INDEX PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Investors’ Lab . Page 40 Permit #12 HEALTHCARE Indiana, PA Resource Directory . Page 42 PROFESSIONALS Datebook . Page 44 Executive Living . Page 45 IN THE NEWS............See Page 8 MAY 2009 • $3.00 In the Classroom and on the Floor, Nursing Shortage Must Be Addressed BY EILEEN ZUNGOLO over. Nothing could be further conditions that the temporary from the truth. nature of them be emphasized. ust when you think everyone Nonetheless, the recent down- The lowered demand brought Jis in reasonable agreement turns in the economy have about by transient economic con- about something in health, a changed employment patterns ditions does not eliminate the bubble bursts someplace in cyber- across the board. The daily report- extreme shortage we currently space and we have a new phe- ing of job losses in many indus- face in nursing and the shortage nomenon. After almost seven tries has excluded health profes- we expect to increase in the years of solid consistent reporting sions, where there is continued decades ahead. about the nursing shortage, cur- growth, albeit this is highly Data published in various jour- NATIONAL NURSES WEEK rent reports are indicating some regional in nature. Clearly the nals for health affairs and the fed- MAY 6-12 problems among new graduates hospital industry has been affect- eral government’s Health Services getting jobs. Given the cracker- ed in a number of ways, and job and Resources Administration jack mentality of hyperbole in freezes, as well as salary freezes consistently estimate the shortfall ■ LEGAL HEALTH UPDATE modern reporting, soon folks will are rampant. It is important, how- of professional nurses to be close Healthcare Organizations be saying the nursing shortage is ever, in communicating these Continued on page 37 Eileen Zungolo Must Implement New COBRA Procedures Page 3 ■ THE JOURNEY TO IMPROVE HOSPICE CARE IN AMERICA Nursing: The Art and Science Page 4 for Building a Healthy America ■ Kathy Dahlkemper Visits Vantage® Page 5 BY JACQUELINE COLLAVO, improving health care everywhere. are technologically savvy and col- BSN, RN, NE-BC Most nurses do not think of laborate with several multidisci- ■ Jewish Healthcare nursing as just a job. For most plinary professionals to provide Foundation and the Fine t is an honor as a nurse leader nurses, it is their passion, their quality patient care. Foundation Honor to applaud and celebrate all calling, their way of life. Nursing We are privileged as nurses to Healthcare Teams Page 7 Inurses, in all types of settings, is a profession that cannot be lived be entrusted with the care of indi- everywhere. This year’s theme for in isolation. While we practice viduals who are often at their most National Nurses Week was individual critical thinking, snap vulnerable. With that privilege “Nurses: Building a Healthy decision-making and autonomy, comes enormous responsibility. I America”. Nurses are extremely nurses rely on each other for the think nursing is one of the hardest dedicated as health care profes- synergistic effect of teamwork to jobs ever no matter what career sionals to their patients, families, provide the best care possible to path a nurse chooses. It is the and to the community. Nurses are their patients and families. challenges we encounter daily that that critical link – “a lifeline” - to Whether in an acute care setting allow us to utilize the art and sci- Jacqueline Collavo building a healthy America and to or in the community, nurses today Continued on page 29 ■ The Heart of a Great Nurse: Linda Vance is Honored by Nursing’s Future is Health Care’s Future American Heart Association Page 23 BY MARY M. COTHRAN, providers, nurses, and advanced American Association of Colleges PH.D., CRNP practice nurses. If 47 million cur- of Nursing reports that less than ■ NURSE EDUCATION rently uninsured adults are grant- half of all qualified applicants to Resource Shortage May Be ith National Nurses ed broader access to health care, entry-level baccalaureate nursing Adding to Nursing Shortage Week in May, it is an who will be available to provide programs were enrolled in 2008; Page 30 Wappropriate time to their care? almost 50,000 qualified appli- consider what the future holds Already there are not enough cants for baccalaureate programs The Challenges of Nursing for nursing and for health care. primary care providers to meet and nearly 6,000 applicants to Education Page 31 The Obama Administration’s stat- the needs of the large cohort of master’s and doctoral programs ed objectives of universal health baby boomers entering their peak were turned away last year. coverage, health care system years of medical need. There is a Barriers to accepting these appli- ■ MAKING A DIFFERENCE modernization and health pro- growing shortage of physicians, cants included funding cuts, lim- “Angels of Allegheny” motion/disease prevention are registered nurses, advanced prac- ited classroom and clinical space, Recognizing Departed Nurses usually discussed in terms of cost tice