A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 Contents Execu've Summary page 4 1. Introduc'on page 5 2. Why Do We Want A Heritage Strategy? page 6 3. Our Vision For Heritage page 13 4. Understanding Our Story page 17 5. Caring for Our Heritage page 24 6. Sharing Our Heritage page 31 7. Engaging PeopLe page 33 8. Our Priori'es page 35 Report by: Bowles Green Limited Vale House Oswaldkirk FOR York YO62 5YH Contact: Judith BowLes or Steve Green TeL: 01439 788980 Fax: 01439 788423 MobiLe: 07919 373294 E-maiL: [email protected] Website: www.bowlesgreen.co.uk Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 2 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 Acknowledgements The consuLtants wouLd Like to thank staff from ALLerdale Borough CounciL, heritage organisa'ons in ALLerdale and beyond and other stakehoLders who have contributed their knowLedge and ideas during the deveLopment of this pLan. Document History Name Circulaon/Purpose WriIen By Date Dra_ Report(v2) CLient steering group for discussion JB & SG 21st ApriL 2016 Final Dra_ Report CLient heritage group for final comment JB & SG 4th May 2016 (v3) Final Report CLient for pubLica'on JB & SG 15th October 2016 Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 3 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 Execuve Summary This document sets out a heritage strategy for ALLerdale. Its purpose is to provide a strategic framework for heritage in the Borough that wiLL enabLe ALLerdale Borough CounciL to: ▪ Ensure that the natural and cuLtural heritage of the Borough is weLL cared for ▪ Op'mise the economic, social and environmental benefits of heritage for peopLe who Live, visit and work in ALLerdale ▪ Ensure that the CounciL is mee'ng its statutory responsibiLi'es ▪ Set priori'es for alLoca'ng resources to heritage We need a heritage strategy for ALLerdale because: ▪ Our natural and cuLtural heritage is interna'onalLy important ▪ Some of our heritage is at risk from a range of internal and external factors ▪ Heritage can make a contribu'on to health and weLL-being, economic deveLopment and other aspects of the Lives of our residents and visitors to ALLerdale Our vision for heritage in Allerdale is that our important natural and cuLtural heritage are weLL cared for and in good condi'on. They are physicalLy and inteLLectualLy accessibLe to residents and visitors and virtualLy for the benefit of those who can’t visit. Heritage is valued by alL; it heLps generate a sense of iden'ty and pride for our residents and it afracts visitors to come to ALLerdale. Our heritage is seen by alL as an important asset and it is the basis for a thriving visitor economy and for programmes of ac'vity that support health and weLL- being, Learning and skills. Our vision for heritage in ALLerdale, set out above, wiLL be deLivered through four strategic priori'es - understanding, caring, sharing, and engaging as foLLows: ▪ Understanding our story - knowing what is most important about our heritage and ensuring that it is recorded ▪ Caring - ensuring our heritage is weLL-cared-for, that important heritage is protected through designa'on, management and, where necessary, enforcement ▪ Sharing - making our heritage physicalLy and inteLLectualLy accessibLe to alL; anima'ng our heritage ▪ Engaging - invoLving our community and partners in caring for and sharing our heritage In order to impLement our Heritage Strategy, we need to increase capacity for natural and cuLtural heritage management in the borough. This wiLL mean: ▪ Increasing the capacity of the CounciL to manage its own heritage assets, to perform its statutory du'es and to co-ordinate deLivery of this strategy ▪ Increasing the skiLLs and resources of organisa'ons concerned with heritage in ALLerdale and making them more resiLient Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 4 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale A strategy for Allerdale’s heritage October 2016 IntroducEon Background 1.1 This document sets out a heritage strategy for ALLerdale. Its purpose is to provide a strategic framework for heritage in the Borough that wiLL enabLe ALLerdale Borough CounciL to: ▪ Ensure that the natural and cuLtural heritage of the Borough is weLL cared for ▪ Op'mise the economic, social and environmental benefits of heritage for peopLe who Live, visit and work in ALLerdale ▪ Ensure that the CounciL is mee'ng its statutory responsibiLi'es ▪ Set priori'es for alLoca'ng resources to heritage 1.2 In addi'on, the Heritage Strategy provides a framework against which the Borough CounciL and other organisa'ons that manage and support heritage can judge the merits of emerging heritage projects. 