Anderson gives up on advertising loan "The Lanks are out of the pic­ By MIKE SHANAHAN tur~," Anderson said. Associated Press Writer Campaign aides said that as of MILWAUKEE (AP)-John B. An• today, a little more than $1 million derson, his approval rating in public had been raised by appealing to opinion polls sinking, said today he about 200,000 previous contributors has abandoned efforts to borrow to Anderson's campaign. millions of dollars from banks to They said the campaign expects finance a late-hour television ad­ vertising blitz for his independent The University Times 'presidential campaign. continues its "Election Instead, Anderson said, he will rely on small loans from individual 1980" coverage on Page supporters to finance the first of his 4 of today's edition. television ads beginning Sunday. to raise an additional $1 million or In a Milwaukee television in­ $2 million to finance television ad• terview, Anderson said the banks he vertising on which Anderson says had been negotiating with in New he is counting to reverse his steady York and Chicago were intimidated decline in the polls. by hints from Presidential Carter's Anderson received more bad campaign aides that such loans news with publication of the latest may be illegal. Gallup Poll, which said his support Anderson said there would have among likely voters has slipped to 8 been nothing wrong with the banks percent. The survey has Republican making the loans. "Nevertheless," Ronald Reagan with 45 percent and he said, "banks are a regulated in· President Carter with 42 percent. CAMPAIGN TRAIL- After presidential candidate John Anderson decided to abandon efforts to borrow from dustry and understandably might In mid-September, the Gallup Poll banks to finance TV advertisements, he hopes to raise the money from contributions. One campaign member was feel a little skittish on making had Reagan at 41 percent, Carter at found on campus, hoping CSLA students would support Anderson. u.T.PHOTOBYEVAJANG loans." 37 and Anderson at 15. - Thursday, October 16, 1980 Vol. LXXXVI No. 7 Liddy fills theater; tells Watergate role By PAT MANISCO In addition to military problems, Staff Writer Liddy said U.S. intelligence In a world of survival of the fittest, operations are suffering. the U.S. has the strength of a little, "We've cut 850 top secret agents old lady walking through a bad in the last four years," the former neighborhood, G. Gordon Liddy told FBI bureau chief said. a Cal State L.A. audience yesterday. "The world is like a bad neigh­ He also said the U S. is choking borhood at 2 a.m.," Liddy said. "You its biggest asset, industry, with too have to be a 200-pound quarterback many rules and regulations. with a baseball bat to get through it. " While other countries cater to The old lady with the bulging wallet large corporations, we attack will never make it." them," Liddy said. Speaking to a crowd of 200 at "We lose huge contracts because the State Playhouse, Liddy said the we insist on applying our moral only way to ensure American sur­ standards all over the world. If Ger­ vival is through a strong military, man businessman must bribe an strong intelligence and strong in­ Arab sheik to close a deal, it's tax dustry. deductible, white here it's a federal Without it, the U.S. is similar to an offense." engine that won't turn over, Liddy said . Liddy said that too many Americans are trying to legislate a • "No matter how much Carter "risk-free" society. prays over it, it needs a mechanic," "If these laws had all existed 200 Liddy said. "Carter doesn't know his years ago, the Mayflower would crankshaft from his camshaft." never set sail, nor would the West Ronald Reagan is one such ever had been settled," Liddy said. mechanic, said Liddy, stopping short of an endorsement. In a question-and-answer session "An endorsement from me is that followed the speech, Liddy likely to cost the guy three or four touched on several areas. states," the former Republican presidential assistant said. -Of Abscam, Liddy said, "It's en­ Unlike Carter, Liddy said the trapment. I should think the FBI has nation's problems are not due to a be-tter things to do than run around national "malaise." pretending to be Arab sheiks." Rather, he said America's -Of Watergate, he said, " It was problems are the result of "living strictly political intelligence lives of illusion and turning away gathering. I'm not bitter. I took a from the harsher aspects of reality." calculated risk. Anyone working for the President will protect him even He said the U.S. must come to if it involves obstruction of Justice. face the reality that its military, in­ It happens now. Civiletti did with telligence network and industry are