nurses, and nursing faculty and a diminishing pool of quali- Throughout Western containment. Another aspect of as the average health care fied nursing faculty. Pennsylvania Page 35 these initiatives is the critical provider gets older and the Support for nursing education shortage of primary care demand for care increases. The Continued on page 36 Dr. Mary M. Cothran ■ NURSING ACCOLADES Page 38 ★ ★ ★ NURSING PROFILES ON PAGES 10-23 ★ ★ ★ 2 May 2009 wpahospitalnews.com Hospital News Healthcare Organizations Must Implement New COBRA Procedures nder federal and state • A health reimbursement COBRA laws, most arrangement. group health plans are A flexible spending U account offered under a sec- required to provide employees and their family members tion 125 cafeteria plan is with an opportunity to con- never eligible for the reduced tinue their health coverage premium and credit. when a qualifying event COBRA Subsidy would result in the loss of the The COBRA premium health coverage. Historically, subsidy is available for 9 these individuals have been months after the date the subsidy first applies. It ends required to pay the full cost of BY RICHARD T. the COBRA coverage. earlier if the individual KENNEDY, ESQ. Generally beginning March becomes eligible for other 1, 2009, eligible individuals group health plan coverage B!tpmje!jowftunfou/!Jotqjsfe!djuz!mjwjoh/ who have lost or will lose or Medicare coverage. health coverage under a group health plan The amount of the subsidy is based on the because of an involuntary termination of COBRA premium otherwise payable. This Choose a “new old home” in beautiful Summerset at Frick Park and you’ll enjoy more than means that if the employer pays part or all employment from September 1, 2008 a close-to-everything city lifestyle. ese high performance new construction homes with through December 31, 2009 will be eligible of the COBRA premium, the employer can- not take full advantage of the available pay- two-car garages use 30% less energy than standard new homes. for subsidized COBRA coverage. Under this Which gives you more green to get out and enjoy Pittsburgh’s subsidy, the individual pays 35 percent of roll tax credit. In such case, the employer nearby East End neighborhoods. And now’s the perfect time the COBRA premium. The employer (in may increase the COBRA premium and most cases) pays the remaining 65 percent receive a payroll tax credit based on the to take advantage of the $8,000 First Time Home Buyer Tax www.SummersetAtFrickPark.com/09 and is reimbursed by the government for increased premium. The employer is per- Credit. Go to for details. this cost by a payroll tax credit. For exam- mitted to reimburse the individual for the Call or visit Summerset at Frick Park today. ple, if the COBRA premium is $1,000, the increased cost by a separate taxable pay- ment. From the $300s government paid subsidy is $650, and the 10 Minutes to Downtown individual pays $350. Second COBRA Election New Apartments, Condominiums, Eligibility Individuals must be given an opportunity Townhomes, and Homes An employee and covered family mem- to sign up for the subsidized COBRA cover- Sales & Leasing Center at 1435 Parkview Boulevard bers are eligible for the COBRA subsidy if age if the individual lost health coverage www.SummersetAtFrickPark.com 412.420.0120 both the involuntary termination of due to an involuntary termination of © 2007 Summerset Land Development Associates. All rights reserved. employment and the loss of coverage occur employment from September 1, 2008 © 2009 Summerset Land Development Associates. All rights reserved. during the September 1, 2008 through through February 17, 2009, but never December 31, 2009 period. Extended health signed up for COBRA coverage or initially coverage provided by an employer after a signed up and then discontinued the cover- termination of employment and continuing age. The individual has 60 days to sign up after December 31, 2009 may disqualify an from the date the individual is notified of individual for the subsidy, depending upon this opportunity. The COBRA coverage is how the coverage is characterized for generally effective March 1, 2009. The max- COBRA purposes. A spouse or dependent imum COBRA continuation coverage peri- not covered by the group health plan at ter- od remains at 18 months measured from the mination of employment and later added to involuntary termination of employment or COBRA coverage will not be eligible for the the resulting loss of health coverage. subsidy (except for a child born to or placed New COBRA Notices for adoption with the employee during the Notices explaining the COBRA premium period of COBRA coverage). subsidy and (if applicable) the second Individuals with modified adjusted gross COBRA election must be provided to income in excess of $145,000 for single fil- employees and covered family members ers and $290,000 for joint filers are not eli- who lost or lose health coverage during the gible for the subsidized COBRA premium.
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