1111t1•'·i'41#A•ii'''='§;Mt.1ppt. ...,.., hon Wosek on WHAT'S NOT HAPPENING Fjf;;eJnan Montana RUGBY CHAMPS 0 . ESTONIA I~ now breaking for Ill> x onen Workshop to moking ban has air ranching ·ome fuming issues• ency, concerning the fact By S.J. CONNELL that the smoke continued STAFF WRITER Returning students not to be effectively ex- ho smoke may be having hausted from that area was "Ranching in Montana: ouble inhaling the results contaminating particularly Viable or Vulnerable?" will ifactions taken by the Mon- the area outside the be the subject of this year's na State administration Avogadro's Number, and Burton K. Wheeler Confer- 's summer: the smoking that is a hallway where an ence set for Sept. 12-13 at ea in the Strand Union awful high percent of our MSU. uilding was remade into a people had to walk through Jo Ann Smith, former r lounge. it, so they were just dis- president of the National Smokers and ad.minis- tressed," he said. "Those Cattlemen's Association, will ation members agree on complaints didn't just stop headline the conference with e of the causes of the dos- with me, they went on up the Wheeler lecture, "Ranch- g: student complaints. the ladder; the administra- ing Heritage, No Longer a he lounge was badly tion was very much aware Sacred Trust." Smith's lee- . t,"saidGinaHochhalter, ofthose complaints." ture will be at 8 p.m. Sept. er vice president of the Many smokers were 12 in Ballroom D of the sociation of Smoker's disturbed by the fact that Strand Union. Admission to ghts. "The smoking the decision was made and the lecture is free. ge was supposed to be carried out between sum- Panels made up ofranch- sed offfrom the rest of the mer and fall sessions, with- ers, legislators, and agricul- by a door which was out any input by the people tural leaders will discuss cur- ver installed. The venti- who used the lounge. "No- rent economic pressures and ·on system never worked body knew they were going changes in the ranching tra- ht, which caused intoxi- to do it," Hochhalter said. dition from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 ts to float out into the "It was never discussed, and p.m. Sept. 13 in SUB Ball- 1. I can see why non- we were never asked what room D. Discussions will fo- okers would be upset, but we thought about it." cus on traditional Montana wasn't the smokers' fault." History major Kevin ranching, current economic Al Bertleson, director Brown was much more h · t ~ Strand Uru'on Build- bl b h h pressures, c angmg pa terns th_,-. un t a out w Y e of land use and ownership. lg, heard many of the thought the lounge was A roundtable discussion ' :!Umblings. "We've had just closed between sessions. photo by Chns Thompson on the present status and fu- monslaught of complaints BANISHED: Leif Hanson, taking a break from disk jockeying at ture direction of Montana · m our student constitu- Please see No puffing, page 8 KGL T, must step outside to satisfy his habit. ranching for all conference participants will follow. j onstruction tribulations will persist Graduation guarantees I Students should :'There will be_lots ma" not befior everyone , used to campus of dirt for a lot of time, 'J · ing all tom up unfortunately." By S.J. CONNELL Fetlock, Vice-Provost for Aca­ STAFF WRITER demicAffairs, the program ben­ efits both students and faculty. S.J. CONNELL - Bob Lashaway ?FWRITER In life, there are no guar­ "The students will have more Director of Facility Services antees-right? Wrong. Mon­ access to advising and more fo­ Pain can be the price of and Planning tana State has a program to cus on undergraduate educa­ \fess - the headache of guarantee students will gradu­ tion, and the program allows us g with the construction were losing utility money by dent need, he said. The new ate v.ithin four years (five years to negotiate salary increases .'!cts on campus that many wasting energy through the lot will be one-dollar-a-day for architecture majors). for faculty," he said . der an eyesore. earth," said Robert Specter, pay parking and more handi­ Since fall of 1995, MSU Fetlock admits that a Many students are frus­ vice president for Administra­ capped parking and should be has offered a graduation guar­ four-year contract may not be with the inconvenience tion and Finance at Montana open by next Monday. In late antee. Students contract with for everyone. Extra-curricular fllnstruction affecting the State. The utility tunnel October, this lot will be closed MSU to follow a strict four-year activities, studies abroad, ex­ of traffic around campus project begins