mGlÏpº)JsF)¡GyLyF)µgjEn©/1996eF)z GiCesF)µL¢e fFh¦ .µ©f.k *+y*µ1975e;yFJ x¨~E(9dG e;e£*%)µyFe0º)iGe.¡Ge£*)1$)Ji©*{F)iF)µ5¦L3¦Fe*§;4e/iL1¦F)i©*{F)iº)µe£*%)i LyGµ1973e; j)d,Ö(xe: µemF)sº)3{¿¦I1993i 5lJÒ*µi©EÒG%¶)iGe·)¡G#eL}©F)µ¦F)5¦L3¦Fe*§;4e/1972e;lJÒ*µyFJz)d-¨)2 #eF)ª GJª5&¦Gy/%)¦Ii©EÒG%¶) "+{¸)"+e DtFeFi©Ce-qG){*µLeE"3e£ F)"J "+e©¸)"J "µemF)3e£ F)sG"J "ÒF)" 2006e; "20ª*eI3¶)"+Ò£F)¼J¶)¤jL)J3k*e-3y7%)2005eF)µl3y7i©*1%)7¦Hi;¦¾¦IJ "le*¦ F)"J%¶)¤*ejEy*1997 z G1992µiL)J{FyDe F)i¾+}(e.§;k/J1992e; "ijF)y©5"¼J¶)¤jL)J3l3y72001i 5z G+e©¸)+yL{.µ "eC$)"ª;¦f5¶) lJÒ*¡G2007eF) Gz G¢y Fµ "ª*{F)5yF)"i©s7µµemF)F)5){G¦IlJÒ*µ "ª H}©*y."iHe/µª;¦f5%¶)«{F) i©s7µgjL2009lJÒ*h)1$¶)3)1¡; "i/¦F)hejE"J2008e;K¦93)1¡; "j£F%)"eIÓL{6Ó*e£¸%)-Kyº)3)1¡; 2002e; "ª9eH{F)i/3"J1999e; "«}©Ã'¶)5¦L"J1997e; "+$){º)µ×)43F)3"J1995 "1¦5%)«e6"e£ GiL)J3163y7)kD¦F)F2 µl)3ejÀ3)1¡; "+Ò0%¶)ÓF)"J2002e;lJÒ*µ¢$¶)l)3¦ G¡; "0)yF)¡G+|GiFe,{*"¢)¦ *iL{6le;¦¾oÏ-3y7%) 2001eF)z GiL1¦F) "¡9¦F)" ªjF)2005e; "83%¶)k±i LyG5¦jLÒ*"J2003e;J%¶)#}·) "»eF)i LyGlJÒ*"J2005e;ÓF{*µi©Heº%¶)iFe*l3y7ªjF) iL}©H'¶)Ji©Hef5'¶)leFe*le©.¦F¦ H)µ¥y(eDl|H2007e;| F)JgjFL{F)8eL3¡;S "¦ Fe*iFJ}G83%)"J2003e;lJÒ* nFemF)#}·) "»eF)i LyGlJÒ*"J2005e;ÇemF)#}·) "»eF)i LyGlJÒ*"J3e©Fe<3)1¡;2009e;l3y7Ji©H{F)iF)¼')k.{, Abdullah Thabit was born in 1973 in the Saudi city of Abha. He earned his BA in Arabic language and literature from King Khalid University in " " " " i©Heº%¶)Ji©H{F)J Abha in 1997. He released in 2005 his first book "Nawbat", a collection of literary texts and in 2006 his first famous novel "Al Irhabi 20" (The 20th ifI¦GhefF)Ó©()J{F)ÎE%)y/%){*e.©*3ÊjL eEÒG%) ¢)¦ *2009e;l3y7ªjF)+Ò0%¶)¤jL)J3J2008e; leC)Ì;'¶) J2007e; Nazem Elsayed was born in Bent Jbeil (South Lebanon) in 1975. He works in journalism since 1996 where he wrote articles for several newspapers Terrorist, published by "Dar Al Mada"). He wrote two collections of poetry: "AlHatka" (She distracted you, published by "Dar Tawa" in 2008) and "Kitab and magazines such as "Al Safir", "An Nahar cultural supplement", "Al Hayat" and "An Nahar". He works in several cultural programs for "Al Horra" satellite Al Wahcha" (the book of melancholy, published by "Dar Al Adab", Beirut in 2009). He has been writing in the Saudi newspaper "Al Watan" since 2001. Rabih Jaber was born in Beirut in 1972. In 1993, he earned his BS in physics from The American University of Beirut. Since 2001, he is the editor channel. He is one of the founders and