The Voice of the West Village WestView News VOLUME 16, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2020 $1.00 Crooked Lawyer Encounters Lawyer Victim I got an anxious call from Gretel Ramirez, the my choice response, we hired an attorney, very nice lady who, with her brother, oper- since we were being sued individually, to ates the friendly Sandwich Shoppe on Green- respond to his lawsuit. wich Avenue, saying that she had been subjected Mr. Finkelstein was demanding a fee for to what seemed to be some kind of fraud and Mr. Figueroa of $1,000.00, and $15,000.00 would I come by and talk to her. She showed in legal fees if the case settled early. In ad- me a sheaf of very legal-looking pages suing her dition, the changes to our restaurant would because she was failing to provide a ramp for eliminate all of the front outdoor seating, handicapped access to the restaurant. (Her law- and additional seating near the entrance. yer charged her $3,000 to look at the papers and It should be noted that Da Marcella was was ready to charge her another $2,000 to take a small rustic Italian restaurant with lim- action; or she could settle with the attorney who ited seating. The required changes would was acting on behalf of a handicapped person eliminate a significant part of our income. who was suing her for “lack of access.”) At this point, we felt that something was Ms. Rameriz went round to talk to her not legitimate, since Mr. Finkelstein was neighborhood restaurateurs and discovered that more interested in receiving payment than LAWYER THIEF HITS LAWYER BUSINESS. Photo courtesy of Max Leifer. they had all been served with the very same le- reaching an accord as to the premises. gal demands with the same offer to “settle” for By Max Leifer Mr. Finkelstein. On or about April 26, My son, Seth Leifer, also felt that fur- cash “plus legal fees.” 2018, my restaurant, Da Marcella, located ther investigation was warranted. His ef- I became genuinely anxious when I discov- I am an attorney who specializes in disabil- on West Houston Street, was sued by Mr. forts disclosed that Mr. Finkelstein was ered that the police did not want to talk about ity cases as well as civil practice. I am also a Finkelstein, and his client Jose Figueroa. disbarred on or about February 13, 2007, it, and I realized that this crooked lawyer was part owner of a couple of food and bever- Mr. Finkelstein also included my partner by New York State. Mr. Finkelstein then “serving” one shop after another because what age establishments. and me in the lawsuits. Mr. Finkelstein began working for an attorney in Florida. he was doing is perfectly legal! I recently read that the Department of Jus- contacted me by phone and inquired when The Florida complaint, by the Bar Associ- What you will read is about a lawyer whose tice arrested an attorney, Stuart Finkelstein, I would put in a response to the lawsuit. ation involving the attorney that employed son operates a restaurant in the West Village who has, according to articles in the newspa- Since we were not served, I had absolutely Mr. Finkelstein on March 20, 2018, stated and was served by the same crooked lawyer. per and law journals, been bringing numer- no idea what he was talking about. And that Mr. Finkelstein had approached pos- The most delicious part of this is when our ous lawsuits under the Americans With Dis- since the restaurant is a corporate owner- sible plaintiffs in an ADA case, and started lawyer author confronted the crooked lawyer abilities Act, on behalf of people who never ship, I asked him why he was serving my lawsuits and settlements without their ap- on the phone. (If we could only run an unex- gave him consent to bring these actions. partner and me individually. His response proval. Notwithstanding this complaint, purgated account!)—George Capsis I have had personal experiences with was, “ I want to make sure I get paid.” After continued on page 3 Mount Sinai’s ER is a War Zone By Penny Mintz the ER; “They’re sandwiched in,” she re- Post’s reports, the ER at Mount Sinai is over- ported. It’s dangerous for the patients, who whelmed by staffing shortages. Nurses there Not too long ago, a nurse came into the are inaccessible when they need immediate describe their workplace as a “war zone.” emergency room of Beth Israel Hospital as a treatment, and it’s dangerous for the nurses, When the Beth Israel nursing staff turned patient seeking emergency care. This nurse who have suffered injuries as they pry the on their computers after the publication of is employed in the ER of the main Mount stretchers apart. the firstNew York Post article about condi- Sinai hospital on East 98th Street. When A series of