llF{E BOTT'OM S[{OF of REETFI General Store & Ncwsagencv open seven days a week GROCERIES L(rcAL PRODUCE FROMN FOODS ICE CREAM CARDS TF{ & DISTR HOME COOKED HAM - VIDEO RENTAL now avaiktble & much more... Contact Elsie & William Whitehead on 01748 884552 Issue No42 G/\ZE:TTE JANUARY I999 Published l i STEPHEN STT'BBS st IANUARY 999 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I{ORMANN BROWN CharterteredSurveyors Auctioneers Valuers EstateAgents Rewires, Extractors We have a wide ran-se of properies for sale in Swaledale and the , a -,1{e:o! ;i..- Security Lighting/Alarms sunounding areas. Specialist Letting Department, Showers, Storage Heaters RICS Homebuyers Surveys, Valuations for all purposes. rrePo,!,);7"; wodersl House Inspections etc... Offlces ery l-i Road, Richmond, N. Yorks. DLl0 4AG 01748822173 h{ Tef:01748 884686 Queens 6 Bridgc Street Bedale, N. Yorks. DL8 2AD 0167'1 4228? Fax: 0 1748 884139 FREE ESTIMATES 25 lvlrrket Place. Leyburn. N- Yorks. DL8 5AS 01969 622194 I .l-* REETTI POST OFFICE & SHOP Appro"ed Booksellers - Stationers - Greetings Cards Open all day Monday - Saturday 9am to 5.30pnt 'Ielephone & Fax 01748 8&f201 "More than just a Post Office" -THERE IS ONL)' ONE cl-ocKwqs.Ks MZ]ErcE{I@IJSJE Clocks & Barometers ANVrr- SQTJARE REETH Repaired, Cleaned, or748 884763 Serviced & Restored Ian Whitworth J.E.H!R.D ftl. Gt Y. PLUMBING Rccth Dales Centn: MOBITE BUTCHER For oll your Reeth Swaledale Prirne quoliv Fesh & cooked nreot plunrbing re{uiremenls Nr. Yorkshire DLI | 6SP qroceries.- WeekJv locsl visits 2.1 Loburnum Grove a 01748 88,t088 & Reeth Fridoi, trlo*a Richmond or7663 71709 8 01748825UO Arkengarttrda.le TR'EVOR' J IIIRD RED LtrON INN ELECTRICAT CONTRACTOR Free House . Real Ales No job to small . FREE estlnates Bar Mcals & Snacks available all year round Reduced rates for senior citizens Eorzas Telephone: 886886 DAVI D E" ttOYD New Building - Restoration Chartered Builders Alterations-- Extensions Construction - Maintenance & Repairs The Gables. Healaugh, Richmond Drlr 6T2 01748 884315 The Local News Magaztne for Swaledale & Arkengarthdale L;TINNFJI?SIDI' .lANIllAft\' 1999 lssue: Dales Youth Sports and Community Centre 1 935 Project; ;OAt MERCIfiNTS Ca'me & segourtsam, at uiork Nagorno Karabakh making ourfam,olts rdnge of Re -opens in the The National Cycle Network \fu-T4 S "I' Af] C KI-AhT Reeth School News Football f) an?,rn laoues. and Children's Village t-lall '19"' Regrnlar l}ellverfes zt;ltich sectbn. Annual Swaledale Festival;, on Thursday 7th January Ttaourghel-rrt &lne Select !/our petfrom antong The Four Seasons of Life; Hours of Susrness Dales Area lur collection & haue it hand Elierton, Corrrpetltlve Prices cra.fi,ed & painted to ord,er. Mondays 9am- 1pm Richmond and Swaledale Community Minibus; Parish j Teleptrone at a reasonuble cbst. Wednesdays 9am - 12 noon Arkengarthdale ; Swaledale in Snow; 01344 433616 or 832884 FREE ENTRY TO WORKSHOP Thursdays 9am - 12 noon Frogmore; Opm'ingTimes :886133 Parish C,ouncil News, LOW FAGGERGILL MandaE - gam .4pm COTTAGE Ft idag COVER PICTURE Babouska 'l'l Orders by mail orde'r are uelcqne by Jocelyn Campbell () ( Cosy holiday coffage on a Dales 'working' r i.; m on t h t L n t r i h ut ) r.\ u t r lt ul.e tl : Reeth Dalcs Centre, Silvcr Streel,, Ree!.h (i hill farm r+'ith bre*thtaking views 51' i | | r an llob bc t t, l: I Lt t n a .J oh tt tttrr.. I'tv Swaledale, "I'IT(JhILINSON'I'IRI. : North Yorkshire DLll riSp ( ) t b rt rn. I rt n utr tt H titc h u t.tt tt t,, [) c l c t' o[ fukengarthdale - Sleeps 2 Appiications are now invited lor the Thornlinson Telephone 01748 884498 ;u Fax 0tT4B 884884 lJ rcr n t,, Etlcl i e I rtt t t: r, Jli c ho rd B i rk,s. ldeal ba-se for walking, biking and touring Trust frcm individuals and groups in the ,,loln Lutle Muriu Rt'ighJ. lLfor.lorie tbe D;rles or simply enjoyrng a cuiet hoii.Jay Gunnerside area Lon gstafl, l'l a tvta lr i, 1 e r r.y+t' ea t h cr, PAUL Piease write enclosing an S A E. for an HGDG"SCN : Mrs. Gladys AtLinson I larr hev' I rankl an ti. hl i kt, R c <'kv' i t I t, application form to the Secretary: Lnrv FagJergill Cottage Arkengarthdale architectural services L{u:cl tlurry, Gaugh [,['rl.w;r, ])ct,ii! House, Mrs A Spensley, Spring End qnd Richmond North Yorkshire DLI I 6RS plano, epecif,cationE, lLilliums. Ray trn, L{'right, t\'!arlarrt project man agemenl Low Row, North Yorkshire, DL11 6NL. 0lz4B 884550 l)i.tniel.y. un,l Rrd Hall 7l annin7 & 1uil ding Re4ul ationa approv als Completed applications to be returned The Gazetfe is printed and publrshed by modest,feea - iniLial free conEultration bv 31" 1999 volunteers and distributed locally free of charge. - Ju)tu epecialist 30 yearo exVerience Visitors to the area who enloy the publication are invited to contribute to local good causes. An tel & f.ax: (Afl48) BEI{CHMARK': 8865e4 Annual Subscription facility is available to (of purare Grdphicr