organizers of the weekly poet meeting in "Jadal Bizanty" pub in Beirut. He is the correspondent of the cultural section of the weekly cultural supplement "Afaq" of "Al-Hayat" daily newspaper. In 1992, he released his first novel "Sayed El Atma" (The Master of of "Al Quds Al Arabi" newspaper in London since 2007 (from Beirut). He released three collections of poetry "Bourtoukala Moukachara Min Al Dakhel" Obscurity) which won the prize of the critical magazine for novel. Since then, he has published 16 novels including "Chay Aswad" (Black tea, 1995), (An Orange Peeled from Inside "Al An publications", Beirut, 2002), "Al Ayn Al Akhira" (The last Look, published by "Dar Moukhtarat", Beirut, 2003), "Ard "Ralf Rizkallah fil mer'at" (Ralf Rizkallah in the Mirror, 1997), "Youssef El Inglizi" (Youssef the English, 1999), "Rehlat Al Gharnati" (Al Gharnati Ma’zoulah bel Nawm" (published by Riad El Rayess for books and publication, 2007). His poems were published in several anthologies in Spanish, English, journey, 2002) that was translated into German and released in Berlin in 2005, "Beirut, Madinat Al Alam" (Beirut: City of the World) (first part, French and German. 2003), "Berytus: Madina That El Ard" (2005) that was translated into French and published by Gallimard in 2009, "Beirut, Madinat Al Alam" (Beirut: 1998 1973 City of the World) (part 2, 2005), "Beirut, Madinat Al Alam" (Beirut: City of the World) (part 3, 2007), "Itirafat" (Confessions, 2008) and America lÏpº)JsF)¡GyLyF)µre,3¦fL3g,eE;ªD){;ªs7Je53J{;e6Jª()J3¦I1973e;){F)1)y*µyFJ){F)1)y*µyFJ ªI(x4x. ªI(x4x.$($ y¿iGe.µªH{F)h1%¶)531 i 5iLeFÏ5i LyGµ6e;+ÒCi(e;5J i 5h{º)e*{F)µyFJ KdE(Ö(xe: (2009). Jaber is considered as one of the most talented young novelists. S {/%)"e£ ©*¡GJ "«¦5J1"iCJ{º)i©H{F)| F)3)1¡;¤,eL)J3Gl3y7Bard Collegeµ3¦L¦©Hµi 5+yº531eEGe¹) 1)y;')Ji©(e-¦F)ÏC%¶)i*ejEµe©Fe/LM 2007J2005ªGe;Ó*1)y*µ "ª5ª*ª*")+e FÏ5){G;i©sº)i©sF)le5M &¦º)J "Le Renaudot"+}(e.¼')Ó,{Gt63leF+y;¼')¤Fe;%)k.{,2008 "i©*{;i*$eE"J 2006e;µ "2eH'¶)©."J 2005e;µ "6¦*{ F) uefF)i©s7µe©;¦f5)M e©Ce-M M)1¦;| L+{¸)+e D§;ǦL},qGeH{*§;e©Fe/|L¦I1)y*µ¦L3e ©F)i*ejEJi©H¦L}jF)qG)ÊF) ¤j©mG¡;¡Lª*{;ª*{Gg,eEJ%)¦ILe F)×)yf;"La Soniora"©C¦L3e ©5 "Luis Gardel"kL3e F)GgjE 2007i 5µi©H{F) +31eF) "l¦ÈJ%)gLJ%)sL¤H')"J2004e;1)y*µl3y7ªjF) "©·)yfF)"¢ejL)J3¤FJiL{6le;¦¾*3%)3y7%)yFiL1)yfF)yLy·) e;+{IeF)iGe.