articles, published in Decem- tions at Mount Sinai, they found a post- ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHANUKAH, all is calm outside of Beth Israel’s emergency asked why she had not gone to the Mount ber in the New York Post, about the ER on ing that notified them that thePost story department. Inside, chaos will certainly was full of false and misleading assertions. Sinai ER she said, “I would never go to that 98th Street—Mount Sinai’s showcase hospi- ensue if Mount Sinai imposes the staff cuts hellhole.” According to her, there are days tal— support the story told by the nurse who Mount Sinai was, essentially, dealing with they already made in their main hospital when patients on stretchers are wedged into came to Beth Israel’s ER. According to the continued on page 12 uptown. Photo Credit: Penny Mintz. Bird of the Year Greenwich House WestView Concert Saturday, January 18, 2020 7:00 pm Keith Michael offers his Recently appointed WestView News Concerts presents annual Millie Awards. CEO Darren Bloch joins Greenwich House. THE STRATHMERE ENSEMBLE “VIVALDI MEETS TELEMANN IN THE VILLAGE” SEE PAGE 16 SEE PAGE 26 2 WestView News January 2020 www.westviewnews.org WestView WestViews Published by WestView, Inc. by and for the residents of the West Village. Correspondence, Commentary, Corrections Publisher WestView Admired Historic Cobblestones sentence with “(I)f you want to cancel the Executive Editor Hi George, thanks so much for a fabulous subscription (sic) and refund your money George Capsis newspaper about our Village. (sic), please Press One to connect to the Art Director Microsoft Billing Department.” Kim Plosia —a 25 year resident on 13th and 8th Avenue Almost needless to say, I have little or Advertising Manager and Designer nothing to do with Microsoft, other than Stephanie Phelan maybe wishing that Bill or Melinda would Traffic Manager give me some of their money. Liza Whiting Act of Bravery Dear Mr. Capsis, The above message is mild compared to Photo Editor The article by J. Taylor Basker was brought to the ones I get sometimes, like those from Darielle Smolian some angry-sounding or bullying-type my attention by a friend who lives downtown. SOON ALL OF THE COBBLESTONE streets salesperson, who call hoping they get a Photographers I admire you for publishing it at a time will be covered in patches of black macad- Maggie Berkvist when so many are manipulating the facts am, as seen above. Photos by Marc Felix. vulnerable older person. Chris Manis about Gaza and the Occupied Territories Often starting mid-sentence, for some rea- Associate Editors into twisted notions of 'antisemitism.' More news about the cobblestones of Green- son, they run something like the following, for Gwen Hoffnagle, Justin Matthews, Thank you for encouraging truth telling. wich Village. In letters to WestView News that example : “…payment has not been received. Anne Olshansky Pretty crazy that telling the truth has become have been printed in the past it is obvious that This is your third notice. You have not paid as Comptroller an act of bravery with possible consequences. I am fixated on the old cobblestones in the specified in the contract. You have had many Jolanta Meckauskaite —Best, Nina Village. I have complained to anyone I could opportunities to do so. This being your very think of, from the Landmarks Preservation last chance, Press One to talk to the Customer Architecture Editor Representative. Press Two to opt out.” Brian Pape Courage to Publish Commission to the office of Corey Johnson, about the theft of these historic stones when There being no greeting, there is no good- Fashion Editor Dear George Capsis, infrastructure work was being done, and their bye, either. Karen Rempel As a Jewish American I totally support replacement with cheap ruff cut stones. What Now, I tend to believe their hope is that Film, Media and Music Editor you in your decision to run the article by did these entities do? NOTHING. Now I the call will, in addition to getting every- Jim Fouratt J. Taylor Basker “Who’s bringing the water see that on many blocks between Greenwich thing you own, leave you feeling like you are Food Editor bottles?” Thank you. What you have done and Washington Streets, contractors in many not, in fact never were, a good human being. David Porat is quite extraordinary. cases have not even bothered to put back any Now, if you do Press One, my under- —Michael Steven Smith stones whatsoever. They do the work, fill in standing is that the caller empties out any Regular Contributors Co-host, Law and Disorder Radio the hole and take off. So much for the city or all of your bank accounts.
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