California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 1-22-2013 January 22nd 2013 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "January 22nd 2013" (2013). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 79. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/79 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. COYOTECHRONICLE.NET THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO SINCE 1965 TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 INNSIDESIDE TTHISHIS IISSUESSUE...... CCoyoteoyote Chronicle Mental health should be at the cen- Get ready for the fl uffy Gabriel Ontario’s Lazy Dog Cafe has CVol. XLVI, No. 10 C ter of the gun control debate...Pg. 5 Iglesias at CSUSB... Pg. 13 students howling for more... Pg. 9 By MARIELA LIMON increase student tuition and fees and can Staff Writer be used by the university to meet its most pressing needs. Governor Jerry Brown’s newly re- This increase is in addition to the leased 2013-2014 state budget proposal $125 million General Fund that CSU will gives back to higher education, including receive in 2013-14 for not increasing tu- an extra $125.1 million for the California ition and fees in 2012-13, as required by State University system. the 2012 Budget Act.” If passed, the budget guarantees that Chancellor White states, “It will allow the CSU system will receive a total of $2.2 the CSU to address the unprecedented de- billion in state funding. mand for high quality education at our in- According to the Governor’s Budget stitutions, as well as areas of critical need.” Summary, in order to improve student suc- With budget cuts and tuition increases cess, the funds will be directed towards, “... in the last four years, this news sits well improvements in time-to-completion, im- with students at CSUSB. Although having provements in graduation and completion online courses may benefi t students, some rates in all segments, increases in transfer think that most courses are better in a per- students enrolled at CSU and UC and suc- BBudgetudget PProposalroposal ttoo bbeneenefi t CCSUSU son-to-person setting. cessful credit and basic skills course com- “Some classes like chemistry should pletion.” Photo courtesy of The Daily Beast be taken on campus. You need someone to The proposal also caps the number of Governor Jerry Brown presents a proposal to give back to higher education, including an extra $125.1 million to the CSU. explain it in person,” said nursing student units a student who receives money from Leticia Orellana. the state General Fund can take in order to come after the state’s passing of Proposi- White, according to now.humboldt.edu. According to the Governor’s Budget shorten the amount of time it takes to earn tion 30, which increased sales tax and in- In accordance to the budget, $10 mil- Summary, “Priority will be given to the de- a degree. come taxes on those who make more than lion is designated to advance the use of velopment of courses that can serve greater If a student exceeds the amount of $250,000 per year. technology for online alternatives for low- numbers of students while providing equal capped units - 167 within the fi rst two “We appreciate the governor’s recog- er-division general education and highly or better learning experiences.” years - they will have to pay the full cost nition that California will benefi t from the demanded courses for the students’ benefi t. The proposal has been praised by the of instruction. investment of state funds into higher edu- In the Budget Summary, “The pro- California Faculty Association. The additional $125.1 million would cation,” said CSU Chancellor Timothy P. posal should obviate the need for CSU to Continued on Pg. 3 Obama calls for gun control change 23 executive orders are set in action to help begin gun control safety nationwide By MARYSOL GUZMAN Staff Writer President Barack Obama presented 23 executive ac- tions on Jan. 15 that would reduce future gun violence in America. He called for required universal background checks before the purchase of a gun along with banning military styled guns. “You should at least have to show you are not a felon, or somebody who is not illegally prohibited from buying one. This is common sense,” said Obama. The president’s main focus is to remove guns from the market whose purpose is to do extreme damage. The military style AR-15 rifl e was used for both the Aurora, Colo. and Newtown, Conn. shootings. Obama stressed the limitation on a 10-round limit from magazines to re- strict weaponry from shooting as many bullets possible in a short time. The gun used in the Aurora shooting shot as many as 50 shots per minute. This allowed the shooter to Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons shoot 70 people, killing 12 in just a couple of minutes. President Obama announced 23 executive actions in order to change gun control laws, one of them being a ban on military-style weapons to avoid mass murder. “Weapons designed for the theater of war have no place in a theater,” said Obama. Student Alex Ospina also agrees with Garrett calling is important.” Tabitha Wogerman, a young mother at CSUSB, agrees it unconstitutional. He believes that taking away guns is Obama also focused on the safety of children. He with the president’s proposed executive orders. prohibiting his liberty and rights. introduced the four children who wrote him about their “I initially thought that they were planning on taking In Wednesday’s press conference, the president also opinions on gun control. “This is our fi rst task as a society. guns completely away to kind of cut off all gun violence,” stated that he believes in the right to gun ownership and Keeping our children safe,” said Obama. said Wogerman. also thinks that most gun owners will agree with his pro- He called for the development of emergency model Student Christiana Garrett, said she was raised around posed executive orders. response plans for schools, houses of worship and institu- guns since the age of four and have been a part of her fam- “We can respect the 2nd Amendment while keeping tions of higher education. ily background.“I have a profound respect for guns and an irresponsible law breaking feud from infl icting harm on Student, Liliana Castro, agrees with such measures I feel that that’s something that scares people when they a massive scale,” said Obama. because there’s limited drills provided on campus.“Its don’t have that respect for guns,” said Garrett. The president said that although these reforms are pretty cool. In school we are educated about earthquakes, Garrett added that guns have purposes and they are common sense measures they would not be easy to enact. fi res, things like that but not about a shooting scenario, here to keep us safe. “The only way we will be able to change is if the which is bad,” Castro said. “In my opinion the only way to stop bad people with American people demand it,” Obama said. “We have to Reformation of gun control laws is a process that guns is having good people with guns,” continued Garrett. examine ourselves and our hearts and ask ourselves what America must go through to come to an overall consensus. Chronicle Page 2 News Chronicle Page 3 News Budget propels student success Continued from Pg. 1 The California Republican Party was not as pleased with the proposal. “This budget proposal is the fi rst “What’s disappointing about Gov. step in restoring a prosperous future for Brown’s announcement is that job cre- California. We appreciate the governor’s ation was never mentioned,” said CRP commitment to public higher education President Del Beccaro, “Cutting the regu- and, in particular, to keeping the CSU latory burden was ignored.” affordable for our students,” said CFA The budget will be reviewed again President Lillian Taiz. and voting will take place in July. CSUSB holds forums on school shooting By LUZ HERNANDEZ “One thing about my job is that I’d Staff Writer like to keep the investigation fair, impartial and not biased,” said Brown. A 38-year-old Cal State San Bernardi- One of the main concerns regarding Tiffi ny Gatson | Chronicle Photo no graduate student was shot and killed by the altercation was whether the campus CSUSB will hold a pre-medical conference organized by the Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Student Society here on campus. campus police on Dec. 8. police offi cer’s actions were appropriate. Bartholomew Williams died during an President Morales explained that the trag- altercation with campus police, just after edy was not only hard for the student and the CSUSB Commencement Ceremonies. families involved, but also hard on the of- The tragedy has left students, faculty fi cers as well. CSUSB hosts student pre-med conference and staff at CSUSB in shock. They are trying to understand what led University offi cials have been holding the offi cers to shoot Williams and why they By TIFFINY GATSON school and to provide them with an insight open forums for members of our university were not able to use other means to take Staff Writer into future job opportunities. community to express their sentiments and control of the situation.
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