¡G4ejÁi.3y*e£*)1$)Ji©*{F)iF)µÒj.eº)+1e£6§;l4e/1975e;+{IeF)µlyFJiL|G+{;e6ªI ©:*d l)¦ 5|;z GL3e*µ©LÏ;'¶)JiCesF)µJ¤fjEµi© ·) "©·)yfF)"¤jL)J3¡;2005ª*y*i©,)3eG'¶)KyF)i*e­iL)J{F){Cµ¼J¶)+}(e·)§;4e/2008e;G1µKyº)3)1¡; (e/"J 2002+{IeF) "+{-ÎF)¤jLe<µ){0¡(eE"¢)¦ *¢eH)¦L1e£F3y7"+ÒF)L31')5¦LDµiD3eº)"e£j/J{9%)¡;2006 " " «J){F) ¦/¥)3¦jEyF)i/J{9%)§;e©Fe/,M 1998e;iL|º)iCemF)+3)4J¡G{6¢)¦L1C%)+}(e.§;k/ 2005+{IeF) ¦G Abdellah Taïa was born in Rabat, Morocco in 1973 in a poor family. He lived in the city of Salé until 1998. He studied French literature at ¼J%¶)e£jL)J3l3y7}()¦.+y;§;i©F)e£,e*ejEl4e/yDJ1978e;|GµlyFJ+ÒDDif,eEJi.ÌGJi©()J3ªI 2(Rz-*xG2 Ahmad Saadawi was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1973. He is an Iraqi novelist, poet, painter and journalist. He was a reporter for several "¦¿g©ÃleL)J3µ Mohammad 5 University and spent one year in Bard College in New York. Most of his novels were published by the well-known publishing house hejF)+}(e.J ©F4¦<+}(e.J1J¦*¦I+}(e.§;l4e/J1e F)tLyGJejI'¶)¡GÒmF)kFeHJleFk5µ2009e; "k©fF)i93e0"¢)¦ * newspapers, magazines and local press institutions. He was a correspondent for the BBC in Baghdad from 2005 till 2007. He is a TV show "Editions du Seuil" including "Ahmar Tarbouch" (Le Rouge du Tarbouche, 2005), "Jaych Al Inkaz" (L'Armée du Salut, 2006) and "Ka'aba Arabia" (Une S 1991e;+ysjº)leL¶¦F)µ©FkjH)J|GJkL¦F)µl%eH+ÒDDi;¦¾J+yLy.iL)J3§;e©Fe/,Ó©EÒGM %¶)h{F) producer and a documentary script writer. He is currently the director of a TV show on the "Hurra" Satellite TV station. He publishes a weekly Nagat Ali is an Egyptian poet. She was born in Cairo in 1975. She earned her Master's degree in Arabic language and literature from Cairo Mélancolie Arabe, 2008). His works were translated into several languages. He was nominated twice for the prestigious French literary Prize "Le cultural column in the Iraqi newspaper "Al Sabah Al Jadid". He has published four books of poetry. He also released two novels entitled "Al Balad University in 2006. Her thesis was entitled "Irony in the Short Stories of Yusef Idris". She published two collections of poetry "Kain Khourafi Renaudot". In 2007, he co-wrote along with the scenarist Luis Gardel the script of "La Soniora" movie. Abdellah Taia is the first Moroccan and Al Jamil" (Beautiful Country, in Baghdad in 2004) and "Inahou Yahlom aw Yal'ab aw Yamout" (He is Either Dreaming or Playing or Dying, published Randa Jarrar is a writer, a translator and a novelist. She was born in Egypt in 1978. She is an award-winning for her