Page 1 of 22 2021 Fullerton Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Availability subject to change Growth Pot Binomial Name Common Name Plant Type Size Rate Exposure Water ? Description Size Price Native Plants Palmer's Indian Drought Good for dry, rocky, east-facing mountain slopes Abutilon palmeri Mallow Shrub 4' H x 4' W Fast Full sun tolerant x and creosote bush scrub. 1 gal. $10.50 Grows well on dry granite slopes in chaparral, Full to part southern oak woodland and coastal San Diego Acalypha californica California Copperleaf Shrub 3' H x 3' W Fast sun Occasional x County to Baja and the edge of the desert. 1 gal. $10.50 1-3' H x 1- Acanthogilia gloriosa Baja Phlox Shrub 4' W Full sun Occasional From Baja California. 1 gal. $10.50 Moderate/r Good cut flower in a meadow planting or as a lawn Achillea millefolium YarrowSOLD OUT Flower 2' H x 2' W Fast Full sun egular x substitute. 1 gal. $10.50 Acmispon glaber var. Short Winged Perennial Dry/semi- Almost identical to Deerweed except for slightly brevialatus Deerweed herb 3' H x 3' W Fast Full sun moist smaller flowers. 1 gal. $10.50 30' H x 18' Full sun to Dry/semi- Buckeye trees are used as a nectar source for many Aesculus californica California Buckeye Tree W Moderate part shade moist native butterflies. 1 gal. $12.50 The larval food plant for our California State SOLD OUT 3-9' H x 3- Part to full butterfly, the California Dogface. Has small purple Amorpha californica False Indigo Shrub 5' W Moderate shade Infrequent flowers on a 3" spike. 1 gal. $12.50 An excellent plant for water features. It can be SOLD OUT Full to part planted in the water or along moist edges and will Anemopsis californica Yerba Mansa Perennial 1' H x 3' W Fast sun Regular trail down along rock faces or fountain edges. 1 gal. $10.50 Large evergreen shrub or small tree with gray- Arctostaphylos 'Austin Austin Griffiths 12' H x 12' Part to full Dry/semi- green leaves, burgundy-brown bark, and white Griffiths' Manzanita Tree W Fast shade moist flowers. 1 gal. $12.50 Arctostaphylos SOLD OUT densiflora 'Howard Howard McMinn 1-2' H x 2' Part sun to Dry/semi- Plants are very flowery with red stems and green McMinn' Manzanita W Slow full shade moist x foliage and are easy to grow in most gardens. 1 gal. $12.50 Shrub Has gray green foliage that can look white if you 12' H x 12' make the plant happy. If the plant gets some water Arctostaphylos glauca Big Berry Manzanita Shrub W Moderate Full sun Occasional x or fertilizer it will be greener, but shorter- lived. 1 gal. $12.50 Fullerton Arboretum @ CSU Fullerton 1900 Associated Rd. Fullerton, CA 92831 657-278-4010 Page 2 of 22 2021 Fullerton Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Availability subject to change Growth Pot Binomial Name Common Name Plant Type Size Rate Exposure Water ? Description Size Price Arctostaphylos Large 4-5' H x 4- Full to part Drought Nice compact manzanita recommended as a 'Sunset' Sunset Manzanita shrub 6' W Slow sun tolerant specimen or a hedge. 1 gal. $12.50 Full to part This plant is rare and threatened by development Artemisia palmeri Palmer Sagebrush Shrub 3' H x 3' W Fast sun Moderate and flood control projects. 1 gal. $10.50 6' H x 10' Drought Cut back annually to promote new growth. Very Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Shrub W Fast Full sun tolerant important shrub for wildlife! 1 gal. $10.50 A freely-branching shrub. The normal spring flowering season is often followed by a second Part sun to Dry/semi- blooming in early fall, following the summer Bahiopsis parishii Parish's Goldeneye Shrub 3' H x 3' W Fast full shade moist monsoons. 1 gal. $10.50 Forms clumps of slender stems just over 2 feet in SOLD OUT 2-3' H x 1- Drought height and is covered in golden-yellow spines that Bergerocactus emoryi Golden Spined Cereus Cactus 5' W Slow Full sun tolerant x glow in the sunlight. 3 in. $5.50 Bouteloua Versatile and recommended in semi-dry meadows curtipendula Sideoats Grama Grass 2' H x 2' W Fast Full sun Occasional or grasslands. 3 in. $4.50 Prefers fast draining soil and loves reflected heat SOLD OUT Woody making it an excellent choice for a rock garden or 3 in. $4.50 Calylophus hartwegii Hartweg's Sundrops perennial 1' H x 1' W Moderate Part shade Occasional rocky slope. Ceanothus griseus Does best near the coast, but good in coastal horizontalis 'Yankee Yankee Point Large 3-4' H x 6- Full sun to valleys, and OK inland if given a little afternoon Point' Ceanothus shrub 10' W Moderate part shade Occasional shade and weekly sprinkles. 