GOVE.RNMENT OF WEST BENGAL DE.PARTMENT OT flf,JI.LTH AND f'AMlLY WEI*FARE sW*srnYt BIIfi.VAN, GN-29, sRctoR-V, IIE,ALTH STRVICN gRANCH SALT LAKE., KOI.I(ATA-?OOO9 T Merno. No. I IF/O,'t]Si27l/llFW-25017t I I )il I /2019-MA Dated. Kolkata the lOth February. 2020 NOTICE 'l'he undersigned is directed to say that, the candidates who were absent during the GDMO & BMOH counselling arranged by the Department fiorn l4l01/2020 to 1610112020 vide merno no. I,tF/OiHS/20/ttFW-25017(l lyll/2019-MA dated 07/0112020 may attend a Mop-Up session to be arranged as pcr following schedule. Moo-up Counselling Venue Date of Counseling For the Post of Time (Hours) GDMO I 2:00 to I 3 :00 lst floor Conf-ercnce Roorn. I 7-Febuary-2020 Srvasthya Bharvan. GN-29, Sector lvlonday V. Salt Lake. Kolkata- 700091 BMOH I 3:00 to I 4:00 l'he leti-over vacancies are sho'nvn in the Annexure-A and B for the posts ol GDMO and BMOH respectively. l'hc candidates are asked to uote the fbllor.ving instructions carefully :- l. Or.iginal and onc sclf:attested copics o1'Call Lctter'. issued b1 the Wcst tlcngal Ilcalth Rccruitnrent Boat'd al'c to be lurnishcd. 2. Oliginal and onc sell'-attcstcd copics o1-l'r\N C'ard. Aadhar ('ard and/ \'otel ld Card ale to be lirrnishcd- l. Original arrd orrc scll:attcstcd copics o1'Medical l{egistration C'ertillcatc ll'onr State lVledical C'ouncil. -1. Oliginal and onc scll--attcsted copie s ol'lvltlllS l)cgrec Ccfiitlcatc. 5. Original and ttnc se ll:attcstcd copics ol'Rcsct'r alion Ccltiticate . it'an1 . 6. Origirral anrj one selt'-attcstcd copies o1'Adrnit Clard of'lvladh1.'amik or cquivalcnt cxamination as a protlt-tl1' date ol'birth. 7. Original and onc sell'-atte sted copics ol'Relcase Ordcr ll'ont previous scrvice. it'any'. 8. I1'thc candidatc himsell'cannot attcnd the counsclling. he/she ma1'authorize a reprcsentatiVe carr\ing proper authorisation lctte| u,ith attestation ol'the signaturc ol'the representative b1' the candidate to attend the counselling. 9. l-he choicc once made during counselling r.r,ill be tlnal and cannot be changed under any circumstances. 10. 'l'he candidates should rcport at least halt'an hour befbre thc scheduled time. Sdt/= DeputY SecretarY to the Govemment of West Bengal. Page 1 Merno. No. IIF/OillSi2Tl/HFW-2501 7(t I )il li20l9-MA /l(16) Dated. Kolkata thc lOth lrebruan,. 2020 Copy tbrrvarded tbr intbnnation & necessaly'action to the--- 1. 'l hc [)u'ec tor of I Icalth Scn'ices, (lrx-clnnrent of \\'cst lleng,ri 2. 'fhe l)irec tor of Ilec'lical IiclLrcation Serr-ices, \\'e st llcneal 3. -\clditiona I l)ilcctor of I Iealth Scrl'iccs (-\drnn), \\'e st Ilcngal. ornt (^'\ccor.rnts), lleneal. +. -f Dllector of Llealth Sen.ices \\'est 5. Prir.rcipal, 6. Depufi' Dr.rector oI I Iealth Sen'ices (-\drnn), \\rest Bengal. i. -\ssistant Di-r'cctor of Hcalth Scn'ices (P&Fl,), \\'cst l3cr.rgal. 8. 1).-'\. to thc l)rincipal Seretary, Department of I Iealth & Il\\' 9. P.'