Recycling Centers Home of the Ne"" LOC:ltlon - DIY - Tj m a Balow: BOTTLES 10 Laka.hora 81lurdlY. - 10 un, 10 4 p.m. NEWSPAPERS North High School Juna 10 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CANS Amlrlcln Cln Co" 0051 E.1 Mila Rd. Mondly.Sllu,day, 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. rosse Pointe ews , , ECO-L1NE 879-1333 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes lac Per Copy Vol, 33 - No, 23 Ilnlere4 »Second Cia... IUer al the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 34 Pages-Two Sections-Section One POll Ollice at Delrolt. IUch~an 8, 1972 $8,00 Per Year I. " -------------------------------------------------------------'----------------.,. HEADliNES For The Interest And Benefit Of All Elworthy Field's ~~:~~:k wiE'l I .Tennis Project On Board A. Compiled by the I IGets Under Way league of Women I , To BUI'ld Four Courts Immediately', Public lA~ogO:~d~l.ufja~~:t!o PRESlI)EN'l'G:~::~:.:':'NIXON, alter earn ua I Ica Ions his final hours in Iran was I Asked to Contribute to Fund for marred by terrorist bombs, Other Major Improvements By Pepper Whitelaw was happily m<)bbed by a ------- Monday, June 12, is cheering crowd in PoJand. By Pepper 'Whitelaw e 1e c t ion day in The Pole leaders are convinC<ld The City of Grosse Pointe Council has award. Pointe. At that time vot. that his summit mission In ed the contract for the construction of four tennis 'Moscow signals a dramatic courts located near St. Clair avenue in Elworthy err. will select two trus- DeW turn In U.S. relations Field to the Dougheriy Paving Company in the tees for four.year terms' with r.ountrl.es of EasterD amount of $21,987.70. The cost of the project, to. on the Board of Educa .. Europe. The White House gether with the related fees and other costs for tion. Eight candidates are' announced that the president the tennis work, will be charged to the Elworthy competing for two seats,. will report to a joint session Field Trust Fund. ~~ six men and two women. of Congress on Thursday, a They include Frank A.\ half.hour after he 'arrives at The Council also author. B:g Surpr: Q,eGuns, Jr" age 25, who lives\ Andrews Air Force Base, Md. ized City Manager Thomas Ii ~ in Lakeshore road with hls: It was estimated that 300,000 Kressbach and Rossetti As. father Frank A, Guns, Sr.\ 'JlersoDS lined the streets of sociates Inc., the firm which Given Solons Mr. Guns is a bachelor who', Warsaw to ,give Mr. Nixon prepared bid documents and taught social studies for ODe', the wildest reception of his specieications and reviewed B S d year (1970.71) at North High, 13.cfay, 16,()()().mile journey. the bid tabulation .., to nego- y tu ents School. He is presently suI)." • • • tiate with Dougherty for an stitute teaching within the, Frklay. June Z I option to construct four ad. • Pointe School system. Mr.\ PARATROOPERS of South' ditional tennis cou.-ts npar South High Committee Guns attended the University, Vietnam attacked Viet Cong Neff road In the amount of Reverses Position on 10f Detroit ..and the University a ~~s,N:e b~Je~~::~~ c:: ~:i~~2.~~ ai97 2 l:~e: f:~; Relaxing ~a~e Shore ~~c~~:;.all~f ~~ie:~~g~ ture Am°rdeistroY thnkeCity ?f Putting the finishing touches to the new con- GEKIERE, and City Administrator CHESTER E. construction season. Hope. Restnctlons \ and teaching certificate at Hue. er can ta s and aIr t t bet Th W d d th W od P l' PET"'RSEN. The "ouncl'l at the regular meet- fully sufficient contributions -- Wayne State University. He power covered the South rac' ween e 00 s an e 0 s 0 Ice r.I... will be received to make By Kathy Duff worked at the Neighborhood Vietnamese advance QS ,they Officers Association for the period of July 1, ing Monday, June 5, unanimously q>proved the these four additional courts In a dramatic reversa~ Club for five years. He is a moved into ,the foothills 1972, through June 30, 1973, are, (left to right), contract and a "Memorandum of Understanding" possible. of their original position, three . generation G ros s e north of ,the city. Two air. Detective JAMES DAVIDSON, association presi. between the city and the association. Both sides WlU Light Courts the members of the South Pointer, borne task forces repeated. dent; Patrolman DOUGLAS DOSMAS; Mayor stressed the cooperative spirit of th~ bargaining High School student com- Wa~ter ~age i.'! 