WOrk on cannot schedule newer movies! The ternational ftlms, scheduled for this I affl PU 5 Defense Post· reason is that the film companies will term will cost more. A minimum of The Joint Council was called to sale of season basketball tickets. not allow pictures to be shown un­ 35 cents per person must be charg- order by Paul Lee on January 8, This sale netted approximately $115. ·Standards til six months after they have had ed to guarantee the agent at 1951. President Lee announced that It was announced that no one the opportunities to be shown at least $35 per showing. the "All campus Drive" would be will be admitted free to the Broad­ Dr. Roben J. Maaske, president of theaters in this area-at either the The two film classics to be shown held during the first week of Feb- way Clowns' basketball game, since Oregon College of Education, left Ross or the Isis theater. As a rule this' term are "The Mikado" by GU- rua,ry and that a student body their contract states that prices Wednesday night to serve as one they don't come to these smaller ' bert and Sullivan, which will be meeting next week would fully con- must be charged. Students will re­ member of an accrediting committee theaters for quite some time after shown January 27, and "The Magic sider the problem of charging ad- ceived reduced rates, however. The which is meeting at the Iowa State they have been shown at Portland Bow," a story of Paganini, which 1s missions for the various activities. money from this exhibition game 'Teachers' college in Cedar Falls, and Salem theaters. to be shown March 10. U the stu- Dr. Roben J. Maaske suggested will be entered into the basketball Iowa, to appraise the undergraduate These movies are selected by the dents like these, there may be sev- that a vote of thanks be extended to budget. and graduate program of elemen­ assembly committee. The rental fee eral foreign films shown in the fu-1 the business men of Monmouth and Trudy Williams submitted her tary teacher education at that col- is approximately $15 per picture and ture. Independence for assisting with the resignation to the council. The 1ege. offices of social commissioner and The and Standards com­ Studies NOTICE! athletic publicity commissioner are mittee of the American Association FTA Plans Election 1 Lions To Sponsor both vacant and are to be filled at of Colleges for Teacher Education, General election of officers for Students are urged to observe the next meeting of the council. of which Dr. Maaske 1s a member, Future Teachers of America will be Talent Audition the following rule: Tuesday, Jan. An exhibition OCE basketball is taking leadership in these re­ held Monday, January 15, at 6:30 in 16, is the last day that courses game will be held at Arlington on room 110 of Campbell hall. All stu- The Central Lions club of Inde- evaluations of member institutions. may be added for the winter January 25. A "Recognition Assem­ dents are invited to attend this ·pendence is sponsoring its first an­ It is proposed that all member in­ quarter. No forms for adding bly" is scheduled for February 7. meeting. A payment of $2 dues at nual talent show to be put on in the stitutions of the association be re­ courses will be accepted by the Cecil Clay announces that a chapel to gym examined within the next threel this meeting will qualify a person Central high school February 2. registrar's office after this date. service is scheduled for February 16. years. Institutions applying for ac­ vote in the election. Amateurs are invited to compete in It is also the last day that class­ At this time, a movie will be shown, creditment will be evaluated by Future Teachers of America 1s the either of two groups, single entry or es may be dropped without pay­ rather than having a speaker. committees of the association train­ student organization of the Nation- ,I group entry. Application blanks may ing the fee of $1. The council voted that the pro­ ed for their work in special evalu­ al Education Association and the be had at the Taylor drug store 1n posed constitution for the Lutheran ations of which the one at Cedar Oregon Education Association and ls Independence, at Day's cafe in Mon­ Student Association be accepted. Falls is the first. a student professional group. mouth, at Central high school or at There was a suggestion that a "Re­ A long-range program featuring Oregon College of Education. Appli­ Full Calendar ligious Emphasis Week" be held administrators as speakers cations must be in by January 26. Plans for '51 Summer various during winter term or at the be­ is being planned for future meet- Auditions will be held untler direc­ Predicts Much ginning of spring term. tion of Paul Dodd, January 27 and Session Now Complete ings. Delmer R. Dewey, dean of men, 28. Plans for the 1951 summer school has been appointed as civil defense The Lions club offers a first prize Winter Activity session at OCE are now complete. Folk Dance Artist coordinator for this campus. Special approval has been received of $25 with $10 as second prize. This I A prevue of events of the winter Ford Forster suggested that OCE so that the school may have seven To Perform at DSC is part of a district contest, finals of term reads almost like a theater have an "insurance pool." Each stu­ workshops. Five of these will be held which will be held in Salem. First advertisement. A:ctivities have been dent would pay $3 into this pool and The Orchesis clUb and members district prize 1s a trip to Hollywood planned to please . even the most during the regular session and the be able to draw from it in case of of the modem dance class will see for the winner of the single entry particular, and no one or nothing, additional two will be held in a post injury. This subject will be discuss­ Miss Madelynne Greene, noted San division and a cash prize for the unless it be studies, needs to feel ,ed more fully at a future meeting, session, from August 13 to 31. There Francisco dancer, in concert at the winners in the group division. neglected. will be over 100 regular courses of­ after Ford has checked with Ellis A. Oregon State college Playhouse in Admission to the local contest Will Two movie classics, "The Mikado" fered. Corvallis on Monday, January 15. be by ticket at 60 cents each, includ­ Stebbins, OCE business manager, on The Special Education program and "The Magic Bow," are to be the proposed plan. The OCE group is attending under ·ing tax, sold by Lions club members. ,shown in the Campbell hall audi­ will include clinical work 1n speech the auspices of Mrs. Faye Knox, The first meeting of each month, torium on January 26 and March 10, correction, as well as 1n reading and modem dance instructor. hereafter, will be a joint council respectively. On January 27 thero guidance. Miss Greene is nationally known Slate Poll Reveals meeting. Separate council meetings ·will be a house dance at Todd h,all. as a folk dance artist, and is con­ may be called by the respective Majority Want Grades In February, the Sweetheart Ball Play Sessions Begin sidered the finest folk dance teach­ presidents of the councils whenever An election for a new W AA treas- 1 er in the United States. She is also A survey of 111 student teachers I. will be held on the 10th, and the necessary. A budget discussion will urer and reporter will be held at a 1 considered the leading exponent of was taken recently at OCE to find Folks' Festival is planned for the be held at the next social education­ whether or not grades should be giv- week-end of February 23 and 24. Qn al council meeting. meeting on Wednesday, January 17. 1 modern dance in the San Francisco Anyone who pays her dues to the bay region and appears in Corvallis en for supervised practice teaching. 'March 15 the OCE choir will present Womens' Athletic Association may I under the sponsorship of the OSC Sixty-eight per cent of the stu- a concert. · Movie To Be Featured vote in this election. lstudents of the dance. dents wanted to continue the pres- Scattered here and there between The Wednesday and Thursday Mrs. Knox is attempting to secure ent letter grade system, 38 per cent 1· these attractions will be the "On­ Al February Chapel evening play periods are open to Miss Greene for a class in intema­ wanted the discontinuance O f certs at Oregon State college - a 1 pianist on January 22, the Portland anyone who is interested in playing tional folk dance to be held during grades. TJ:le next chapel will be held at 2 Symphony on February 4, a Vien­ basketball. They are not only prac- one of the Tuesday meetings of the The minority group which advo­ p.m. on Friday, February 16, in the nese Ballet on February 19, and the tice sessions for girls interested in folk dance class.
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