ANNUAL REPORT MINISTER OF MINES . FOR TH& YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, MINING OPERATIONSFOR GOLD,COAL,ETC., PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 451 REPORT MINISTER OF MINES, 1897. To His Honew Tmarns R. McINN~, Limtemnt-Governor of theProvince of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEABE YOUR HONOUR: The Annusl Report of the Mining Industries of the Province for the year 1897 ia herewith respectfully sulk&ted. JAMES BAKER, Mink?h of Hine8. Minister of Mines’ 03pice, Wth February. 1898. 61 VET. REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 453 - REPORTS -BY- WILLIAM A. CARLYLE, PROVINCIAL MINERALOGIST, -“---- &q--I have the honour to submit the following tables of the mineral production of the mines of British Columbia; and also reporta on the different mining districta in the Province. In compiling the st&t,ical statement for 1897, I have bees greatly aided hy the &uses in the “Inspection of .Metalliferous Mines Act, 1897,” that make it ,now obligatory for mine- ownem to send in a detailed statement of the production for the year by the fifteenth of January, &I I am now able to present almost perfect returns for the yeaear ending December 3lst. From later and more correct information not available when preparing the report for 1896, 8ome alterations have had to be msde in the tables given in that relnrt, so that it is believed that the following tables will be found ae correct as it is possible to have them, and to be very nearly exact. Henceforth, by means of the Act shove mentioned, it should be possible to give very satisfactory and full returns for each year. I have the honour to he, Sir, Your obedient Servant, WILLU.~ A. CARLYLE, Provitid dlinsralo~t. Victoria, B. C., l%bmary l&h, 1898. 454 REPORT OF~THE MINISTER OF MINES. 1897 MINERAL PRODUCTION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. METHOD OF COLLECTING RETURNS. In the following tablea the method followed in assembling the out-put of the lode mines is to take the mill and smelter returns received during t!le year. The smelter returns for ore shipped in December are often not received until February or later, and as this report has to be in press by then, it has been thought moBt expedient to follow the above plan, or to take tbe returns for ore paid for, or realized upon, during the year. TABLE I. TOTAL PRODUCTION FOR .a~ YEAHS UP TO 1898. Gold, piecer ......................................... $ 59,317,473 Gold, lode ........................................... 4,300,689 Silver. ............................................... 7,301,060 Lead ............................................... 2,971,618 copper .............................................. 521,060 Coal and Coke ....................................... 36,626,585 Building stone, bricks, &c ............................. 1,350,000 Other metals. ........................................ 25,000 -__- Total .............................. .$112,413,485 The following table shows the steady rate of increase during the past seven years, and of the marked increase during the past year of 1897. As &ated before, the influence of lode mining begins to be felt in the year 1892, since when the rate of increase has been entirely due to the production of the metalliferous mines, as the out-put of the collieries has not increased. TABLE II. PROmJCTlON POR &*CH YEAR FROM 1890 TO 1897 (INCLUSIVE). Yearly Yesr. *mount. inereaee. 1890.....................$ 2.608,803..................... 1891.. ., _. _. ..__ 3,521.102. _. .;. 35% 1892..................... 2,9i8,530............... 1893. ,.,_., .,.. _... ..__.. 3,588,413. ..,. .___ ,_. 21% 1894. _., _... .__. ~. 4,225,717. .__ 18% 1895.. _, _. _. 5,643,042. t.. _. _. 33% 1896.. ,__ ~, ., _. __. 7,507,956. ._. 343 1897.. _. 10,4!j5,268.. _. 40~ 61 Vrm. REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 455 Table III. givea B statement in detail of the amount and value of the different mine products for the years 1896 and 1897. As it has yet been impossible to collect the atatiatics regarding building stone, lime, bricks, tiles, etc., these are estimated for 1897, but not estimated for or included in the output for 1896. However, although 1896 showed a very decided increase over 1895, 1897 shows & still graater advsnce in the production of gold, eilwr, lead and co~r. TABLE III. AIOON~ *ND V.&WE OF ~MATERIAL~ PRODUCED 1896 *ND 1897. Gold,placer. ...................... ounoes..... 27,201 ......... 62,259 Si;;,,.‘~~.d_e.::.:::::::::::::::.::::’ f; 3,13.5,343 C.,,, r Pounda Lear .........................................................0 .......... Cd ............................ Tons,2!2499x Coke. ........................... I ” other mstarids.......................................... TABLE IV. c*smao .......................................................... $ .%%cJ.