28.years.old ~....8Omugeryht...suhtethJtel.rsfdir!'dmnoetnesmtoypKENNETH 'McLEOD; Pat r 0 1 man ARTHUR sessions. hThltec.otuhrtsWildlbed of as. mittee ].oined forces with and ~Ives m FaU'holmeHroad~ ••• OJ P a WI a re an green I' d.t. He IS an attorney. ere. their advance. More than 30 I overlay of plexipave surface. ~a~s:po Ice. an Cl Y. c~. ceived a BA degree from U. S. B52 ,bombers pummel- New Sa' -ry Attendance at Municipal Farms Views Two of the courts will be flclals m statmg th~t It IS Wayne State University and ed the area with beavy ex. W lighted and eventually all lUlsafe for pedestrians ~o his JD degree from Wayne plosives beforehand. In the P k Sh R d TwoC:t:zens' four. walk along Lake St. ClaIr. State Law School. He is cur. closest dogfight near the Agreement ar s atters ecor S Ii Ii Members of the Elworthy The action came at the rently enrolled in a masters ,Cbl_ border in four yelU'S. Field Trust Fund Commit. Monday night, June 5, regu- degree program In educaUon ,:r~~%cb:rs A~horod~~ie~ For---Wo--O-::J:.."-'t)vel""Holiday Weekend. House Plans tee hope that Pointers who Jar meeting of The Farms at the University of Michl. JriJG 2llnterceptors. u:J are interested In helpi.!1~ Co~cil, w,pen Steve Potter, gan. He is retained by the • I • with ~his project will want 280 Kenwood e 0 u r t, an. Government Relations and sa"'~y. 'N_ 3 P ,. Of-f'-- A. 1972 Three-Day Memorial Celebration Shows ReJ'eets Division of Mo- to make a tax deductible llounced "We no longer feel Information Division of the , -.nul •• ....., 0 Ice Icers .ssocla- .. A 826 U d R t' I F ".t" ...- 1 nd 1 na Lak Shore il M uf AN INVESTIGATOR AI. I t' d C'ty H 'T"t. se ecrea lona aCI J les as ross lot; Approves New contribution to the fund, Con.. """ .aa 0.... e Automob e an acturers fred W. McCoy, a PH.D lo.n an ! appy . Compared to 33,583 last Year House at 19300 Mack tr!butors givin~ $Z) or m~re road should be open to the Association, He is a former candidate In Southeast Asian I WIth Adoption of New I -------- will have thel1' names m. public for safety reasons." member of the JudicIal As. history at Yale University, . Contract d The long Memorial Holiday weekend, Sat.ur. By Kathy Duff scmribebdon a Plaque which 1,t wCoasUDaeJlsuS.:?rl'serisedfl)rthe Cosisutanntyt'sc~:caufl~t°cfouthretaWnIYdnae I I l t testified before the Senate __ ay, Sunday and Monday, May 27, 28 and 29, sent . w e permanently oCllted .... .. Appropriations subcommittee I By Roger A. Walta Pointe citizens to their respective municipal parks The Monday n 1g h t., at the courts. Checks should council members and resi. one time t8Ught at North on foreign. operations, .that A "s irited and mean. in record shattering numbers, according to attend. June. 5, Farms Councll be made payable to The El- dents present ,~t the meeting, High School. He is a bache- South VletnaiJ! President l'ngful"P barg"lnm' g ses. ance figures released. The main attraction at all Imeetmg was laz:gely th~ worthy Field Trust Fund as ,the South students formed lor and lives with his par. Nguyen Van Thleu, former. d' .... t W d parks were the swimming pools reports disclosed. tale of two z~n~ng van- and mailed directly to 1'714'7 a committee over two months ents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Vice.President Ngupen Coa Sl!ln, acco~ .mg 0 00 s . ",' ances as two cItIzens' re- Maumee avenue, G l' 0 sse ago to seek the repeal of the Hage. Ky and Prime Minister Tran City AdmlDlstrator Ches. The record attendance, 1t' quests took up over an Pointe, 48230. 10iteI"ing provWon of Ordi. His sister, Kathy, was Van Khiem .are involved in ter E. Petersen, between was stated, was due to the day, 4,250; and Monday, hour and a half of the Donations may be made nance No. 96 which governs graduated from North High the sale of 'heroin and other the city and the Woods fac~ .that ~. great number .of 3,s..r;o, At the Three Mile .,. , specieicalIy for use in the the lake fronta,ge. The ordi- School in June, 1~71 and Is h d dru to A . GI P r Off' A • reSidents did not feel the m- Drive Park (1972)' Saturday counCIl s tIme. One van- nance states: "Fishing, pic- presently attending Michigan .:~ to a~~ets :~c~nited ti~~c~as ~li~~edSS~A~ clination ,to 'I~ve town. An. 350; Sunday, 665;. and Mon: anc~ was granted a.nd one ~~~~~~~~~~nge~:ra~h;ur~~':~ nIcking or loitering on puiJlic State University. His brother, S tat e s McCoy accused' i1 other factor, It was stressed, day, 850, In 1971. it was Sat- vanance was demed, so f 'I proper,ty, except in parks Larry is a ninth grader at America~ officials of eon.
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