WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS LONDON 2017 İÇİNDEKİLER Önsöz: Fatih Çintimar, TAF Başkanı Foreword: Fatih Çintimar, TAF President 3 Yarışma programı Competition programme 4-5 Stadyum Planı Olympic Stadium plan 6 Maraton parkuru Marathon course 8 Yürüyüş parkuru Race walking course 9 Teknik kadro Our Technical staff 10 Atletlerimiz Our athletes 11-23 Dünya Şampiyonası’ndaki tüm sonuçlarımız All Turkish team results from past WCHs 24-25 Dallara göre en iyi sıralamalar Best placing for Turkish team at WCH 26-27 Ulusal rekorlarımız Turkish National records 28-29 Türkiye’nin 2017 sezonu atletizm madalyaları All Turkish athletics medals in 2017 30-31 Sosyal medya TAF on social media 32 CONTENTS www.iaaf.org 1 www.london2017athletics.com Hazırlayan Prepared by Şevket Furkan ERBAY For all questions and inquiries, please contact me: [email protected] www.taf.org.tr 2 WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS #AthleticsWCH #London2017 LONDON 2017 Değerli atletizmseverler, Bilindiği üzere IAAF Dünya Atletizm Şampiyonası, dünyanın en önemli spor etkinliklerinden biri olarak kamuoyunda önemli bir etkiye sahip. Olimpi - yatlar’la birlikte atletizmin en prestijli yarışması olan bu organizasyonda 200’den fazla ülke mücadele ediyor. Türkiye olarak yıllardır yarıştığımız ve iki madalya kazanabildiğimiz bu dev organizasyona rekor sayıda - 23 atletle - gidiyoruz. Amacımız Londra’da katıldığımız dallarda önce finali bulup, madalya ile ülkemize dönmektir. Olimpiyat madalyalı, yaş gruplarında dünya şampiyonası madalyalı atlet - lerimizin bulunduğu kafilemiz bunu başaracak güçtedir. Türkiye Atletizm Federasyonu olarak hazırlık sürecimizde tüm imkanlarını bizim için seferber eden Gençlik Spor Bakanlığımız’a, spor teşkilatımıza ve sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz. Saygılarımla... FATİH ÇİNTİMAR Türkiye Atletizm Federasyonu Başkanı President of Turkish Athletics Federation Dear athletics fans, As it’s well known, IAAF World Athletics Championships is one of the greatest sporting events which have a big impact in globally. World Cham - pionships is such a big event in our sport like Olympics, almost 200 countries have represented there. We are, the Turkish National Athletics Team, had competed every single edition of this important event since the beginning, but this year we’ll trav - elling to London as record-breaking squad - with 23 members. Our biggest aim in London, competing for the finals in all events we entered and get a medal in the end. Our team which have included an 2016 Olympic medallist and several world medallist in different events, is confident for succeed it. Meanwhile, I would like to thanks to our Sports Ministry, Sports Admin - istration and our sponsors who gave enormous support to us during the preparation period. So I hope we’ll have most succesful World Champs ever in our sports his - tory. Sincerely yours... www.iaaf.org 3 www.london2017athletics.com LONDON 2017 WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS TIME TABLE YARIŞMA PROGRAMI DAY 1 August 4, Friday DAY 3 August 6, Sunday Evening session Akşam seansı Morning session Sabah seansı Local TR Sex Event Round Local TR Sex Event Round Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:00 21:00 M 100 Metres Preliminary Round 10:05 12:05 M 3000 Metres Steeplechase Heats 19:20 21:20 M Discus