©Ijj? (Eljtrff am Unlitmr Numbrr ©ttr •= 1 9 1 H =• i^ Lf^l(' I Ml TI |^ ^ubltHhpu by tbr termor (Claas of Otttral Hiyh ([hr •Jsi'tnff of thr 1916 ILhirftrtin prrsrnt this lunik, hnuhut that b» f iiruishitut rt ucrmrt- untt rcrorb of thr itrar's ruthutirs it mrtu help h> strrnu,thcnthc bmtb hrtliuunt thr members tatb f ricttbs nfthis srhnM Sato? tff (thmf rata Dedication 6 The Building 8 Board of Education 12 Faculty 13 Seniors 'ill Senior Day 51 Juniors ... 53 Sophomores ... 57 men (il Junior High School 65 Organizations 71 Dramatics and Debating .... 83 Athletics 96 Publications and Literary .111 Advertisements .117 Slams. Knocks. Awful. Class Prophecy. Finis 152 ELLEN L. RUSSELL dn thr spirit at harmnnii rut it lumit-fcllrnvship rsistiui; brtmrru thr Jt-'rtrttltit nit it ^'tuitrttt $tfOp attit rsprnaliii tn (611 r it 1. lutssrJI 3nstnirtnr in Jtfitsir nub Jr"n'nti> nf -?'tititritts, is this Vnlmttr nf IJw Oirftniit sturrrriir itrbiratrit hv thr •Stuittt Qllass , KM KM. HIGH. BEAUTIFU1 c r N IUAI. HIGH. BEAUTT1 CENTRAL HIGH. BEAUTIFUL CENTR M. 11 H; 11. BEAUTIFUL a i tt Board of Education 0. A. WELLS. President A. F. McGARR, Vice-President H. B. NELSON E. C. MORTON H. M.CHESNUTT EDWIN S.MONROE Superintendent of City Schools F.V.MADDIN, Clerk K. D. CAVE, Truant Officer K. ]•'. BAKER Superintendent Buildings and Grounds 12 II ROY F. HANNUM, A. B. Principal of Utah School Bum Academy, Mt. Pleasant (la.) Univtnlt] «>f low a, A. H. D. MAX WELLER Assistant Principal Maneeen Hiffh School S. W. S. Normal (Penn.i I nivirsity of Wooster Oberlin CoHeir** BERTHA BENEDICT Secretary to Principal ( KNTHAI. Mil.II S( llllll! C. F. ANDERSON, A. B. English Flora (III.I High School Southern Illinois Slate Normal (Carlondale) University of Illinois. A. B. SUSIE K. BAKER English hirk-i ill. (Mo.) State Normal Central Wesleyan College (Mo.) A. J. BARNEY, B. M. T. Industrial Columbia City (Ind.) Ililth School Valparaiso University, B. M. T. 16 1 il 1 b STELLA LEE BARTON'. A. B. History Chickasha (Okla.I High School University of Oklahoma, A. B. GOLDEN ETHEL BERRYMAN. A. B. History Illinois Woman's College AcaiU'mv Illinois Woman's College, A. B. Northwestern Universiu Chicago University Correspondence School JOSE BIANCHI Spanish I niversity of Missouri it b p MARY L. BRALV Home Economics Central High School. Washington. I) I University of Arkansas S. E. S. Normal. Durant (Okla.) University of Chicago MARION D. BROWN Physical Culture (Girls) JerBey City Hiffh School New Haven Normal School of (lymnastics R. KATHLEEN COOK Commercial Fogg High, Nashville (Tenn.l Peabody College (Nashville) Rochester (N. Y.) Business Institution Fall Business College, Nashville (Tenn.) 17 MARY M. CRAIG, A. B., B. S. English Knob NoMer (Mo.) High School I'niversity of Missouri, A. B., B. S. Columbia l'niver*il> MRS. RAY DAUGHERTY English Scarritt College .. Springfield Normal Missouri University GLADYS G. DAVIES Art Aurora Hiffh School Indiana State Normal Herron Art Institute Metropolitan Mus*ic School 18 ETTA II. DELAY, A. IS. English Terre Haute Stale Normal I nh rr> i(y of Indiana. A. B. CLARA II. ENOCH, A. B. English Lake I'orest College I'niverrity of Iowa, A. B. .11 ANITA FINK, A. I!