with the al­ again for two or three days curriculum. Students who ploring non-major related hindering ability to find ready completed portion un­ while an information booth/ meet their end of the bargain classes and changing majors · g. Students have been der the Centennial Mall in pay station is installed. but still don't graduate in four makes the graduation guaran­ ard talking about being front of Montana Hall and Would MSU ever con­ years will have their inciden­ tee contract less attractive. ~more parking lots but continues up 11th Avenue. It sider building a parking ga­ tal and mandatory fees covered "This is mostly for students having nowhere to park, will soon be extended along rage? "Absolutely. We are for the remainder of their de­ with a well-defined plan for an overabundance of Grant Street to the physical looking at it actively. We be­ gree. MSU expects partici­ their educational goals," kapped parking that plant next summer, if ap­ lieve in the future it will be pants to achieve college-level Fetlock said. Fetlock added to be always empty. proval is received in January. the way to go, but we have placement before beginning the that at present there are only Work that seems to be Eleventh Avenue should be some work to do in that area," first semester of classes. Stu­ 79 participants from last year. ing the most inconve­ open to traffic by the begin­ Specter said. dents must complete a mini­ Student comments sup­ includes the 11th Av­ ning of November. Most of these projects mum number of credits each port Fetlock's claim that the Utility tunnel and the Another project under are the result of a bond sale year to maintain their con­ program is probably not for ev­ ng lot across from the way on campus is the parking of more than $44.5 million, tracts, and they must earn the eryone. Freshman Scott Wendt Union. lot across from the SUB. MSU approved by the Board of Re­ minimum GPAs required by explains, "I signed up for the The tunnel project, President Mike Malone said gents in August. About $28 their colleges or departments. program, but I'm not sure it began construction in there was no choice but to be­ million will be used for reno­ Students can take up to 45 will work because ofmy minor." is to be completed in gin the project four days be­ vation projects including the credits before they are required Wendt is thinking of declaring "'!Ye are replacing our fore the beginning of the se­ $10 million renovation of to declare a major. a minor in Computer Science. lines and burying them mester. Since the project was Brick Breeden Field House to MSU's graduation guar­ Freshman Sondra ground in tunnels as passed in August, the school be completed in 1998, the $10 antee program is part of a Grigsby, on the other hand, . d to direct burying could either wait until the million renovation of Reno H . larger commitment to increase didn't even consider the guar­ . •nto the earth which next school year, or do it now. Sales football stadium, reno- production, quality, and output antee . "I kinda think it keeps Gave historically been .. The decision to complete it at in Montana's higher education you from trying other classes," . Were eroding and we this time was based on stu- P/ease see Projects, page 8 system. According to Dr. Joe she said. 2 ~Exponent TUESDAY September 10, 199r Bob Dole trails in opinion polls but re01ains optintisti WASHINGTON (AP) ring with him ..... He's the one key commission threshold: paign trip to New Jersey, said that suggests public skeptic Forget the polls. Bob Dole heavyweight. He's the one that The Green Party is not on he was "really upbeat" about the of Dole's tax cuts, the GOP nc. says he knows "in my own bones" all the media said, 'Oh he'll wipe enough state ballots to have a race, even as a host of national nee said his former Senate that he's not that far behind Bob Dole, he'll wipe the floor chance for the 270 electoral votes polls found Clinton's double­ leagues knew him as "a ma President Clinton. And he says with Bob Dole in the debate.' So needed to win the White House. digit lead holding nationally honor" and he asked voter he's ready to debate- preferably the expectations are very high." Dole and Clinton represen­ and in major battleground trust that he would indeed sb one-on-one without Ross Perot. In a radio interview on tatives have scheduled their first states. income taxes by 15 percer Asked Friday whether "The Rush Limbaugh Show,r meeting to discuss debate dates "In my own bones it's prob­ elected.
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