Throw Qualification Group A 10:40 12:40 M Pole Vault Qualification 19:30 21:30 M Long Jump Qualification 10:55 12:55 M Marathon Final 19:35 21:35 W 1500 Metres Heats 11:05 13:05 M 400 Metres Hurdles Heats 19:45 21:45 W Pole Vault Qualification 11:45 13:45 W Javelin Throw Heptathlon Group A 20:20 22:20 M 100 Metres Heats 11:55 13:55 W 400 Metres Heats 20:45 22:45 M Discus Throw Qualification Group B 13:00 15:00 W Javelin Throw Heptathlon Group B 21:20 23:20 M 10,000 Metres Final 13:15 15:15 M 110 Metres Hurdles Heats 14:00 16:00 W Marathon Final DAY 2 August 5, Saturday Evening session Akşam seansı Local TR Sex Event Round Morning session Sabah seansı Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Local TR Sex Event Round 19:00 21:00 W Pole Vault Final Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:05 21:05 W Javelin Throw Qualification Group A 10:00 12:00 M Shot Put Qualification 19:10 21:10 W 100 Metres Semi-Final 10:05 12:05 W 100 Metres Hurdles Heptathlon 19:40 21:40 M 400 Metres Semi-Final 10:35 12:35 W Hammer Throw Qualification Group A 20:10 22:10 M 110 Metres Hurdles Semi-Final 10:45 12:45 M 400 Metres Heats 20:30 22:30 W Javelin Throw Qualification Group B 11:00 13:00 W Triple Jump Qualification 20:35 22:35 M Shot Put Final 11:30 13:30 W High Jump Heptathlon 20:40 22:40 W 800 Metres Heptathlon 11:45 13:45 W 100 Metres Heats 21:15 23:15 M 800 Metres Semi-Final 12:05 14:05 W Hammer Throw Qualification Group B 21:50 23:50 W 100 Metres Final 12:45 14:45 M 800 Metres Heats Evening session Akşam seansı DAY 4 August 7, Monday Local TR Sex Event Round Akşam seansı Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Evening session 19:00 21:00 W Shot Put Heptathlon Local TR Sex Event Round 19:05 21:05 M 100 Metres Semi-Final Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:25 21:25 M Discus Throw Final 18:30 20:30 M 200 Metres Heats 19:35 21:35 W 1500 Metres Semi-Final 18:35 20:35 M Triple Jump Qualification 20:05 22:05 M Long Jump Final 19:00 21:00 W Hammer Throw Final 20:10 22:10 W 10,000 Metres Final 19:30 21:30 W 400 Metres Hurdles Heats 21:00 23:00 W 200 Metres Heptathlon 20:20 22:20 M 400 Metres Hurdles Semi-Final 21:45 23:45 M 100 Metres Final 20:25 22:25 W Triple Jump Final 20:55 22:55 W 400 Metres Semi-Final 21:30 23:30 M 110 Metres Hurdles Final 21:50 23:50 W 1500 Metres Final www.taf.org.tr 4 WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS #AthleticsWCH #London2017 LONDON 2017 DAY 5 August 8, Tuesday Evening session Akşam seansı Local TR Sex Event Round Evening session Akşam seansı Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Local TR Sex Event Round 17:00 19:00 M High Jump Decathlon Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:05 21:05 W 100 Metres Hurdles Semi-Final 19:20 21:20 W Javelin Throw Final 19:10 21:10 W Long Jump Final 19:30 21:30 W 200 Metres Heats 19:35 21:35 W 800 Metres Semi-Final 19:35 21:35 M Pole Vault Final 20:10 22:10 M 1500 Metres Semi-Final 20:35 22:35 W 400 Metres Hurdles Semi-Final 20:30 22:30 M Hammer Throw Final 20:40 22:40 W Shot Put Qualification 20:45 22:45 M 400 Metres Decathlon 21:10 23:10 M 3000 Metres Steeplechase Final 21:25 23:25 W 3000 Metres Steeplechase Final 21:35 23:35 M 800 Metres Final 21:50 23:50 W 200 Metres Final 21:50 23:50 M 400 Metres Final DAY 6 August 9, Wednesday DAY 9 August 12, Saturday Evening session Akşam seansı