short stories. Her first Ghayatouhou Al Sarsara" (Cairo 2002) and "Ha'et Machkouk" (Cracked Wall, Cairo 2005). In 1998, she won the first prize for the best collection Arab writer to declare publicly his homosexuality in his books, in the press and the media. He currently lives in Paris. by "Dar Al Mada" in Damascus, 2008). He won the first prize in Al Sada literary competition in Dubai in 2005 for his novel "Beautiful Country." of poetry from the Ministry of Culture in Egypt. She is currently working on her PhD dissertation "The Narrator in the novels of Nagib Mahfouz". novel, A Map of Home (2009), was released to critical acclaim in six languages, and won the Hopwood Award, the Gosling Prize, and the Arab American Book Award. She is currently working on a new novel and a collection of short stories. She lived in Kuwait and Egypt and moved in 1991 to the USA. lJÒ*µ "h)1$¶)"i¾J×))3µ+31eF) "G{F)"iL3J1µ7¦ F)¡GyLyF)l|H1974eF)y©F)¦G¡Gi© © Cif,eE ©e5h¨Gx: ¡G"i¾{L{sjF©(3¦I2000e; "Ò0%¶)hefF)yL¢eES "¼J%¶)iL{F)¤j;¦¾l3y71978e;Ó Cµ5yF)µyFJ KI20¡(¥Â " " µª ©,¦fG¦EiGe.¡G DEAe©F)le5)3yF)¦*1§;/1970e;+{IeF)µyFJyL3yGµ©G«|G.ÌGJ{;e6¦IÆdÇx.$( " " " µh)1$¶)3)1¡; 5eG ¼J%¶)e£jL)J3l3y7i©Heº%¶)Ji©H{F)JiL}©H'¶)¼')7¦ F)¥zI¡GÒmF)k.{,yDJK{0%)lϾ¼S ')iCe8M ') ijÀle©.¦F¦ H%)µ¥{6{£:i©He fF) 3ef0%¶) +yL{·µemF)F)µg,eEJh{F)hejF)¡G+y;eF)e©.S %¶)e;%)| ,ªjF) ¼')J ªGeF)µe,4e/yD¢ejL)J{F)¢e,eIkHeEJeLM %)lJÒ*µh)1$¶)3)1¡; "g¸)¡;3)yº)l)z*y©*e E"i©HemF)e£jL)J3J2002eF)µlJÒ* i*eGµ¼J%¶)+}(e·)§;1991e;µ/ª*{F)»eF)µi©*1%¶)y(){·)JlÏpº)µ1989e;z G¥y(eD|Hµ%)y*2008e;yL3yG µ¢¦,3¦Hl)3¦ G¡; "yLy.¢{FiF"J2008e;e©p*µ "¤L{*ªLe,¦F"l)3¦ G¡; "+|7eº)i© © F)+y©F)"eI{0$)kHeE l4eCJ1992eF)µi*ejF)l%)y*1998eF)µk.{v,JiL3eº)i5y £F)k5311974eF)µeL3¦5G1µlyFJ ~.Ò4dK(3I2 +{p6k±"1995 "©*%¶)3)¦6"iL{6¡LJ)J1i*3%)¤Fl3y7¦fG)3{-3$){;eF)+eCJ§;e;i(eG3J{GK{Ez* ")y*')"i¾e£jHªjF)¦fG)3 " " " i/J{9%)#e£H')§;e©Fe/ªf6,Ó Cµ¢e F)¡sº)yf;i5M &¦G¡GiGyº)heF)g,eF)i*eGµiL)J{F)+}(e.§;2003J2001 l4eC"#¦Fe*i-¦G#e5"¢)¦ *2000eF)µe£Fi©Di;¦¾J%)l|H+ÒF)iFiGe·)e£©,le*eGµÓj©FejjGÓj F " " " " " K&J3 i¾J § º)µ5yF) e£ ©*¡GiL|fF)¢¦ F)JµemF)Ï;'¶)µijÀL3eGz© ,J©5%e,µ3e62008e;3¦L¦©H e£ ,¦HiGe.µi©CemF)le5)3yF)JiLy F)iL{ F)i53yGµ+|8e¿ªIJ¢y F|6iGe.µi©CemF)Ji©GÏ;'¶)le5)3yF)µ¥)3¦jEyF) " " " " " " ¥)3¦jEyF)i/J{9%)4eÃ')§;e©Fe/L¦IM 2008+{IeF)kLÒG ib9e0¡EeG%) 2001+{IeF)kLÒG3)1 5%){F)µl)13J 1998 i(eF) eIÒ<JiL¦£F)¦8¦GµnsfLhejFqGeH{*JS "eM ©©p*¢¦,¢S %)"J "l)3eG"J|GJ "i©fHe.
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