1.3 Several years of cuts to Local government funding (40% falL in central government funds between 2011 and 2015) have Led the CounciL to focus on maintaining essen'al services. To some extent this means that other areas, such as heritage, have had a Lower priority, though the CounciL has con'nued to support both the natural and cuLtural heritage sectors. As a resuLt, the CounciL is star'ng from a Low base. This document is a star'ng point. It draws on consuLta'on conducted at the Coast of ALLerdale in the winter of 2015/161 and on stakehoLder consuLta'on conducted specificalLy to inform a heritage strategy for ALLerdale. ‘A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale’ describes why ALLerdale Borough CounciL needs a heritage strategy, summarises the natural and cuLtural heritage of the Borough, discusses the issues and opportuni'es around heritage and provides a framework for moving forwards. 1.4 This strategy is intended to demonstrate to residents, stakehoLders, members and officers of the CounciL and poten'al supporters that we have thought about our heritage and how it can contribute 1 Held to inform the development of Economic Plans for Maryport Area and Silloth-On-Solway Coastal Community Teams Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 5 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 to the CounciL’s aims, what is important about our heritage and what are the priori'es for ac'on. We recognise that we wiLL need to deveLop and review the strategy as 'me moves on. Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 6 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale Our heritage is remarkable; it’s what gives us October 2016 our identity and our sense of place Why Do We Want A Heritage Strategy? A Remarkable Heritage 2.1 Few Local authori'es in EngLand can cLaim such a rich natural and cuLtural heritage as ALLerdale. The Borough boasts a WorLd Heritage Site, a Na'onal Park and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, as weLL as many natural and buiLt heritage designa'ons incLuding 21 conserva'on areas, 1,000 na'onalLy important buiLdings and a ‘Na'onal Gem Town’. If the current bid to UNESCO, to designate the Lake District as a WorLd Heritage Site, succeeds there wiLL be two UNESCO WHSs in the Borough. OnLy 23 Local authority areas in the worLd have two or more WorLd Heritage Sites. In Europe, these are BrusseLs, London, Paris, Salzburg, TivoLi, the Va'can City, and Vienna! 2.2 The ALLerdale Borough CounciL PLan 2015-19 recognises ALLerdale’s diversity, rich history and stunning Landscapes. The ALLerdale Local PLan, adopted in 2014 contains 37 strategic poLicies and 17 deveLopment management poLicies, many of which are in pLace to safeguard and enhance the natural and cuLtural heritage of the Borough. 2.3 The SoLway Firth, which has rich inter'dal, marsh, wetland and dune habitats is a key stopping pLace for migratory birds on the East Atlan'c FLyway and a wintering ground for waders and wiLdfowL, incLuding the en're Spitsbergen popuLa'on of BarnacLe Geese. It also has 10% of EngLand’s remaining raised mires, an increasingLy rare habitat and an important one in terms of biodiversity and carbon sequestra'on. 2.4 ALLerdale’s earLy cuLtural heritage is that of the fron'er, with Hadrian’s WalL, once part of the Kingdom of Scotland and the base for Edward I’s wars against the Scots. In the middLe ages, the Land was cLeared, drained and improved by the Cistercian Monks of HoLme CuLtram Abbey. Later, the Senhouse and Curwen famiLies expLoited ALLerdale’s natural resources on an industrial scale, deveLoping the ports of Maryport and Workington, and SiLLoth deveLoped as a port and Victorian hoLiday resort. 2.5 The Lake District was popuLarised by the Roman'c Poets. It became a des'na'on for tourists in Victorian 'mes and it now afracts visitors from alL over the worLd. It is, arguabLy, the birthpLace of the conserva'on movement and BrandLehow, the Na'onal Trust’s first nature reserve, Lies on the shore of Derwentwater. Bowles Green Limited, Vale House, Oswaldkirk, North Yorkshire, YO62 5YH 7 Tel: 01439 788980 E-mail: [email protected] A Heritage Strategy for Allerdale October 2016 2.6 In modern 'mes, gLobal economics have Led to a Local decLine in the heavy industries - extrac'on, processing, ports, etc. - that empLoyed Large numbers of peopLe in the towns of Workington and Maryport. These now have some of the most deprived communi'es in EngLand, though they have also produced some notabLe ar'sts and there is a thriving Local ar's'c cuLture.
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