% $ 325,m Bsrkenille Division ........... I yJ& 3 65,cm ........................... Lightning Creek I ............ 25,oco ..... ...................... &mellemouth II ............ 51:1M) ........................... Keithley Creek n ............ 197,050 m,9m .... .;~iooo ...... ..$ioso .. c4ssrns ........................................................ KOOTBNAY, EAST .......................... ........................ 354:4!27 163:790 lLwTen*P, WEST,. ; ., .......... ............................~as.~ .. .‘.“~40;gqg’.i,.,,,,.,,,.,,, 4,m,735 ..............6,765,7u3 p$yth Dlvlslo” ................. 54&B 789,215 ............................ &Ll : ................. 1,854,011 3,2*9,s66 I.. ......................... Trail Creek I ................. 1,243,m ‘2,mg; ............................ Other parts ........................ 14,208 .... ...... 39’440” L,Lwom.......................................................................... .............. Y ATa ,31.220’...................... I !i%z m:792 osoyoos ......................... .../ 149,982 I........: ..... .............. Similkameen ....................... 9:OlN 95,100 ! ............................ Yde ............................. 65,108 53,680 ...... ........ s’?so .. OTtrEB D~STBlom ................................................... $4,81l3,955 $i,.%7,551 *Fm Cassiar, the production of $25,000 in 1896 from Omineca, WBB lately reported. For more detailed ststements see report on Sloan nnd Trail Crwk Division. 456 REPOET OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 1897 PLACERGOLD. Table V. continues the yearly production of placer gold to date, aa determined by the returns sent in by the brinks and express companies of gold transmitted by them to the mints, and from returns sent in by the Gold Commissioners and Mining Recorders. To these yearly amounts one-third w&s added up to the year 1878, and from then to 1895, one-fifth. which proportions were considered to represent, approximately, the amount of gold sold of which there. was no record. The gold out-put for 1897 shows no advance over 1896. This placer gold contains from 10 t,o 25 per cent,. silver, but the silver value has not been separated from the totals a.8 it would be insignificaut. TABLE V. 1858 .$ 705,000 1878 _. .$1,275.204 1859 .._. 1,615,070 1879 _. 1,290,058 1860 ~. ,. 2.228.543 1880 ._._ 1.013.827 1861 ..... ..... 2;666;118 1881 ............. 1;046;73’i 1862 ........... 2,656.903 1882 ............ 954,085 1863 ............ 3,913,563 1883 ............ 794,252 1864 ............ 3,735,850 1884 ........... 736,165 1865 ............ 3.491.205 1885 ............ 713.738 1866 2;662;106 1886........:... 903;651 1867 .._. ._... 2,480,868 1887 ,_..,.,.... 693,709 1868............ 3,372,972 1X88........... 616,731 1869 .__. 1,774,978 1889 ..~~_... 588,923 1870 _. 1,336,956 1890 _, 490,435 1871 1,799,440 1891 429,811 1872 _, __ 1,610,972 1892 399,526 1873 1,305,749 1893............ 356,131 1874 .,... ..__.. 1,844,618 1894 405,516 1875, __, ___ _. 2,474,004 1895 ,~_...._,_.. 481,683 1876 ., .._ _, 1.786.648 1896 544.026 1877 1;608:182 1897 513;520 Total _. _. .$59,317,473 TABLE VI. Since last report further information has been secured that has modified in some details this table as it then appeared, more especially in reference to the production of lead. This information of production in the earlier years is obtained from the “Mineral Statistics and Mines for 1896,” Geological Survey of Canada. ~ lw -~--~--~- TIP-- ram li,894 %,,Jl-__ ."..I ‘4 547 fSW.. %&I g:; 29,sn I 194:s13 ,689.. 37% 47,873: 6,498 84,371 1890.. IL.. 70:427 Hi. hw. 73,948 1891....../..... .l.,..._,_..I 4,500 ‘8% xi/. 4,KQ 1392...... I........_./ 77,160 6B2R35/ SO8 420 ii& .j:.),.;:.:.:.:( / y;.:.:. 1; 1899.. 1,170 23.494 227,wo 19&301 2,135’023 ‘2%z 1894...... 6,262 125,014’ 746,379, 470,319~ 0,662:62.3 169:876 324,mol 18,234 5s1:.342 1895.. 39,264 7R6,Zil 1,498,322 9i7 2mj 18 4% 484 .532,%5 952,840 47,942 2,342,397 ,893 62,259 1,244,180 3,13s,343 2,1003689~2431993977 i-21,384 3,!318,5W 190,wx 4,25i,liS 1897. 106,141 2,122,szo ~ 6,472,97l / 3,m,836:38,841,136 1,399,515 6,325,180 %4Mi,?SR 7,“52,431 61 VIGT. REPORT OF THE MINI~ER OF MINES. 457 TABLE VII. COAL *ND COKE PROD”OTlON PP.R YEAR To Dul% coal. YEAM. TOM (2,240 Its.) V.4LUS. 1836-62................... 10,000... ., .$ 40.000 1852-59 .,.......____...., 25,396........... ._...,,, 101;592 1859 (2 months) _. 1,989.. 7,956 1860..... .._._____._.... 14,246.. _. _. 56,988 1861..... ._..,.......,,,. 13,774.. 55,096 ~1662...................... 16.118. 72.472 1863 ..................... 21;345 ................ : .. 8E 1864 ..................... 28,632 ................... lli 1866 .................... 32,819 ................... 131 1866 ...................... 25,115 ................. 100,460 1867, ..................... 31,239 .................. 124.956
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