Billy in the Libya affair." THE IMPERIAL PLUMBER-G. Gordon Liddy, Watergate figure and advocate of a strong American military, ap· suffering. peared at Cal State L.A. yesterday, speaking at the State Playhouse and signing copies of his autobiography at -Of American hostages in Iran, "The Soviets outstrip us in Liddy said "Weakness led to the the Trident Shop. military capabilities," Liddy said. PHOTO FOR THE U.T. BY KENDALL IN Embassy takeover. No one seizes He said the USSR has more sub• embassies like that. The problem marines alone than "we have ships with the subsequent rescue is Car­ Liddy entertains at signing in our entire Navy." ter tried to phone • It In from "Their pilots have 307 air sorties Washington, instead of having By ELMA CHAPLIN asked him questions about Im· closer look at the man who master­ (air missions) a year while ours have someone there to oversee it." Staff Writer portant issues he talked about minded the plumbers operation 76," Liddy said. G. Gordon Liddy seemed to enjoy during his speech. which eventually toppled the Nixon The former White House Regarding his future, Liddy is his role as a celebrity at Cal State Liddy was on hand to autograph presidency. Some of the students assistant said he is certain that no working on a movie version of his L.A. Monday. Sitting back In his his two books, "Out of Control" and came to congratulate him on his matter who is elected In November, book "WIii," with Bob Conrad as comfortable chair In the Trident "Will, an Autobiography of G. Gor­ earlier speech. the draft will be reinstituted. Liddy. In addition, he plans to write Book Store, he took autograph don Liddy." Channel 11 's Metro ·News repor­ "The volunteer army does not another book and continue lec­ • seekers one by one. About 40 students showed up to ter Larry Attebury and his camera work," Liddy said, "because most turing. "I had $346,000 In lawyers' buy his book and get an autograph crew were also at hand for an in­ of the people in it have room tem­ fees after my trial," Liddy said. ~e joked, he snarled as students while others showed up to get a terview with Liddy. perature I.Q.s." "That's down to $200,000 now." • 1 Page 2 University Times October 16, 1980 @rPDOOO@OO Meme Wilcox, editor • ______.WO@Wr¢@ •00 -4-r1_· ________;:., __~---- Turkey's politiGal rights violated By STEVE HADJIYANNIS poured ceaselessly into that coun­ and country and between political Political Correspondent try in an effort to rejuvenate its factions. During September Turkey's econc,my and stabilize its drift With such a discrepancy between democratic government fell prey, or towari constitutional anarchy democratic claims and political so it seemed, to a military dic­ which, in some scenarios, could reality it is none to difficult to sym­ tatorship instigated, as usual, by lead Tu rkey into Russian hands. pathize with the generals, who had the army's top echelon which This flow of money was un­ warned, incidentally, the politicians should have no business in mixing derlined '.hen by the belief that the of taking over if things did not turn with the country's political life. strategic :mportance of Turkey was for the better, and who have seized According to democratic prin­ worth the $18 billion, the total power for the third time (the first ciples, such a move was another amount owej by that country, for it two were in 1960 and 1971). violation of political rights, rights so bordered with Russia and valuable Also, Turkey's armed forces can .. r closely beloved and respected by American listening posts and be compared neither with their people in the western world, it was troops could be maintained there. counterparts in the banana another downturn for the so called What's more, Turkey played a key republics of Latin America nor with "free world." part in NATO's southern flank and fascist military dictatorships such As it happens though, ideology its army, the 8th largest in the as South Korea's. tends to be directly proportional to world, was of significant im­ its distance to the problem as many portance to western security. realistic political writers advocate in Its geographic location, fur­ Restore policy present world relations. thermore, had control over the If a state of emergency and strict straits of Dardanelles, the only discipline were used to restore a outlet into the Mediterranean Sea reasonably stable domestic and Approaches differ for Russia's navy. foreign po11.:::y balance in Turkey, Interpretive approaches to issues then surely the Turkish-style differ widely and a closer analysis pseudo-democracy would prove of events should be observed first Economic aid beneficial.
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