Morning session Sabah seansı Local TR Sex Event Round Local TR Sex Event Round Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:05 21:05 W 3000 Metres Steeplechase Heats 10:00 12:00 M 110 Metres Hurdles Decathlon 19:10 21:10 W Long Jump Qualification 10:35 12:35 W 4x100 Metres Relay Heats 19:20 21:20 M Hammer Throw Qualification Group A 10:55 12:55 M 4x100 Metres Relay Heats 20:05 22:05 M 5000 Metres Heats 11:00 13:00 M Discus Throw Decathlon Group A 20:25 22:25 W Shot Put Final 11:20 13:20 W 4x400 Metres Relay Heats 20:50 22:50 M Hammer Throw Qualification Group B 11:50 13:50 M 4x400 Metres Relay Heats 20:55 22:55 M 200 Metres Semi-Final 12:20 14:20 M Discus Throw Decathlon Group B 21:30 23:30 M 400 Metres Hurdles Final 14:15 16:15 M Pole Vault Decathlon 21:50 23:50 W 400 Metres Final Evening session Akşam seansı DAY 7 August 10, Thursday Local TR Sex Event Round Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Akşam seansı Evening session 17:30 19:30 M Javelin Throw Decathlon Group A Local TR Sex Event Round 18:55 20:55 M Javelin Throw Decathlon Group B Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 19:05 21:05 W High Jump Final 18:30 20:30 W 5000 Metres Heats 20:05 22:05 W 100 Metres Hurdles Final 19:05 21:05 M Javelin Throw Qualification Group A 20:15 22:15 M Javelin Throw Final 19:10 21:10 W High Jump Qualification 20:20 22:20 M 5000 Metres Final 19:25 21:25 W 800 Metres Heats 20:45 22:45 M 1500 Metres Decathlon 20:20 22:20 M Triple Jump Final 21:30 23:30 W 4x100 Metres Relay Final 20:25 22:25 M 1500 Metres Heats 21:50 23:50 M 4x100 Metres Relay Final 20:35 22:35 M Javelin Throw Qualification Group B 21:05 23:05 W 200 Metres Semi-Final DAY 10 August 13, Sunday 21:35 23:35 W 400 Metres Hurdles Final 21:50 23:50 M 200 Metres Final Morning session Sabah seansı Local TR Sex Event Round DAY 8 August 11, Friday Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 07:45 09:45 R 50 Kilometres Race Walk Final Morning session Sabah seansı 12:20 14:20 W 20 Kilometres Race Walk Final Local TR Sex Event Round 14:20 16:20 M 20 Kilometres Race Walk Final Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur Evening session Akşam seansı 10:00 12:00 M 100 Metres Decathlon Local TR Sex Event Round 10:10 12:10 W Discus Throw Qualification Group A Yerel TSİ E/K Yarışma Tur 10:45 12:45 W 100 Metres Hurdles Heats 11:05 13:05 M Long Jump Decathlon 19:00 21:00 M High Jump Final 11:15 13:15 M High Jump Qualification 19:10 21:10 W Discus Throw Final 11:35 13:35 W Discus Throw Qualification Group B 19:35 21:35 W 5000 Metres Final 12:55 14:55 M Shot Put Decathlon 20:10 22:10 W 800 Metres Final 20:30 22:30 M 1500 Metres Final 20:55 22:55 W 4x400 Metres Relay Final 21:15 23:15 M 4x400 Metres Relay Final www.iaaf.org 5 www.london2017athletics.com Main Venue London Stadyum Olympic Stadium www.taf.org.tr 6 WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS #AthleticsWCH #London2017 LONDON 2017 www.iaaf.org 7 www.london2017athletics.com Maraton Parkuru Marathon Course www.taf.org.tr 8 WORLD ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS #AthleticsWCH #London2017 LONDON 2017 Yürüyüş Parkuru Race Walks Course www.iaaf.org 9 www.london2017athletics.com TÜRKİYE ATLETİZM TAKIMI TEKNİK KADRO OUR TECHNICAL TEAM AT LONDON 2017 TAF BOARD MEMBERS Fatih Çintimar President
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