1 gal. $12.50 Can be planted as a specimen, screen, hedge, groundcover, and in shrub borders. A great location is in a transition zone, between more Ceanothus 'Ray Ray Hartman 15' H x 3-4' Dry/semi- intensely cultivated and watered gardens and the Hartman' Ceanothus Tree W Fast Full sun moist wild landscape. 1 gal. $12.50 The evergreen shining foliage and arborescent habit of growth make this species desirable for 6-8' H x 8' Full to part Dry/semi- planting in large estates where a mass effect is Ceanothus spinosus Greenbark Ceanothus Shrub W Moderate sun moist desired. 1 gal. $12.50 Fullerton Arboretum @ CSU Fullerton 1900 Associated Rd. Fullerton, CA 92831 657-278-4010 Page 3 of 22 2021 Fullerton Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Availability subject to change Growth Pot Binomial Name Common Name Plant Type Size Rate Exposure Water ? Description Size Price Cercocarpus Birch-leaf Mountain 8-10' H x 8- Full to part Drought Can be kept narrow. Seed plumes shimmer in betuloides Mahogany Shrub 10' W Moderate sun tolerant summer and fall. Wonderful all-purpose plant! 1 gal. $12.50 A small tree or large shrub. Willowy pendant 20' H x 15' Full to part Dry/semi- branches display long, narrow leaves highlighted by Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow Tree W Fast sun moist fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers. 1 gal. $10.50 SOLD OUT Once established, this tough-as-nails CA native vine Western Virgin's 15-20' long is here to stay with a dense smothery froth of Clematis ligusticifolia Bower Vine vine Fast Part shade Moderate cheery, white flowers. 1 gal. $10.50 An evergreen shrub with a sprawling habit that 2-4' H x 5' Full to part Drought lends itself to being a high groundcover in hot dry Cneoridium dumosum Bush Rue Shrub W Slow sun tolerant areas. 1 gal. $12.50 Has an extremely limited natural range, being Nevin's Woolly 2-5' H x 2- Dry/semi- found only on San Clemente, Santa Catalina, and Constancea nevinii Sunflower Shrub 5' W Fast Full sun moist Santa Barbara Islands. 1 gal. $10.50 Woody Drought Large yellow daisies on an interesting, almost palm- Coreopsis gigantea Giant Coreopsis perennial 4' H x 1' W Moderate Full sun tolerant x tree-like plant. Do not water in summer. 1 gal. $10.50 Drought This species grows in sandy flats, alluvial washes Cylindropuntia munzii Munz's Cholla Shrub 3' H x 3' W Slow Full sun tolerant and gravelly hills in desert scrub. 3 in. $5.50 Cylindropuntia 10' H x 3' Full sun to Drought Grows well on ocean bluffs. Has magenta flowers prolifera Coastal Cholla Cactus W Moderate part shade tolerant that bloom in the spring. 3 in. $5.50 Spines are usually single, growing from the center of the tubercles, but they may be absent in some Cylindropuntia 2-6' H x 3' specimens, or grow only around the uppermost ramosissima Pencil Cholla Perennial W Slow Full sun Infrequent part of the stems. 3 in. $5.50 A native grass that grows primarily in northern and 1-3' H x 1- Full to part central California in the mountains. Can be an Danthonia californica California Oatgrass Grass 2' W Fast sun Moderate attractive garden grass. 3 in. $4.50 SOLD OUT 2-3' H x 3' Full sun to Drought Leaves are sticky to the touch. A forage source for Diplacus aurantiacus Bush Monkeyflower Perennial W Fast part shade tolerant the Common Checkerspot and Buckeye butterflies. 1 gal. $10.50 Fullerton Arboretum @ CSU Fullerton 1900 Associated Rd. Fullerton, CA 92831 657-278-4010 Page 4 of 22 2021 Fullerton Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Availability subject to change Growth Pot Binomial Name Common Name Plant Type Size Rate Exposure Water ? Description Size Price Catalina Island Full to part Drought Dudleya hassei Liveforever Succulent 1' H x 1' W Moderate sun tolerant x Infrequent deep watering is best. 3 in. $5.50 Drought Dudleya saxosa Panamint Liveforever Succulent 1' H x 1' W Slow Part sun tolerant x Tolerates cold and shade. 4 in. $6.50 Bloom season can be extended with occasional California Bush Drought watering as well with frequent deadheading of Encelia californica Sunflower Shrub 3' H x 5' W Fast Full sun tolerant spent flowers. 1 gal. $10.50 Has attractive gray-green leaves on white to green 4-7' H x 4- stems, and long and abundant bloom of yellow Ericameria nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush Shrub 7' W Moderate Full sun Moderate flowers. 1 gal. $10.50 Flowers emerge in summer and dry to a pretty rust- Eriogonum 3-4' H x 4' Drought brown color and persist through the winter and fasciculatum California Buckwheat Shrub W Fast Full sun tolerant spring.
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