-. B. S. English ItliM.m.icId llitrh School 1 niversitv of Missouri. A. B., B. S. I'niversity of ( hit ago FREDERICK L. FORDICE, A.B..A.M. English Kusrcllville (Ind.l High School Wabash College. A. B.. A. M. Columbia University .. University of Chicago W. 0. FORMAN, Pd. M.. A. B. Mathematics Michigan State Normal. Pd. M. Allegheny College. Meadville (Pm.) University of Michigan. A. B. BELLE LORRAINE McFADDEN, A. B Latin University of Illinois, A. B. a li r (! RALPH W. FRENCH, L. L. B., B. S. .** . Industrial Indiana University, I,. I.. B. Bradley Polytechnic, B. S. Stout Institute ETTA HARLAN Art Sam Houston State Normal (Tex.) Cniversity of Texas Chicago Art Institute New York Ulttrcnitj Columbia Cniversily FRANCES HARRINGTON Arithmetic i'i|>«->1onc High School .. Mankaln i Minn, i Normal Cniversity of California MINNIE K. HAYWORTH, A. B. IInun Economics Indiana State Normal .. Stout Intitule, A. B. Cni\ersfttj «>t Domer MOSSIE HOLMES Art W intield ikans.i Hiffh School Kansas State Normal VIOLET B. HOWELL Commi rcial St. Joseph (Mo.i High School Kansav City Hui-im-ss ( <II1CKC 1 11 1 li ALBERT JENKINS Civics Butler (Mo.I High School Butler Academy Warrenshurg (Mo.I Normal Oklahoma A. and M. HKRBERT S. JONES, Ph. B. Normal Training Indiana State Normal Cniversity of Chicago, Ph. 11. EDITH PAYNE, B. S. lldiin Economics Wichita High School I .nun >iinl College. Wichita (Kans.) Kansas Stale Agricultural College. B. S. 23 LOUISE McGLASSON Physical Culture (Girls) Central High School. Muskogee Northeastern State Normal (Okla.) LUCINDA B. NEFF, A. B. Mathematics Walton High School .. Syracuse University, A.B. C*^ IRENE NICHOLS Mathematics Columbia (Mo.) High School .. Stephens College Warrenshurg (Mo.) Normal ^ »'v • (ireely Colorado 24 MILDRED B. PADDOCK, A. B. German Kansas City High School University of Kansas, A. B. I iiiviTsity of California .. University of Chicago CORA FRAZIER, A. B. Latin Attica (Ind.) De Pau» University, A. B. GRACE E. PEAK, A. B., A. M. Science Greenville College, (ireenville (III.) Kingfisher College. A. B., A. M. CECIL K. REIFF, A, B. Director of Commercial Department North Manchester High School North Manchester College University of Indiana. A. B. Central Business College, Indianapolis. < Ind.i J. E. SULLIVAN, A. B., B. S. Mathematics Central Normal University of Indiana. A. B-, B. S. BETTIE STEPHENS, A. B. Mathematics Chandler High School University of Oklahoma, A. B. • • 26 HARRY C. THAYER Industrial West High, Des Moines (la.) Highland Park College State Manual Training Normal. Pittsburg (Kaa.) CORA G. VANCE History Lincoln, Warsaw, Missouri Warrenrburjt (Mo.) Normal Cniverrity of Chicago RALPH O. VON THURN, B. Pd. Director of Athletics Alma Academy .. Alma College Michigan Slate Normal 27 MYRTLE A. WARD Sup* / visor of Writing Mt. Vernon High School Iowa State Teachers' College, Cedar Falls Palmer School of Pen ma my hip. Cedar Rapids (la.) GUYC. WILLIAMS, B. S. Scit III i Leaf River (III.) High School Mt. Morris (111.) Academy Cornell (la.) College, B. S University of Illinois University of Chicago MARY LOUISE WHITE, A. B. Librarian Chrisman High School University of Illinois. A. B. 28 Seniors Senior Officers THOS. B. LEECH President of Senior (la Engineering Coarse — Class Play '15; Love's Labor Lost; Senate '18, 16; Forum '14, '15. '1(1; State De­ bating Team 'l*i; Business Manager Class Play '15. "Words may come and words may vr<>, Hut mint- vr<> on forever." DIXON EDMONDSON — Vice-Prerident of Senior Class. Engineering Course — Operetta '13; Class Play '15; Love's Labor Lost '16, "An imp as wicked fur his ane As any earthly laily's patfe." DOROTHY HARE - Secretary of Senior Cla General Course — Operetta '13; Glee Club '14, '15; Orchestra '15, '16; Class Play '15; Y. W. C. A. '16. "Live while you live For when you dit\ You'll be a lon^ timr dt-ad." LAWRENCE SMITH — Treasurer of Senior Class Engineering Course Vice-President of Class '15; Class Play '15. "Oh, how I love the iiuietinvr speech uf woman.' 30 a ll 1 ' i 1 6 Senior Class Officers and Committees THOS. B. LEECH President DIXON EDMONDSON Vice-President DOROTHY HARE Secretary LAWRENCE SMITH Treasurer CLASS COLORS: Purple and White SOCIAL COMMITTEE PAULINE CLAYTON, Chairman CRUCE WARMACK MAUD LIVINGSTON VIRGINIA OGDEN LAWRENCE SMITH PIN COMMITTEE CRUCE WARMACK. Chairman GERALDINE LOGAN LAWRENCE SMITH WILLIAM JOHNSTON PAULINE CLAYTON PLAY COMMITTEE GERALDINE LOGAN, Chairman WILLIAM JOHNSTON ATHENE FKNNKR EVELYN BRECHEISKN HARDIN NELSON 31 EDNA AKLEY Irregular Course. "it'- never too late to mend.' BESSIE ACKLEY (General Course. "Kveii the roast editor couldn't divr up anything on her." JEANETTE ANDERSON General Course — Orchestra '13, '14, '15, '16; Class Play '15; Love's Labor Lost; Vice-President Thalian Club '16; Y. W. C. A.'16. "Champion "f broad smile and half-milr talk." ESTHER BAILEY General Course — Glee Club '13, '14, '15; Operetta '13; President Thalian Club 16. "She attends school that she may study and think." 32 KATHLEEN BELKY General Course. "One can't know everything' BERNIECE BLISS Home Economics Course. *'Oh, she's jray. Oh, she's sweet. A wise maid and discreet." UDELL BOEN Home Economics Course — Basketball '13, '14; Thalian Club '16; Y. W. C. A. 16. "O, what a world of shyress Thy innocent face conceals." EVELYN BRECHEISEN General Course — Glee Club '14, '15, '16; Entre Nous '16; Gunaikes '14, 16, '16; Operetta '13, '15; Class Treasurer '15; Y. W. C. A. '16. "Content to follow where the way is led." V' KATHERINE BRUCE General Course. "Silence is better than speech.' INA FAY BURCH General Course. "Heart*! desire . to overtake a snail." JAMES BATES BURCKHALTER General Course — Class Basketball '13, '14, 15, 16; Football 14, 16; History Club '13, 14. "Make haste slowly." PAULINE CHAPPELL General Course — Class President 13; Entre Nous 13, 14, 15, 16; Operetta 13, Scout Staff 15, 16; Glee Club '14, 15, 16. " I."\ »-d |,y all ; Kspeeially by one." L*J 34 MARVIN CROOM General Course — Forum '14, 15, 16; Triangular Debating Team 16, 16; Vice-President Class 18; Secretary Class 14; Class Basketball '16; Track Team '14, '15; Chieftain Staff '16. "Debater . and looks it." LILY MAE DAVIS General Course — Glee Club '13, 14, '15; Operetta 13, '15; Gunaikes 13, 14, '15; Central Dramatic Club 16. "All the world's a stane." FORREST DUNCAN Commercial Course — Commercial Club '1(>. "So innocent and dainty looking That you wojldn't think it of him." EDD DUNIGAN General Course — Entered as Senior from St.
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