Summit Sales Days, Today, Tomorrow av* Saturday '*r*,. SUMMIT ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 Entarad • Swond Claa) Mimr at DM POM OffKt at Summit. N J. 07901. Undir ttw Act of March 1.1679 VOL. 88 NO. 11 273-4000 Swond ClaM P«t*a PaM at Summit, N. A THURSDAY, JULY 22,1976 $7 A YEAR 164 Fact Finder Broughf In Chamber Outing Board of Education, Set for Aug. 2 The 35ih annual summer outing of the Chamber of Teachers Still at Odds Commerce of Summit, New Providence and Berkeley Heights, will be held this year on Monday, August 2 with A fact-finder met with If both groups reject the until the matter is decided, golf and dinner at Canoe Brook Country Club and fishing .representatives from the report, we star! all over but they do not lose as any at Atlantic Highlands. teachers and the Board of again at the beginning. The salary raise is made The golf outing will include competition for the Summit Kduc-ation Monday night but hope is that when the report retroactive. iieraia Trophy, on annus! award, and the Summit nothing was resolved. is made public, the weight of Anne Grimes, a parent, Service Club Trophy including players from Kiwanis, "We declared an impasse public opinion will force a isaid at a Board meeting Ifiat Lions and Rotary Hubs. Starting time is 9:30 a.m. Golf in mediation and the next settlement," the Board week "I'd like to see both chairman is Jimmy Piana. stage was fact-finding member said .sides locked in a room with For those who wish to fish, participants should meet at where a third party comes The salary negotiations bread and water until it's Atlantic Highlands with Captain Doc Perlman and Cliff in," Dr, Lemuel C. Leeper, were settled in fact-finding settled." She was concerned York, outing fishing chairman. There will be prizes for member of the board, said last fall. as she thought students the largest fish, the total number caught and the biggest "The fact-finder listens lo "It was settled in suffered because of the Reservations should be made early since space is both sides, and then he sits November and we had prolonged negotiations. limited. down with briefs from both started this one before that When she asked the cost, she The day-long outing will be climaxed with a roast beef sides, like a court He takes one was settled."• Dr. was told mediators receive dinner at 7:30 p.m., followed by the awarding of prizeb in iill the information into Leeper said. The teachers $150 a day and $200 for a 10 golf and fishing. A cocktail hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. consideration and gives his teach without a contract hour day. Rales include for golf, which includes greens tees, opinion." buffet lunch, dinner and cocktail hour {48; fishing, six Joel M. Douglas is the SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK — Lucto, • foot-ta-the-moulh fanUoUc played by Dennis persons per boat with refreshments, dinner and cocktail (act-finder. His opinion will Kathy Reaches Finals Tekula is confronted by Angelo, the hypocritical deputy played by director Ron Davidi In hour, $55, or just dinner and cocktails, $22. be delivered in a month or the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival production of "Measure for Measure" due at For reservations or additional information, call the so. Dr. Leeper estimated. Kathy Heddy reached the finals in the 400 meter Memorial Field tomorrow at 8:30. The production is free to all area residents through the Chamber of Commerce office at 277-6800. "UP writes his recom- freestyle at the Olympic Games In Montreal Tuesday. sponsonhip of the Board of Recreation, Summit Area Development Corporation and the mendations on how the The IB-year old placed fifth among the world's fastest SummK Area YMCA. The comedy contains some of Shakespeare's funniest scenes and Is situation can be resolved swimmen. A world champion at age 18, the five foot five expected to draw a good audience. People are reminded to bring their own blankets or His conclusion is not bin- inch blonde will receive a full scholarship to the chairs for seating. Ram date is Saturday, July U at 8:30. ding. Both groups can ac- University of California al Uw Angeles where she will cept it or reject it. In a enroll in September. City Public Schools certain number of days Before the left for Canada Katby said this would after his report is given to probably be her first and last Olympics. She doubted that Car Mishaps Injure Three both sides it's made public she would try again In 19*0. Three persons were in- occurred. The car was Overlook. jj All Back to Normal jured in three automobile heavily damaged and towwj Police said at the time of The public schools