\. to Director SPSR(. & Secretary QIS), Departrnent of I Iealth & Ir\\' 1t). P. -\. to \Il) C,il IID, Commissioner (Farnilv \\'el[arc) & Secretaq,, l)cpartment oI Hcalth and Iramilv \\'c1fare. 1l P.-\. to -\\ll) 0{FI}q, Project Dircctor, \\'BS.\PCS, Nlernber SccrLrtarl SLID(-, -\ddl. Secrctari', Dcpt. of I lcalth & Ir\\' 12. I']..\. to thc (-ornn'rissioner ((i.\), Dcpt. oI tlcalth & Ir\\' ll. l-l (.o ordrnator I.'l'. Ce11; ', to publish thc orclcr in thc u,ebsite alor-rg u,'ith thc ,\nnrxurc and / you ate requested to deplol, sufficie nt technical cxpetts to perform the counselling ptocess throughout the session 15. l)e alins -\ssistant 16. (luard [r]e. 1i J-t-*lt"yf, t,1"rt1, ^rU' DepLrty Secretary to the Governrnent of West Bcngal. Page 2 l0/02/2020 Annerure A to Mcrno. r.r-o. t{F/o/FISi27lillFW-2-5017(llylli20l9-MA, dated o GDMO Vacancies. torn belro considercdr.^nci.le'r.rl tbrlhr Mnn-l In CounselingCorrnseling tbrtor thc tlost of Vacancy Left Sl. No. Name of Vacant Post 1 I Alipurduar DI l, Alipurduar ) pl d H.4[pq4!4r ___l_ i $u !!-q! r&':l+!bge!LB -Pgrqv " - J Birpara Statc Ceneral_tlospital' Alipurduar /-/-I I A li^,'".1',qr I)tl Alinrrrdrr:r I 1l v! L/. Ur rr I rlrerees' ^rrPurur.etr -*-_i I 5l CCIJ. Birpara State General Hospital. Alipurduar - 6l Chota Salkunlar IHQII$g1ruq\4u ts!! 4-!Aq!g4f l J 1\ Falakata Multi Speciality/ Super Speciatity Ilospital, Alipurduar 2 8 HDU. Birpara State Ceng.al Hospital.Atip 2 I Joygaon Pt{C, undcr Uttarlatabari RH' Alipurduar r0 [eryg\llv ucqryLlrJ]rp!$ls ____t I ll Kurnarsratn PI-tC. under Karnakhyaguri- RH. Alipurduar 2 t2 Madarihat RI I. AliPurduar 2 J Madhya Ransoli Bazar PHC, under Madarilqftsli.4tip"au* I l4 \4U!1p{4 f LlC,under Panchkolglrri RIl. Alipurduar 5 Panchkalguri RH. AliPurduar I ff6 Santali PtlC. under Uttarlatabari tsE dtpyragef- l7 I Silbarihat PltC. under PanchkalgL,ri R!!.41-lpqrdue!- I n t 1 l8 N q u, n o tplte!. ! pglglq' ! Q{pq54!le!e -99 ".ul U l9 'l'otopara PtlC. under Madarihat Rt1. Aliputd,tat I 'l'urturi 20 P |I C. un der J asodan ga B fu-:ltpglq!9l- l_ ) 2l Uttar Latabari RI-I. AliPurduar )") t{t t. a I :::._ A'$elefell4_. g!"f}]4qgra -t}ankLu - - 2 Arnihuri Rl[. Bankura - -- I 24 Arrah PLIC. undcr Simlapal Rll. Pqllgq 2-5 Fulkr-rshrna PI [C. Lrnder Raipur Rll. Bankura I ,b I llal udkanal i !!tc.lf{q}en',!e!q!A!-qa.!Ufq- - --21 Ituri PI{C. under Saltora RI I, Bankura I 28 .lhilimili PFIC. under Ranibandh I{ll, I}ankura I 2 29 Meihia RH. Bankura 2 t0 Molian PHC, under Arnjhuri Rtl, Bankura 3l Ranibandh RII. Bankura I I ): Sarensa RH, Bankura I JJ Ghoshpur BPFIC. Basirhat HD I 34 Jeliakhali PFIC, under Khulna RI'I, Basirhat HD 2 35 NakLradaha PHC, under Shibhati BPHC' B:sirhat FtD I 36 Nimichi PHC, under Minakhan RH, Basirhat HD I )l R"'",ld."