d clrdphic Oesign readers from outside the two Dales. Benchmark specialises in the design & layout WELIRURY PRtr,SS RF]ETH & DISTRICT GAZ-ET'TE of leaflets and brochures, busineis cards & Welbury Press quality offer a high local No material may be reproduced in whole or stationery, signage & logos, packaging design off-set & letter-press printing service, & labels. advertisement design in pari without permission. Whilst every for competitively price.rl one to four colour (most of the a dvertisements in the Gazette effort is taken, the publishers cannot be printing jobs - are designed by Benchmark) small buiiness, hbtet, B&B and held legally responsible for any errors in We also can organise special photography holiday cottage leafleis letterheads and Articles, Listings or Advertisements. & illustration as well as the org.rnisation & visiting cards, Evervjob is handled with care supervision of printing and accuracy as well as respecting the Piinted and Published by the For a free consultation and estimates call tightest ofdeadlines. PC anrl Nlacjobs Reeth & District Gazette . Richard G Birks handled. Please feel welcome to euntaebLee^ c/o The Post ffice, Reeth, DL11 6SE Tetephone 01748 B.B45t 3 - - Storeywith any enquiryyo" Tel & Fax: 01748 8M201 | '\'.: : ;,-.. ,rydi[t{, . .r- i ta all our Readers ! 0tT4r,82$2-{7 i REETH SCI.IOOL NEWS iltl Over 145 Years'e The Christmas activities at Reeth School coincided with the children, parenls, staff and friends of the of Free Financiaial Arkengarthdale Road, Reeth school saying farewell to their Headteacher, Mrs Rosalind Ead. Richrnond DL1 1 6QT Previously Headtemherof Arkengarthdale Church of England Primary School, Mrs Earlwas aopointed Advice ASSTIRANCE /ry head of Reeth Primary School seventeen years ago. In those seventeen years lhe world of Primary education has undergone sweeping changes including ihe introduction of The Nationai Curriculum, For FREE, no obligation, financial information technology and the National Literacy Strategy. advice on any of the following, Mrs Earl has provided positive leadership throughout and has enabled the school to accommodate simply phone STUART MAY on New Generation of Livestock these change with confidence and success, always ensuring that the needs of the cnildren remained A1748 884040 or phone our office at Trailers introduced the main priority North East Regional Business AllAlloy sheep Deck & Ramp The school hall was packed with parents and pupiis past and present for the Christmas Concert and Centre, Holland Park, Holland Drive, system easyload/unload In stock the C,harman of the fthml Govemors, Dr Paul Bond, took the opponunity to thank Mrs Earl for all that 4LD. Nowcastle upon Tyne, NE2 now 10 Models at sale prices from she hd done for the school. The children presented Mrs Earl with a painting by local artist, Vic Smith, Tel: 0191 247 4800 Britains' leading manufacturer. a silver three{ier cake sland, a bouquet of flowers and a cheque for t 130 Mrs Earl thanked everyone c Life Assurance --ooo-- who had supported the work of the schoo! and said how much she would miss the company of the o Pensions Commercial range of trailers ldeal children. for Builders Merchants, Tradesmen - E. * The three local Primary Schools Gunnerside Methodist, Arkengarthdale C of and Reeth School Savings & Investments Low loaders, General Purpose, came together for the traditional end of Autumn Term tingle Service in St Andrew's Church at on, Many e MortgaEe-linked Endowment Plant, Tipping, Pick-up canopies. parents, grandparents and friends joined the pupils & Protection Hunter Horse boxes Maryann Allison, Tom Gill Marybeth Pilgrim, Thomas Barningham , Caitlin Davies, Matthew Gold, o Children's Savirrgs Plans Contact: Haruey Roblnscn Shelley B ack, Holly Smith, Eleanor Abel-Smith, Robert Wilhelmy, John Ellerton, Scott Malton, Rachael Duck and Patricia Haste all read and explained the meaning of the parts which make the Crhistingle. c Serious illness Survival Cover Tefephone: 01748 8f34243 The prayers were led by Linda Thomborrow, Christopher Porter, Sam Newborn, Rose Chadwick o Buildlng & Contents -Bethany Parkes and Adam Hunter. insurance Revd. Tim Tunley gave the address and Pat Cowan played the organ. LOGS - tsAGGEI) Royal Liver representatives are authorised Christine Beeston, Chloe Orange and Carlin Peterswald presented the collection of fl60 for thework exclusively to advise on Royal Livc/s range or PICK-UF LOA[) products of the Children's Society. of and services, F'ree deliveqy The Junior football teams of Arkengarthdale and Reeth spent the first morning of their Christrnas Royal Liver Assurance Limited lgcally or collcct Life & Endowment and Personal Pensions hcliday enjoying an exciting garne of football. Reeth snatched a goal in each half but only outstanding An Incorporated Friendly Society.
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