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UniversiV Micrdnlms IntematkDnéd 300 N. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 8311787 Parchem, Georga Larsen THE PAPER BAG PLAYERS. A THE/iTRE FOR CHILDREN. 1958-1982: DEVELOPMENT. CREATIVE PROCESS, AND PRINCIPLES The Ohio State University Ph J). 1983 University Microfilms I nter nsti 0 n el300 N. Zeeb Rœd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Copyright 1983 by Parchem, Georga Larsen All Rights Reserved PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed in the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been identified here with a check mark V 1. Glossy photographs or pages 2. Colored illustrations, paper or print / 3. Photographs with dark background ^ 4. Illustrations are poor copy 5. Pages with black marks, not original copy 6. Print shows through as there is text on both sides of page_ 7. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages 8. Print exceeds margin requirements. 9. Tightly bound copy with print lost in spine. 10. Computer printout pages with indistinct print. 11. Page(s)___________ lacking when material received, and not available from school or author. 12. Page(s)___________ seem to be missing in numbering only as text follows. 13. Two pages num bered ___________ . Text follows. 14. Curling and wrinkled pages ______ 15. Other____________________________________________________________________ University Microfilms International THE PAPER BAG PLAYERS, A THEATRE FOR CHILDREN, 1958-1982: DEVELOPMENT, CREATIVE PROCESS, AND PRINCIPLES DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Georga Larsen Parchem, B.A., M.A. ***** The Ohio State University 1983 Reading Committee: Approved By Dr. George L. Lewis Dr. Robert E. Jewett Dr. Alan R. Osborne Dep^^ent of Humanities Education Dedicated to the memory of Miss Mary Gwen Owen, former chairperson, Department of Speech and Theatre, Macalester College, an indefatigable Welsh woman, who gave me my vision of educational theatre. 11 ACKÎvOWLEDGMEIv’TS First of all, I wish to thank Judith Martin and Judith Liss of The Paper Bag Players who so generously extended their time, thoughts, en­ couragement, homes, resources, and friendship during the course of this research. Of the many other people who contributed to this research, I am especially indebted to Irving Burton, Donald Ashwander, Shirley Kaplan, Remy Charlip, Betty Osgood, Edith Harnik, and Dr. Kellie McCaslin. I am, of course, particularly in debt to my advisor. Dr. George Lewis, and wish to thank him for his guidance, criticism, and encouragement. I would also like to thank the other members of mj’’ reading committee. Dr. Alan Osborne and Dr. Robert Jewett for their criticism and support. I wish also to show my appreciation to Juanita Santoni, Lorry1 Denny, Linda Marcin, and most of all, Eleanor Parchem, for their help in completing this project. Most especially, I am grateful to and wish to thank my husband A1 for his love, pride, encouragement, and support. Also included in my thanks are my children, Aaron and Alyssa, who despite their many interruptions, provided a source of inspiration to me throughout this project. Thanks also go to my extended family for their support: my parents, George and Vi Larsen; my husband's parents, Leonard and Eleanor Parchem; and my sisters, Mary Gilmore and Virginia Mitchell. Ill VITA lU April 194b .......... Born - Crosby, North Dakota 1967 ................. B.A., Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota 1967-1970.............. Teacher, Head, Department of Language Arts, Milton High School, Milton, Vermont 1970-1972.............. Teaching Associate, Department of English, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 1972 ................. M.A., University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 1973-197^.............. Director of Adult Education, Heart of Ohio Girl Scout Council, Zanesville, Ohio 197U-1 9 7 7.............. Teaching Associate, Department of Humanities Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio PUBLICATIONS "Contemporary American Children's Theatre— The Paper Bag Players," a paper. National Speech Association Convention, New York, 16 November 1980. "Judith Martin," in Women in the American Theatre, ed. Ellen Dowling and Janet Horne (Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, Inc., forthcoming). "The Paper Bag Players," in American Theatrical Companies : A Historical Encyclopedia, ed. Weldon B. Durham (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, forthcoming). "The Paper Bag Players," a paper, 46th Annual American Theatre Associa­ tion Convention, New York, 15 August 1982. IV FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Children's Theatre/Drasa in Education Studies in Speech/Theatre Education. Dr. George L. Lewis Studies in Theatre. Dr. Roy K. Bowen Studies in Communication. Dr. William R. Brown Studies in Drama in Education. Dorothy Heathcote and Gavin Bolton TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION............................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................... iii VITA .................................................. iv LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND P L A T E S ................ xi Chapter I. THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..................... 1 The Context of the S t u d y ........................ 1 Past Research: A Review of The Literature .... 8 The Methodology, Sources, Scope, and Limitations of The St u d y ..................... 15 Definitions, focus, and limitations of the s t u d y ................................. 15 Research methodology and sources .............. 19 The scope of the s t u d y ....................... 22 II. BACKGROUND MATERIAL .............................. 25 Traditional American Children's Theatre ......... 2o Aesthetic Influences ........................... 28 Modern dance movement ....................... 28 The 19 6 0's: influences for change ............. 32 1 960's: changes in children's theatre ..... 35 Artistic Biographies ........................... 37 Judith Martin ............................... 37 Shirley Kaplan............................... LL Sudie B o n d ................................... I5 Joyce A a r o n ................................. hG Daniel J a h n ................................. kj Remy Charlip................................. 1+8 Betty Osgood................................. 51 Irving Burton ............................... 53 Donald Ashwander ............................. 57 The Paper Bag Players, Style and Content: An O v e r v i e w ................................. 58 S u m m a r y ....................................... 60 vi Chapter Page III. A HISTORY OF THE PAPER BAG PLAYERS: 1958-1982 .......... 6l Introduction ....................................... 6l Period I: The Early Ensemble, 1958-1965 ............ 62 Highlights/major activities ..................... 62 P e r s o n n e l ................................. 67 Productions/production trends .................... 73 Organization/management......................... 77 Aims and p u r p o s e s ............................... 8U Recognition..................................... 87 Period II: Transition, 1965-1969 91 Highlights/major activities ...................... 91 P e r s o n n e l ....................................... 9^ Productions/production trends .................... 101 Organization/management ......................... 106 Aims and p u r p o s e s ............................... 108 Recognition..................................... 110 Period III: The Prime Years, Financial Stability and Artistic Growth, 1969-1975 .................... Ill Highlights/major
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