*, PHC. ,rd"r Dhanyakuria RH' Basirhat HD 38 Sahebkhali PHC, qlqqlqldeterUitt nH, e"si _1 I 39 Sandelcrbil IIPHC. Basirhat HD I 40 Abhadansa PHC. under Labpur RH' Birbhum I 4l Amarpur PHC. under Sainthia BlLei&U[ 2 i1't Baliiori PHC, under Dubrajpur RH, Birbhurn 4,L- 1 43 Bara Chaturi IIPHC. Birbhurn Page 3 Annexure A to Merno. No. tlF/OiUSl2lltllFW- 2501 7( I I )i I l/2019-MA. datecl l 0i02l2020 Vacanciesacancles to behe consideredconsldered fortor M [-Jp Counsclin!. tirr tl IGDMO Sl. No. Name of Vacant Post Vacancy Left \ 44 Barrah PHC. under Nakrakonda Rll. Birbhurn ') 4,s Batikar PI-lC. under Illarnbazaar Rll. Birbhurn 1 46 Bharkata Pl tC. under Md. Ilazar RIl. Birbhunr I 41 Bharrnarkole PHC, Lrnder Sainthia RH, Birbhurn I 48 Biprutikuri PFIC, under t,abpur RH. Birbhurn I 49 Chakdaha PHC, under Bara Chaturi BPHC. Birbhurn 50 Dubrajpur RH, Birbhum 5l Dwarka PHC. under Labpur RH. Birbhurn I 52 I llambazaar RH. Birbhurn I 53 PHC, r-rnder -Ju$pu. Dubrajpur RH, Birbhum I 54 Kachujore PHC, under Bara Chaturi BPtlC. Birbhurn I Labpur )) RII, Birbhurn I 56 Lokepur PIIC. under Nakrakonda RH. Birbhunr I 51 !,'t \4p!s!r[4q Eezer tstL lU," I ,58 Nakrakonda RH. Birbhurn ) 59 Nanoor Rtl. Birbhurn I 60 Panchsowa PllC, under [3olpur BPHC. Birbhum I _qL Patanda PHC. under Sulranpur RH. Birbhurn ll 62 Puraldarpr-rr PHC. under Sultanpur RH, BirbhLun I Puratangrarn 6i PHC. undcr Md. Bazar Rl I. Uirbhum I 64 Rajnagar RFI, Birbhum ") 65 ne,"!qrlqqpglHQ-.q!9. L.abpur RH. B i rbh urn I 66 Sainthia RI.I. Birbhurr ') 61 Sattore (asba PIIC. under Bolpur BPIIC, Birbhurn I 68 Sultanpur RFI, BirbhLrm I 69 Balsi PHC, under Patrasayer RLI, BishnupLrr I-lD I 10 Dhulai PHC. under Sonarnukhi RH. Bishnupur HD I 7l Dighal Grarn PI-IC, under Indas RH, Bishnupur HD I 12 Hijaldiha PI-IC, under Joypur BPHC, BishnupLrr t-tD I l) Jagannathpur PI{C, under Joypur BPHC, Bishnupur HD I 14 Kundapuskarini lHC. under Sonamukhi RII. Bishnupur HI) I 15 Kushdrvip PHC. under Patr4sayer RH. Bishnupur HD I 16 Lego PHC. Lrnder Kotulpur RH. Bishnupur HD I 11 Sihar PHC. under Kotulpur RH, Bishnuour HD I 78 Sitoljore New PHC. under Sonamukhi RH, Bishnupur HD I 79 Adabari PHC, under Sitai RH. Coochbehar I 80 Angrakata PIIC, r-rnder Goksadanga RH, Coochbehar I 8t Ashokbari B PHC. Coochbehar 1 82 Balarampur PHC, under Natabari RH. Coochbehar I 83 Bamanhat RH. Coochbehar 2 84 Baxirhat B PHC. Coochbehar ) 85 Dewanhat RIJ. Coochbehar 86 Dewochari PI-IC. Lrnder Natabari RI I. Coochbehar Page 4 Anncxure A to Menro. No. IIF/O/llSi27l1tlFW-2,s017(ll)i lli20l9-MA. dated t0/02i2020 Vacancies to bc considercd fbr M o LJp C ()unsel I toror the postS oIGDMO Sl. No. Name of Vacant Post Vacancy Left 87 Goksadanga RI l, Coochbehar 2 88 Sg1l4btqE19.gg9t !und i bari ti. f t. Coochbehar I 89 Gosanimari RI I. Coochbchar 90 HDLJ, Mathabhanga SDI t. Coochbehar I 9l Jarnaldaha PI lC, under Changrabandha BPI IC, Coochbehar I e2 K i s rn ( ath Dasgram ) P F{ C,-q!qglp arlq$gl I!. C ooch behar I 9l Kuchlibari PIIC. under I{aldibari RII. Coochbehar I 94 Nakarjaan PFIC.
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