in Board said at the public accidents here last week. from the scene. - the accident, the car was Summit are back to normal ; meeting last week. "This On Tuesdayy; Etelka Incze, Investigating was headed west on Ashland after the shutdown by thr * help is typical of Summit. Court Gives Round to City 311, oofff HillsidHillide avmuo suff Patrolman wthwirtuftt* when it •track OK rear of «wrti, th« Board of Evwyooe cum* to our «M: fferedd hhd Ijrii* when the Maria M. Comen, 33, of the truck parked outside of Education reported last ChrUl Church, Centra) by Lacy Meyer to, but the nun eAkrad by record of hearfmfetfqni the car she was driving crashed Irvington, suffered face cuts U Ashland road. The car Thursday night. Presbyterian. St. Terau't. TJw city won a round In the federal agency HDD has Board." into a pole on Ellm streett t and last Wednesday when the was heavily damaged and "From my viewpoint, it Oak Knoll School and Kent court last week concerning been turned down by Mr, In December, JOTS, and Mountain avenue. She was car she was driving crashed towed from the scene. was truly marvelous the Place School." John Lager's case against Lager. January, 1978 nine wit- taken to Overlook Hospital into the rear of a parked The case was investigated way people worked She also wanted to the mayor and Common "The next step is a nesses and 28 exhibits were for treatment. truck on Ashland road near by Patrolman Zimer. together," Mrs. James commend the students and Council over.a variance. hearing August 2 before introduced before the Board Bart*, president of the Police said it did not know Maple street. She was Joan Brennan, .11, of (Comsnuad on Page 2> "The motion for summary Judge Feller in Elizabeth, of Adjustment in an effort to at this time how the accident treated for injuries at Metuchen, a passenger in a judgment in favor of the an argument of lawyers, as prove the 2.5 acres now used car driven by Ronald E. plaintiff (John Lager) to whether or not Summit for breeding and growing Brennan, 33, also of directing granting the use must grant the variance," orchids would best be 'Metuchen, was injured Council Ponders variance for the con- Mr. Kerby said. converted into garden when the car was struck struction of multi-family The attorney for Mr apartments for moderate- Girl is Injured from the rear by another housing at 426 Morris Lager, Robert Greenberg, income housing. The vehicle on Glenside avenue Minibus Future avenue was denied July 16," filed a memorandum of law transcripts of the four near Tracy drive. Police Russell T. Kerby, city at- in support of the motion for hearings ran to 345 pages identified the driver of the Common Council with of the minibus by September torney said when contacted. summary judgment and were presented to the In Kitchen Blaze second car as Somara only four members present 10 This means Council will Mr, laager wants to sell arguing that Common court. Slotnick, 33, of Murray Hill did not come up with any introduce the ordinance ihe property to a private Council's action was "ar- In February the Board of One person was hurt last found the house clouded surprises Tuesday night. August 3 and hold the public Friday night when a pan of with smoke on the first floor. developer for 36 garden bitrary, capricious and Adjustment recommended Mrs. Brennan suffered At the end of a routine hearing September 7 apartments but needs a unreasonable in rejecting the granting of the variance grease on a kitchen slove Smoke damage was head injuries and was taken meeting Council President "This js earlier than we caught fire at' a home on reported to the kitchen variance first as the land is the recommendations of the for the tract of land to to Overlook. Watson B Smith reported expected. We won't have full zoned residential. The Zoning Board of Adjustment Common Council. On March Rotary drive. range, ceiling, some car- »n the timetable for placing linancial information by the peting at the rear door and Police said the Brennan Housing Authority wants the of the City of Summit and 16 Common Council denied Laurie Olinder, daughter the minibus situation on the hearing but will present same property for 30 low- was at variance with the the application; Mr. Lager of the Mr. and Mrs. Everett throughout the ground floor. tar slowed in order to make ballot. The county clerk a turn off Glenside road everything we have then," income units, federally paid facts as reflected in the (Continued on Papa 31 J. Olinder, owner of the Flames from the burning must have an ordinance President Smith said house, suffered burns on pan of grease were ex- when the rear was struck.
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